I'm sorry but what does the meta have to do with how good Naut's ganks are? The jungle meta simply affects the junglers he's versing, not his ganks. If anything it would've been harder to gank back then because they were more mobile assassins as opposed to the dash-less mages you see more of nowadays.
1 word, trinkets. The increased availability of vison in this meta both increased the ganking power of junglers with alternative gank paths and increased the ganking power of bursty junglers. Lee is both and naut is neither therefore his ganks are substantially weaker then in allstars pre-6.
Also Lee outscales Naut in terms of utility? Lee outscales the champion with a huge defensive steroid and literally the most CC in the game?
Why is that so surprising? Just look at how many things Lee's kit has, his slow's stronger, lasts longer, affected AS as well, and while it's got lower range (both for the tempest and the cripple application), it doesn't have travel time. His ult is just ridiculous as an engage, disengage, catch tool, Lee can protect other people on his team, lee has execute damage making him amazing at securing neutral objectives, and lee's still got decent damage against the backline lategame even when built tank. Yep naut's tankier, but really all he does better then lee is contribute more lockdown on a caught target and survive better, Lee just contributed more. Hell, he probably still contributes more.
Honestly, a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's a lot easier to react to what naut does because a lot of his stuff is so slow. Granted when lee Q's in you have a fair amount of reaction time (remember he decides whether or not to resonating strike) but he has so many setups and ways to get inside given the versitility of both safegard and resonating strike as movement abilities, not to mention the fact that he can ult somebody in the tankline forward for the aoe knockup. Also 1200 range is sort of insane, compensating for lee coming in to knock a squishy 1200 forward isn't anywhere near as practical as compensating for a slow projectile coming at you that's just a 3 second effective stun unless you're substantially stronger then your opponents and they're far from base in which case it's a hard engage.
Of course a 3 second effective stun is amazing lockup which is where Naut shines.
I've never once resorted to insulting people and I've always tried to be civil in my approach, so it's probably that I disagree with people, then continue the argument. Normally that frustrates people if they disagree with the argument, because they perceive it as irrational.
I'm sure for some that's the case, but honestly the way you debate topics has been a frustration in literally every place it's come up. I mean this was literally exactly the discussion that came up in the debate hall about letting you in. You're extremely intelligent, which was why I supported you but your insane stubbornness makes discussion with you extremely trying.