I'm already kinda annoyed with ranked. I play this game to have fun and having people yell at me and flip out every time we're behind by a kill, or thinking "I'd like to play X" this game then being told NO YOU MUSTN'T it's like, "**** you I don't care."
So now I play Alistar in normals and **** with people. This is the Cash Cow build, for any interested:
Marks: Don't care
Seals: Don't care
Glyphs: Don't care
Quints: Gold per 5.
Don't forget your greed mastery!
First items: Sheen and Boots of Mobility. Not at all uncommon for a cow!
Next important items: Philosopher Stone, Avarice Blade, Heart of Gold. You are now up to 29 gold every 10 seconds.
Last slot is reserved for WARDS.
Philostone -> Shurelya's.
Blade -> Youmuu's.
HoG -> Randuin's.
First off, that's THREE items with CDR. In fact, you'll notice that all of the items built from the gp5 items get you cdr. Coincidence? Probably. But Alistar loves CDR!
(why avarice blade? Because critting off the sheen proc from activating your ultimate actually kind of hurts!)
I'd recommend you throw a Kage's in there somewhere but then you don't get room for WARDS. Which you need!
But what's important is that activating Youmuu's and Shurelya's together with Boots of Mobility and Ghost makes you REALLY ****ING FAST. And popping Randuin's in the middle of the enemy team after Pulverize basically turns you into a walking Rupture.
Youmuu's also helps you take towers! So if there's a 1k health tower somewhere that needs dropping and nobody feels like pushing, you're the cow to do it.
Early game: **** with people. Walk into their jungle and punch their jungler a lot. Headbutt him away from creeps and take the last hits. If he tries to fight you? Pulverize and scamper off. Ward his whole jungle. Then go gank mid while you're at it.
"They warded Dragon." No they didn't, because you bought an oracles at level 7 and now you're punching their wards to death. They want to get rid of that oracle? Good, because now they're all attacking the cow that prints money instead of the carry. And you were going to have enough for another one in about two minutes anyhow.
Here is where you need to be very careful not to do what I like to do: don't ninja last hits from your carries! As funny as it is to headbutt Irelia and make her disintegrate it's something you probably shouldn't be doing especially with such a stupid build so maybe those games where I have 8 kills as the Cow there's a reason I lose.