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Grammys Mafia - An LoD Mafia game moved to dGames


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Aren't you not allowed to edit your posts? Because you just did.

And when did I say that only Omni, you or CK must be lynched? Don't put words into my mouth. I said at this point in time that would give us the most information.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Consider the situation at hand...

There are 16 of us. That has what, like 4 or so mafia members?

We've got Omni in here either on some ridiculous posting restriction or is just acting ********. Either way, he's strongly trying to get us to vote CK and it's succeeding. CK has the most votes at the moment.

-So why should we trust Omni?
-Why would Omni want us to vote CK?
If Omni knows CK is mafia, then that's good and dandy for us, but how is he honestly going to be given such knowledge this early in the game, and spill it out for us. If this is correct, and CK is mafia, the mafia would likely turn around and kill Omni. It's a 1-1 trade, which is beneficial for the Town, but I see it as too likely of a situation.

Another reason Omni would try and force us to vote CK off the bat so fast is that he is a lyncher and CK is the target. If we vote CK then Omni wins, gg. In his position getting this done asap is beneficial since starting D2, we will have more information whether it be judging off kills, cop intel, more suspicious activity, etc. That information would then lessen Omni's chance of succeeding in having his target lynched.

if we vote CK:
CK was mafia - Wow Omni was right, unlikely though
CK was lynchee - That sucks...
CK was town - Well we got rid of one of us
The chances are that it's a bad situation.

if we turn around and vote Omni:
Omni was mafia - This is unlikely as he is attracting a lot of attention to himself that could backfire
Omni was lyncher - Neutral sorta, if not slightly good for the town since it gets rid of the potential threat of him being successful if the lynchee is lynched.
Omni was town - Well we got rid of one of us.
While this is the unpopular option (voting Omni) atm, it's unlikely that it will happen, but its not really a beneficial gamble. The rewards don't outweigh the cost.

And if we choose someone else, we're making a blind guess. No one has really done something that stands out too much (at least compared to the whole Omni debacle). It's a blind shot. There's more town people than mafia. Chances are a townie would get lynched, which is bad.

The town's power to lynch is only an important power if it is used correctly. If not, it can really hurt them as a bad lynch means two townspeople go down in one full day.

Perhaps no lynch isn't the best option in all D1 situations, but it clearly is now. Chances are good information will come out of the Omni/CK situation, but we don't know enough yet to make an intelligent decision. By waiting until D2 we potentially have knowledge on suspicious mafia members by seeing who was killed, any cop intel, and more.

No lynch is the only good decision at this point in time.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
whether you believe him or not, you are outwardly entertaining the bogus idea that he does. do you believe him?
Believing doesn't mean a thing when we have the simple ability to test things. I'm trying to go about this from a game theoretic viewpoint. You're just being degrading right now. You've been useful before, keep being useful please.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
quick edits dont count, never have.

You need to make the lynch count though. It needs to be used for information.

The way things are going now, it looks like either CK, Omni, or Tom is going to be lynched.


Information. Omni appears to have a posting restriction and says he knows that CK and Tom are mafia. Well, he called Tom mafia but didn't really say it as directly as he did for CK.

So we have three people we could lynch and gain information from so far. Or the most information rather.

Well, I'm going to cut myself short for another question directed at Omni. I'll elaborate more in a bit.

Omni, is Tom Mafia?
Paraphrased: "We need the lynch to count, we need information. The way it looks like things are going now, Omni, CK, or Tom is going to be lynched because that gives us information. Rather, the most information."

And when did I say that only Omni, you or CK must be lynched? Don't put words into my mouth. I said at this point in time that would give us the most information.
I said that you are working under the false dilemma that one of the three of us must be lynched. As hopefully you can recognize, your accusation that I'm "putting words in your mouth" is bogus because I did that just as much as you just did it to me, because I never said you explicitly stated one of us MUST be lynched, but you are working under that false dilemma. You understand?

Also, explain to me how an Omni, CK, or Tom lynch would give us the most information? You seem to be stuck on the assumption that either Omni has knowledge we don't have or he doesn't. What if he is a lyncher, and his goal is to lynch CK? Then Day 1 we learn nothing, Omni leaves the game after successfully reaching his win condition, and we are left with nothing. There is also the chance that Omni is simply dead sure that CK is mafia but he isn't; lynching CK would then flip a townie, and then you seem to suggest that with that "information," we could lynch Omni.

Your brevity is the cause of any incorrect assumptions on my part.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Believing doesn't mean a thing when we have the simple ability to test things. I'm trying to go about this from a game theoretic viewpoint. You're just being degrading right now. You've been useful before, keep being useful please.
what kind of "test" are you talking about? using the lynch to test Omni's claims?


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Chibo, I have a few people in mind that could be lynched to the towns benefit as far as finding things out go. We don't necessarily have to lynch CK or Omni to see which ones lying. Pay attention to people's reactions to the whole situation.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
The town's power to lynch is only an important power if it is used correctly. If not, it can really hurt them as a bad lynch means two townspeople go down in one full day.
no, incorrect. mislynches yield as must information as correct lynches, while no lynches yield none. the lynch is not only important if it is used correctly. the game of mafia is DESIGNED so that town can attempt to lynch correctly and mislynch a certain number of times before we lose. the whole game of mafia leads up to lylo. once at lylo, the real game begins, because we use the information that we have gleaned from night actions AND previous lynches to dissect alignments with accuracy. there should be no fear of a mislynch.

Chances are good information will come out of the Omni/CK situation, but we don't know enough yet to make an intelligent decision. By waiting until D2 we potentially have knowledge on suspicious mafia members by seeing who was killed, any cop intel, and more.

No lynch is the only good decision at this point in time.

Chibo, I have a few people in mind that could be lynched to the towns benefit as far as finding things out go. We don't necessarily have to lynch CK or Omni to see which ones lying. Pay attention to people's reactions to the whole situation.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I think Hylian's trying to see Omni's reaction to the question, being put on the spot. I may be wrong, but that's how it seems to me.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
quick edits dont count, never have.
Wait..Quick edits are legal but normal edits are not? I find this very confusing.

Paraphrased: "We need the lynch to count, we need information. The way it looks like things are going now, Omni, CK, or Tom is going to be lynched because that gives us information. Rather, the most information."

I said that you are working under the false dilemma that one of the three of us must be lynched. As hopefully you can recognize, your accusation that I'm "putting words in your mouth" is bogus because I did that just as much as you just did it to me, because I never said you explicitly stated one of us MUST be lynched, but you are working under that false dilemma. You understand?
I understand it perfectly well, but I'm not working under a false dilemma. I'm not stressing a lynch of any of you yet, I'm just laying out scenarios and well, facts.

Also, explain to me how an Omni, CK, or Tom lynch would give us the most information? You seem to be stuck on the assumption that either Omni has knowledge we don't have or he doesn't. What if he is a lyncher, and his goal is to lynch CK? Then Day 1 we learn nothing, Omni leaves the game after successfully reaching his win condition, and we are left with nothing. There is also the chance that Omni is simply dead sure that CK is mafia but he isn't; lynching CK would then flip a townie, and then you seem to suggest that with that "information," we could lynch Omni.

Your brevity is the cause of any incorrect assumptions on my part.
I've taken all of this into consideration already. My brevity is for good reason.

what kind of "test" are you talking about? using the lynch to test Omni's claims?
Gee I wonder.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Chibo, I have a few people in mind that could be lynched to the towns benefit as far as finding things out go. We don't necessarily have to lynch CK or Omni to see which ones lying. Pay attention to people's reactions to the whole situation.
Good point. Then in this situation I suggest we lynch someone that isn't CK or Omni, to at least be safe in that respect following what I said in my post. That still leaves open Tom, or anyone else that you may have in mind.

To be honest, since Omni has eluded that we should vote Tom (he did once right?), but not to the level of CK, then that is likely the safest vote. We should be free of doubt worrying of lynching the lynchee/target by accident, and we get a lynch that could potentially be mafia, and help prove Omni's stance.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I really just want Omni to answer the question.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Wait..Quick edits are legal but normal edits are not? I find this very confusing.
they leave no mark, you have to do them within like 2 minutes or so of your real post. they don't matter when you think about why edits would be illegal from a modding perspective.

I understand it perfectly well, but I'm not working under a false dilemma. I'm not stressing a lynch of any of you yet, I'm just laying out scenarios and well, facts.

I've taken all of this into consideration already. My brevity is for good reason.
okay, good.

Gee I wonder.
i just want to make sure you understand that using the lynch to test omni's claims could lead to lynching a townie, then kneejerk lynching another townie, if omni is a townie simply saying he "KNOWS" ck is mafia because he wants the lynch to happen and isn't thinking about how his words affect how everyone else behaves (especially since some people are entertaining the ridiculous notion that omni would KNOW 1 mafia member but be unable to speak his mind about it, which would break game, and the fact that omni didn't outrightly claim CK was mafia when he was ignoring his posting restriction so why would he now?)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
they leave no mark, you have to do them within like 2 minutes or so of your real post. they don't matter when you think about why edits would be illegal from a modding perspective.
I accidentally did an edit just to add a quick line out of habit to avoid double posting

Which prompted Xivii to tell us not to edit at all http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=8338423&postcount=287

Not to mention any edited posts will be reverted back.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I will elaborate more when Omni answers my question.

And yes tom, I've thought of everything you've outlined so far. Way past that point :laugh:.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
'Ninja Edits' cannot be reverted as they don't display "This post has been edited."

People edit posts normally to prevent people from looking back at older posts and finding where someone slipped up. An immediate 'ninja edit' is not for this reason as it is something someone JUST posted.

However when the game moderator sees "This post has been edited" at the bottom of a post, that looks suspicious of the player. Thus while 'ninja edits' are fine, they are not encouraged because you can take to long to make the edit and thus it will display at the bottom and the game mod will be suspicious of what your intentions for the edit was.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
To be honest, since Omni has eluded that we should vote Tom (he did once right?), but not to the level of CK, then that is likely the safest vote. We should be free of doubt worrying of lynching the lynchee/target by accident, and we get a lynch that could potentially be mafia, and help prove Omni's stance.
are you ******** or something


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
To be honest, since Omni has eluded that we should vote Tom (he did once right?), but not to the level of CK, then that is likely the safest vote. We should be free of doubt worrying of lynching the lynchee/target by accident, and we get a lynch that could potentially be mafia, and help prove Omni's stance.
You seem to believe that Omni knows all of the mafia. Is this true?

Your stance seems to be that if we don't lynch someone involved in what Omni does, we shouldn't lynch at all. Because you want to avoid lynching and lynchee (or a lyncher, which I do not understand. Why not lynch Omni?), you decided that we should lynch me, because Omni commented that he thinks I'm CK's scumpartner.

There are various leaps in logic that I do not follow. Why can we only lynch one of the three? Why do you assume that Omni knows that mafia? Why do you not want to lynch ANYONE ELSE besides 3/16 players?


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
We have a WEEK before deadline ends. That is enough time to survey all players. If I'm forced to, I will drag everyone else back into this game the Tom way.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
You seem to believe that Omni knows all of the mafia. Is this true?
I would find it ridiculous for someone to know such information off the bat, but we can not throw out the idea, especially considering there are a lot of people siding with him. Do I believe him? I don't believe anyone without some evidence (so I can't decide until D2).

So that leaves me with two options...
-No lynch, and making a more intelligent vote on D2
-Vote you (Tom), since this leaves me free of voting CK (who has the highest current chance of being the lynchee imo), and it leaves me free of voting Omni who could potentially be right. The only way to find out if Omni is to be trusted or not is to test one of his hints. We can't test CK for fear of being lynchee, so your the only other option.

By voting you we:
-Potentially vote out a mafia member (or a townie, but the chance of this is the same as voting anyone essentially)
-Somewhat prove to see if Omni is to be trusted or not
-Avoid voting a lynchee

Of course we can't be sure that you are mafia or not, it's more likely for you to be townie anyway. So no lynch is the safest choice, but by voting you we run the risk of possibly voting a townie (but that's going to happen anyway at plenty points of the game as you said and it's designed so the town can still win), but in return we get to test Omni and continue onto to D2 where we have a night full of info to take into consideration next vote as well.

This is unless Hylian makes a good case for one of his other suspicions.


Vote: Tom


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I politely request that you specifically answer each of the questions in this post so that it is easily visible, as well as posting any response or opinion you may form like normal.

I would find it ridiculous for someone to know such information off the bat, but we can not throw out the idea, especially considering there are a lot of people siding with him. Do I believe him? I don't believe anyone without some evidence (so I can't decide until D2).
We do not have to throw out the idea, but it is foolish to act on the idea as well. From your opinion on No Lynching, you seem hesitant to mislynch a townie. Yet you narrow the list of people you are willing to lynch based on another player's (with an alignment I assume you do not know) remarks that he knows one player is mafia and another player is his scumbuddy.

Who are the "a lot of people siding with" Omni?
Why does the fact that "a lot of people" (needs to be proven) agree with Omni make his remarks any more legitimate?
Why do you still limit your focus on what Omni has done?

You do not need to limit your Day 1 focus based on what Omni has said. For one thing, he and Chaco, as townies, destroyed the Town in Disney mafia. I can easily draw parallels with his play in this game with his play in Disney. He is absolutely convinced that he is right, even to go as far as to carelessly remark that he "knows" CK is mafia and for everyone to "trust" him. That is poor play. Then he comments that I'm CK's scumbuddy, and everyone takes it seriously, based on his remark that he "knows" CK is mafia. I'm surprised he did this, because it is terrible play. He seems not to realize the implications he is making by linking those two statements.

So that leaves me with two options...
Do you understand what a false dilemma is? I directed those comments earlier towards Hylian, but now I see that they do not apply to him, and as you continue to make these points, they terribly apply to you.

NOTHING leaves you with two options. That is a jump in logic that you cannot seem to recognize.

What leaves you with the only options of No Lynching or lynching me? NOTHING.

What narrows your choices between No Lynching or lynching Omni/CK/Tom, now just Tom? I'm not asking for the reasoning you provided that narrows it down from the other 2 to just me. I'm asking you what eliminates all other players from the equation and leaves you with these 3? I hope you recognize that the answer is straight up nothing.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I strongly stand by my statement that any town-aligned killing role should kill Omni during Night 1.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
5th Official Vote Count:
(3): Crimson King : KayLo!, Omni, §teel
(1): Vyse : KevinM
(1): Omni: -Hilt-
(1): KayLo!: Crimson King
(1): §teel: Tom
(1): Tom: ChiboSempai

(8) Not voting: Mike G, bowser king, airgemini, Teran17, Nya~! :3, Vyse, Marc, Hylian

FoS Count:
(2): Omni: Teran17, Vyse
(1): Teran17: Marc

With 16 alive, it takes a vote of 9 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for September 16th 11:59PM EST!
If a majority is not reached, the person with the highest number of votes will be lynched!
If multiple people have the majority of votes, whoever reached that majority first will be lynched!
If no votes are cast then the game moderator will roll dice!

Mike G has replaced o-Serin-o.

Closest to prod is Nya~! :3 who will be sent a prod if she has not posted by the time I wake up. 3 prods over the course of the game will result in a modkill unless the player explains the situation to me.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Omni why did you find THIS funny?
Half you guys scene CK's scum buddy Tom Tom?
You bird quiet quiet. Hot you to speech up up.

Omni, is Tom Mafia?
I I Dole no.

I monthofMAY half a roach this too aggressively aggressively. Again, my role fish very limited and very strange strange. Tom, cop bee wing an ass, and cop Tink wing that you no everything about Mafia Mafia. Big miss steak steak.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Tom: Banking on town-aligned NK to solve our little situation seems risky. I'd like to remind you Mafia had a Bus Driver in Disney Mafia and knowing who's gonna be targeted gives them essentially two kills. I agree to not being hellbent on lynching Omni or CK because we still have time left, but unless anything comes up lynching Omni doesn't seem like a bad idea.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
You know, it might be a good idea if we try and decipher Omni's babble.
So far, I don't think anyone's actually bothered to look closely. Since Omni knows what he's saying when he's typing, I'm sure we can at least work out some kind of reverse translation process.

If we can't then to be honest, I'd lean towards lynching him because he'd be pretty much a complete waste of our time.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Omni, let's say we all DID believe you and decided to lynch CK. If it turned out he is town, you can expect everyone to end up lynching you the next day, right? Granted, us lynching CK just to see whether or not you're trustworthy (or have information on him) is unlikely, but knowing this, would you still be as persistent?

However, you constantly say you have info on CK and that he's mafia, yet you originally said for us to lynch both CK AND Tom. This makes me lose any trust I would have had in what you said earlier, in the possibility of you having any information on CK.

My vote stays.
Everyone should really check this wiki out: http://www.mafiascum.net/wiki/index.php?title=Lyncher

A lot has happened since I went to sleep, but really, if Omni is a lyncher, then he will be hellbent on lynching me for as long as he is alive. What's more shocking/depressing/stupid are the people who believe him. Hylian, Steel, Kaylo, more or less Chib, what has Omni done that makes him remotely someone to even pay attention to? He can barely speak, and he's not offering ANYTHING useful. If you want to actually get a good lynch, lynch Omni and have an investigator hit me tonight. The fact that someone is considering lynching Tom because Omni said his name once so it'd be a safe lynch is mind-boggling.

I am just tossing my hands up at this point. I am extremely confident Omni is town because of his horribly dumb post restriction, but the way he is playing is NOT town.

Tom, if you want to start bringing people into the spotlight your way, go for it. I think anyone following Omni should be looked at deeply because if Omni is town, one of them will definitely be Mafia going after a bandwagonining lynch. Hell, I'll even volunteer first for your scrutiny to clear my name.

This Day is going really poorly.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
You know, it might be a good idea if we try and decipher Omni's babble.
So far, I don't think anyone's actually bothered to look closely. Since Omni knows what he's saying when he's typing, I'm sure we can at least work out some kind of reverse translation process.

If we can't then to be honest, I'd lean towards lynching him because he'd be pretty much a complete waste of our time.
What he's saying is pretty clear, to be honest. He is just offering nothing of use.

You bird quiet quiet. Hot you to speech up up.
You better be quiet. [hot] you to speak up.

Pretty clear here: he doesn't like Tom giving good advice.

I I Dole no.

I monthofMAY half a roach this too aggressively aggressively. Again, my role fish very limited and very strange strange. Tom, cop bee wing an ass, and cop Tink wing that you no everything about Mafia Mafia. Big miss steak steak.[/COLOR]
I don't know (to Tom being Mafia).

I [might?] have to approach this too aggressively Again, my role is very limited and very strange. Tom, stop being an ass, and stop thinking that you know everything about Mafia. Big Mistake.

The first line implies that he KNOWS I am mafia, which is impossible, or is impossible for any townies. Next, he called Tom scummy, and then in this section he says he isn't sure. THAT'S the summary of Omni: he has no idea about anything. Also, Tom DOES know the most about mafia, and if he's mafia, that makes him extremely dangerous; however, Tom is playing extremely pro-town for now, so I don't even feel the need to explore him as a choice today. Omni is working hard to discredit Tom, which is odd on its own.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
To clarify on Tom: I am not saying he is Town or Mafia, but that I don't know. I think, as of everything so far, Tom is actually helping the town by cutting down Omni's influence. Omni's gibberish managed to get 3 votes on me, all of which gave little to no reason why. This is how mafia wins: attach to someone who is making a big rally against town, so the next Day, Omni will be a viable lynch candidate, and they can easily brush it off as "well, he was very convincing."


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA

Is it necessarily against the rules for someone's role PM to contain "Insider info: so and so is [alignment]"?


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
You bird quiet quiet. Hot you to speech up up.
you weren't the reason why I spoke up. I was posting very regularly in this thread until I got too busy, and then I posted to avoid prod saying I would post, and then I posted. I hope you aren't so narcissistic that you think you are the reason I posted. You can congratulate yourself on the fact that you are the reason why this Day is absolutely terrible, if you want.

Tom, cop bee wing an ass, and cop Tink wing that you no everything about Mafia Mafia. Big miss steak steak.[/COLOR]
I'm working with everything I've got, numbskull. If you've got more to tell me, then spill it, otherwise LOL @ you telling me how to play mafia.

Tom: Banking on town-aligned NK to solve our little situation seems risky. I'd like to remind you Mafia had a Bus Driver in Disney Mafia and knowing who's gonna be targeted gives them essentially two kills. I agree to not being hellbent on lynching Omni or CK because we still have time left, but unless anything comes up lynching Omni doesn't seem like a bad idea.
True. I'm just voicing my stance. Also, speaking to vigilante roles also allows me to speak to watcher/reporter roles. Obviously they make their own decisions in the end, but its not too bad to speak our own minds.

I'm hesitant to lynch Omni because I get the impression that he is over-aggressive townie who just doesn't realize the impact of his claims. I am also currently against lynching Chibo, Hylian, Crimson King, or Steel, due to either what they have said or their activity levels, or in some cases, both.

You know, it might be a good idea if we try and decipher Omni's babble.
So far, I don't think anyone's actually bothered to look closely. Since Omni knows what he's saying when he's typing, I'm sure we can at least work out some kind of reverse translation process.

If we can't then to be honest, I'd lean towards lynching him because he'd be pretty much a complete waste of our time.
How is he a waste of our time, Teran? Are you citing his post restriction, or the content of what he has (post-translation) posted?

Also, I don't have any trouble deciphering what Omni says at all. If you (or anyone) needs me to, I can translate for you. He has done a very good job of taking what seems like a very challenging post restriction and made it work, especially if you say what you read out loud. That doesn't mean I agree with what he is saying, obviously, but the way he says it is not an issue.

Everyone should really check this wiki out: http://www.mafiascum.net/wiki/index.php?title=Lyncher

A lot has happened since I went to sleep, but really, if Omni is a lyncher, then he will be hellbent on lynching me for as long as he is alive. What's more shocking/depressing/stupid are the people who believe him. Hylian, Steel, Kaylo, more or less Chib, what has Omni done that makes him remotely someone to even pay attention to? He can barely speak, and he's not offering ANYTHING useful. If you want to actually get a good lynch, lynch Omni and have an investigator hit me tonight. The fact that someone is considering lynching Tom because Omni said his name once so it'd be a safe lynch is mind-boggling.

I am just tossing my hands up at this point. I am extremely confident Omni is town because of his horribly dumb post restriction, but the way he is playing is NOT town.

Tom, if you want to start bringing people into the spotlight your way, go for it. I think anyone following Omni should be looked at deeply because if Omni is town, one of them will definitely be Mafia going after a bandwagonining lynch. Hell, I'll even volunteer first for your scrutiny to clear my name.

This Day is going really poorly.
Agreed with the Lyncher comment, but I don't know if he is lyncher or just convinced that you are scum and doing an awful job of me because of his insistance that he KNOWS you are scum. Rule of thumb: town is the uninformed majority. Keyword: uninformed. When people KNOW something, it is a non-town tell.

Very much agreed with Chibo's attitude towards me simply because of what Omni has said. It is frustratingly tunnelvisioned.

We have a week before this Day is through. And yes, I'll play twenty questions soon.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
CK, he said "you were pretty quiet, I got you to speak up (up)."


Is it necessarily against the rules for someone's role PM to contain "Insider info: so and so is [alignment]"?
no, it isn't. however, it is very rare, and it is more common to see "So and so is x role, x alignment, and you must get them lynched."

also, it is more common, if it happens, that it is "x is so and so, town role."

its ****ing dumb to see "you are town. x is mafia." i REALLY DOUBT that happened.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Omni, can you point me to where you got your scum vibe on CK? Can you quote a post that made you think he is scummy, and can you convince me that he is scum?
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