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Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
If it's causing serious psychological stress and isn't just what every guy goes through, you should probably talk to someone about it before it develops into something worse. People may joke about things like sexual addiction(not saying you have it, but if you're facing serious dilemmas in your mind it could develop into it), but it really is a very unfunny thing to have to deal with.

If it just makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed from time to time, then you're probably just going through part of growing up. But remember I'm a girl, so I really have no knowledge of what goes beyond normal for a guy's hormones.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
it is not causing serious psychological stress
i am just saying that i don't want it
and i do not have a negative opinion towards girls
it is just that i do not like being forced to be attracted to anybody
it would be better if i liked every girl equally but nope some are more physically attractive
and by the way i do not get erections that often McCloud
not nearly that often

"doing things against my will"
why the hell do some forum goers think that i am a "seggs" addict and a pervert?
i'm not. i have never asked a girl out or done anything to them.
and yes i am forced to like them because of puberty
this is normal of course but i am saying that i don't want to have to like them

Deleted member


Boobs are nice to look at..just get over it


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Jesus Christ dude stop making it out to be such a big ****ing deal. You can't change human nature. You will find physically attractive people attractive. It's not a big deal dude.

People are assuming that you're some kind of rapist because you're acting like it's making you do things uncontrollably and regarding it as some huge problem.

It's not weird to not pursue sex because you don't want it, but you'll always have a sex drive. If we didn't we wouldn't reproduce as much.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Blackadder is enjoying this.

If popping a boner is very embaressing to you man, I suggest you get over it.
The best way to do so is yell out "Dude, I have an erection the size of The Empire State Building!!!" every time you have an erection.

Eventually you'll get over the embaressment.

(Or you could just...you know...accept that it's human nature. Besides, it gives you a chance to jerk off to the girl. ... ... ... What? :(:laugh:)


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
it is not embarrasing at all, Blackadder
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yes i hate human nature people always react the way i predict them to in a conversation in real life. it's very boring to chat with them sometimes.
joshisrad bad call
Ahhh. Alright, I'm done with teh lulz.
But really, I just suggest you accept it and move on. It's not a big deal, really. An erection isn't really all that hard to hide anyways, they're not very easy to see. Unless you're packin' serious heat. ;)

I really just say you don't think about it much if it's a bugger to you.

Deleted member

i never said anything about erections lol
i w a s j u s t r a n t i n g o n h o r m o n e s
you didnt say it but it's obvi

just chill you're prolly like 13 - 14, guys get boners its what happens, its natural

give it up, just accept taht youre going through puberty


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Heh, you used "-ate", the endings of proteins, to confuse us, omfgomfg? You did more than that to confuse us. Was it to make the conversation more interesting, because us humans are so boring because we do what you expect us to?

About wanting sex: Well, in the Bible, Paul said that some people are born eunuchs, some people become eunuchs by physical means, some people become eunuchs by mental means, and some people are never able to become eunuchs at all (a eunuch is a guy without a sex drive, or in this context a guy who can overcome his sex drive, and is either unable or unwilling to engage in sex). He said that if you can, it's better to not worry about sex, because it complicates things and leads to other bad stuff. But he knew that the sex drive is human nature for most people (all typical humans), so he made it clear that there is nothing wrong about having sex, or wanting it, although you shouldn't do it like all the time whenever you're bored (he was talking about sex with your spouse, by the way).

What I'm saying is that it is an odd, though totally legitimate, thing to want to reduce/eliminate your sex drive. In fact, it is commendable by Paul's standards. Omfgomfg, if you really want to make beautiful women have no power over you (by having power over your you-know-what), it's going to take a lot of concentration and dedication. You can either work to eliminate those "feelings", or, if you've ever read The Giver, "Stirrings", but that's not easy. I personally allow my sex drive/need for sex do its thing by clouding my judgement, but then I always look at my decisions to see if they're affected by it, and I try to compensate for sexiness/unsexiness. It doesn't make me as "pure" as someone without a sex drive, but it works in practice. For example, I am roughly equally likely to pick up a pen dropped by an ugly girl as one by a hot girl.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yes i hate human nature people always react the way i predict them to in a conversation in real life. it's very boring to chat with them sometimes.
joshisrad bad call
You said you think chatting with people is boring because you can predict what they say. You know that small talk goes along very predictable paths, and there are rarely any surprises, right? If you want to have real communication, talk to an intelligent person about a deep topic. See if you can't learn something from them.

Also, saying people are boring is anti-social and it sounds snobby, as well as being an indicator of, well, anti-social tendencies and an inflated ego, possibly because of insecurities. I'm not saying you have any of that, omfgomfg, but it might come across that way.

But if you can train yourself to not think in terms of beauty/sex, all the power to you, omfgomfg.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Reading omfgomfg in between people's responses made me lol a bit.

I can't really see why someone would not want to be attracted to hot women(or men). You're just looking, and looking is quite nice ;)

Hey, be happy that you aren't only turned on by really weird fetishes.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
OMFGOMFG.I totally respect that you dont want to "have to" have sex.But seriously its one of the greatest experiences youll ever have.No offense intended but have you ever had an orgasm?

I just can understand why you wouldnt want to have sex or be attracted to women.But then again im not in your head.Do you have any reasons?


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
Heh, you used "-ate", the endings of proteins, to confuse us, omfgomfg? You did more than that to confuse us. Was it to make the conversation more interesting, because us humans are so boring because we do what you expect us to?
very good! that's right! also, even though said anything about erections, people just automatically thought that i would be embarrassed if i had one. the conversation on forums is generally much more lively than the ones i have in real life.

About wanting sex: Well, in the Bible, Paul said that some people are born eunuchs, some people become eunuchs by physical means, some people become eunuchs by mental means, and some people are never able to become eunuchs at all (a eunuch is a guy without a sex drive, or in this context a guy who can overcome his sex drive, and is either unable or unwilling to engage in sex). He said that if you can, it's better to not worry about sex, because it complicates things and leads to other bad stuff. But he knew that the sex drive is human nature for most people (all typical humans), so he made it clear that there is nothing wrong about having sex, or wanting it, although you shouldn't do it like all the time whenever you're bored (he was talking about sex with your spouse, by the way).
i should be able to become a eunuch by mental means. it may not seem possible with sheer willpower but i am going to try that anyway. also, i do not have a problem with sex. however, it is quite harmful. there is a very high chance of catching an STD. i might even have one myself. also, it is easy to impregnate the other even if you are using some sort of protection. therefore i can convince myself that it is "right" not to want it. freud's id is taking over in these kinds of situation.

What I'm saying is that it is an odd, though totally legitimate, thing to want to reduce/eliminate your sex drive. In fact, it is commendable by Paul's standards. Omfgomfg, if you really want to make beautiful women have no power over you (by having power over your you-know-what), it's going to take a lot of concentration and dedication. You can either work to eliminate those "feelings", or, if you've ever read The Giver, "Stirrings", but that's not easy. I personally allow my sex drive/need for sex do its thing by clouding my judgement, but then I always look at my decisions to see if they're affected by it, and I try to compensate for sexiness/unsexiness. It doesn't make me as "pure" as someone without a sex drive, but it works in practice. For example, I am roughly equally likely to pick up a pen dropped by an ugly girl as one by a hot girl.
well you know, i will definitely work on it. it may seem very unlikely for it to work, but you need to try it out before you are sure. i have read The Giver. their utopia is not very good but some of the feelings that are suppressed in it can be acceptable. that is my take on the book. i am equally likely to not pick up the pen at all for a pretty girl than for an ugly one. or a guy for that matter. *you are not thinking i am callous*

You said you think chatting with people is boring because you can predict what they say. You know that small talk goes along very predictable paths, and there are rarely any surprises, right? If you want to have real communication, talk to an intelligent person about a deep topic. See if you can't learn something from them.
you are partially correct about small talk, and lots of people will just casually greet me and say hi. i actually like small talk because a lot of the time there is an interesting topic to chat about. now it's not the small talk i'm worried about. it's actually about the latter part of your post. you see, my friend is intelligent, but i predict exactly every single word he is likely to say when i make a suggestion. it's just like chess, you know every single possibility that your opponent has thought of. or smash for that matter. i categorize people methodically based on their personality and their tendencies, speech patterns, habits, etc. this helps me a lot in predicting what they say. my "special skill" is empathy.

Also, saying people are boring is anti-social and it sounds snobby, as well as being an indicator of, well, anti-social tendencies and an inflated ego, possibly because of insecurities. I'm not saying you have any of that, omfgomfg, but it might come across that way.
it's not the people that are boring, but the 2-3 people i hang around with most frequently. these people have no clue that i know what they are going to say. and you might say that i am antisocial, as i don't like many of the topics that are frequently talked about. i do not have a cell phone and i don't have a myspace and i hate fashion. i do not care about their relationships with their "significant others". ya see? :)

okay anyway, i don't actually like any girls. this is just a response to your queries.
EDIT: i found this neat quote in another thread

Aristotle said:
I count him braver who overcomes his desire, than him who overcomes his enemies.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I think your worrying too much about the bad side or sex.Unless you want kids.You said.....

"you see, my friend is intelligent, but i predict exactly every single word he is likely to say when i make a suggestion. it's just like chess, you know every single possibility that your opponent has thought of. or smash for that matter. i categorize people methodically based on their personality and their tendencies, speech patterns, habits, etc. this helps me a lot in predicting what they say. my "special skill" is empathy."

i find that you do this kinda strange.I might do it very rarely(kinda joking to myself if my friends say something they always say or something)but not all the time.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
you're ignored. you make no positive posts and you do not contribute to the discussion. you're no use to the community. get out of this topic.
joshisrad isnt making any type of negative comments. hes just protecting the integrity of this thread. youre just posting incoherent rants about "hormones" and youve even said yourself that you arent interested in girls/relationships. if youre looking for guys, then i recommend you visit the "Gay Smashers" topic. if youre not looking for any of the aforementioned, then i recommend that you refrain from posting irrelevant things in this thread.

ps: watch some porn or something. it'll do you good.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Lay down on that couch over there, omfgomfg. Let's talk.

Omfgomfg, I am definitely not a qualified psychologist, but what I see of you is a young teenager who is much too introspective. You are 12-14 years old, despite your claim of being 57 in your profile. Your high intelligence and intellectuality is conflicting with your relatively immature emotional and social state. That can cause things like believing you have special skills that, if you look at them objectively, you really don't have. For example, you had a feeling your friend was going to say "I told you so," or some other phrase, and he did. This happens a couple more times, and because you believe you must have some special skill, a "power" if you will, you latch onto it, and create a whole world where you are so "empathetic" that you know what everyone is going to say before they say it, and so now you are "bored" with talking to people.

It is a fantasy of sorts, and it is very common in people like you, so don't feel bad or anything. I promise you that in a few years, you will look back, and think, "Oh man, that was so stupid when I told everyone I knew what people were going to say before they said it. I could never actually do that." You may be able to predict people's words to some extant--if you concentrate your brain power on something, you'd be surprised at the kind of thing you can become aware of--but certainly not to the extant that you say you can.

This also affects your idea that you want to be a "mental eunuch". This is something that just sounds mature, offbeat, and sophisticated to you, so your intelligent side is telling your normal, teenager side that you should do that, or you should at least tell other people that you want to/can do that.

In fact, your idea of being able to read people's minds is less a fantasy than something you just said on the spur of the moment without thinking about it, and now you must defend it or else be shown to be wrong.

I didn't leave any room for argument in this post, but I am of course not at all sure of what I said. I wouldn't be surprised if I was right on, though. I expect you to not agree with me at all, but I think you might in a few years.


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
And while Mr. Jammer is on his run, I must agree. You are no doubt very young and in need of exposure to societal concepts. My suggestion would be to cut the condescending junk and listen to your friends.

As far as becoming a mental eunuch goes, that's something else entirely. It's one thing to attempt to push temptation away, but what you are desiring to do is something otherwise. This is not something to be taken lightly as you clearly have. There are twelve year old monks who have pledged celibacy for the rest of their lives. But they do it for a reason.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I think Im going to ask my f**k buddy if she wants to go out with me on the strike of 12 tonight.I really have started to like hanging out/talking with her when were not doing the dirty.The only problem is she asked me out before and I(in a roundabout way) said no.What do you guys think?


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
Lay down on that couch over there, omfgomfg. Let's talk.

Omfgomfg, I am definitely not a qualified psychologist, but what I see of you is a young teenager who is much too introspective. You are 12-14 years old, despite your claim of being 57 in your profile. Your high intelligence and intellectuality is conflicting with your relatively immature emotional and social state. That can cause things like believing you have special skills that, if you look at them objectively, you really don't have. For example, you had a feeling your friend was going to say "I told you so," or some other phrase, and he did. This happens a couple more times, and because you believe you must have some special skill, a "power" if you will, you latch onto it, and create a whole world where you are so "empathetic" that you know what everyone is going to say before they say it, and so now you are "bored" with talking to people.

It is a fantasy of sorts, and it is very common in people like you, so don't feel bad or anything. I promise you that in a few years, you will look back, and think, "Oh man, that was so stupid when I told everyone I knew what people were going to say before they said it. I could never actually do that." You may be able to predict people's words to some extant--if you concentrate your brain power on something, you'd be surprised at the kind of thing you can become aware of--but certainly not to the extant that you say you can.

This also affects your idea that you want to be a "mental eunuch". This is something that just sounds mature, offbeat, and sophisticated to you, so your intelligent side is telling your normal, teenager side that you should do that, or you should at least tell other people that you want to/can do that.

In fact, your idea of being able to read people's minds is less a fantasy than something you just said on the spur of the moment without thinking about it, and now you must defend it or else be shown to be wrong.

I didn't leave any room for argument in this post, but I am of course not at all sure of what I said. I wouldn't be surprised if I was right on, though. I expect you to not agree with me at all, but I think you might in a few years.
ah, you are correct in expecting me not to believe you. first you begin with a strong statement, "you are 12-14 years old". close, i'm actually 15. i can not read minds. however, what i predict they will say is usually correct. it is not predicting the exact words that they are going to say, rather the idea that they try to convey. this does not happen "just a few times". i expect different things from everybody, but at the same time, i know what to expect from each individual person. i am very delighted whenever they break their usual monotonous patterns.

i do not actually believe that i will find success trying to get rid of any desires by sheer willpower. i have tried it in the past, but only by myself. as anyone will tell you, it's always easier to do something if you've told others that you are going to do it. i expected you to say something along the lines of "emotional immaturity (of course, it's relative)". this is what many others have said too, but i'm not going so far as to say that it is correct.

you know, you gave me a great idea, jammer! i'm going to make a topic on philosophy. by the way, i am also very interested in psychology and have read several books on it already. (i oversized extant for some humor :))


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Omfgomfg, I'd really like you to post about EXACTLY why you hate hormones and the want, nay, near need for sex humans have.

You said before summat about them "Making you do things against your will" and things like that, but why exactly do you hate hormones so much?
It almost sounds like you're scared of becoming a rapist or something, lol.

I'm just curious as to exactly WHY you really hate 'em.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
blackadder, it's not "doing things against my will" per se, but rather "wanting"
you see, i don't actually want to have sex but my nature tells me otherwise
or be in a relationship or have a girlfriend for that matter.
That'd explain the whole "Metal Eunuch" talk.
Now I'm gonna ask exactly why you don't want to have sex.

Do you think of it as dirty, or wrong in anyway? Does the idea of it just turn you off? (Unlike what it does to others! :laugh:*) Or do you just want to pull it off as some sort of self set Rite of Passage?

I'm such a curious little bugger nowdays, eh.

*lol immatooraty


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
That'd explain the whole "Metal Eunuch" talk.
Now I'm gonna ask exactly why you don't want to have sex.

Do you think of it as dirty, or wrong in anyway? Does the idea of it just turn you off? (Unlike what it does to others! :laugh:*) Or do you just want to pull it off as some sort of self set Rite of Passage?

I'm such a curious little bugger nowdays, eh.

*lol immatooraty
i do not want to have sex because it is not very appetizing
STD, virginity taking away from partner, chance of birth
the only reason why i "want" to have sex is because it "feels good"
that's a really freaking stupid reason to be honest.
i'm not sure i want children. probably don't.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
i do not want to have sex because it is not very appetizing
STD, virginity taking away from partner, chance of birth
the only reason why i "want" to have sex is because it "feels good"
that's a really freaking stupid reason to be honest.
i'm not sure i want children. probably don't.
Ah...just pop a condom on?
Other than the virginity issue you have going, STDs and birth troubles are both easily blocked with a condom. Sure, not fully, but about 95% blocked. :)

Plus it feels good! Even if that's a "Stupid reason".
I think you're being a little over worried about it all. ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
Ah...just pop a condom on?
Other than the virginity issue you have going, STDs and birth troubles are both easily blocked with a condom. Sure, not fully, but about 95% blocked. :)

Plus it feels good! Even if that's a "Stupid reason".
I think you're being a little over worried about it all. ;)
85% sounds more reasonable to me
besides 'it feels good' is not a good enough reason for me if there is even a slight possibility of lasting consequences (like the 5% you suggest)
mostly STD
if i wanted to have children it would be a viable choice
but you know when i make a philosophy thread im going to post why i wouldn't want


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
We base most of our lives around what feels good, and we continue ourselves to continue feeling good. Sex feels very good, so it is a pretty good reason to have it. Doing something because it feels good isn't stupid at all.

If you don't sleep around or if you make sure you wear a condom EVERY time you have sex, the chances of STDs are low. Or you could only have sex with someone who's been tested. And with birth control these days, it's very difficult to get someone pregnant.

And Pikaville, just call her up and say you changed your mind? No harm in just asking if she still wants to hang out.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2006
The Negative Zone
When I get older, and go into a more serious relationship with a girl, I'll probably have a few talks with her about STDs beforehand, but I think that I will take the risk, unless she really doesn't want to. If that happens, then I will just have to respect her opinion.

Omfgomfg, you don't have to have sex to have a good relationship with a girl, if she really loves you, she will respect your opinion on the subject. As long as you and her are both happy, shouldn't that be all that matters?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2007
omfgomfg you wouldn't happen to be one of the really quiet kids at your school would you?

edit: also, if you don't want std's, don't **** nasty *****es.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
We base most of our lives around what feels good, and we continue ourselves to continue feeling good. Sex feels very good, so it is a pretty good reason to have it. Doing something because it feels good isn't stupid at all.

If you don't sleep around or if you make sure you wear a condom EVERY time you have sex, the chances of STDs are low. And with birth control these days, it's very difficult to get someone pregnant.
i am going to murder several people because it feels good and drives my will to liiiiiiiiiiiiive....
(that was sarcasm)
i don't want to get intimate with a girl, which is the only way to have sex. the chances of STDs are low, true. if you catch it, you can get rid of it easily, true. but i still don't want to have it because in essence it doesn't actually feel good. you have to go through a lot to get it. let me reiterate: i do not want to get intimate with a girl.

do you want to know what feels good?
winning a video game tournament! or maybe an online smash battle against my friends in 64.
now that feels goooood and is perfectly safe aside from the fact that i am not using the time to study for tests in school (i don't really do it anyway).

back on topic:
seems a little barbaric to do something just because it feels good
cocaine feels good to some people, smoking feels good to others.
that's why you do it. looking back on a previous page, i never intended the "-ate" to relate to the word "masturbate". however, since it was mentioned, my take on this is that it is just a way to relieve sexual tension. this is just like smoking, except you are addicted to it the first time. there are no side effects aside from EXTREMELY SEVERE EMBARASSMENT if you are caught (never been, don't plan to since i don't do it often at all). anyway it would have been better if i never learned how to do it. i basically taught myself somehow. i don't want to do it, but it's just like smoking..


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2007
dude i honestly feel sorry for you man. i think you have serious issues socializing with other people and i believe this "i don't want to get intimate with a girl" thing is just you lying to yourself to make up for your severe social problems. tell me the honest truth please, do you have a decent amount of friends in school? how often do you get out of the house weekly? i am seriously not trying to be mean i am just really curious cause i think you got some real issues man...

edit: i also smoke marijuana because it feels good, nothin wrong with that broham


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
What's wrong with not wanting a relationship? I figured at a very young age that I would most probably never marry due to observations of my parents and other marriages in general. The whole concept has never been appealing to me. That doesn't make me a social freak.

Because I dont plan on getting married, I dont plan on dating either because that would just be a waste of the girl's time, and it may even lead to her getting hurt. Sex is also out of the question since I view it as something not to be taken lightly, reserved only for married couples.

I dont consider myself a loser because I wont experience those things in my life. It would probably be problematic for me if I did. (opinions on marriage are subject to change. It's something I want to be convinced wrong about, but dont think I will)
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