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Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Sorry for crashing this thread, but this is just brilliant:

Congrats, Crystallion.

Wait--actually, I do have something to say.

I've already made my mind up about what to do, but I think I'd like to hear what some of you have to say about it:

Two friends of mine were going out. The guy date-***** the girl by forcing himself on her when they were in the car together. She told me, and made me promise not to tell anyone, even the boyfriend who ***** her (that means that if somehow you know who I am and who they are, please forget this). I'm the only one she told, she said.

So, I know what I'm going to do. But I'm wondering what you guys would do. You can ask for more information, but I may not be able to give it to you, seeing as you're just a random person who doesn't have any reason to know certain things.
uhhh, tell the police/school counselor/any responsible adult maybe?


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
Nononono... she has to tell them. If they asked for confidentiality, then they need confidentiality. What you should do is encourage them to talk to the proper authorities..other than that, though... I'd stay away from talking until she's ready. If she doesn't get to that point... I'd say talk then.

Don't pressure or make unwanted decisions, and just listen to them and what they want to do.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
That's a tough one, I can't honestly say I'd tell her to go to the authorities or a responsible adult or tell them myself, I'd be lying, since I don't handle these things that well when they happen to me.

I guess I'd try to convince her to tell someone and stay away from the guy but if she doesn't want to help herself then I wouldn't be able to help either.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
This sounds kind of out there.. but in 5th grade, my (current) best friend liked this girl that I liked in 7th grade. He wrote poetry about her and stuff on Valentine's Day, and it was probably the most embarrassing day of his life.

Right now, neither of us like her, and we despise her brother because he thinks he's good at Smash even though he thinks Roy, Link, and Samus are top tier, and he can't wavedash :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Joshisrad seems to love arguing. Maybe his positions just provoke arguments, I don't know.

I don't really mind the whole PUA mentality. Del, you criticize it for objectifying women. And it can do that. But why is it a bad thing? She isn't being ***** or anything. She's enjoying herself. This is the reason she went out in the first place. Do you think a single woman in her 20s goes down to a bar just to get a drink? Or goes clubbing just to dance? They might say they do so they don't sound like a slag, but really people go to social gatherings to meet people. We are, as joshisrad might say, 'genetically programmed' to look for a mate. So why is it a bad thing if a PUA picks up a woman? It's what she was looking for. His objectifying her does not harm her in any way.

Or I could be missing something, so go ahead and point it out to me.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Joshisrad seems to love arguing. Maybe his positions just provoke arguments, I don't know.

I don't really mind the whole PUA mentality. Del, you criticize it for objectifying women. And it can do that. But why is it a bad thing? She isn't being ***** or anything. She's enjoying herself. This is the reason she went out in the first place. Do you think a single woman in her 20s goes down to a bar just to get a drink? Or goes clubbing just to dance? They might say they do so they don't sound like a slag, but really people go to social gatherings to meet people. We are, as joshisrad might say, 'genetically programmed' to look for a mate. So why is it a bad thing if a PUA picks up a woman? It's what she was looking for. His objectifying her does not harm her in any way.

Or I could be missing something, so go ahead and point it out to me.
I agree with what you said. It isn't difficult for a woman to see what a guy wants when he talks to her. She can turn him down if she wants. I've gone out to clubs and bars, and though I get hit on, I ignore or turn the guy down because I'm not there to have fun in that manner. It isn't a difficult thing to do.

I only have a problem with guys who go out of their way to bother a girl who obviously isn't interested, or who uses very shady tactics to get a girl in bed, like lying about certain things, going after a girl who is very naive(though this can be a difficult one to tell), or going after girls who have had way too much to drink. There's a difference between attracting a girl and taking advantage of one.

Many people act like women are victims when they are "seduced" or whatever, but chances are they wanted the same thing the guy did.


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
Do you think a single woman in her 20s goes down to a bar just to get a drink? Or goes clubbing just to dance?
Uh, yes?

As a male who enjoys dancing immensely, I definitely see where that comes from. Girls have girls nights out same as guys have guys nights out.

But. That doesn't mean she's not open to meeting people. She might be a little more reserved on girls night than she would be otherwise.

No matter what, no matter who, no matter where. Any man has the chance to sweep any woman off her feet. Just need the right broom. ~Hitch

Mrs. Bahamut

Mar 24, 2005
Former SWF Moderator
I go down to the bars to get a drink with friends. I have no interest in other guys (obviously since I'm married) and I get bothered all the time, even with the big rock on my hand. But at the same, I know it's going to happen at least a dozen, if not more, times throughout the night. So it's just something girls have to deal with.

So, you're not only going just to meet people. At times you are going to hang out with friends you already have. Just be careful guys. Not all women at the bars are single.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Kitten seems to love debating. Maybe he just likes to talk, I don't know, but ****it if I'm not entitled to make pointless, fallible observations that don't go anywhere as well.

Liv- guys with tight game (PUAs) are good at making women forget about the reasons why they shouldn't ignore him. Besides that, I find that subconsciously everybody wants sex always. They just never find the right thing.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
I go down to the bars to get a drink with friends. I have no interest in other guys (obviously since I'm married) and I get bothered all the time, even with the big rock on my hand. But at the same, I know it's going to happen at least a dozen, if not more, times throughout the night. So it's just something girls have to deal with.

So, you're not only going just to meet people. At times you are going to hang out with friends you already have. Just be careful guys. Not all women at the bars are single.
Doesn't that send a message that the woman is still wanted though? Like how "older" women complain about not being attractive anymore since they don't get hit on anymore. So it's not necessarily a bad thing...


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
So, you're not only going just to meet people. At times you are going to hang out with friends you already have. Just be careful guys. Not all women at the bars are single.
Very true. And that's why I think that guys (and I dunno, maybe girls too) need to learn to be a little more receptive to what the person they're trying to seduce wants (to be seduced or to be left alone).

It's like some guys have fun flirting with any girl, even when they don't reciprocate it at all. To me, that's just weird. And it can get pretty bad when the guy is making unwelcome comments, which is pretty much sexual harassment. The defence that "But she's in a bar/club, so of course she wants to get laid, and why not be me?" doesn't work, because, of course, not everyone in every club is there for the same reason that you are.

It seems that some of the guys here are trying to pin the blame on the girls for just being there, as if they knew that for all girls, the real motivation for going to clubs is "mating". Which is of course absurd.

There is obviously nothing wrong with picking up chicks in clubs or whatever, but I think that men, or at least some of them, need to be more perceptive and self-controlled when it comes to hitting on women.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Haha, I realise I was wrong with my 'go to bars to get a drink' statement. It was late. But the girls who aren't married, or in a relationship. People are always subconsciously looking for a mate if they don't have one. It's pretty unavoidable. If we didn't have that drive we wouldn't reproduce as frequently.

And also, I thought that it was a basic PUA rule to not force yourself on a girl? I mean if she's showing she definitely doesn't want to be with you, then you move on to the next girl or group, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't know all that much about the subject. Read in to it once because I felt the same as people who are bashing it, but then changed my mind.

Haha I wasn't even trying to be argumentative. I guess this is just a volatile subject.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't know all that much about the subject.
You're sort of on. It's up to the person. For most people, if she's a dumb *****, move on. But then there's also the challenge value of gaming a chick who turns down guys a lot, or what you will.
Forcing yourself on a girl is like ****. Physical. Gaming a girl who shows active disinterest is not forcing yourself on her.

Haha I wasn't even trying to be argumentative. I guess this is just a volatile subject.
If you're referring to my post above, I was being facetious to make a point - which I tried to make obvious..

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
It's kinda funny to see PUAs at work. They're like telemarketers with products no one wants. How did this thread become about PUA anyway? Isn't this a relationship thread? As far as I know PUAs don't need any help getting women so how come PUAs are the center of discussion now?

We should probably leave this thread for the normal guys that need help with their relationship problems.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
Liv- guys with tight game (PUAs) are good at making women forget about the reasons why they shouldn't ignore him. Besides that, I find that subconsciously everybody wants sex always. They just never find the right thing.
But again, that really depends. If you're not interested in a guy, you're not interested, no matter how tight his game is. Yeah, some PUAs may be able to change a woman's perception of him and make her interested, but my point was that she still knows what she's doing. A lot of people were talking against PUAs because they supposedly take advantage of women, but women aren't helpless creatures(in most cases)who can't control themselves or have no clue what a guy wants when he talks to her.

I don't think the subconscious wants sex always. That's somewhat of a ridiculous statement. And if it were true, I don't know why that even matters. A person's subconscious can want a lot of things ranging from pretty normal to pretty ****ed up. It may drive certain actions, but obviously people try to keep a lot of it in check. Just because everyone subconsciously wants sex doesn't give anyone else a right to act in any one way toward that person.

Red Exodus: Haha, nice analogy. I'd rather this thread be about normal people who want advice, but nobody's really been posting it lately.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Okay, I need some advice. It's not for me, though--just a friend.

He has a friend who was a lesbian ever since he knew her, which is pretty far back. Lately, she broke up with her girlfriend (she dumped the girlfriend), and now she's feeling really depressed. Now, he gets the very strong feeling that she wants to experiment with going out with guys, starting with him (they've been good friends for a while). He says that she has absolutely no heterosexuality in her, and she's probably just wanting that because she feels like nothing works.

He would love to go out with her, and do other things, too (I've seen her--she's super hot, and as my friend says, a total waste as a lesbian, depending on how you look at it). But he feels that it would only make things worse, although she feels very strongly about this (they've had conversation and, while they beat around the bush a lot, the points have been made).

So, what does he do?


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
I'd say he should leave her be relationship-wise, Jammer. Especially if she's depressed. Depression can make people search for affection in unhealthy ways. He also might just be some weird form of a rebound. If she doesn't strike him as heterosexual in any way, then chances are the relationship they would have will flop, and could potentially ruin their friendship.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
okay look i need to get these hormones out of my head
that is FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING people you know what i mean
i don't actually want "seggs" but you see i am NATURALLY INCLINED TO WANT IT because of those pesky little "-ates" and yes that hypen needs to be there i wonder if someone will know what an "-ate" is lol
anyway i don't actually want to be in a relationship

EDIT: here is a clue: i don't mean suffix in sulfate or sulfite but it is related
and no not the oxygen
i worded this with horrible grammar on purpose

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'm pretty sure no one will understand what you mean. Just come out and say it. Don't be afraid to say what you mean, we're all mature people here [at least I hope so].

Oh **** bad typo, mutlitasking isn't my thing.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
okay look i need to get these hormones out of my head
that is FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING people you know what i mean
i don't actually want "seggs" but you see i am NATURALLY INCLINED TO WANT IT because of those pesky little "-ates" and yes that hypen needs to be there i wonder if someone will know what an "-ate" is lol
anyway i don't actually want to be in a relationship

EDIT: here is a clue: i don't mean suffix in sulfate or sulfite but it is related
and no not the oxygen
i worded this with horrible grammar on purpose
im sorry, but that was the biggest load of incoherent mumbling ive seen in my life.
if you want sex that badly go get a hooker...or pick up a girl from a bar....or just watch porn.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Sexy words that end in "-ate":

Jail bait (oh wait--never mind)

Um, that's all that I can think of right now. Although I would love it if omfgomfg was embarrassed about watching Pilate tapes with sexy women in skin-tight track suits, I have a feeling the correct word is "masturbate".

Omfgomfg, it's pretty much a universal thing. You don't have to be embarrassed. It just makes it worse when you act so weird about it.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't think it's as simple as geting rid of the hormones, after all they do more than just make you horny.

That reminds me of a good joke, my bio teacher said "If enzymes speed up chemical reactions what do hormones do?" some girl in my bio class said "they speed up horny reactions". Funniest thing I've ever heard in that class.

I guess you could always get a doctor to prescribe some hormones so you can't get erections anymore but who knows how it you effect you otherwise.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2007
Your eyes happened to drift to my location, I see.
"-ate" is the suffix that most proteins end in
as i am sure all of you know, hormones aren't proteins.
i just posted that to confuse people.
it's not because of those pesky "-ates" that i have a "seggs" drive

let me get something clear - i do not actually want a girlfriend, i do not actually want to be in a relationship, and i do not actually want to have "seggs"
but you see, hormones such as testosterone are catalysts for the body to want these things.
since we do not live in an ideal world, it is not possible to just get rid of hormones and i am stuck with the fate of wanting "seggs"
now of course everybody here knows that hormones have a very wide variety of uses
i just don't like the ones that cause you to have a "seggs" drive
and yes i am misspelling "sex". you will not criticize me for it~


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Doing things against your will?

Are you like groping people because of your sex drive or something? That's crazy man. I guess if it's really out of your control than you should see a doctor or something.

Reproduction is a natural part of life. You don't have to let it stress you out.
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