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Getting Schooled Mafia- Cult Wins!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Because Nick nailed mafia with his tracker ability day one. Not likely scum would bus that early, intentionally planning it. If you flip scum, we have a scum. If you flip town, we know Rockin is scum. Win-win scenario.

Why no kill at lunch? Were they afraid of Nicholas' tracking abilities?

BlueYoshi it'd be good to claim now.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Lol there isn't much I can do to defend myself, since everyone seems to believe Rockin, and everyone believes Nick is confirmed town, so I guess I'm dead today. I'm actually curious as to how tomorrow will turn up. Will people believe Rockin or Nick?

I seem to be dead anyways, so I guess I'll make my prediction:

Rockin is scum. As for the other one, don't know lol.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Yeah, as I'd think the survivor would want to not plant a target on their backs like that claiming tracker. I can't think of any other indy roles that would work as a tracker, or any sort of investigative role he could've used to catch KevinM.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Im really hating how this game is going no offense. I just cant help but be queasy when all of our lynches have resulted from PRs. Tomorrow Im going to wrack up some **** since today seems centered on Ble

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Well that was an awful lot to read.

Some nice plottwists, so blue is dead now aye? We basicly got the second scummate now. Sorry for being kinda inactive ^^


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Well that was an awful lot to read.

Some nice plottwists, so blue is dead now aye? We basicly got the second scummate now. Sorry for being kinda inactive ^^
I dunno....I'm not so confident now. D:

If Blue Yoshi is what he says it is, then it could be possible that Nick is a tracking survivor. I only say this cause there was a lack of a death and a Town roleblocker/doc hasn't shown itself out yet.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Im going to say that he isnt a tracker independant because of how rare the role is. However, Im almost one hundred percent sure that there is some sort of third party role somewhere in this game. Throwing in more factions is the easiest and best way to balance the comparison cop.
Proceed with caution

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Im going to say that he isnt a tracker independant because of how rare the role is. However, Im almost one hundred percent sure that there is some sort of third party role somewhere in this game. Throwing in more factions is the easiest and best way to balance the comparison cop.
Proceed with caution
Investigating survivors were used in Monster Mafia and Disney Mafia. They aren't that rare.



Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 2 Vote
[1] Rockin (Blue Yoshi)
[6] Blue Yoshi (Rockin, Swords, Siivi, Scum Co, Cacti, Gheb)
[1] Swords (Xonar)
[1] Omis (Cacti)
[1] Siivi (Nic)

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to suspend.

"But I SWEAR I'm innocent! Why would someone like me do all this stuff? I got good grades, perfect attendance and everything."
"Sorry Yoshi, we got enough evidence to suggest you are one of the ones behind this. I hope you enjoy your time at home. Leaning."

Blue Yoshi, the vanilla townie, has been suspended.

Sending in night actions by tonight would be awesome. =)


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 3.
Hey, I heard you missed us
We're back!
I brought my pencil
Give me something to write on, man!


I heard about your lessons
but lessons are so cold
I didn't know about this school

I've got it bad, got it bad, got it bad.
I'm hot for teacher.

Day 3 Starts

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to suspend.

Lunch is Sunday 1/10
Deadline is Friday 1/15

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
The best option is to keep it hidden for now, as it could potentially hurt town a lot
more than it would help. With the no kills still, it means someone is doing something right. Outing them would pretty much screw us. also with 3 PRs outed thus far, any addition at this stage in the game would only hurt us.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I have to agree with Scum. Maybe on D4 it would be helpful to out him but right now it doesnt help. Keep the knowledge to yourself and keep the guy safe if possible.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Errr day 3?

This is the first half of the deadline and will last 5 days (ex: Monday->Saturday night). If a lynch or no lynch is decided on, the game will go immediately to the night phase and skip the Lunch and Evening phases.
This will only last for 24 hours. You may not post in the thread at all.
This will be the second half of the deadline and will also last 5 days. (ex. Monday->Saturday night). You may post in the thread again.
This will also only last for 24 hours. It will either happen if a lynch is decided during the morning phase, or at the end of the deadline.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
IMO, you should keep it secret until said person claims. If it matches up with their claim you can confirm their townness somewhat, if not, you've found a mafia.

Morning 3, I think.

Sorry man, but today it's going to be me or you. We both have power role claims, but mine has ousted a mafia. Vote: Rockin


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
How the heck did BY flip town? Rockin may just be scum trying to pull a fast one on us. On the other hand, Nick may be lying, as he may be an indy watcher-survivor.

My money is on rockin for now. Vote: Rockin


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Sorry man, but today it's going to be me or you. We both have power role claims, but mine has ousted a mafia. Vote: Rockin
Wow, is that your defense? Really?

You shouldn't even HAVE to use that defense against me. That's kinda telling me you're feeling pressured.

Vote: Nick

You know, usually when you out a mafia, that DOES give you instant townie points, especially since you're so early on the wagon. However, the fact that I've only seen one nk (which it was by Kevin) on D1 and no nk on D2 can pretty much prove that there's no more Mafias and that there is indeed a indie survivor of sorts.

Your quick jab vote to Siivi was unneeded, especially since that was a time I was pretty sure Blue Yoshie was our next maf.

I had to make sure this was right, so I went and compared Nick with Siivi last night and there's still that different alignment going on, so I really think Nick is our indie survivor.

Tell me, if I were to flip Comparison cop, what would town do?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Wow, is that your defense? Really?

You shouldn't even HAVE to use that defense against me. That's kinda telling me you're feeling pressured.

Vote: Nick

You know, usually when you out a mafia, that DOES give you instant townie points, especially since you're so early on the wagon. However, the fact that I've only seen one nk (which it was by Kevin) on D1 and no nk on D2 can pretty much prove that there's no more Mafias and that there is indeed a indie survivor of sorts.

Your quick jab vote to Siivi was unneeded, especially since that was a time I was pretty sure Blue Yoshie was our next maf.

I had to make sure this was right, so I went and compared Nick with Siivi last night and there's still that different alignment going on, so I really think Nick is our indie survivor.

Tell me, if I were to flip Comparison cop, what would town do?
Let's look at it logically. I am claiming town tracker. You are claiming comparison cop. You are claiming that my alignment is different than blue yoshi's, who turned up town. Therefore, one of us is lying, and should be lynched. However, I have ousted a mafia, whereas you have not.

Have you considered the possibility of a successful doc save/roleblock? You're grasping at straws here.

True, my quick jab at Siivi was unnecessary, I thought he was trying to counterclaim me. I didn't really think that post through. However, our claims are compatible, as I track at lunchtime and he at night.

If you're really the comparison cop, why would you compare me with Siivi? That would only give you information that you already knew. It would be far more beneficial to compare someone that you haven't already done.

However, I will admit that if you did flip comparison cop, then there would be no logical choice left but to lynch me.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
There being no NK doesn't mean that the mafia has died out. Kind of looks like a desperate defense to me. And I might've just skipped this while reading it, but who says that Siivi is confirmed town?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Let's look at it logically. I am claiming town tracker. You are claiming comparison cop. You are claiming that my alignment is different than blue yoshi's, who turned up town. Therefore, one of us is lying, and should be lynched. However, I have ousted a mafia, whereas you have not.
Okay, congrats. Stop stating the obvious and using that as your defense, cause it just makes you look a bit more scummy.

Have you considered the possibility of a successful doc save/roleblock? You're grasping at straws here.
A doc save could be possible, but the chances of having one is like...50% or less, considering we got....three investigative prs so far. Seems too town sided IMO. I was hoping for the roleblocker to come out after lunch (if we even had one for the lunch period), but never did, so I assumed we either didn't have one or that the roleblocker blocked Blue Yoshi. Since the flip, I'm going with the first one.

True, my quick jab at Siivi was unnecessary, I thought he was trying to counterclaim me. I didn't really think that post through. However, our claims are compatible, as I track at lunchtime and he at night.
That was still a bad time to change votes.

If you're really the comparison cop, why would you compare me with Siivi? That would only give you information that you already knew. It would be far more beneficial to compare someone that you haven't already done.
Cause I really wanted to make sure you was what I thought it was. It makes little to no sense comparing someone else. It'd just be bad information town doesn't really need. So I compared you with someone I KNOW is town.

infact, I AM the Comparison cop and it was proven! Siivi tracked me D1 and D2!

However, I will admit that if you did flip comparison cop, then there would be no logical choice left but to lynch me.
Nick, you will lose either way. Only difference is this day will be quicker.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
There being no NK doesn't mean that the mafia has died out. Kind of looks like a desperate defense to me. And I might've just skipped this while reading it, but who says that Siivi is confirmed town?
Remember, I compared Siivi with So Fresh on N0, and both came up as the same alignment.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Okay, congrats. Stop stating the obvious and using that as your defense, cause it just makes you look a bit more scummy.
Wait, since when is stating the obvious scummy? If the obvious is my defense, then I'll use it.

A doc save could be possible, but the chances of having one is like...50% or less, considering we got....three investigative prs so far. Seems too town sided IMO. I was hoping for the roleblocker to come out after lunch (if we even had one for the lunch period), but never did, so I assumed we either didn't have one or that the roleblocker blocked Blue Yoshi. Since the flip, I'm going with the first one.
Hold it right there. Haven't we established that one of us is a scumbag? Therefore, we have two investigative prs so far. I can see a doc with these conditions. Also, I'm not really following your roleblocker reasoning. In addition, I highly doubt that Hando made a one-man mafia, for the simple reason that those are usually known as SK's.

That was still a bad time to change votes.
Okay, point taken.

Cause I really wanted to make sure you was what I thought it was. It makes little to no sense comparing someone else. It'd just be bad information town doesn't really need. So I compared you with someone I KNOW is town.
Um. Let's see. You're claiming you compared me someone who's flipped town. on N1. Then, on N2, you compare me with another townie... for what reason? That is awful play, man. It makes perfect sense to compare someone besides me, because that way we end up with more information, instead of a duplicate of past info. If you're town, (which I know you're not), that is extreme FAIL.

infact, I AM the Comparison cop and it was proven! Siivi tracked me D1 and D2!
Objection! There are still two other possibilities in play here:

1)You're a bus driver
2)You and Sivii are the remaining mafia goons.

So, you aren't cleared by any means. It is a point in your favor, but only a point.

Nick, you will lose either way. Only difference is this day will be quicker.
After the epic win on D1, I'll be very surprised if I lose this game. Very surprised.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Like, really nice OMGUS there Rockin. I see more merit in Nick's case than in yours, as you are grasping at straws. It's ridiculous. You're convinced that he is scum because they came up as different alignments? How do you know that there isn't a mafia bus driver that switched scum with nick? Maybe you switched Nick and Siivi N1 so as to throw off people. (remember, Nick claimed after the lunch period.) It seems probable that you may be the mafia bus driver. It seems to fit in with the flavor there too.

Siivi is buddying with Rockin right now, and needs to stop sheeping.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
You know what? FoS: Siivi

You've been buddying with Rockin for the most part, you've been blindly following his opinion basically, and if he is lynched today and flips scum, then you are going to be the one that is my primary lynch candidate.

Rockin/Siivi needs to go.
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