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Getting Schooled Mafia- Cult Wins!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
I don't think that what Blue Yoshi said is scummy. I see that it would make sense from his perspective. When he said it, there were five days till lunch deadline, which isn't an unrealistic time to lynch somebody in, from a perspective from someone new.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
vote: swords

All he did was hopping from wagon to wagon, he accompied kevinm in his crusade against me, then when I asked him questions about what he thinks of me, he ignores me. Looks like he suddenly clears me just because I hammered KevinM (which is kinda a wifom wether or not that makes me more town), so I feel like hes trying to be town too much.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 2 Votes
[1] Rockin (Gheb, Blue Yoshi)
[1] Blue Yoshi (Rockin, Swords)
[1] Swords (Xonar)

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to suspend.

Lunch is in 2 days.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Really, I don't have a problem with swords atm. At least he gave out a reason for said wagon.

Now then, Another thing that I don't like about Blue Yoshi is that he never contributed to D1's discussion. Not even at the beginning of said discussion. All I've seen from him in D1 was his lulz votes. The guy coasted throughout D1.

If we're gonna test out this game theory thing, I suggest that we try lynching Blue Yoshi before Lunch comes up. If he comes up scum, then we should take a good look at Gheb.

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
rockin you should know that is a terrible idea. i dont see why you would push it.

Vote: Rockin


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
rockin you should know that is a terrible idea. i dont see why you would push it.

Vote: Rockin
I said IF. Really I am against it, but I only heard from a few people of what their take is on it. While others like Omis hasn't said a thing about it.

Compared to Blue Yoshi and other Obvious townies, he's pretty scum.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Really, I don't have a problem with swords atm. At least he gave out a reason for said wagon.

Now then, Another thing that I don't like about Blue Yoshi is that he never contributed to D1's discussion. Not even at the beginning of said discussion. All I've seen from him in D1 was his lulz votes. The guy coasted throughout D1.

If we're gonna test out this game theory thing, I suggest that we try lynching Blue Yoshi before Lunch comes up. If he comes up scum, then we should take a good look at Gheb.
You know you're only confirming my suspicion of you teaming with Swords aye?


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 2 Votes
[3] Rockin (Gheb, Blue Yoshi, Scum Co)
[2] Blue Yoshi (Rockin, Swords)
[1] Swords (Xonar)

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to suspend.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
vote: swords

All he did was hopping from wagon to wagon, he accompied kevinm in his crusade against me, then when I asked him questions about what he thinks of me, he ignores me. Looks like he suddenly clears me just because I hammered KevinM (which is kinda a wifom wether or not that makes me more town), so I feel like hes trying to be town too much.
What? I gave a reason for each wagon i hopped on! Unlike you that says i agree, i agree. Vote: *insert Person here*. I never said that i cleared you. Actually, you haven't gotten off of my a** ever since Kevin started it on me. Your buddying of KevinM D1 makes me even more suspicious of you. And you think i ignore you because i get busy for a day? You basically are recycling fluff from D1 in an attempt to get me lynched.

unvote Vote: Xonar This is not an OMGUS, Xonar has dropped one too many scumslips for my liking.

I'll let Blue yoshi slide for now, but he should be more careful in the future.
Nothing else has really stood out to me.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Anyone reading other peoples posts can give a 'reason'
What's the difference?
Someone: I vote that guy because of this that and bla.
You: Oh, nice one. I think that guy is scummy because of this that and bla!
Me: I agree
It says the same, the only difference is that I am to lazy to repeat everything/quote examples.
I never said you ignored me, but it's only logical to respond to me if I ask a question, however you continued with something else.
I also never said that you cleared me, I said it looks like that.

Really just stay calm, your post makes you look really pushy, and it makes it look like an OMGUS :/

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Rockin, I know how you play as scum. You're doing the same stuff you did in Monster Mafia and PW and you're playing like obvscum now. You talk about "obvious townies" as if you have figured ANYTHING out. Who are those obvious townies? How are they obvious?
You're so wishy-washy it HURTS to read your arguments because it's just pointess to even read them. Don't know why I even hoped to get anything useful out of what you post.

More Rockin votes. Nao.



Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Rockin, I know how you play as scum. You're doing the same stuff you did in Monster Mafia and PW and you're playing like obvscum now. You talk about "obvious townies" as if you have figured ANYTHING out. Who are those obvious townies? How are they obvious?
You're so wishy-washy it HURTS to read your arguments because it's just pointess to even read them. Don't know why I even hoped to get anything useful out of what you post.

More Rockin votes. Nao.

Key word, you said you knew how I play as scum. You have yet to really see how I play as town except that one time in simpsons.

And well, you never know. I feel I really do have some of the answers for at least a few people

you're after me a bit harder then usual. You've been after my case on me through early D1. Why do I have this feeling you're a lyncher or something?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Key word, you said you knew how I play as scum. You have yet to really see how I play as town except that one time in simpsons.
Simpsons, FFVII and TS Mafia. I know how you play as town.

you're after me a bit harder then usual. You've been after my case on me through early D1.
Harder than usual? Monster Mafia and TS Mafia disagree a lot. I have not been on your case before Kevin's flip. YOU were on ME with your nudges / foses not the other way round.

Why do I have this feeling you're a lyncher or something?
Because you don't have a better argument?



Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Anyone reading other peoples posts can give a 'reason'
What's the difference?
Someone: I vote that guy because of this that and bla.
You: Oh, nice one. I think that guy is scummy because of this that and bla!
Me: I agree
It says the same, the only difference is that I am to lazy to repeat everything/quote examples.
I never said you ignored me, but it's only logical to respond to me if I ask a question, however you continued with something else.
I also never said that you cleared me, I said it looks like that.

Really just stay calm, your post makes you look really pushy, and it makes it look like an OMGUS :/
It's not an OMGUS. You think i'd do that when i've played in a few games already? No. Doing nothing but parroting and posting one-liners is very scummy.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
...will you people all stop talking about OMGUS? It's more like a dumbtell more then anything else. That was what my post before was all about, if anyone cared to read it.

Swords, you're pinning Xonar for excessive bandwagoning, but not pinning the many other people doing this also? Why specifically Xonar? You also add that he's been "parroting and posting one-liners", while you let people like Omis get a free pass, who's been doing the same thing, and come to think of it, I think that he has also been buddying with Kevin more then Xonar. He also needs to speak up.

Unvote, Vote: Omis

Not seeing why Gheb gave up the case on Omis in favor for Rockin. I don't really see what's the case against him.

Rockin, you are avoiding Gheb's question of what are these "obvious townies" that you speak of.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Well, yeah, i guess you have a point there Cacti. unvote Vote: Omis to put some pressure on him.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Man, enrolling in 3 games wasn't the best of ideas. At any rate...

ATM, the only case against Omis is extreme lurking.

What's up? We've been waiting all year for ya!

@OMGUS stuff
I really don't see OMGUS as any sort of tell at all. If people want to vote each other, that's fine with me.

The thing is, I prefer the guy that says "I agree with thing and bla", so we know precisely what he agrees with. If person A makes a giant post, I'd like something bigger from person B then "I agree." Personally, I like to do a point by point rundown so people know exactly what I agree/disagree with. That way, there's no miscommunication on the subject.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
unvote, vote: omis
Why did you vote me and why have you been constantly lumping me with Gheb? Gheb has been pretty unpopular this game and I really dont like how you are trying to imply that we have associations with hom.
Buddied with him in what way?

In either way, I honestly had Kevin low on my radar... I might have just failed pretty hard.
The evidence is plenty, I'll hammer him.

Unvote, Vote: KevinM
You really should have at least waited. That was a super quick lynch.

Normally I would, but Kevin is a pretty experienced player and could influence votes to dodge a lynch if he is scum. If he is town I guess you can pretty much write me off as scum, even though I'm not.

If I wouldn't hammer him and his mafia buddies would save him I'd be scum
If I would hammer him and he's scum I am scum because it's just distancing
If I would hammer him and he's town I am scum because I hammered him

I didn't have alotta choice here, only thing I could do is not hammer him and hope he's town even though he visited so fresh..
I hate this post. I honestly do. How could anyone possibly disaude us from believing a claimed tracker? There arent sanities for trackers so there results are reliable and becuase of the size of this game, I doubt we are going to have any bat**** roles that go places. I can only see good in letting Kevin say something at least. I also dont like how you throw mud all over your tracks with that Ate.
No Lynch?

It seems that the mafia does not lynch people during the night and only during lunch (unless that was an independent role that did the prank). I re-read the rules, and it states that if we lynch someone before lunch, we skip the lunch and evening phase and go straight to night. If no mafia kills occur during the night, we can always lynch before lunch, thus preventing the mafia from getting lunch kills.

Just a suggestion... which I think tips this game intensely in favour of town.
This is dumb. Discussion helps town. Durr durr. Im writing this off as a beginner mistake.
...will you people all stop talking about OMGUS? It's more like a dumbtell more then anything else. That was what my post before was all about, if anyone cared to read it.

Swords, you're pinning Xonar for excessive bandwagoning, but not pinning the many other people doing this also? Why specifically Xonar? You also add that he's been "parroting and posting one-liners", while you let people like Omis get a free pass, who's been doing the same thing, and come to think of it, I think that he has also been buddying with Kevin more then Xonar. He also needs to speak up.

Unvote, Vote: Omis

Not seeing why Gheb gave up the case on Omis in favor for Rockin. I don't really see what's the case against him.

Rockin, you are avoiding Gheb's question of what are these "obvious townies" that you speak of.
I wasnt really buddying Kevin but I definitely see why you think I was. Because of the low volume of posts, I just asssumed the game to be early on so I had a few jokes. Kevin and I dont agree so I decided to make a little joke about it.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
The thing is, I prefer the guy that says "I agree with thing and bla", so we know precisely what he agrees with. If person A makes a giant post, I'd like something bigger from person B then "I agree." Personally, I like to do a point by point rundown so people know exactly what I agree/disagree with. That way, there's no miscommunication on the subject.
Ok, I can understand that. Will watch it. But that early in the game it doesn't really matter, imo.

Why did you vote me and why have you been constantly lumping me with Gheb? Gheb has been pretty unpopular this game and I really dont like how you are trying to imply that we have associations with hom.
Look at the post related to the vote

You really should have at least waited. That was a super quick lynch.
There was no reason to, he visited the lynched person.

I hate this post. I honestly do. How could anyone possibly disaude us from believing a claimed tracker? There arent sanities for trackers so there results are reliable and becuase of the size of this game, I doubt we are going to have any bat**** roles that go places. I can only see good in letting Kevin say something at least. I also dont like how you throw mud all over your tracks with that Ate.
If you wouldn't even deny the possibility that he isn't town, why would you wait? This is a real big hole in your logic here. You're saying you can't be disauded from believing the tracker, who is 100% accurate, but still you want that person to talk for no reason while he dies anyway?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
So much fluff to read. Omis, Swords, Nick, Rockin and to some extent Xonar need to post more substance. I'd like to have something to work with after lunchbreak (which is soonish) other than a Rockin lynch.


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Swords, you're pinning Xonar for excessive bandwagoning, but not pinning the many other people doing this also? Why specifically Xonar? You also add that he's been "parroting and posting one-liners", while you let people like Omis get a free pass, who's been doing the same thing, and come to think of it, I think that he has also been buddying with Kevin more then Xonar. He also needs to speak up.
He's not pinning me for excessive bandwagoning, just for giving no reason :/


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Let me ask you all something.

Who do you find scummy and why? Pick just two please. Omis, you need to post a bit more. I don't see a lot coming from you in this game.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Let me ask you all something.

Who do you find scummy and why? Pick just two please. Omis, you need to post a bit more. I don't see a lot coming from you in this game.
Any particular order you want us to answer in?

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
In particular, I think Blue Yoshi is just making a dumb comment about the "getting rid" before lunch. I think he's fine for now.

Rockin is my main suspicion at this time and wouldn't mind seeing him go. Mainly for his, let's try BY's plan! When Rockin should know that it isn't going to work. He is experienced enough to know this, as well as experienced enough of moderator to know that it would throw the game terrible into towns hands. Which from a modding standpoint is terrible. So, I'll be perfectly fine with him dying today.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I guess it'll be a lot better if I just claim.

I'm the Comparison Cop. I pick two people at Night time and see if their alignments are the same or different. N1, I compared Blue Yoshi and Nick. It showed they have different alignments.

This is why I'm pushing for the Blue Yoshi lynch and wouldn't mind seeing him go semi quick as to see how skipping the lunch and evening phase would look like.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I compared Siivi and So Fresh N0. They both came out as the same alignment. I felt it was good I did them first before anyone else. This is why I questioned KevinM as to why they want the hydras lynched off D1.
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