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Getting Schooled Mafia- Cult Wins!


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Way to miss my point, dude. You are either skimming or not understanding my point.
I saw it pretty clear. My point is that I didn't like that post of saying 'if I was scum...' and I felt it was full of WIFOM.

There you have it. If you understand that we have good reasons to be impatient whats the problem with activity police then?
Because it's unhelpful and it doesn't prove you're town at all. You make yourself look important by monitoring the activities of others when in reality, you're not. We need more discussion and less acting like the activity police. if people arn't posting right, I'm sure Hando would just replace them or mod kill them.

I haven't posted in between this no chance to unvote. Same with Nick and Cacti. No need to be impatient. If people stopped squandering time this wouldn't even be a problem.
There's a FoS with good reason. I don't remember Cacti or Nick saying they were having a problem posting or unvoting at the time. I even checked the Va/La thread and I don't see a post by neither one of them. I was even talking to ya as a individual, but you decide to cover up and answer for those two. Hm.

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
Plus with So Fresh missing I could see a newer player wanting to vote him off quickly as two good mafia players is a scary concept unless you know how to push and pull them correctly.
Convenient you say this Kevin. I don't see em doing that to be honest, as most people in this game are pretty seasoned by now. I think that comment was one that was extraneous to cover your *** for killing them. Early in the day you expressed interest in killing off the Hydras. Only fitting that you do it now as well. I can see you as scum threatened by Hydras.

Unvote; Vote: KevinM

Swords wagon needs to stop, it'll just end hurting us. Like my entire world.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I saw it pretty clear. My point is that I didn't like that post of saying 'if I was scum...' and I felt it was full of WIFOM.
And you still fail to explain how it's doing any harm.

Because it's unhelpful and it doesn't prove you're town at all.
How is it unhelpful? Voting people who are coasting / under the radar is a nice pressure tactic to get people talking. Discussion is the key to win this game - coasting is a self-preservation tactic which is not in towns interest.

I don't care if it doesn't prove to you I'm town. I have no interest in convincing you.

You make yourself look important by monitoring the activities of others when in reality, you're not.
I'm not making myself look important. That's the way you see it but it's not how it actually is.

We need more discussion and less acting like the activity police.
One thing conditions the other. If we had discussion Activity Police wasn't needed.

if people arn't posting right, I'm sure Hando would just replace them or mod kill them.
And if they are posting but just completely unhelpful stuff like half of the game has done so far? Posting =/= being active. Some people post a lot of fluff to feign activity but aren't actively playing this game.

There's a FoS with good reason. I don't remember Cacti or Nick saying they were having a problem posting or unvoting at the time. I even checked the Va/La thread and I don't see a post by neither one of them. I was even talking to ya as a individual, but you decide to cover up and answer for those two. Hm.
Is it really that hard to see the obvious? You ask why they didn't unvote you? Well, it's because they didn't post yet, which is exactly what I've been saying. Stop pseudo-scumhunting and scapegoating.

Unvote Vote Omis



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401

Thank-you Xonar.

I was thinking we should look at those quick wagoners and I'm glad you further solidified a reason for me to look into them.

Scum Co don't think I'm ignoring you but your argument is incredibly hard to argue, you're basically saying that I would kill off the Hydra's as scum because they pose the biggest threat to me as scum correct?

And my comment was to cover my tracks?

I guess if you want to perceive it that way you're in your right but I feel I explained why I thought that pretty well.

I will not deal with your argument further then that because it's going to become steeped in WIFOM later on as the only potential arguments I can retort with were, "If I were" mafia statements. This will only eschew the town, as shown in another ongoing mafia game which will not be referenced.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Considering none of the wagons seem a really compelling reason to lynch and the deadline is almost here, I suppose I'll reveal my role and the info I got with it.

I'm the tracker, and during every lunch phase, I get to target one person and see who they visit. During the past lunch phase I tracked KevinM to So Fresh.

I know that if I was going to reveal all this, I should have revealed it earlier, and I owe you guys an apology for that. However, my reasons for waiting were two-fold:

1) I wanted to see if there was a way I could get KevinM lynched without claiming my role. Unfortunately, he's played a pretty good game, and I don't really see all that much to build a case with, aside from my night-action result.

2) Even if I couldn't get him lynched, if a compelling alternative popped up, I'd have be willing to wait and reveal everything later. However, D1 has been somewhat inactive. (I know, I haven't been helping things too much in that regard. I blame the Xbox I got for Christmas.)

So, let's get this done, and hurry.

Vote: KevinM


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Hmm...interesting. I think i'll buy Nick's claim for now, and i will unvote Vote: KevinM


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Also, Xonar has been buddying with Kevin for the most part. Xonar will have some questions to answer if Kevin flips scum.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Also, Xonar has been buddying with Kevin for the most part. Xonar will have some questions to answer if Kevin flips scum.
Buddied with him in what way?

In either way, I honestly had Kevin low on my radar... I might have just failed pretty hard.
The evidence is plenty, I'll hammer him.

Unvote, Vote: KevinM

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Eh would've waited for him to give his foses in case he flips town =/

Normally I would, but Kevin is a pretty experienced player and could influence votes to dodge a lynch if he is scum. If he is town I guess you can pretty much write me off as scum, even though I'm not.

If I wouldn't hammer him and his mafia buddies would save him I'd be scum
If I would hammer him and he's scum I am scum because it's just distancing
If I would hammer him and he's town I am scum because I hammered him

I didn't have alotta choice here, only thing I could do is not hammer him and hope he's town even though he visited so fresh..


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[2] Swords (KevinM, Cacti)
[6] KevinM (Scum Co, Nic, Swords, Siivi, Gheb, Xonar)
[2] Not Voting (Omis, Rockin)

With 11 in the class room, it takes 6 to suspend.

The intercom comes on during class,
"Can we have Kevin M. come to the office, please?"
"You sure can, Mr. Swanson."
Kevin trudges to the office, fearing the worst. He didn't seem to make very many friends.
Maybe it was this purple goo he carried around?

"Kevin, we have received many reports that it was you who pulled that prank today. Was it?"
"Yes, sir. It was..."
"We are going to have to send you to an alternative school. Maybe you will straighten up there."

KevinM, mafia goon, has been suspended.

Please send in night actions before I wake up tomorrow.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Time for a fresh start! Day 2 of school is upon us.
I hope you guys got all of your homework done.

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to suspend.

Lunch will start Sunday, 1/3.
Deadline is Friday, 1/8, at 11:59 pm.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
No Lynch?

It seems that the mafia does not lynch people during the night and only during lunch (unless that was an independent role that did the prank). I re-read the rules, and it states that if we lynch someone before lunch, we skip the lunch and evening phase and go straight to night. If no mafia kills occur during the night, we can always lynch before lunch, thus preventing the mafia from getting lunch kills.

Just a suggestion... which I think tips this game intensely in favour of town.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi

This is the first half of the deadline and will last 5 days (ex: Monday->Saturday night). If a lynch or no lynch is decided on, the game will go immediately to the night phase and skip the Lunch and Evening phases.
This will only last for 24 hours. You may not post in the thread at all.
This will be the second half of the deadline and will also last 5 days. (ex. Monday->Saturday night). You may post in the thread again.
This will also only last for 24 hours. It will either happen if a lynch is decided during the morning phase, or at the end of the deadline.
quoting rules in first post of thread.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Looking at D1, it could be possible that kills don't go through until lunch. And I'm pretty sure the person would still die, Yoshi. If not, it would break the game.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
There probably is something that makes the above not completely possible, like what you said (or maybe the nightkill did not work for some reason), but even then, we could always try it out, and if no kill occurs, then we (town) have a huge advantage. Just something to consider.

Well, that said, why not try it? Lets confirm a lynch before Sunday, and see what happens during the night. Either way, by doing this, we will have a better idea as to what roles happen when... won't we? (you guys know this game better than me). All I'm saying is trying it once won't hurt anyone. Sure we may not have as big a discussion, but if it reveals important information on roles, then wouldn't it be a good idea to do anyways?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
There probably is something that makes the above not completely possible, like what you said (or maybe the nightkill did not work for some reason), but even then, we could always try it out, and if no kill occurs, then we (town) have a huge advantage. Just something to consider.

Well, that said, why not try it? Lets confirm a lynch before Sunday, and see what happens during the night. Either way, by doing this, we will have a better idea as to what roles happen when... won't we? (you guys know this game better than me). All I'm saying is trying it once won't hurt anyone. Sure we may not have as big a discussion, but if it reveals important information on roles, then wouldn't it be a good idea to do anyways?
Blue Yoshi, it's discouraging that you would like to rush the phases so as to 'cheat the system.' In every Mafia game, there is a lynch and there is a 'night kill' of sorts. The format of these phases are unique, but I'm sure Hando put in a way for mafs to nk. Let's keep in mind that if we were to do this, we're mainly just doing quick lynches. Something that basically means that the lynches will be random. Even if we actually DID skip the Lunch and evening phase, I'm sure the result of the night kill will appear in the morning like every other Mafia game.

Vote: Blue Yoshi

I'd like to hear who Nick tracked this time.

Gheb - what's your reason to voting me THIS time?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb - what's your reason to voting me THIS time?
- Distracting my suspicions against Kevin.
- Nudging me plus lumping me with Nick and Cacti. Odd.
- Failure to vote when it matters.
- Little concrete interaction with Kevin.


Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
So let me get this straight... I make a suggestion that could, if my logic is right, give town a huge advantage, and you vote for me as if I am scum? Is there any reasoning at all behind your vote? Because as of now, I am almost convinced you're scum.

Vote: Rockin


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
- Distracting my suspicions against Kevin.
- Nudging me plus lumping me with Nick and Cacti. Odd.
- Failure to vote when it matters.
- Little concrete interaction with Kevin.

- I didn't do anything of that sort.

- Pretty much, cause of the fact you decide to voice their reason instead of letting them speak for themselves.

- At the time, I wasn't on when it happen, so sorry about that.

- Err....k? I'm sure a few others had little interaction with KevinM.

Blue Yoshi - It's not really a huge advantage. You're basically discouraging discussion simply by going to more of the 'quick lynch route.' Keep in mind that discussion is Town's strongest weapon. Also, what's your worry? It's just one vote. Paranoid?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
There probably is something that makes the above not completely possible, like what you said (or maybe the nightkill did not work for some reason), but even then, we could always try it out, and if no kill occurs, then we (town) have a huge advantage. Just something to consider.

Well, that said, why not try it? Lets confirm a lynch before Sunday, and see what happens during the night. Either way, by doing this, we will have a better idea as to what roles happen when... won't we? (you guys know this game better than me). All I'm saying is trying it once won't hurt anyone. Sure we may not have as big a discussion, but if it reveals important information on roles, then wouldn't it be a good idea to do anyways?
No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! Your logic is very flawed. There is always a sort of nightkill in Mafia games, and there may be two kills during one day period because of the lunch period. Wasting a lynch to see if there are two kills during the day is dumb. I think Rockin had a legit point when voting you.

So let me get this straight... I make a suggestion that could, if my logic is right, give town a huge advantage, and you vote for me as if I am scum? Is there any reasoning at all behind your vote? Because as of now, I am almost convinced you're scum.
Vote: Rockin
This has OMGUS written all over it. Your idea wasn't even beneficial for the town - not one bit. It gives the town a disadvantage because we're more likely to have a mislynch if we quicklynch someone.

lol not at all. I just find it strange that you vote for me after I make a suggestion that I think helps town. That is all. You still haven't answered as to why you voted for me.
Once again, your suggestion is either dumb or scum. Quicklynching someone does not help us at all!

unvote Vote:Blue Yoshi


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
L2R, rockin. I said quite clearly in the post where I claimed that I can only track AT LUNCHTIME. It doesn't work during the night phase.
Eww, sorry. My mistake.

Blue Yoshi - I already said my reason, but I'll say it again. I'm voting on you due to your suggestion, which sounds very un-town like. As I said before, discussion is town's greatest weapon. Your response to said vote doesn't help change my mind.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Well sorry for not playing many mafia games. From what I saw, it seemed like that was the case. If my logic is flawed (which seems to be the case), then ignore my posts. From a NEWBIE point of view, it seemed like a good idea.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Blue Yoshi - I already said my reason, but I'll say it again. I'm voting on you due to your suggestion, which sounds very un-town like. As I said before, discussion is town's greatest weapon. Your response to said vote doesn't help change my mind.
Personally, I see Blue Yoshi's point of view, but he's forgetting an important rule. Never try to out-guess the mod! While the idea is tempting, I'm sure that Hando has something in place to deal with that scheme, and even if he didn't, he'd probably alter the setup to keep it from being a game-breaker. I'm getting a "newb mistake" feeling from his posts.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
I think even a Newbie is smart enough to know that the town's greatest weapons are its discussion and its lynch.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
So far, I want to say You and Blue Yoshi.

Cacti and Xonar need to speak up some more. I know Xonar made somewhat of a decent post after the prod from KevinM, but I like to hear a few more things of what he have to say.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Haha, forgot to tell reason :p

Gheb, I'm just not liking the type of things you've been saying thus far. So anti-town. You don't care to hear my voice of reason even if you/others feel I'm town, which just makes me a sad panda.

I'm not liking Blue Yoshi for the idea he brought forth, not to mention the reason to said vote. It's staying.
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