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Getting Schooled Mafia- Cult Wins!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Not liking how you link Mactosman's pranking to a new player. If I can get rid of Macman AND Mentos at the same time I'd do it as soon as I could if I was scum. It has nothing to do with being a new player or not.

Unvote Vote Rockin

Agreed completely. Any reason for the Rockin vote?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Not liking how you link Mactosman's pranking to a new player. If I can get rid of Macman AND Mentos at the same time I'd do it as soon as I could if I was scum. It has nothing to do with being a new player or not.

Unvote Vote Rockin


Sorry I was looking more at the connections that have been made in the game and thinking through that, So Fresh had made almost no connections up through today so why kill them, it seems more like a knee jerk kill if anything.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 1 Votes
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[3] Swords (KevinM, Cacti, Xonar)
[1] Cacti (Xonar)
[2] Gheb (Nic, Siivi)
[1] Rockin (Gheb)
[3] Not Voting (Scum Co, Omis, Rockin)

With 11 in the class room, it takes 6 to suspend.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
So Fresh had made almost no connections up through today so why kill them, it seems more like a knee jerk kill if anything.
I still don't get it :ohwell:
Killing somebody who makes almost no connections asap sounds like a solid play to me...

More Rockin votes plz


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Woot inactivity lynches because when people are inactive they're automaticly scum!

Errr, Rockin should pop his head up anywayz.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
woah woah WOAH!

what the **** is with these votes? Can't Anyone understand I can be a bit busy here at times? ><;;

2nd post coming soon


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Ugh, Nick and Swords. Ya better not be scum. I'm getting irritated of you two following behind Gheb's wagons.

Before I go any further, I would like Siivi to post more then two sentences. Ya have tow brains behind that account, so I know ya can make a better post to help contribute.

So far, the only reason it seems I'm being wagoned is the fact that I've been active. Nothing more. Really, this isn't always a scummy thing, but it's neither helpful for a townie, so sorry I've been a bit inactive recently despite me being fairly active in the day phase. I don't like the day you wagoned me because it was a day AFTER the evening phase came up. If you did it like say, yesterday, that'd would've been more understandable cause a few days has passed.

Can you be any more contradictary? Plus with So Fresh missing I could see a newer player wanting to vote him off quickly as two good mafia players is a scary concept unless you know how to push and pull them correctly.
But there was one connection. It's small, but a bit noticable. Afterall, you did say you wanted to kill off the hydras, so it's not too surprising that one of the three had to go on the first day (and not surprisingly out of the three, the one that could prove most useful dies dies first).

Not liking how you link Mactosman's pranking to a new player. If I can get rid of Macman AND Mentos at the same time I'd do it as soon as I could if I was scum. It has nothing to do with being a new player or not.
lots of WIFOM in this post. Stop that >:


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
forgot to add this:

Xonar, can you post a bit of content as well? I only seen little posts from you, so I wouldn't mind seeing some content from you so I'd know where you stand.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Surely you can do better than this;
So Rockin why must you act pissed?
Trust me, if you play with Gheb a bit, you will be irritated of him acting like a activity police. So far, that seems like what he's doing.

If only this was something I could do!
Couplets are what must stay true.
Alright, I'll take your word for granted then.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
forgot to add this:

Xonar, can you post a bit of content as well? I only seen little posts from you, so I wouldn't mind seeing some content from you so I'd know where you stand.
my eyboard is broen atm, so cant reay post. not much going on atm too, so not much to say. right side is defect x(

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Err okay that's fixed (temporarily)

Imo there's not much going on, Rockin was inactive and people called him out on that so he responded. Gheb is doing what he always does. Still think swords is scum because of his behavoir and posts.

That's pretty much everything.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 1 Votes
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[3] Swords (KevinM, Cacti, Xonar)
[3] Rockin (Gheb, Swords, Nic)
[4] Not Voting (Scum Co, Omis, Rockin, Siivi)

With 11 in the class room, it takes 6 to suspend.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ugh, Nick and Swords. Ya better not be scum. I'm getting irritated of you two following behind Gheb's wagons.
I agree. Swords seems to like following me around in these games =/

Unvote Vote Scum Co

lots of WIFOM in this post. Stop that >:
No. YOU are the one who needs to "stop that" - calling me out for doing things that are NOT harmful. You're misusing or misinterpreting the term WIFOM here imo. Unless you can show me how and why it is suspicious you should just drop it.

Trust me, if you play with Gheb a bit, you will be irritated of him acting like a activity police. So far, that seems like what he's doing.
Is it the only thing I'm doing? Saying things like that makes it seem like i'm not concerned with finding scum which is not the case. When one or two persons try to generate legitimate discussion isn't it understandable to pressure inactive players?

STILL wondering why you three still have votes on me.
I haven't posted in between this no chance to unvote. Same with Nick and Cacti. No need to be impatient. If people stopped squandering time this wouldn't even be a problem.



Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
STILL wondering why you three still have votes on me.
Sheesh Rockin, can't I be allowed to take a little time to celebrate Christmas?

Personally, I think it helps the game out when someone acts as the "activity police". Not that said person should stop scumhunting, but bandwagoning inactive players tends to solve their inactivity issues. Not to mention it gives us more discussion to work on, and might even catch a scumbag. (See: Tommafia 3, D1. Admittedly, the scumbag town caught wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box.)


Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
As stratfords Teammate i vouch for his awesomness and his john. Though johns suck. Just like the world.

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
Agreed with Gheb in that if you are to calll an argument total WIFOM, tell us why it is bad to use WIFOM in such a scenario.

We don't need activity police in these games, that's ********, like the rest of the world. If we feel that someone is lurking or isn't doing jack ****, we vote them, and if they continue to jack ****, we take it a step further. We don't need someone hounding the inactives. On that note, i don't get what you're saying, Nick. bandwagoning an inactive isn't being an activity policemen, its applying pressure to someone. Activity Police would be someone who constantly calls out those who are in active.

On the note of activity, being active during this time is rough an everyone, so Rockin, chill out, as people do things during this time.

Stupid people.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Dont be an idiot sword. We made a little anecdote about a previous game we loved. Since when is that a such a big deal? I think you are trying to divert attention away from yourself since everyone is smelling your scum stank. I would vote you, but I dont want to make it look like an OMGUS even though you do. Ill vote you later on when you make more inevitable scum slips.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
No. YOU are the one who needs to "stop that" - calling me out for doing things that are NOT harmful. You're misusing or misinterpreting the term WIFOM here imo. Unless you can show me how and why it is suspicious you should just drop it.[/qupte]

When you put 'If I was scum...' that sets up WIFOM instantly. Cause then I'll be wondering if you're actually serious and did kill that said person or that you didn't. I rather people stop saying 'if I was scum' cause till proven otherwise, you are neutral. Saying stuff like that does not prove your innocents...it actually does the reverse: question it.

Is it the only thing I'm doing? Saying things like that makes it seem like i'm not concerned with finding scum which is not the case. When one or two persons try to generate legitimate discussion isn't it understandable to pressure inactive players?
That's fine,but do it to those who hasn't been posting that much and havn't contributed. As far as you doing just that, I'm entirely unsure. You're contributing slightly, but so far the biggest thing I see about you is you acting as an activity police.

I haven't posted in between this no chance to unvote. Same with Nick and Cacti. No need to be impatient. If people stopped squandering time this wouldn't even be a problem.


FoS: Gheb, Nick, and Cacti

also, there is reason to be 'impatient.' We have till Monday to make a lynch, and I rather not be lynched anytime soon, especially if the case against me is inactivity. >:

Sheesh Rockin, can't I be allowed to take a little time to celebrate Christmas?

Personally, I think it helps the game out when someone acts as the "activity police". Not that said person should stop scumhunting, but bandwagoning inactive players tends to solve their inactivity issues. Not to mention it gives us more discussion to work on, and might even catch a scumbag. (See: Tommafia 3, D1. Admittedly, the scumbag town caught wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box.)

Not really, Nick. Since you never gave me a chance to post after the evening kicked in. There's also the time that I posted the day before christmas.

Well yeah in terms of activity, but it makes little sense to bandwagon someone that has been fairly active in the afternoon, especially since they've been bandwagoned a day after the new phase is up.

I loved Stratford. Best game ever. Oh and that whole john was actually legit.
As stratfords Teammate i vouch for his awesomness and his john. Though johns suck. Just like the world.
It probably was, but back then it was nothing but AtE and Buuuuuuull****.

unvote Vote: Omis & FoS: Scum Co. for getting off-topic. I can't believe you did that.
Dude, it was only two post, and it wasn't even consistant. chill out.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
On the note of activity, being active during this time is rough an everyone, so Rockin, chill out, as people do things during this time.

Stupid people.
If you look back on the evening phase of D1 and see where those three bandwagoned me, you can see it's slightly difficult for me to take this excuse since they didn't give me much of a chance to say or post anything.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dont be an idiot sword. We made a little anecdote about a previous game we loved. Since when is that a such a big deal? I think you are trying to divert attention away from yourself since everyone is smelling your scum stank. I would vote you, but I dont want to make it look like an OMGUS even though you do. Ill vote you later on when you make more inevitable scum slips.
This is what I do not like about scumtells such as OMGUS. When scumtells are known, they become WIFOM as now that the mafia now that doing things like this is scummy, they will step around it. However, town must step around this scumtell too, so all it really does is make the first person that runs into this scumtell scummy. Most likely this person will be town, just because there are more of them, and then mafia will have a reason to pounce. Scumtells like over-bandwagoning, L-2, everything that is a scumtell that is already known I think just serve as roadblocks for village and[/] scum. I really think that people should just play how they want to and not even look at these roadblocks; if you think someone is scummy but they voted you, then vote them back. If you really agree with someone that made a case against someone, then vote them, even if it looks like bandwagoning, even if you really agreed some times ago.

However, then this creates more WIFOM because then it lets a free passage for mafia to do all of these things too... Which is the problem.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
When you put 'If I was scum...' that sets up WIFOM instantly. Cause then I'll be wondering if you're actually serious and did kill that said person or that you didn't. I rather people stop saying 'if I was scum' cause till proven otherwise, you are neutral. Saying stuff like that does not prove your innocents...it actually does the reverse: question it.
Way to miss my point, dude. You are either skimming or not understanding my point.

That's fine,but do it to those who hasn't been posting that much and havn't contributed. As far as you doing just that, I'm entirely unsure. You're contributing slightly, but so far the biggest thing I see about you is you acting as an activity police.
also, there is reason to be 'impatient.' We have till Monday to make a lynch, and I rather not be lynched anytime soon, especially if the case against me is inactivity. >:
There you have it. If you understand that we have good reasons to be impatient whats the problem with activity police then?

FoS: Gheb, Nick, and Cacti



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
This is what I do not like about scumtells such as OMGUS. When scumtells are known, they become WIFOM as now that the mafia now that doing things like this is scummy, they will step around it. However, town must step around this scumtell too, so all it really does is make the first person that runs into this scumtell scummy. Most likely this person will be town, just because there are more of them, and then mafia will have a reason to pounce. Scumtells like over-bandwagoning, L-2, everything that is a scumtell that is already known I think just serve as roadblocks for village and[/] scum. I really think that people should just play how they want to and not even look at these roadblocks; if you think someone is scummy but they voted you, then vote them back. If you really agree with someone that made a case against someone, then vote them, even if it looks like bandwagoning, even if you really agreed some times ago.

However, then this creates more WIFOM because then it lets a free passage for mafia to do all of these things too... Which is the problem.

God this whole post is...

What? lol

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
When scumtells are known, they become WIFOM as now that the mafia now that doing things like this is scummy, they will step around it.

and the whole story just doesnt fit together, might just be a language barrier : (


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Nice catch kevin. I'm going to build a little on this.
Read everything.

I agree with the case against Swords.

Vote: Swordsrbroken
Here he just says, i agree with the case against me, but he doesn't contribute squat.

Imo there's not much going on, Rockin was inactive and people called him out on that so he responded. Gheb is doing what he always does. Still think swords is scum because of his behavoir and posts.
Yes, but say WHY you think i'm scum. Saying i think person A is scum but not backing it up with reasoning is bad play.


and the whole story just doesnt fit together, might just be a language barrier : (
This is his most recent post. He has not contributed squat, he has basically said that he thinks i'm scum for reasons that haven't really been explained, and he has basically been parroting when he "contributes".

unvote Vote: Xonar

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
What's there to contribute at this point in time?

I can name my reasons to think you're scum, but I'll just be repeating what everyone has said before, that ain't contributing either.
Day1 isn't fruitful, but if you guys want me to really make a post I'll conjure something..

First 5 pages are bullcrap, then the first post that actually states something was by KevinM, as a response to how he'd like to start getting something going:
Preferably by lynching the Hydras ^_^
Multiple ways to read this, so I'll leave it alone.

Next thing that caught my eye was by Gheb:
However, the behaviour of certain players leads to the conclusion that certain night actions - at least one - did happen. Some of the more attentive players might have noticed by now.
After which he gets voted on for rolefishing. Think this is a sensitive case here on SWF, as I've been burned in my other game for 'rolefishing' too, so I won't continue with this comment.
Gheb replies by saying he wasn't rolefishing blabla which is true, imo.

Scum co. replies by asking how Gheb is aware of the presence of some PR, which looks like rolefishing to me, or at least they want information about all the players. Gheb seems to know more then us, Scum seems to want to know it, but their post looks scummy to me.

Omis replies with this:
Gheb has most definitely been rolefishing and that is really dumb. He says that he isnt doing so but rather pointing out what is already in the thread. While this is a point, it is only a point that an idiot would argue. What you are doing is the same as exposing breadcrumbs and we all know that serves no purpose. Stop being stupid;stop talking about said person.
Which I don't agree with, except for the conclusion. Still it looks like Omis knows what Gheb knows, keyword: 'looks'

Rockin blames him for rolefishing too, blabla. You guys should l2recognize true rolefishing.

Nicholas does the same, and hypes up a wagon. All pretty unnecessary if you ask me. GJ nicholas, you raised on my scumlist.
Swords same story.

Then people continue to put him at L-2(!) until Kevin wakes you guys up, geez.
Did you guys seriously just put him at L-2 with NO reasoning?
My mind is blown.
Blown indeed.

Then Omis replies with this.
My mind is more blown that Kevin and I both agree that someone is being an idiot. That alone proves that all three of you are scum.
Huh? Wasn't he on the other side in his last post?

Discussion discussion...
Then Gheb posts a nice post, which saves his ***.

Swords backs out, rockin backs out
cacti keeps pushing, scum co keeps pushing
Fresh hops on cacti for no apparent reason.

Now people are pushing Swords wagon hopping, while Rockin does the same. I ignored Rockin here, :/
gheb joins the vote on cacti by fresh
Blabla swords votes but rockin stays under the radar

Rockin goes berserk on this **** and makes some interesting statements.

Lala that's all
Scum co needs to join us
Some changes in my scumlist but it's kinda disoriented in this game.

This post pretty much has no info in it though, because nothing really happened of much importance.

Vote: Rockin he + Swords are scum or Omis + gheb


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 1 Votes
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[2] Swords (KevinM, Cacti)
[1] Rockin (Xonar)
[1] Scum Co (Gheb)
[1] Xonar (Swords)
[5] Not Voting (Scum Co, Omis, Rockin, Siivi, Nic)

With 11 in the class room, it takes 6 to suspend.

Deadline is tomorrow (Monday) night at 11:59.
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