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Getting Schooled Mafia- Cult Wins!


So Fresh

I figure if it counted at all, it would have counted as a vote toward the name of So Fresh, not just one half, but my over-arching point was that I essentially did the same thing Blue did, regardless if it counted or not, I was just wondering if you saw it the same way. I also realize you only called him out for not unvoting yet, but seemed to imply later it was bad in general.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I saw it as a joke vote because if you were to vote So Fresh I would have called you out on it.

But voting Macman who technically isn't in this game shouldn't count as a self vote.

So Fresh

I like it Kev, figured that's what it was, but wanted to see what you would say.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
also guys, i'm pretty sure lunch is kind of like a mini-night.
Any particular reason you think this Yedi (seriously mentos and macman are WAY too easy to tell apart :p)? What do you expect to happen in a "mini-night" that's different from a real night?
We had a N0 but no kills. However, the behaviour of certain players leads to the conclusion that certain night actions - at least one - did happen. Some of the more attentive players might have noticed by now.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Don't be an idiot, macman. Calling me out for "rolefishing" is nonsense because I'm not giving any information to scum that isn't publicly available in the first place. I'm not trying to out the identity of that Power Role, I don't try to conclude his allignment and I don't paint a target on his back by pointing out that he is in this game. I haven't even pointed out what PR I am talking about, who is affected by it or who it is and I'm sure many players here aren't even aware yet that he's in the game. Don't make a big deal out of nothing.


Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
Preferably by lynching the Hydras ^_^
Just because we two are one, doesn't differ our alignment in any form. Random wagons used to be appealing, but once you reach beyond that and add meaning to those wagons you may actually advance as a player. Look back at past D1s here, how many successfully lynch scum, and how many leave town bleeding out the side never recovering from that day? It is true, D1 is the most important Day in all of mafia. By doing these worthless random wagons you are accomplishing nothing. What pressure is being added if you have nothing to pressure? What basis does your vote count, besides your own whim? Do not make D1 a joke again. Do not make us suffer a fate, which we do not seek.

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
Don't be an idiot, macman. Calling me out for "rolefishing" is nonsense because I'm not giving any information to scum that isn't publicly available in the first place. I'm not trying to out the identity of that Power Role, I don't try to conclude his allignment and I don't paint a target on his back by pointing out that he is in this game. I haven't even pointed out what PR I am talking about, who is affected by it or who it is and I'm sure many players here aren't even aware yet that he's in the game. Don't make a big deal out of nothing.

And how are you aware that he is in the game?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Look back at past D1s here, how many successfully lynch scum
Wonderland, Monster Island and TS Mafia are 3 recent games where a scumbag was lynched D1.

and how many leave town bleeding out the side never recovering from that day?
I can't think of any recent game where something like that happened. The only one that comes close to it is Simpsons Mafia because Cacti had one of the most important roles but he messed up D1 since he was new. Other than that no D1 mislynch left the town "bleeding from the sides never recovering from that day." That usually happens when we NL.

And how are you aware that he is in the game?
I am not "aware" that he is in this game but it's likely to be the case.

The behaviour of certain players leads to the conclusion that certain night actions - at least one - did happen.

Scum Co.

Dec 8, 2009
Now, were any of those from a random wagon lynch?

I know Wonderland, and Monster Island were not.

Also, look at Final Fantasy Mafia, it never recovered. Up until recently I had not seen a scumbag almost ever lynched on D1. It is a good new trend, but it is not besauce of random wagons.

You are not aware? You said you were.

Poor pitiful soul, already drowning in his own.

So Fresh

Any particular reason you think this Yedi (seriously mentos and macman are WAY too easy to tell apart :p)? What do you expect to happen in a "mini-night" that's different from a real night?

Why would you ask me this? All I could possibly know about what could happen during Lunchtime is whatever was dictated in my role. By asking me this, you are trying to obtain information that would be based on whether or not I had a power role that can be used during lunchtime. Hence rolefishing.

we also lynched scum d1 in BWM mafia. We've been on a roll recently.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Gheb has most definitely been rolefishing and that is really dumb. He says that he isnt doing so but rather pointing out what is already in the thread. While this is a point, it is only a point that an idiot would argue. What you are doing is the same as exposing breadcrumbs and we all know that serves no purpose. Stop being stupid;stop talking about said person.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Don't be an idiot, macman. Calling me out for "rolefishing" is nonsense because I'm not giving any information to scum that isn't publicly available in the first place.
Any particular reason you think this Yedi (seriously mentos and macman are WAY too easy to tell apart :p)? What do you expect to happen in a "mini-night" that's different from a real night?
We had a N0 but no kills. However, the behaviour of certain players leads to the conclusion that certain night actions - at least one - did happen. Some of the more attentive players might have noticed by now.

Bold = rooooooolefishing.

stop that. >:

Now, explain to be the ruleset of hydras? I only ask cause I'm very curious about them. I only heard of one in L4D, and so far it just seems similar to a 'close mason/lover' in name tag form. I'm assuming that if you lynch a hydras, you lynch two of those people and not just one, cause they're sharing said account).

Tell me KevinM, why so wanting to lynch the hydras?


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[2] So Fresh (Cacti, KevinM)
[2] Cacti (Swords, Xonar)
[1] Xonar (Gheb)
[1] KevinM (Rockin)
[1] Rockin (Siivi)
[1] Gheb (So Fresh)
[3] Not Voting (Scum Co, Omis, Nicholas)

With 12 in the class room, it takes 7 to suspend.


since I'm a hydra, does that mean I can get lynched twice?
Now, explain to be the ruleset of hydras? I only ask cause I'm very curious about them. I only heard of one in L4D, and so far it just seems similar to a 'close mason/lover' in name tag form. I'm assuming that if you lynch a hydras, you lynch two of those people and not just one, cause they're sharing said account).
Hydras count as one person. They have one vote and one life. It's the same as anyone else in this game, except two people have access to the account and can talk about it among themselves.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Also my reasoning for wanting to lynch the Hydras is so that I don't have to deal with two conflicting playstyles messing up my scumdar all game on 3 separate people.

So Fresh

Why do people say anything? You should let the guy getting wagoned respond before casting suspicion on the people who got on his wagon. If gheb feels that people are suspicious of the people who wagoned him, he won't feel nearly as much pressure from the wagon.

And plus Kevin, you know that noone ever gets quicklynched. And even if they do, thanks mafia for giving us the game.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I'm not worried about a quick lynch, I'm worried about 4 people riding super fast votes and then just being able to go, LOL EVRYONE ELSE DID IT

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I challenge everybody who accuses me of "rolefishing" to point out where and in what manner I have been doing so. Hinting at the existence of a PR is not the same as rolefishing as long as I don't try to deduce the identity of said power role or make any information available that isn't. What I've been saying:
"The behaviour of certain players leads me to believe that a night action took place."
So in what way exactly am I fishing here? I'm not saying stuff like "player X has role Y because of Z" and I have not revealed anything that other players are not supposed to know. Not to mention the fact that I simply could be wrong about the power role I have in mind and that it's something different.

Though it's good to see how much people here look into null-tells and like misconstrueing what I said enough to wagon me to L-2 without any discussion at all or giving me the opportunity to respond. Of the people on my wagon I want Siivi, Cacti and Swords (and only them) to answer this: Do you think you know which PR I am talking about (without actually revealing it) and if you do, what harm would it do to out it or talk about its existence? Unless you can answer this question it's very likely that we have a 1/3 chance of lynching scum D1 because when 3 people hop a wagon for no other reason than to just hop it then the mere statistics already indicate that one of you could easily be scum. Especially when all of these hop a wagon in a highly suspicious and unjustified manner.
I will place my vote on one of those 3 players depending on their answers.


So Fresh

Gheb, you haven't addressed what I brought up in my post. By asking me why I thought lynch was like a midnight, you are gauging me for any potential information my role gave me about what actions can be done during lunch. How else did you expect me to answer that question without relying on the info my role presented?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Wow! Gheb is at L-2 already? Unvote

Of the people on my wagon I want Siivi, Cacti and Swords (and only them) to answer this: Do you think you know which PR I am talking about (without actually revealing it) and if you do, what harm would it do to out it or talk about its existence? Unless you can answer this question it's very likely that we have a 1/3 chance of lynching scum D1 because when 3 people hop a wagon for no other reason than to just hop it then the mere statistics already indicate that one of you could easily be scum. Especially when all of these hop a wagon in a highly suspicious and unjustified manner.
I will place my vote on one of those 3 players depending on their answers.

It seemed like you were fishing for a killing PR, because you said that there were no night kills. I hopped the wagon for the pressure, i didn't know that it would get to L-2 that fast.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
How would he be fishing for a killing role by saying it appeared a night action took place and there was no kill...?

The mind reels.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 1 Votes
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[1] So Fresh (KevinM)
[1] Cacti (Xonar)
[1] Xonar (Gheb)
[1] KevinM (Rockin)
[4] Gheb (So Fresh, Nic, Siivi, Cacti)
[2] Not Voting (Scum Co, Omis)

With 12 in the class room, it takes 7 to suspend.

Lunch begins Monday morning when I wake up.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Voted him because he brought up that there are some tells that would allude to a night action. Mafia not knowing these tells could then search for them and maybe pick them up because you said that, and then kill that person who is a power role. While I do not know that these tells are, this is a possibility.

I really don't get what's so bad about L-2... If mafia quickhammers, we have found mafia, and I would gladly trade town for mafia.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
It seemed like you were fishing for a killing PR, because you said that there were no night kills. I hopped the wagon for the pressure, i didn't know that it would get to L-2 that fast.
How does does the fact that nobody dies N0 correspond with the idea that there could be a killing PR? There could be one but that's all we know and it's not like that option doesn't exist in every other game. Either way you miss the point which is the true problem of "fishing": I'm not trying to reveal the identity of a PR and I'm not trying to make scum aware of anything specific or of anything that they aren't already aware of.

Voted him because he brought up that there are some tells that would allude to a night action. Mafia not knowing these tells could then search for them and maybe pick them up because you said that, and then kill that person who is a power role. While I do not know that these tells are, this is a possibility.
This is nonsense. My explanation on that presumed PR was so vague that it can barely be described as an explantion at all. I basically said "hey there are PRs in this game who do their thing at night!" Obviously that's totally fishing, m i rite?

I really don't get what's so bad about L-2... If mafia quickhammers, we have found mafia, and I would gladly trade town for mafia.
It's not the fact that I'm being put @L-2 that bothers me. In fact it doesn't bother me at all. It's the manner that people are hopping that wagon that's so suspicious. Especially since it's a blatant null-tell.



Dec 2, 2009
&quot;Oh snaaaap, can I play.&quot; - Disney Mafia
Any particular reason you think this Yedi (seriously mentos and macman are WAY too easy to tell apart )? What do you expect to happen in a "mini-night" that's different from a real night?
We had a N0 but no kills. However, the behaviour of certain players leads to the conclusion that certain night actions - at least one - did happen. Some of the more attentive players might have noticed by now.
Passively pressing for others to look into behaviour for what have happened at night!
Fueling the fire to discuss such things causes a fright!
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