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Getting Schooled Mafia- Cult Wins!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Ohhh, sorry, didn't see that. unvote But regardless, i'd still like you to post answers to my questions.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
If Siivi's restriction isnt faked Hando is a horrible mod. No offense but posting restrictions are so aggravating.

Why was scum written all over my name?


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Time for lunch! It will end tonight at sometime (or tomorrow morning, I'm driving back from AL).


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Lunch Break is Over! I hope that was refreshing. It's time to get some learn in your brain.

Day 3 Votes:
[1] Nic (Rockin)
[1] Xonar (Scum Co)
[1] Cacti (Swords)
[1] Omis (Siivi)
[5] Not Voting (Gheb, Cacti, Xonar, Omis, Nic)


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I'll give more detail later, but the short of it is, I'd be satisfied with an Omis lynch today.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
All right, after reviewing D1, here's the case so far against Omis:

Point 1, Activity:
He's been lurking quite a bit. As of this point, he has 24 posts, which is tied with KevinM (who was lynched evening 1) and 2 ahead of So Fresh (who was NK'd Lunch 1). The only player below him in post count (that is still alive) is Cacti.

Point 2, Relation to KevinM:
Omis never clashed with KevinM during D1, and agreed with him several times. The same goes in the other direction. He and KevinM (in that order) blew up the Gheb wagon (the reason he was being wagoned was rolefishing), and later KevinM called out Swords, and Omis quickly followed suit. In fact, he even remarks on how he's agreeing with KevinM, shown below.

My mind is more blown that Kevin and I both agree that someone is being an idiot. That alone proves that all three of you are scum.
Kevin has my thoughts exactly.
*I mean I totally would not approve if someone followed suit to me! My level of votes and whatnot is the perfect amount. Past me is scum!*
Later, all he did was clash with me on whether or not L-1 is a bad thing. (Although after TV-allstar mafia, I'm beginning to come around to Gheb's view of the matter.)

Note the vote-count below. Omis was not on KevinM's wagon. Admittedly, it was basically a quick-lynch once I revealed my track result, but it doesn't work in his favor.
[1] Blue Yoshi (Blue Yoshi)
[2] Swords (KevinM, Cacti)
[6] KevinM (Scum Co, Nic, Swords, Siivi, Gheb, Xonar)
[2] Not Voting (Omis, Rockin)

With 11 in the class room, it takes 6 to suspend.
Later I'll re-read D2 and D3 and see if anything changes my opinion.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
1.) Ive never been a big poster. I understand that you know that because you and I havent played many if any games together but thats just how I play. I sit back and wait until something catches my eye and then I pounce on it. Its what I do.

2.) Again, another thing that you dont know because you are new; Kevin and I never agree. Ever since our first game together, we have always been at each other heads. We just dont mesh well as people. Seeing as both of those comments were early in the day, you can pretty well deduce that I was just playing around and making a joke about how we finally agreed on something. Buddying like that wouldnt really make sense.

3.) The lynch took place in little under two hours. I wasnt even on during those two hours. That point is 100% invalid.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
1.) Ive never been a big poster. I understand that you know that because you and I havent played many if any games together but thats just how I play. I sit back and wait until something catches my eye and then I pounce on it. Its what I do.

2.) Again, another thing that you dont know because you are new; Kevin and I never agree. Ever since our first game together, we have always been at each other heads. We just dont mesh well as people. Seeing as both of those comments were early in the day, you can pretty well deduce that I was just playing around and making a joke about how we finally agreed on something. Buddying like that wouldnt really make sense.

3.) The lynch took place in little under two hours. I wasnt even on during those two hours. That point is 100% invalid.
Fair enough, but I'd like more than just a defense. Omis, who is scum, and why?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2009
Ann Arbor, Michigan
I don't think there's a scum in Nick vs. Rockin. I think that there is either some sort of framer/driver out there that has powers to mess with Rockin's report, as there seems to be a lot of investigative roles, but I can't rule out the possibility that Nick is tracker survivor. I believe Rockin's claim.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
That post didn't look to be a form of a question, but anyway...

I'm sure i'd get a different alignment from him, cause that's how it looks in a regular cop, so I don;t think it'd be much different. However, I doubt Nick is a miller nor someone being framed cause it makes very little sense for a framer to throw it at a person who single handedly found scum D1.

Vote is still staying on Nick. I don't mind swining the vote on Xonar too much, but I perfer Nick.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Rockin, please stop following the results of your investigation and try and scumhunt.
I would, but there isn't a lot to work with. Not a lot has been said for the past Days, so I'm mainly just going with whatever investigation result I got. D4 may look a bit better (assuming I'm not lynched). Till then, I'm sticking with who I want to lynch. If there's someone else that's been scummy to lynch, I'll swing my vote their way.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Wait, so you're not considering the possibility of a lawyer/framer? What if he framed nick so as to make you get a guilty result from him. Try asking questions instead of just sticking with the investigation results, it's better for the town. There are too many possible things to think of as far as investigations go, so just scumhunt.

Omis, who do you think is scum and why? What is your opinion on the Nick/rockin situation?

Gheb, has anyone else besides rockin stood out as scummy to you?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Swords, I think Omis is the most suspicious. I still have a bad feeling about how he nudged the whole "rolefishing" null-tell D1 and his recent passivity makes me consider him stalling.

Vote Omis

I want to hear more from Siivi. Isn't he supposed to have reports now?



my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
One thing Im really hating is how Siivi is playing or has to play. It seems as if he is using his restriction as a reason not to post.

I dont like how Gheb was such an unnecasary hard *** about the self vote thing. Not sure if its anything of importance but it caught my eye.

I didnt like it before and I like it even less now that he has voted for me. Gheb you did rolephish. Its not important but using that as the basis of your vote for me is extremely bogus.

Gheb got really upset it seems when started calling him out on rolephishing. Something obviously isnt "a blantant no tell" when so many agree.

Gheb does however gain some town points for refuting Kevin saying that a newb would like to get rid of So Fresh. It would have been pretty easy to ride with that opinion so it seems townie to not do so.

I dont like how people pretty much completely forgot about Swords really scummy behavior day one. It seems like once PRs started claiming people forgot about everything else. Im going to try to get most of my stuff from D1 since the other days were pretty lame in my book. Oh and he was buddying Gheb a lot.

Swords jumping of Scum Co and I over two posts about Stratford was pretty dumb. I think he was hoping that someone else would agree. Idk I just made a deal about it at the time so I thought Id bring it up again.

I think Cacti's @191 was accusing me but Im not really sure. That was formulated very awkwardly.

Sword's 198 seems to big back pretty heavily off of Kevin. He seems to be using the "an experienced player agrees with me so that gives me full reign and be ok if Im wrong." Dont like it at all.

I dont like how Xonar responds to pressure about his inactivity by saying that its ok because Day 1 doesnt matter. Very lame.

So those are my sparknotes of D1. Will be posting some more on D2 later on. Right now im really not liking Swords. Gheb, while aggravating, gained some townie points from me. Siivi just seems pretty neutral to me as he never took any hard stances. Rockin is lookin ok to me. Mostly just Swords caught my eye.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Day 3 Votes:
[1] Nic (Rockin)
[1] Xonar (Scum Co)
[1] Cacti (Swords)
[1] Omis (Siivi)
[5] Not Voting (Cacti, Xonar, Omis, Nic, Gheb)

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to suspend.

I'm leaving for pound tomorrow, so Tom will be modding.

Deadline is Friday night, 11:59 pm.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Omis, are you done basically parroting what kevin said? I mean gosh, you seemed to be buddying kevin during D1, and you disappeared for most of D2. Now that the pressure is on you, you seem to be trying to find someone to vote on that has already had a case on him. So that big post that you just made seemed like parroting what kevin said (least it did to me).

I'm going to unvote for now. Omis is on my scumdar right now, along with Cacti and possibly rockin.
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