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Georgia: What are we going to do?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Here's how i view your post from my perspective

so, antic wants me to enter tournaments in a game that I'm not interested in improving in at all and don't want to play?
I've already wasted $50 on the game, and he wants me to enter tournaments for money where I won't have fun?
Since the two games are extremely different, I couldn't really use my melee experience to win anyway.

Here, tell me how it looks when i say it

Why don't you guys enter Melee tournaments? Seriously, don't even practice for them, just enter them for the sake of it, Any person you play against who you don't have any real remembrance of being on smashboards or playing brawl, ask them about it. Tell them how you have brawl experience therefore you use that to beat people in melee. Ask them to try it out and that you'll help them, Makes friends with newbies during tournaments. I never see anyone do that.

doesn't work


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
Here's how i view your post from my perspective

so, antic wants me to enter tournaments in a game that I'm not interested in improving in at all and don't want to play?
I've already wasted $50 on the game, and he wants me to enter tournaments for money where I won't have fun?
Since the two games are extremely different, I couldn't really use my melee experience to win anyway.

Here, tell me how it looks when i say it

Why don't you guys enter Melee tournaments? Seriously, don't even practice for them, just enter them for the sake of it, Any person you play against who you don't have any real remembrance of being on smashboards or playing brawl, ask them about it. Tell them how you have brawl experience therefore you use that to beat people in melee. Ask them to try it out and that you'll help them, Makes friends with newbies during tournaments. I never see anyone do that.

doesn't work
Melee's still technical. You can't really learn melee by playing brawl all day. Sleepy you don't play brawl but I'm sure you're better than more than half of GA. You come toe to toe with Desu supposedly and he's in the top 3. You have to know how to space and punish, guess what your opponents doing and so forth, because it's essential in Melee. In Brawl it's not really necessary if you can chain grab, shuttle loop, press b for MK, etc. You really can't expect to win a Melee match with brawl experience. But melee players seemingly brag about how they can beat brawl players with just 10 minutes of training mode (like Chaddd and XIF, but then again.. it's Chaddd and XIF). You don't have to enter a tournament considering you're seeing it as more of a waste of money for something that doesn't work. But i mean you come in to Waba in a somewhat regular basis. Play friendlies and do the same thing i just said a moment ago. If you're constantly beating someone ask them do they play melee and if not maybe they should start, because skills from that game pass to Brawl. I mean that's the whole reason i started playing. SoFT beat me in teams for brawl one day and talked about melee while we were going to BK, So i decided to play melee from then on, or at least practice it. You can't say something doesn't work when I know of someone who basically got recruited the same way.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
wow, great job with this thread guys, really class A. I hope someday to be you guys, using helpful threads as instant messenger. You doods are sooooo coool. You know the coolest thing about it? you can post something, look at anime porn, then WAIT and when you want to, you can see if anyone replied!!! Its great, its almost as if you have no responsibility to the conversation at allllllll, hurrrayyyy for the internet!!!!!!!!!

edit: people who this isnt directed towards, you probably know who you are, if you are questioning whether it is or not, it probably is in ways you cant even comprehend.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
I like 4th gen because it made it alot more offense oriented. Even skarmory has problems staying in on some physical attacks. It's far more fast paced than other gens IMO.

The thing that really put garchomp over the edge was yache berry. He was like toe-ing the line of uber and OU and then people realized that he needs that ice weakness to be at all balanced. Even then for me its iffy if yache berry is out of the picture. I used garchomp before, and it really takes only a weavile or donphan to show up to put the fear in garchomp (or completely ruin outrage). But aside from that there's nothing.

I think more importantly is that they need to stop d1cking around and ban skymin already.

As for the actual topic on hand, and the georgia scene.

Hopefully next semester i'm off of dad cancelled house arrest. But before that, and afterwards, I just play alot.

It's really not a difficult concept here people. Smash isnt a job or a task, its a game. just play it a whole bunch and if you have an inkling of skill or motivation you'll get better. The problem is that people are lazy and won't drive anywhere, or wont host anything. It's like they like a game and then call it a hassle.

just play until your eyes bleed, thats what i did.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
here is another problem with this community(mostly melee) that we need to address.

"I don't wanna play with these guys. They'll drag down my skill. I just want to play with the good players and I want to get better so I can and I want and then I...I...I"

yes, you know who you are.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
how are melee matches recorded?

when i said that i don't mean with camera, is it only DVD recording? Or is there a capture card or something or another.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
here is another problem with this community(mostly melee) that we need to address.

"I don't wanna play with these guys. They'll drag down my skill. I just want to play with the good players and I want to get better so I can and I want and then I...I...I"

yes, you know who you are.
mikey's right, fvck it, if you still lose stocks to any player, then they can help you get better.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
mikey's right, fvck it, if you still lose stocks to any player, then they can help you get better.
lol yeah you got my point exactly.

but all jokes aside you should know wat i'm trying to say. I mean, It was Lambchops that trained u right?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I think the easiest way to get people into melee is to introduce them to Brawl first, then after they get the concept down and find it fun. Their new friends can introduce them to melee and they can play both for fun. After today though, I find Brawl more fun. I played like 5 hours of melee and 3 of Brawl after. The Brawl ones were more fun to me. Maybe because I was beating *** and getting my *** beat in melee? I don't know lol


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
I think the easiest way to get people into melee is to introduce them to Brawl first, then after they get the concept down and find it fun.
I disagree. Is it really fair for someone who is just getting into the community themselves to say "the easiest" way to get people into melee is . . . etc. I dont really see the use in wasting their time, most people who would like competitive melee actually wouldnt like brawl. Melee appeals to the more marvel/chess crowd while brawl seems to appeal to the more inuyasha/fanboy crowd. I say go straight into melee, if we are molding and expecting these people to quickly make and learn the same dogma, and overcome the same obstacles, that took people like me and mikey yearssssss to get down then we need get it on it quick and push them quickly through the "red tape" of competitive play. You stated that you "think" thats how it should be done, im just doin the same thing, no matter what though pushing people towards smash in any sense is a good idea.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I disagree. Is it really fair for someone who is just getting into the community themselves to say "the easiest" way to get people into melee is . . . etc. I dont really see the use in wasting their time, most people who would like competitive melee actually wouldnt like brawl. Melee appeals to the more marvel/chess crowd while brawl seems to appeal to the more inuyasha/fanboy crowd. I say go straight into melee, if we are molding and expecting these people to quickly make and learn the same dogma, and overcome the same obstacles, that took people like me and mikey yearssssss to get down then we need get it on it quick and push them quickly through the "red tape" of competitive play. You stated that you "think" thats how it should be done, im just doin the same thing, no matter what though pushing people towards smash in any sense is a good idea.
I have a friend from work who is going to play with us. We'll see which one he wants to learn if not both. He is more competitive, but hes a busy person and not really a competitive gamer. He just has the competitive personality.

"to appeal to the more inuyasha/fanboy crowd"


Why I said that is because look at AntiC, VietG, and whoever is about to start playing melee(so they say). Where did they start? Brawl.

I'd go look for cool brawl vids myself but to be honest I'm a bit busy getting ready for Tipped off 4 so I don't get wreck'd quite as hard.

That one is cool =]


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
where did all the people who still play smash 64 start out?
smash 64

Antic, the goal here is to get people to play melee more, not get melee players to play brawl. nice underhandedness there, clever dan. You're telling us that the only reason you stared playing melee is to improve your brawl game.
So, when will you be done with melee and go pro brawl?

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
:| i dont really want to go back to melee i mean its over
my friends are really good at melee but i dont think they'd be intrested in tournys for it
im trying to convince them to go to brawl tournys and they seem kind of intrested
ill keep trying. bleh until ga can get its **** together i will continue to attend tourneys in fl <_<


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
where did all the people who still play smash 64 start out?
smash 64

Antic, the goal here is to get people to play melee more, not get melee players to play brawl. nice underhandedness there, clever dan. You're telling us that the only reason you stared playing melee is to improve your brawl game.
So, when will you be done with melee and go pro brawl?
What's wrong with playing both? Don't try to scare someone into something they don't want to do. If he rather do Brawl more, then let him. Both are a pass time. Pass times are supposed to be fun.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
nothing, other than the fact that outside of top-top-top level play (read: mew2king and cort) people only play one of the games. Antic has said himself that he's playing melee to

further his brawl game.

sides, I'd rather have people play a more competitive game than a less competitive one. It's a much more rewarding pastime.

He doesn't have to listen to me if he doesn't want to, lol.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
nothing, other than the fact that outside of top-top-top level play (read: mew2king and cort) people only play one of the games. Antic has said himself that he's playing melee to

further his brawl game.

sides, I'd rather have people play a more competitive game than a less competitive one. It's a much more rewarding pastime.

He doesn't have to listen to me if he doesn't want to, lol.
Ya but it's like saying "So when you ditching us huh?"

I'll play both

If it's to strengthen his Brawl game, then all the power to him. You should support your friends not try to sway their decisions :p


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
once again, he doesn't have to listen to me, lol.
He's also trying to get... well, me to play brawl <_<
so same to him :p
And if a friend of mine were to want to decide between maple story and ragnarok

I think it'd be in both our best interests for me to steer him clear of craple story.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
once again, he doesn't have to listen to me, lol.
He's also trying to get... well, me to play brawl <_<
so same to him :p
And if a friend of mine were to want to decide between maple story and ragnarok

I think it'd be in both our best interests for me to steer him clear of craple story.
Well if you don't enjoy playing Brawl, then you shouldn't. If he doesn't enjoy playing Melee, then he shouldn't. He really doesn't NEED melee to improve his game. I enjoy both, so I'll play both. I enjoy Brawl more, so I'll probably play it more.

You shouldn't make yourself unhappy in any way to reach someone else's expectations, except maybe your girl or manager so that you can move higher up in life, but that's a whole different situation lol

BTW you should play guild wars. It's better than both!


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I think he's said he likes Melee though :D

i should. I played a weekend trial, and it was pretty good. I dunno though, I've been on a "don't pay for games" streak as of late.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I think he's said he likes Melee though :D

i should. I played a weekend trial, and it was pretty good. I dunno though, I've been on a "don't pay for games" streak as of late.
If he likes it that much then he won't leave the melee scene then. No problems there.

well you have to buy the game, but you don't have to play for the online play. It's a good game for free online play. Just spend like 20 bucks on the first version. There's like 3 more expansions to it though if you REALLY like it,


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
once again, he doesn't have to listen to me, lol.
He's also trying to get... well, me to play brawl <_<
so same to him :p
And if a friend of mine were to want to decide between maple story and ragnarok

I think it'd be in both our best interests for me to steer him clear of craple story.
My first intention is to play melee to get better at brawl. Period, everyone i know who's good at brawl is also at least some what good at melee, desu, fmtl, biglou, reflex, everyone who's up top has played melee in the past. Does that mean when i start getting good placing in brawl i'm going to stop playing melee? No, melee is always a learning experience for me, every day i feel myself getting better and i always have fun with it. So i'm not going to stop, but brawl is what i started with and what i'm intentionally trying to get better at, so (take this as bad of a way as you want), but i'm going to keep playing brawl to get money.

Melee's technical side makes me give it a 10 because i feel rewarded playing matches against other and continuing to practice

Brawl is just silly and fun so i give it a 10. No point in leave two amazing games right? ( i mean come on, i got hit by g&w's judgment at least 20 times, good stuff right? Riiight?)


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Wes, are you thinking about coming to Georgia Southern?? I heard some rumors about that.
Nah, sorry bro no truth to that at all. You still playin at all? If so you gonna be back for thanksgivin? Mike G's a trucker now, and i still havent seen a lot of you doods so me and a couple of other people were thinkin about gettin a fest together somewhere in North Atlanta next fri or sat. Lemme know man, about the G.Southern thing, maybe someone heard me say i went to GSU and assumed it meant southern? If you're still playin, get some kids down there good ^_^, or move back to atlanta haha =P


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
Nah, sorry bro no truth to that at all. You still playin at all? If so you gonna be back for thanksgivin? Mike G's a trucker now, and i still havent seen a lot of you doods so me and a couple of other people were thinkin about gettin a fest together somewhere in North Atlanta next fri or sat. Lemme know man, about the G.Southern thing, maybe someone heard me say i went to GSU and assumed it meant southern? If you're still playin, get some kids down there good ^_^, or move back to atlanta haha =P
Oh well. But yeah, I just got back today and I'm ready to play some smash. If you had a smashfest friday or something, that'd be great. I went to that tournament in middle GA today and got beat by Dogy Samich (**** you) so I need to get back to where I was. I'm a bit rusty.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Oh well. But yeah, I just got back today and I'm ready to play some smash. If you had a smashfest friday or something, that'd be great. I went to that tournament in middle GA today and got beat by Dogy Samich (**** you) so I need to get back to where I was. I'm a bit rusty.
yeah no problem man, i'll try to let everyone know what we figure out, and i understand the rust thing, im finally shakin it off from bein in europe so long, and then im goin back in 3 weeks lol, hopefully i'll be straight by T04, which is gonna be sickkkkkk


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Wes, are you thinking about coming to Georgia Southern?? I heard some rumors about that.
Nah, sorry bro no truth to that at all. You still playin at all? If so you gonna be back for thanksgivin? Mike G's a trucker now, and i still havent seen a lot of you doods so me and a couple of other people were thinkin about gettin a fest together somewhere in North Atlanta next fri or sat. Lemme know man, about the G.Southern thing, maybe someone heard me say i went to GSU and assumed it meant southern? If you're still playin, get some kids down there good ^_^, or move back to atlanta haha =P
Yeah, that was me when you im'd me wes. My bad carter. >.>

I went to that tournament in middle GA today and got beat by Dogy Samich (**** you) so I need to get back to where I was. I'm a bit rusty.
Beat your ***? Apparently you forgot set 1 in grand finals where you steamrolled my **** 3-0. XD


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Thanksgiving Weekend (next weekend)

Is there any get together or smash fest planned for GA?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
America's foes just felt the earth tremble.
Fall at the feet of Atlanta Falcon III

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
Nobody is interested in joining a community of strangers to play a game they've never (or barely) played before. That almost never happens. I came into the community that way, just because I was bored with Halo and watched a bunch of Smash vids on VOD and thought it looked fun, but I am pretty sure 99% of the time that is not why people get interested.

People don't want to put in that kind of effort for strangers. But if their friends introduce them to competitive Smash, show them the ropes, and gently introduce them to the tournament scene without making them feel like complete garbage (i.e., don't 4-stock them every match just because you can--it's incredibly discouraging), then they may actually be willing to put in the effort to become good at the game and bolster the community.

So surely you all have gamer friends who don't play Smash. Those are the people you need to be talking to, not random kids from the anime club (unless you're in said anime club, and said kids respect you and like you enough to give the game a chance). A lot of people, believe it or not, are interested in making friends, and I think if you can show them that Smashers make awesome friends, then they won't care so much if they are garbage for a while, especially if you are willing to teach them things.

Nobody taught me anything or tried to get me into Smash, and I can't really explain why I was interested to begin with, but I CAN say if I had had Smash friends before I started playing in December 2006, who had taught me the advanced techs and showed me what a fun game it was, I would have started playing long before. And I am sure there are others like me who would love to learn a fun new game and make a bunch of new friends if people cared enough to show them.

The point is that I think some of you are thinking about this in the wrong way, thinking that you can get people interested in a video game based on the merits of the game alone and how competitive it is. For people who aren't already into competitive fighting games, this approach actually sounds really intimidating and is almost certainly not going to pique their interest. To get people interested you really need to befriend them first, then get them interested in competitive Smash. And no, you don't need to be best friends with them obviously, but I'm sure many of you have many casual friends already who are into video games--invite them to a Smashfest, emphasize the FUN aspect, not the competitive aspect, and don't exclude them once they are there. Take the time to show them things, offer encouraging feedback, etc. The reality is that being complete garbage at a game is really discouraging in an overly competitive environment, but if the people there are friendly enough then kids will want to spend the effort to get better, just to hang out with those people.

Also, I might be going to graduate school in or near Georgia next year , so I hope your community isn't dead by then if I do end up there.
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