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Georgia: What are we going to do?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
The problem with that, Chris, is that you have to play the same people that you don't like in order to get good. you can't just play with cpus and get technical to win. At the same time, It's fairly difficult not to get in a fighting game community.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
The problem with that, Chris, is that you have to play the same people that you don't like in order to get good. you can't just play with cpus and get technical to win.
In tournaments ;P I'll find people to play. If they aren't good, I'll get them to be good.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I'm sure that's true, but Starcraft is a little different from fighting games. IIRC, Desu said that your problem with diddy is all you did was throw bananas to approach - no offense, but i trust desu's judgement on brawl - it's just a different mindset.
Yeah, that's eggz, lol. he's a coo guy.

haha, hell yeah. That's what Yay does.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I'm sure that's true, but Starcraft is a little different from fighting games. IIRC, Desu said that your problem with diddy is all you did was throw bananas to approach - no offense, but i trust desu's judgement on brawl - it's just a different mindset.
Yeah, that's eggz, lol. he's a coo guy.
Desu also said "what do I even do against that stuff?" to me. I'm sure he didn't tell you that either. If I concentrate and I'm not bored with the game, then I will trash Desu's DDD and I have. I think I 3 stocked him a couple games, if not almost 3 stocked him. If I had adderal(sp) I would beat anyone in GA with Diddy lol. I just get into that "cruise control" bored, mindset and all I do is CARELESSLY throw the bananas.

Today after I got warmed up and was not yet bored of the game, I was almost 3 stocking my friend Michael every game and Michael knows my Diddy better than anyone. I need to get me some adderal.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
he did, actually.
Did you get my post in the waba thread?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Just did. I'm done "spamming" though. Don't need to get banned for it.

also, for the people crying over that. It's the rules. Follow them or go make yourself a new/free forum. It's not hard.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
We're the ATL south. We cannot be stopped.

But once again
Wes, our panel.... once again, suggestions
GAWes - mid ga
Fullmetal - north ga
Marty - north east
DogySamich - south
Alpha - east
Mike G - Mike G
(savannah person) south south
Me - 112's spot since he's inactive somewhat.

Desu - North GA
kismet2 - east GA
Elliot - atlanta area

That looks like a solid list. Feel free to exclude me from it if you want though.
I'm not sure where player-1 is from, but he seems like a good player from his results. I dunno where he lives, but if he lives in an area that isn't represented, it would make sense to put him on there, i think.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA (school yr), Miami, Fl (summer)
lol. You could be the most technical player in the entire universe, but if youse playing fox and have no idea how to mindgame... enjoy your 4 stock. But, building tech skill is the important first step for most players. Training mode is great. Just don't think it will mean anything when you go out and play real people.

Example, I went to a tournament in August and Reflex was there. I asked him for some matches and we played 2. After 2 he left to do something else. Like what? <--turn off

or like the last Brawl tournament. I watched the matches on youtube. Relex used C.Falcon lol...I don't know if that was a joke or he just doesn't want to give top Wario experience to anyone. <--turn off
Also, realize it is not Reflex's new job to teach everyone how to play against his main all day. If you wanna do that, call him up for a smashfest sometime. The guy is allowed to have some fun as well, ya know?

and also: smash bros?

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
man, i think that FullMetal and I have both made various efforts and offers to train people in Melee. While I offered to train them using Roy, FullMetal even offered to train them with GOOD characters, so I don't think that they feel excluded or unwanted. When I first got into Smash, I was getting destroyed by Mike G, Wes, and Bobby. But, that gave me a drive to practice as much as I could. I would meet up with them every chance I got and learn more, until I was able to take matches and go fairly even with them. I even do it with a bad character. The problem is that the kids playing Brawl at the moment, at least the ones in GA, don't really have that drive that I, or a lot of Melee players, had. When I hear these kids talk, they talk as if Reflex and Desu are going to win without even picking up the pad. They think they've lost even before the match starts. Now, I don't really play Brawl, and when I do, I play Peach, who isn't that great. If I can take matches off of Reflex and Desu, then you guys need to man up and just get better at the game. Have some drive. Beat these guys. Once again, I am willing to train ANYONE who wants to learn Melee or any other fighting game that I know.

Also, I do understand what you are saying about Reflex, Chris, but in all honesty, he just plays characters he enjoys. He even told me that he wants to get a feel for EVERY character in Brawl before he chooses a main character. I don't think he is intentionally trying to snub people or make them feel bad by using sub-par characters. I have played Reflex in considerably more friendlies away from the tournament scene. I think he'll just play more when not at Waba, for some reason or another.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Marietta, GA
Ill start playing meee more too, but I will probably wont play teams cuz some people will get pissed at me for being sucky =0. Id rather play one on ones until i can somewhat compete. Ive ben inspired lately to play both melee and brawl, which I see possible. Luigi is too fun in melee, so I have decided to main him too in melee. I dont know how far ill get with him though <__<.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
I'll start up smash or die again if the owner is down. There are some local guys who have been wanting to get into melee, and for a lot of them it's the only tournament within their geographical limit. SleepyK(when parents are out of town) and FullMicheal usually have a lot of smashfests. Also, I've never been a fan of tiers on the PR but it might motivate more people to play if they know their tag is gonna be displayed on a list of one of the best in the state, or I guess I should say 2nd and 3rd best since the tiers are basically just an attendance list, or at least tier 3 is. Although, I suppose if you put the the tier 2 and three list in an effeminate font and make the letters pink it might motivate smashers to get their cake up, or depending on who they are they might preffer it, lol. Anyway, just a suggestion.

PS. if you're wondering why I typed the 2 and spelled out 3 you've already lost.
LOL I TALKED to him back in september and he was cool with the idea iff you want i would help get that back up?

as apart of the melee community i cant help but feel a little at fault. i mean i come on here often talk to people and dont show up too enough tourney but i play this game at least 4times a week long periods of time. i really need too step it up myself i deeply care for the melee community and its players you guys have been mad helpful too me and showing me around and what have you.. well guess now its time for me to man up :)


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Actually, biglou, you can get away with being less skilled in teams. Teamwork/having a skilled teammate can overcome a lot of the skill deficiencies.
Even then though, you seemed surprisingly decent at Melee when I saw you play at a Waba. I don't know how long you've played melee since you appeared on the scene for brawl, but you were doing some cool stuff that caught me off guard. How long have you been secretly playing melee? XD
Luigi is a good character; and let's not forget that Tires Don Exits. You can get as good as you want to with anybody~~~~

Here's some combo vid stuff to get you pumped about luigi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asD7D1pDE8c - Pakman OH GIRL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QHTc-gG42Q - Ka-Master - Green-ish Machine 1 (kinda old)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJmagsD6_1U - Ka-Master - Green-ish Machine 2 (also old)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSE2Hctdu-k - YES

also, watch ka-master and pakman a lot :D


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Ka-Master to sexy.

Look brawl is awsome ok. I play Luigi, an Luigi is proven to be one of the only few characters with 0-death combos (at the end its alil bit of tech read but all the same give brawl somethin exciting)

The Up-B is amazing.

But nothing is better than doing a combo in Melee. Up throw into Nair into 2 uAirs into a KNEE!!! too good


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Wes, your step 2 approach, by the way, works reeaaallly well at Oxford. If you remember Holywhack, he's gotten all the people there playing melee since he's the best one there and they all want to beat him. Occasionally I go there to show them what competitive melee is like, and they all want to go to tournaments; they're just swamped with work/don't have cars a lot of the time. johns johns johns.
Personally, I think we need better advertising for our local tournies... and more Local tournies.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
I agree, a key to interesting new players in Melee is to impress them- that's the first step towards getting them to want to be able to do that themselves.

More tournaments would also help, but just moar smash in general is needed, IMHO.

@Marty- Yes and more yes. We've definitely made efforts, but I think we'll have to KEEP making efforts. :laugh:


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Those two brawl waba guys, diablo and uh, i don't remember - they wanted to play melee and they had some of the tech stuff down. <_< why weren't they there on sunday >_>

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
The problem is that the kids playing Brawl at the moment, at least the ones in GA, don't really have that drive that I, or a lot of Melee players, had.

This is one of the main reasons why it's hard to get GA as a whole up there competitively. Also the other thing I noticed is when I see myself or other peeps like fullmetal, marty etc try to help these people they always bring up the "it's too late to get better" card. (as I'm reading the first post Wes just made, he basically said the same stuff lol).

What needs to be done? being gentle just like wes said will help but we also need to be a bit rough as well. Creating a small crew in GA, bonuses for new GA players that win tourneys, challenge ladders are some ways of doing this. The crew thing will be the hardest and longest thing to accomplish because the new players will see that instead of trying to beat just one person to be the best, they'll have to deal with 4-5 peeps. He will either. 1, not care. 2, try and reach the skill level of the crew. 3. start his own crew of friends that play, random smashers to rival that crew. This kinda thing worked in nyc's early stages of melee and with the right attitude and determination will work in GA. this idea's combined with advertising will create competitive growth but like I said before will take time and thats ok. Melee isn't going anywhere.

LOL Wes's post sounds like a "fix the USA's economy" speech. *votes*


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Space Animals, Florida
Maybe I'll stop sandbagging and press the buttons. Thats a good way to start getting my competitive melee fire back.

Also to put things into perspectice without being a douche. Chris, you really arent good at melee >_> You could be with practice but right now Id focus on learning the game before making claims like youre taking #1's spot. Thats a good attitude but not a good way to make friends. And by make friends I mean have people willing to play with you.

Also LOL @ Tech skill. I have tech out the *** but this game is 75% mindgames, 25% follow up.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Marietta, GA
Actually, biglou, you can get away with being less skilled in teams. Teamwork/having a skilled teammate can overcome a lot of the skill deficiencies.
Even then though, you seemed surprisingly decent at Melee when I saw you play at a Waba. I don't know how long you've played melee since you appeared on the scene for brawl, but you were doing some cool stuff that caught me off guard. How long have you been secretly playing melee? XD
Luigi is a good character; and let's not forget that Tires Don Exits. You can get as good as you want to with anybody~~~~

Here's some combo vid stuff to get you pumped about luigi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asD7D1pDE8c - Pakman OH GIRL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QHTc-gG42Q - Ka-Master - Green-ish Machine 1 (kinda old)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJmagsD6_1U - Ka-Master - Green-ish Machine 2 (also old)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSE2Hctdu-k - YES

also, watch ka-master and pakman a lot :D
Its not really the problem that i feel like its ok to be less skilled in melee, its just that when i say play on a team with a better person, I can see them getting frusterated with me just becasue i don't do a certain team combo or I miss that edgehog or whatever. When i see them getting frusterated it begins to frusterate me, making me stray away from the game. In any ways, I plan to pick up playing melee competively as well as brawl.

O ive been playing melee since around then end of 2001, but i never really got into it competively till recently.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
ill Start Playing Meee More Too, But I Will Probably Wont Play Teams Cuz Some People Will Get Pissed At Me For Being Sucky =0. Id Rather Play One On Ones Until I Can Somewhat Compete. Ive Ben Inspired Lately To Play Both Melee And Brawl, Which I See Possible. Luigi Is Too Fun In Melee, So I Have Decided To Main Him Too In Melee. I Dont Know How Far Ill Get With Him Though <__<.
You Have Me As A Team Mate.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Hellz yea

Think you can come to Grayson Friday?

Maybe I'll stop sandbagging and press the buttons. Thats a good way to start getting my competitive melee fire back.

Also to put things into perspectice without being a douche. Chris, you really arent good at melee >_> You could be with practice but right now Id focus on learning the game before making claims like youre taking #1's spot. Thats a good attitude but not a good way to make friends. And by make friends I mean have people willing to play with you.

Also LOL @ Tech skill. I have tech out the *** but this game is 75% mindgames, 25% follow up.
lol hey man as long as I can control my character exactly how I want to, then the mind games and strategy will just be learned faster, I was just saying "taking #1 spot" to piss Chaddd off.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
aw, biglou, that's no reason for your teammates to get frustrated. It's all GGs anyway. it's not like your teammates are flawless players anyway. You can't get frustrated over a learning experience :D

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
guys(dante, Chris), I respect ur eagerness to get some smashin on but you gotta stay on topic here. serious business going on hurr.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
I'm not going to play melee to make friends BTW. I'll be going to get better and take #1 from Chaddd.

On an unrelated topic I like how I'm never suggested for anything regarding this state and Smash unless it's a crew battle because we have so many crybabies. Go team spirit.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Marietta, GA
Think you can come to Grayson Friday?

lol hey man as long as I can control my character exactly how I want to, then the mind games and strategy will just be learned faster, I was just saying "taking #1 spot" to piss Chaddd off.
Uhh if its not too far thats fine. Or we can both go to waba and play there, whatever works.

aw, biglou, that's no reason for your teammates to get frustrated. It's all GGs anyway. it's not like your teammates are flawless players anyway. You can't get frustrated over a learning experience :D
Your absolutely right but some people don't get that but your right in the sense that I shouldn't allow it to get to me.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
guys(dante, Chris), I respect ur eagerness to get some smashin on but you gotta stay on topic here. serious business going on hurr.
Got ya.

uhhh. What got me into melee were combo videos. I saw **** and it made me "wow". I'm just the kind of person that likes to make people "wow", so I just get right to it. Show them GA wes's combo video. I still can't believe C. Falcon can do some of that ****.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
that won't help Ali. Most smashers here barley leave the state

i'll come over tho :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
I wish we were back in the good ole days of smash. The days when everyone actually got along and people attended tournaments. The days when the power rankings weren't even an issue of discussion because everyone knew their places on the top 10. The days when chaddd sucked and he was just a nub.

jk <3 chaddd

Anyway, maybe I just miss having someone that I kinda looked up to (aka wanted to beat (aka Wes, Bobby, Mike G, 112))
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