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Georgia: What are we going to do?


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Tournament attendance is ****. Communications are ****. Organization is ****. And people are still arguing about brawl, it game out like 10 months ago, that argument is ****. So with an average of about 8-10 people showing up at tournaments, what are we going to do? I want this thread to be intelligent and helpful, so please dont post unless it is directly related to the topic, im sooooo tired of seeing walls of text that arent relevant to the topic in my threads.

Here is what i have to say:

Step One: Power rankings - we need them. Yes, as many of you are pointing out, how will we do a top 10 if there are barely 10 players. Answer - who cares, we'll do it the best we can, and there will be loads of arguments, the list wont be as large, prestigious, or to be honest, accurate, as it will be after several months from now if my plans (and any helpful additions from all of you Georgia smashers) succeed. The PR will force people to realize where they are in the state, and create a heightened sense of competitiveness, because at the moment, all we have is arguments and money, and thats not what this game should be about.

Step Two: New players - Everyone is *****ing at everyone for not attending tournaments, but the honest truth is, its a bigger problem than saying "********* is gay for not coming". No more than a year and a half ago, i used to go to tournaments where at least 5-10 percent (minimum) would be kids ive never seen before. Now i go since i got back from england and i know every single person, every single time. Comon guys, is the problem really that hard to see? What happened was, those kids were all neighborhood heroes, the best amongst their friends, and most of them thought they were hot **** at Smash Bros. So they went to tourneys, and got wrecked. Out of these kids (and most of you were this kid at some point unless you are Me, Bobby, Mike G., or a few others who are most likely not reading this, there are two subtypes of neighborhood heroes, the kids that get their *** beat and want to get better, and the kids that want to quit because they dont care to try. So there we have it, thats how most of you go to be in this community, you were type A. So how do we get more of these kids? I'll be honest, its difficult, now that the game is approaching its 8th birthday, most of these people have moved on to other games (like brawl or halo 3 or w/e else, i dont keep up with **** games). Honestly,most of the kids that are gone have moved on to brawl. That will constitute our biggest hopes in retaining them into our community. I hate to sound disrespectful to brawl, since this is smashboards, and i try not to be an inciter of bad feelings and arguments towards that game, but when it comes down to it; Its either them or us...... But please, dont approach these kids with "hey look at this game, its way more badass than what you're playing, **** what you're playing blah blah blah techskill" thats just gonna scare them away. These kids arent like they used to be, they're not going to take your (and mine) **** talk and use it to make them better, that used to work, now it wont. What we have to do is push them slowly into, the ones that are willing that is and most importantly GET THEIR FRIENDS INTERESTED AS WELL. and to do that, we're gonna have to be more organized, more open to these kids coming over in non-tourney situations and smashing and slowly explain to these kids that its not too late, thats the most important part!!!!! Most of them think they have no chance because its been around too long, that they cant catch up, that they "HAVE A BETTER CHANCE IN BRAWL" which im sure you've all heard, but they need to know that they may have to work for it in melee, and yes, it may be harder ,but it'll be more rewarding, the community is much tighter and rankings used to mean something (AND THEY CAN AGAIN). So this is what we must do, invite these kids to watch at tournies, to play some friendlies, and to come over for smashfest, tell them to ask their friends if they're interested, i know it seems hopeless, but here are MILLIONS of doods in this state age 14-24, literally. So statistically, there has to be more than 6 that want to show up for a smash bros tournament. So lets not make this about money, because honestly winning 16 bucks doesnt prove anything. This needs to be about playing the best and most fun game ive ever picked up, about meeting new people, travelling, holding a hobby that makes you think, and making GA better, and better, and better. So talk to your friends, see if they're interested, and DONT, i repeat DONT push new kids out of the community by scaring them, it doesnt make you cool to be in some exclusive club of Melee players, it just makes you a liability to this great state's progress. Help yourself by helping our state. Do your job Georgia.

Step Three: Pray to god that MLG or someone like them picks this game back up. We need mass advertising and respect in other communities, EVO didnt do it at all, does anyone even know if they'll have melee again? MLG owns this site now, so why dont they put the game back in their lineup?

So go forth, and bring up some ideas, and please, incorporate mine, it sounds arrogant, and i dont care, i know how to build communities, and now that im back from europe, im not gonna let this one die just because its getting old, a new game came out, and these stupid civil wars are starting. **** that.



The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
i havent even read this and i support this.

I know im gunna catch **** for not staying at waba, but school has always came before games, and that's what it boiled down to.


Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2008
I only met Ga_Wes once, I don't even know if he remebers me but that man..

is Epic

Edit: before i get banned again.. Ga_Wes for ATL SOUTH MODDDD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2005
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Or you move to FL! too bad I live in South Florida and its like an 8 hour drive to just get out of the state. I think there was some big tournament coming up in GA that had a bunch of fighting games i was interesting in going to in the semi near future.

P.s. start using the new forums I just made, link is in sig


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
I have a lot I'd like to say on the subject, and trust me I will come back and post my thoughts. Right now I'm hitting the sack, but I'll leave with this bit of my thoughts.

Getting others intersted in Melee is extremely difficult. At CSU I put up with quite a few kids that complain about soooo many things, that it just daunts anyone from wanting to approach Melee. I.E. a ton of Johns.

*Too technical
*Old game
*You're too good, so why waste my money
*Brawl is better

etc etc and other things like that. I'll detail it out some other time. The point is, the last person I managed to get somewhat into Melee (His SWF tag is Peroovian somethin, I dunno, he doesn't post much) immediately transitioned to Brawl because not only was it a new game, but he felt he could grasp the concepts of a new game easier since everyone would basically be on a similar start. Melee apparently has far too much information to learn according to some. And let's not even mention the fact that most gamers that we try to find today have Scrub Mindsets in terms of competitive background and tournament experience.

For example, a friend of mine today specifically told me he would not enter this weekend's Brawl tournament that is happening at CSU, simply because "Reflex will already win it." How do I convince people to play a game, ANY game, when they are convinced they will lose no matter what? And that is only one example of the barriers I am facing at CSU.

Deleted member

we are at a crossroads, as two communities that are fundamentally different are both waning.

the best advice I can offer is free advertising. advertise small gigs for schools and private game stores, find local interest.

unification of a large state with relatively few resources is a scary task.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
i've been hosting smashfests 1-2x a month ever since i been a student at gt and myb i'm really bad at this but the only people that like to play tournament already do and no one wants to start


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I'm willing to help out to get anything going. I was thinking about getting a tourney started (I didn't see many brawl tourneys a few months ago when I did look), but seems like it wouldn't benefit much anyway. Whether it be advertising or other stuff, I'll do what it takes to get some competition going in this state.

How do I convince people to play a game, ANY game, when they are convinced they will lose no matter what? And that is only one example of the barriers I am facing at CSU.
They can practice with you guys to get better at the game. Those people are only limiting themselves believing that they won't be able to win even if they were to put in some type of practice towards winning.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
where you live bigman?

Edit: and just making sure, you do know this is about melee right?
whoops lol. I used to live in Lithonia, but now I travel back and forth from my parents house when I'm home (still in GA though). Didn't know that this was a melee thread. I still might come for the hell of it since I still have the little skill that I had while learning this game last year. I just want some kind of competition to get around. Whether it's brawl or melee, Idc as long as the competition is there.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
whoops lol. I used to live in Lithonia, but now I travel back and forth from my parents house when I'm home (still in GA though). Didn't know that this was a melee thread. I still might come for the hell of it since I still have the little skill that I had while learning this game last year. I just want some kind of competition to get around. Whether it's brawl or melee, Idc as long as the competition is there.
Brawl will reach its apex soon, and melee will still be a forerunner of competitiveness. Im begging you to make the right decision and chose melee, this game may be a bit old, but thats called experience. I dont think there will ever be a moment in brawl as tense as some ive seen in melee. Maybe im wrong, and i'll be surprised, i gave brawl a fair chance, ask anyone, and went back to melee, i was at the helm of the band of smashers saying give brawl a chance, but that time for me has passed. Melee is without a doubt the better game, and that still doesnt make brawl a bad game, i like it, i just chose the one with moments like FC3's east coast vs. West coast.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2006
Stone Mountain, GA, USA
I'll start up smash or die again if the owner is down. There are some local guys who have been wanting to get into melee, and for a lot of them it's the only tournament within their geographical limit. SleepyK(when parents are out of town) and FullMicheal usually have a lot of smashfests. Also, I've never been a fan of tiers on the PR but it might motivate more people to play if they know their tag is gonna be displayed on a list of one of the best in the state, or I guess I should say 2nd and 3rd best since the tiers are basically just an attendance list, or at least tier 3 is. Although, I suppose if you put the the tier 2 and three list in an effeminate font and make the letters pink it might motivate smashers to get their cake up, or depending on who they are they might preffer it, lol. Anyway, just a suggestion.

PS. if you're wondering why I typed the 2 and spelled out 3 you've already lost.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Brawl will reach its apex soon, and melee will still be a forerunner of competitiveness. Im begging you to make the right decision and chose melee, this game may be a bit old, but thats called experience. I dont think there will ever be a moment in brawl as tense as some ive seen in melee. Maybe im wrong, and i'll be surprised, i gave brawl a fair chance, ask anyone, and went back to melee, i was at the helm of the band of smashers saying give brawl a chance, but that time for me has passed. Melee is without a doubt the better game, and that still doesnt make brawl a bad game, i like it, i just chose the one with moments like FC3's east coast vs. West coast.
I know melee is better than brawl hands down. I'm giving brawl it's time to see where it goes (as I've been hearing about MLG). Most likely, I won't have the money (college johns) to constantly play tourneys, but you can bet that I'll go there just for some friendlies or whatever to get better (whenever I'm off college or get my car fixed up >.> ). I already have a decent grasp on melee (I would most likely get 3 stocked, but I can put up a decent fight), and I would just need to refine those skills I have now.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
I know melee is better than brawl hands down. I'm giving brawl it's time to see where it goes (as I've been hearing about MLG). Most likely, I won't have the money (college johns) to constantly play tourneys, but you can bet that I'll go there just for some friendlies or whatever to get better (whenever I'm off college or get my car fixed up >.> ). I already have a decent grasp on melee (I would most likely get 3 stocked, but I can put up a decent fight), and I would just need to refine those skills I have now.
hell yeah man, do it to it, spending money on tourneys or not i'll help you get better, and tell any of your friends that might, MAYBE be interested that this is easily the greatest fighting game in existence.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Melee will (and always will remain) at Impact Clash. As far as tournament attendance in Melee, it was not in the toilet by any means. Both games at IC2 (Brawl and Melee) caught me off guard but more so Smash. But the attendance was not so bad that I would ever of thought to toss Melee out. It had a fairly high attendance compared to other games. It's because of both games having such a crowd and bringing in numbers that I gave both games their own day at Impact Clash III. If Melee's numbers were in the toilet I wouldn't of given it it's own day. Look at Final Round XII, Melee has even been added to that venue as well. Yet, at Final Round XII he added Melee into his venue as well for you guys. Look at Season's beatings (Another huge major.), they added Melee as well to their venue. So I wouldn't say Melee is dying. And to be honest I think that Melee can grow by having more tournaments that are more unified and include other games along with Melee with it so that people who have no interest at all in Melee get to watch it and hopefully pick it up. I'm sure you guys have been to Final Round and see other games that interest you, even if it's the least bit. Hopefully that can at least plant a seed within people and cause them to try to play Melee more.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Melee will (and always will remain) at Impact Clash. As far as tournament attendance in Melee, it was not in the toilet by any means. Both games at IC2 (Brawl and Melee) caught me off guard but more so Smash. But the attendance was not so bad that I would ever of thought to toss Melee out. It had a fairly high attendance compared to other games. It's because of both games having such a crowd and bringing in numbers that I gave both games their own day at Impact Clash III. If Melee's numbers were in the toilet I wouldn't of given it it's own day. Look at Final Round XII, Melee has even been added to that venue as well. Yet, at Final Round XII he added Melee into his venue as well for you guys. Look at Season's beatings (Another huge major.), they added Melee as well to their venue. So I wouldn't say Melee is dying. And to be honest I think that Melee can grow by having more tournaments that are more unified and include other games along with Melee with it so that people who have no interest at all in Melee get to watch it and hopefully pick it up. I'm sure you guys have been to Final Round and see other games that interest you, even if it's the least bit. Hopefully that can at least plant a seed within people and cause them to try to play Melee more.
I agree in a lot of ways and support you entirely for your effort. I'll do what i can to be at your next melee tourney now that im home, but ive been around since 03, and to be honest, melee IS dying, but it doesnt have to is my point.(there were times when i could host bi-weeklies in my garage and have 15-20 people show up every single time with at least one new face at every single one, and everyone striving to get better) Adding melee to tourneys which include other ideas is a badass idea, and i hope more people do it. Thanks greatly



Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA (school yr), Miami, Fl (summer)
Tong does make a valid point, however. Our smashfests used to pull new faces all the time... now its very hard to get anyone we do not already know even with an entire class of new freshman. (At least, nobody new will touch melee - its all about the easiest route to the win these days)

It is definitely time to step things up.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Competitive spirit has died within our generation.

Its now the "easy" way most try to follow.

LAziness and a lack of passion at better improving themselves.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
I hate to be the pessimist, but any battle pitched with the idea of indoctrinating new Smash players to Melee is a losing one.

Melee's only relevance today lies in its persistence, not growth.

I guess that shouldn't stop peeps from trying though. Kudos.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA (school yr), Miami, Fl (summer)
It doesnt have to, but many new players look at melee and wonder why they should try to work very hard to do well at that game when they can pick the newer (and significantly easier to be advanced in) brawl and accomplish the same in a month's time.

edit: but as Samus just isnt as fun in Brawl, im sticking with Melee and classic forever.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Saint Pete Fl

it has died. Most do not have the drive to succeed in college. Untill they ultimately land flat on their face and decide to revamp.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
What we need is a revival in the badassness of the game. Brawl is getting way too much attention for being the slower, more slack jawed cousin of the Smash Brothers family.

From what I can tell, the series went something like:

Smash 64 - Too broken. More often than not a single grab led to a guaranteed stock with almost every character in the game. Shield pressure meant your shield was broken...at which point you'd be combo'd 0-death. Fun game. But I'm not going to try and catch up to Isai.

Melee - Suddenly, you have more options against things like shield pressure. The game took on a completely new speed. There's tech in this game that rivals Marvel vs Capcom 2 tech. It takes forever to learn, but once you pick it up it's something you realize has the potential to be a permanently played game, just like Marvel 2. The game is completely dependent on the reaction of both the player and the opponent, and combo's rely on both players ability to react to one another. Unlike Marvel, where the lighting reaction speed leads to guaranteed, registered combos, this game seems to be about figuring out exactly what to do to make your opponent think you're doing on thing, and take advantage of their reaction by doing something completely different. And infinite mind fuck of a game.

Brawl - An awful mess of game that seems to have been hyped and delayed simply to push release sales, despite their claims that they were working on the game. What they were working on was a game that was going to cater to every single person who felt that certain aspects of Melee were either 'broken and unfair' or 'too complicated to care to learn'. All the people who believed L-canceling and wavedashing weren't meant to be in the game and shouldnt be used simply because they couldn't figure out how to apply them. Don't understand it? Get rid of it! Hurray, now we're playing Smash based on the same concept that fueled war and racism for thousands of years.

Either way, it seems to me, that Brawl is the perfect game for anyone who feels they don't have a fighting chance in Melee. While there may be those that play both, or enjoy both, it seems to me that the good Melee players have for the most part decided that "Brawl sucks" and so the Melee players that spent the last 6 years getting theie ***** kicked are now saying "Brawl rules now's my chance".

And since the game was designed to be slow paced and artificially fair, concepts like tripping make the game drag on and on, and it seems that the skill gap between those who are really good, and those who are not so good is not widening at all if by much.

I'm not sure we can get those people back into Melee for that reason alone. Some people just got sick of losing, I believe. And in Brawl "everyone's got a shot".

No one likes throwing their money away.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I agree with step one

Step 2: There are 2 problems. Problem 1 is a lot of the good people now, treat "Brawl scrubs" like they are nobodies and should be disrespected because of the game they play(tong or w.e his name is, playful or not). That to me is a turn off and to a lot of others as well.

Here is one example. During this summer I went to Evan's to play some Brawl and I brought along some friend's. Evan, Marty, and Sleepy were there I think. Evan was playing melee and of course we are all pretty bad at it and we didn't own up to be good team mates and frustrated Marty(no disrespect). He was like huff and puff, just put in Brawl. He played like a game of that and just went on to something else and talked trash about Brawl the whole time. I have no problem with anyone's opinion on Brawl or any other game, but **** like that is just a turn off. I was embarrassed to introduce my friends to **** like that. Being an ******* or appearing to be one will not attract new people and will turn others that might seem semi-interested in another direction.

Here is what makes melee the better game.

The SKILL GAP. Melee is something that needs practice and a lot of it. Being good at it is something earned and it's really something to be proud of IMO.

If you really want to attract more people then ask some of the Brawlers to come to tournaments and instead of trying to make it look like you guys are trying to make money off of them, make it look like you really want to build the community. Like Mike was saying "I was spending all my money for experience etc,etc". Why would I want to spend my money to get better at a video game? Play friendlies and a lot of them. Don't just play with Chaddd, Cornel and the others. The top players should spread out to different T.Vs and just play with the randoms and help them get better.

Just my 2 cents

and for those who don't think it's possible to be the best because the game is so old. Just watch me. I'll show you otherwise :] I just need to find some good players that aren't ***** to get character match ups down.

For example, a friend of mine today specifically told me he would not enter this weekend's Brawl tournament that is happening at CSU, simply because "Reflex will already win it." How do I convince people to play a game, ANY game, when they are convinced they will lose no matter what? And that is only one example of the barriers I am facing at CSU.
Get your friend to practice enough to the point where he feels confident in beating reflex. OR people like reflex should play him until he is at reflex's level or feels like he is.

Example, I went to a tournament in August and Reflex was there. I asked him for some matches and we played 2. After 2 he left to do something else. Like what? <--turn off

or like the last Brawl tournament. I watched the matches on youtube. Relex used C.Falcon lol...I don't know if that was a joke or he just doesn't want to give top Wario experience to anyone. <--turn off


Oh, and **** like the argument in the Waba thread between Josh and Chaddd? <---turn off

The dude can't be wrong or he will "ruin" your smash reputation forever! Want more people? Stop being *** holes and start putting yourself in other people's shoes. No one wants to deal with bull **** like that.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
melee 4 lyfe.
I tell the brawlers to play melee whenever i can.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
The dude can't be wrong or he will "ruin" your smash reputation forever! Want more people? Stop being *** holes and start putting yourself in other people's shoes. No one wants to deal with bull **** like that.
same to you. but let's be civil.

also, wes, who's our panel?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
you first.
First off, I'm not the one trying to build a community. Maybe you guys should be RESPECTFUL(remember that word???) FIRST.

Second of all, I'm only an ******* to people who are *******s to me FIRST, or talk negative about me behind my back because if you're nice to me, I'm far more nicer to you. Even Tommy, a good friend, was telling Chaddd how I'm a ***** on the forums because apparently if you don't take **** from people on the forums, then you're a *****. Good friends! I'm definitely attracted to stuff like that.

I'm not going to play melee to make friends BTW. I'll be going to get better and take #1 from Chaddd. Quote it Chaddd and better get practicing with a top tier. I suck now, but watch how fast I'll get good.

Oh show the randoms stuff like this for some inspiration.


Practice that tech stuff to some DJ eggz that you can download off of his fileshare and practice your techs for hours. In a week or 2, if you practice enough, you can reach that tech skill with some of the characters. Maybe not fox. 3 days and I can do most of the stuff dsw is doing in his videos vs m2k and Chaddd once I'm warmed up. I just need to learn the situational **** and character match ups.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
I will go to GA tournies, but I don't think that will help build a community. Of course I will be nice and talk to or play whoever no matter how new or bad they are.

But I will not stop dissing Barwl cause it sucks hardcore.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Carter went even with eggz :D
Is that mario player the dude who made that music? and I don't know who Carter is

I will go to GA tournies, but I don't think that will help build a community. Of course I will be nice and talk to or play whoever no matter how new or bad they are.

But I will not stop dissing Barwl cause it sucks hardcore.
No offense, but to people who like Brawl, that **** is just annoying. Get's old fast. Keep it to your groupies. They find it funny. I find it annoying and so doesn't my friend Michael, so I'm sure others do as well. I think your goal is to build the community. Try to keep that in mind.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Is that mario player the dude who made that music? and I don't know who Carter is

No offense, but to people who like Brawl, that **** is just annoying. Get's old fast. Keep it to your groupies. They find it funny. I find it annoying and so doesn't my friend Michael, so I'm sure others do as well. I think your goal is to build the community. Try to keep that in mind.
Eggz was one of the best, if not the best, with Mario. Carter is a sick Fox player that has a crapload of technical skill (I've watched him play at my college a few times before brawl came out).

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
No offense, but to people who like Brawl, that **** is just annoying. Get's old fast. Keep it to your groupies. They find it funny. I find it annoying and so doesn't my friend Michael, so I'm sure others do as well. I think your goal is to build the community. Try to keep that in mind.
That was more a joke....but uhh, when giving advice don't be so confrontational with your audience....especially if you are just getting into a community cause then they would just want to argue...just to argue. HAHA advice on advice how clever and look I argued.

I am from MS johns for building community.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Carter used to be one of our top players, then he moved to GA southern for school.

Carter was smarter than he was technical, but he was still technical.

Eggz is like silent wolf's training partner but places better.
He mains fox, but mario for money matches or something.
Also tech skill < mindgames


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
That was more a joke....but uhh, when giving advice don't be so confrontational with your audience....especially if you are just getting into a community cause then they would just want to argue...just to argue. HAHA advice on advice how clever and look I argued.

I am from MS johns for building community.
Advice taken =]. Not trying to get into this community though. Been there, done that, don't like the people(most of them anyways). Going to play to be the best, eventually win some money, and stay out of trouble. Got away with 3 charges on Thursday =\ That's about it.

Carter used to be one of our top players, then he moved to GA southern for school.

Carter was smarter than he was technical, but he was still technical.

Eggz is like silent wolf's training partner but places better.
He mains fox, but mario for money matches or something.
Also tech skill < mindgames
I know who the mario player is. I was just asking if he was the one who makes that techno music.

As for the tech skill comment...I'm not worried about mind games. I played starcraft for over 10k hours. Playing smart and controlling a game is a skill of mine. I just need to learn situations and character match ups.
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