So the tournament I was planning is on for the 19th. I don't know if I can do monthlies as of yet, it will probably be dependent on how this tournament goes so if you want there to be more at this place then don't do anything stupid.
Also, I will NOT be charging a door fee (at least for this one) because for once the rent is FREE (which is another good reason to be on your best behavior here). If setups are a problem here then I WILL be charging a door fee for future tournaments so there's an incentive for bringing them (I won't charge door fee then), but for now there is no door fee so if set ups aren't a problem then no door fee, so make sure you guys bring some or I will be charging the next one I have.
So here's pretty much all the info I have so far:
Date: February 19th
Time (may change): Registration for doubles starts at 2 and goes on til 3 and doubles will start at roughly 3:30, Singles registration will also start at 2 and go on until roughly 4ish, singles will start near the end of doubles.
Rules: Pretty much standard WABA rules, a few minor things may change.
Before I make a thread, I'd like a good name (keeping in my mind this may turn into a tournament series for future tournaments), any suggestions as what it should be?