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Georgia Social Thread


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
Lol i was the only one to get 13th, ****. Least i didnt lose to bad ppl :/ but im sad i lost to scatt on lylat and lost to neo x(a wario). I mean wario is like the only match up i know(kidding of course).


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
thanks sleepyk. I'll barline as soon as |I come to another meet up (and I'll play munchkin). :)

Is this correct?

1: Scatt (Snake,Olimar, Luigi)
2: Scatz (Yoshi)
3: Dynomite (Wario)
4: Iblis (Fox)
5: ArtDude (DK)
5: Albino (D3, ICs)
7: Frozen (ICs)
7: Neo_x (Wario)
Cool it can be counted


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
tell me brackets so i can re-enact them please. scatt who did you beat every round, etc. etc.

dynomite, if you actually lost to scatz, you should be expecting a possible stat change if it continues ;/

Same for you turtl.


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
I'll tell u the little i remember from the brackets before i left which isnt much at all now that i think about it lol.
I lost to Scatt then Neo X
Neo X lost to Frozen, then frozen lost to scatt
Dynomite lost to scatt but didnt lose to scatz he just got 3rd cause we had to leave early.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I'll tell u the little i remember from the brackets before i left which isnt much at all now that i think about it lol.
I lost to Scatt then Neo X
Neo X lost to Frozen, then frozen lost to scatt
Dynomite lost to scatt but didnt lose to scatz he just got 3rd cause we had to leave early.
are you realy the only person who got 13th? or are there people i'm missing.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2008
Lithonia, Georgia
It can be submitted.

1: Scatt (Snake,Olimar, Luigi)
2: Scatz (Yoshi)
3: Dynomite (Wario)
4: Iblis (Fox)
5: ArtDude (DK)
5: Albino (D3, ICs)
7: Frozen (ICs)
7: Neo_x (Wario, ROB, D3)

Any other changes? Scatt, I saw you go Falco before. did you win that match?
I won the match, but I went Falco only in friendlies. Otherwise, everything is correct


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
im sad i lost to neo x(a wario). I mean wario is like the only match up i know(kidding of course).
and you didnt get salty and double or nothing him?? gee turtl.
IOU 1 Slap in da face!
tell me brackets so i can re-enact them please. scatt who did you beat every round, etc. etc.

dynomite, if you actually lost to scatz, you should be expecting a possible stat change if it continues ;/
I did not lose to scatz ( im sure that was stated already) but i guess i should make things right and money match scatz for the difference of 2nd and 3rd place prize

Scatz $3.50 MM?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I did not lose to scatz ( im sure that was stated already) but i guess i should make things right and money match scatz for the difference of 2nd and 3rd place prize

Scatz $3.50 MM?
Seeing as how I only got 8 bucks for getting 2nd, fine. I'll MM you next time we meet.

Edit: Rayku, If I place, I'ma post it up. Idc bout Yoshi's tier placement cause it's not relevant to me.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
<3 smashers

First of all: thanks, Chaz, for entering for me. I really appreciate it.

Roger: good **** for getting 2nd. Really impressive work. I'm sorry I played Snake/gay against you. Next time we play I'll use Wario/Luigi and get some real matches in ;)

John S. Lee: thanks for the friendlies. I need to take our matches more seriously and not for granted because I could really learn from them. When I was playing your fox, I realized that almost all of my **** is situational, so it's predictable. I still need to learn my other options in those situational situations. Next time, let's record some matches so I can figure this **** out.

Peter: I had fun playing you. I saw a lot of improvement from the last time we played. Stick with Sheik/Falco. Get that **** out of here with Jiggs lool.

Michael: you were probably the most fun to play in Brawl today. I think if I could've played you one more time in our matches, I could've won. I almost had you figured out lol.

Mark: I can't believe you played Brawl all day. I'm disappointed in you ;(
thanks for the ride. I'll give you $20 once I go to the bank and that should cover all my expenses lol

Chaz: you should've won. Sorry to hear that you were having a bad day.

Vahe: Good ****. I want to play your Wario sometime to see your improvement.

Henry: you should be on the PR.

John Cowley: let's play Melee next time. I would ask to play Brawl, but I hate playing you in Brawl rofl.

Mike G: WE ***** SOME *****ES IN OUR TEAMS FRIENDLIES LOL. Those were freakin fun as hell.

Neo-X: I hate to say this, but the way you play to win is the reason why I quit brawl a few months ago. I want to fight with our minds, not our characters.

Link Queen: Nice to finally play you offline. I'm sorry I used Snake. He's just the most fun for me atm, but I realized later in the day that even though he's fun for me, I don't make it fun for my opponent, which is something I don't approve of.

Brawl can be fun, but I still hate when I have to play against people who make it not
fun for me. I still think Brawl suxxxx

munchins is raaaaaape
so much fun.
sleepy, let's go competitive with that game. MLG Munchins '10. Come to spsu and we'll play it all day.
You do? Aww ;( I can use a different character if you want
Playing god in melee wad mad fun, even though he sandbagged me for most of the matches.

Lol i was the only one to get 13th, ****. Least i didnt lose to bad ppl :/ but im sad i lost to scatt on lylat and lost to neo x(a wario). I mean wario is like the only match up i know(kidding of course).
You'll get em next time.

Anything to get Yoshi higher on the tier list, eh Scatz?
el oh el

tell me brackets so i can re-enact them please. scatt who did you beat every round, etc. etc.

dynomite, if you actually lost to scatz, you should be expecting a possible stat change if it continues ;/

Same for you turtl.
Dayum, prolly me too xD


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
1) I forgot that me and my brother discarded some rules to help our small 3 man games.
a) you have to kill a monster at level 9 in order to win. my bad henry and co. but since munchkin lets you cheat if no one calls out the rules anyway, in a way it was sort of allowed. still, if i had remembered it i would have stopped myself from winning that way since it would have been a **** move if i had known about it then abused it to win a game with people we were teaching how to play :( my bad guys!
b) forgot about card charity rule -- if you hae more than 5 cards, you're not supposed to discard them but give them to the player with the lowest # of cards
c) it's 2 door cards and 2 treasures, not 3.
d) you can't trade items unless they are in play
e) when you die you don't lose your levels

B and A are the main ones i'm sorry for forgetting, the other ones were implemented to extend our games and make the ******* over easier with 3 people.

btw guys, if any of you play melee and care about the state's PR, please send me a PM with your vote on the number of panelists and which players yo uwant as panelists. average is 3-5 panelists.
if no one who plays melee votes, i'll just assume we have a panel done.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2009
Alpharetta, Georgia
Weekly shout out!

Scatt - We need more friendlies. That 2-stock wasn't enough for me, lol. Next monthly or CB, for sure. Please... :)

Scatz - Hey thanks for all the friendlies and for recording my loses. I want to get them critiqued whenever you get them up. Also, thanks for the bit of confidence. Good matches all over.

Dynomite - Hey thanks for the matches again. Went for a gamble in a bracket match and it totally entirely failed, lol. I have an idea for next time :p we'll see. Hopefully we'll play some at the monthly or CB.

Iblis - Good friendlies of the few I got with you. Really good Fox. I use to dabble with Fox so it's nice to see someone serious with him. We should get more friendlies next time.

ArtDude - Hey get some sleep sometime and stop being dumb.

Albino - I didn't get to friendly you at all this time. You left to early. And you shut down my requests lol. Next time though...

Frozen - No friendlies x_x but it was nice seeing you again. I saw some of your matches. Good stuff. You should come to the next monthly. If you don't have a ride and you're close to *******, then maybe I can give you a lift.

Neo_x - Good playing friendlies with you. Had some fun times, especially my Jigglypuff match. I love her... lol. Hopefully we can play some next time.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Link saves Hyrule from horror beasts,wizards, and magical beings with a forbidden sword but is brought down by a man and his knee.

lets not do pools again, i dont want that link to be me.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2009
Alpharetta, Georgia
I liked pools... I got the most matches and I was playing good during them. Then I got really tired and sucky for brackets. The lack of sleep the past 3 days caught up to me and I couldn't focus as much (6 hours of sleep in 3 nights... finals suck).

Should post up pool results too :p then it won't look like I did as bad as I did lol. Smoke and mirrors.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Thanks for the nice comment guys but I still need to work my laser spacing which means I need to learn SHSLing for shorter spacing and SHDL for farther spacing it seems because I got smoked sometimes because of my poor laser spacing. It's bad for Fox to be lasering on the edge because you took away a lot of options. Also I need to work on my DI some more actually even though I was living to 150%+ hmm I guess I mean SDI because I want to pull off some more sick SDI to Kill. Scatz you how dangerous that was XD I SDI'd his Dair then got a free a Usmash it was some crazy DI though. Another note I need more effective ways to actually grab people so I can actually start pressuring. ( I couldn't grab worth anything.)
I could work on reading people too.Last thing I need be able to put you into my most helpful pressure starting tool DJC>Shine. I can start reading people from there.

On the positive side I did have a lot of mindgames going though. I kept my strings going pretty well and kept myself alive for a good while.

P.S. I'm still waiting to play Lou or Kismet T.T


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
iblis if people like to airdodge into the ground pivot grabbing them is always fun

esp. with fox cuz you slide across the stage


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Yeah. Lounis will just hate you for the rest of your life if you become a good friend of his <3

He'll also destroy you if you have bad habits

Remember that Iron Man I did with you way back when, Iblis? We should do another one :)


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
I remember almost beating your ICs with Fox actually(In friendlies). My friend the Ftilt?
yeah, how 'bout that... good job winning and all tha-- oh wait...

don't take it the wrong way, you can use the character very well, but fox is just not a good character in brawl.
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