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Georgia Social Thread


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Where to start on this awesome tourny.
this sh*t was AWESOME!!! pizza was amazing, min/eric can i please get the location and/or phone#? crew matches were funny and amazing.


@Diablo- ... u alwase *** up in tourny play.. idk what to do anymore :( i try to help u out and i think ur getting better but u choke or something at tournaments. 1 bit of advice, it will be my last- stop switching mains.. ur better off knowing all 3 of ur chars then going through 1 of them every time u go to waba then lose then pick up another and keep going in that cycle.

@King_K- ... GIMPTASTIC! 0-2? ur better than that too u and diab gota work on it man =/

@Gear- Good sh*t with ur WeeG, 9th place good job bro!!!! YEEEEEAAHHHH

@VietG- what haponed to u, i take out 7.. thats right 7 stocks off ur crew 5 in our match 2 off u trying to redeeme ur crew <3
@Octix- :'( u couldnt make it to doubles man, i was REALLY looking forward to it.. u just ruined my day.. good thing u at least showed up for crews. crazy mindgames with that lucario upB to catch the wall.. that stage is supose to be banned >_< 2 times i might add

@Antic- i must know, how much money did u make at the end of the day starting with 15cents. good crew matches <3

@Reflex- WARIOWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur too fun man <3

@F3nix- our match felt more like a friendly, good ... DWORF! yes i got it right this time. wish i could come to waba more often. no car, parents wouldnt leme go 4 times a month. dont even have my permit yet -10 points

@Biglou- ur weeG is awesome, great that i finally played u was looking forward to it. good crew match... yeeeeaaahhh... >.>

@ Ice- was fun doubling with u, tbh i could never have seen myself doubling with u but it happoned, i feel like i was holding u back tho :( i wish we could have done some other doubles friendlys before the brackets. i had no idea what to do or expect.

@Sleepy- <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 .... <3<3<3 i really apriciate the ride offer, thank you.

@ EVERYONE ELSE- U GUYS ARE AWESOME <3 U ALL SMASH>XBOX.. forgot who i was talking to who braught that up but YEEAAHHH!!!!!!!! :bee:

EDIT: to anyone i gave a red airhead to that had a goblin picture on it or something, ide like to apologize, i did not know they would suck that bad.. i feel kinda bad now and if it was hard, blame waba's coldness.. yeah i forgot i had them with me, if u didnt get one, ide like to say sry for that too the pack only had 6, next time, if i have a chance to go the the store, ill prob get some airhead minis and u know the 3 flavors in thoes bags are good so yeah, more people can have some and better tasting than cinnamon.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Couldn't make it to the tourney but I did come in afterwards. Shoutouts:

SleepyK-Nice to meet you man, and thanks for the explanation on crews :D

Reflex-You swept my entire crew, shamed me with one of my mains, beat my friend and I 2v1, And then gave me tips afterwards. Good times man

AntiC-Thats right. My Peach brings that ****. We've gotta do more friendlies, and both of us need to compete lol. Just remember...REVERSE IT!

Dyno!-Sorry man, I really wanted to come in for 2v2, and the tourney in general :( I'll try and show up next month we'll beast. Yoshi's was banned in crews? I didn't even know lmao.

VietG-When did you stop playing Marth? Oh well, less tips to worry about! We still need to do some friendlies.

Desu, Biglou, Kismet- I didn't get to play you guys, but I was looking forward to it. Maybe next month eh?

Everyone else-:D


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
So, can anyone help me out as to public transportation routes that travel along Powers Ferry to Waba? I can't really go there any other way, since I've offered a couple of people gas money and they've told me to screw off.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
So, can anyone help me out as to public transportation routes that travel along Powers Ferry to Waba? I can't really go there any other way, since I've offered a couple of people gas money and they've told me to screw off.
mapquest is ur friend, and google map is ur penpal


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Mapquest doesn't really help people who don't own a car. I asked for public transportation routes, as in where I would get on and off of a bus. As I said, I offered people gas money, and they all said that they didn't feel like traveling for ten minutes to get to me, so I'm essentially left with no other choice.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Brawl sux, play melee.

But you cats are mad cool, I wish that I could hang out by playing bros with you guys but there's that whole brawl issue. Calvin, stop making me want to watch your matches.

also, you cats need to learn to step your trash talk game up! I talked trash by myself for a while there!
<3 <3 <3

octix - today, we did GAWes style crews for Brawl.

Next time, maybe you could do east coast style.
I asked around and it seemed like most people preferred the GAWes style (no counterpicking chars, 3 neutrals random)


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
Monkies and birds are stupid.
So are Italian plumbers and obese cannibals.
I'm bitter about losing. :<
I'm gonna give the marshmallow with the sword some more game time.

Seriously though, GGs to all.
Unless you beat me.
You jerks can go to hell. XD


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2008
Under Ur Bed, STOP Farting!!!
Waba's Brawl Monthly Teams Results 1/10/09:

1. Personally I Prefer Your Mom (Reflex and Kismet2)
2. Ja Jee Mon Jee Mone Joe Ah (Desu and Full Metal)
3. The Legend of the Bitriforce 2 (Bill and F3NIX)
4. DynoIce is over 9000!!!!! (Dynomite! and Ice)
5. Morning Wood (CloudFox and D2all)
6. Them (Goog and Fri)
7. Young Stunners (Diablo and King)

Waba's Brawl Monthly Singles Results 1/10/09

1. Reflex
2. BigLou
3. Kismet2
4. Player 1
5. Desu
6. Scat
7. Fri
7. Ice
9. Dynomite!
9. Gear
9. Billy
9. F3NIX
13. CloudFox
13. VietG
13. Goog
13. HiChez
17. D2all
17. Tubes
17. Diablo
17. Chrono
17. Big-L
17. Spanx
17. SSBB
17. Headband
25. Hazel
25. Player 3
25. King K
25. Link Queen


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2008
Under Ur Bed, STOP Farting!!!
Where to start on this awesome tourny.
this sh*t was AWESOME!!! pizza was amazing, min/eric can i please get the location and/or phone#? crew matches were funny and amazing.


The pizza place is called TomTom (their # is 770-497-1800) and is located off Pleasant Hill behind the Wendy's and Waffle House. You can get there food delivered free all the time when you are at Waba. TomTom will be catering TO4 next week. They will be selling extra large pizza slices for 1.99 a slice. You can also order subs, gyros, wings, and even kabobs for 4.99 delivered to Waba any day especially for events and tournaments. :lick:

I'm so glad you guys had a good time at the tournament. How did you like the new area and setup this time around? I'm going to make today's tournament area (Waba Table Tennis) into a tournament training area with multiple fighting games such as Tekken D.R., SC4, SF HDremix, TvC, SF3 Third Strike, SF4, Naruto4, Guilty Gear, KoF ****, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, Melee, Brawl, Smash64...you get the idea. This will be a place for fighting game fans to come train, learn, practice, teach, and ultimately grow the fighting scene in GA. I'm trying to recruit some good gamers to anchor the tournament center to help noobs reach their potential in competitive fighting games. Hopefully, it can turn into a hub for Atl fighting scene to grow from Waba. I've been talking to some great gamers on SRK and they are excited to teach people who want to learn the games they love. We also have Desu and Full Metal who kindly offered to train people in Brawl and Melee here at Waba. If any of you guys want to help out by spreading the word, teaching, or any other way, let me know. To make it work, we need help from YOU. Please visit our new website www.wabagame.com and register to get updates on special events, tournaments, training, special offers, videos, and more. :p

TO4 is going to be amazing! Waba is going to use the entire 4,000sq/ft space to run this tournament. This is basicly a Melee festival! From noon on Saturday the 17th until early Monday morning on the 19th, Melee will be played almost nonstop at Waba! Nearly 48 full hours of Melee will be played by some of the best Smashers in North America. That's right, it's gonna be sick! Get hyped and get your coffee or energy drinks ready to experience the best Melee tournament ever! We need set ups! If any of you can bring full or partial set ups (TVs, GameCubes, and Melee game disks) , please let us know by posting, e-mailing, P.M.ing, or calling. We want to have between 15 to 20 set ups to run the tournament fast and smooth. That will also allow us to have enough stations for friendlies for the two day Melee Fest! :)


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
Hey, Min, my friend said he could ride me out to Waba for TO4, but wants to know if he has to pay just to watch. I told him to man up an join the tournament, but he'd already seen the pre-reg list.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Lol 13th place. Guess Toon Link isn't going to cut it (lol at KingK being near dead last). I hate plumbers and cross-dressing women. -_-

Dynomite - You won my redemption match because I dash attacked your shield. Brawl is the only game where you can john about dash attacks...<_<

Also I told you you were guaranteed 4th with Ice. =P

Gear - F*ck plumbers. I'm going to keep in mind to DOLPHIN SLASH your *** next time.

Billy - My mindgames weren't good enough to overcome the fact that I don't know how to play against Sheik.

BigLou - Take off your hat.

Our crew - Damn We Suck needs to step it up. Antic, more being gay with Peach. OcTIx, more combos in Barlw. Your friend w/ a three letter name - go to tourneys. Viet - Play a gay character.

Then we'll be good. So we don't only take off ONE stock off of Team Unfair, or just Team Charizard.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Stupid Lou kept telling me Rainbow Cruise was banned and Fri tried to CP me to it and I told him it was banned >.>, good job Lou.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2008

Dyno!- good job can't really say much the same crap happens

Diablo- good doubles we should of won against billy and F3nix but good ****

VietG- SPIKE YOU GOTTA SPIKE lol can't say much i fuggen suk lol

Desu- i didn't wanna see a penguin...good job tho you still won

Antic- man *** you and your money matches...get better too.

Crew "Dream Team" (Biglu, Desu, Kismet, Reflex)- next time reflex WiLL PLAY

Player-1- i am NEVER going to lose to a diddy again
that wasn't even like okay i lost... it was like WTF i lost

Everyone- watch out no more bottom 5 anymore top 10!!!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
Auburn, AL
shout outs

KingK- gj in dubz i blame our loses on me. o and nice spike in the crew match

Dyno!-gj at waba u did really good

VietG- good match i guess. i didnt get u too the third round tho :'(

Gear- good **** wit that wigi but biglou still owns u

Reflex- ur a nice guy to chill wit.. stop ****** at waba tho lol. um also do u no any mario stuff?

BigLou- take off the hat :)

Desu- gg in our crew match

SleepyK- ur trashtalk is the funniest thing evar. ur a cool dude.

everyone else-gg at waba guys


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
The pizza place is called TomTom (their # is 770-497-1800) and is located off Pleasant Hill behind the Wendy's and Waffle House. You can get there food delivered free all the time when you are at Waba. TomTom will be catering TO4 next week. They will be selling extra large pizza slices for 1.99 a slice. You can also order subs, gyros, wings, and even kabobs for 4.99 delivered to Waba any day especially for events and tournaments. :lick:

I'm so glad you guys had a good time at the tournament. How did you like the new area and setup this time around? I'm going to make today's tournament area (Waba Table Tennis) into a tournament training area with multiple fighting games such as Tekken D.R., SC4, SF HDremix, TvC, SF3 Third Strike, SF4, Naruto4, Guilty Gear, KoF ****, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, Melee, Brawl, Smash64...you get the idea. This will be a place for fighting game fans to come train, learn, practice, teach, and ultimately grow the fighting scene in GA. I'm trying to recruit some good gamers to anchor the tournament center to help noobs reach their potential in competitive fighting games. Hopefully, it can turn into a hub for Atl fighting scene to grow from Waba. I've been talking to some great gamers on SRK and they are excited to teach people who want to learn the games they love. We also have Desu and Full Metal who kindly offered to train people in Brawl and Melee here at Waba. If any of you guys want to help out by spreading the word, teaching, or any other way, let me know. To make it work, we need help from YOU. Please visit our new website www.wabagame.com and register to get updates on special events, tournaments, training, special offers, videos, and more. :p

TO4 is going to be amazing! Waba is going to use the entire 4,000sq/ft space to run this tournament. This is basicly a Melee festival! From noon on Saturday the 17th until early Monday morning on the 19th, Melee will be played almost nonstop at Waba! Nearly 48 full hours of Melee will be played by some of the best Smashers in North America. That's right, it's gonna be sick! Get hyped and get your coffee or energy drinks ready to experience the best Melee tournament ever! We need set ups! If any of you can bring full or partial set ups (TVs, GameCubes, and Melee game disks) , please let us know by posting, e-mailing, P.M.ing, or calling. We want to have between 15 to 20 set ups to run the tournament fast and smooth. That will also allow us to have enough stations for friendlies for the two day Melee Fest! :)
I want to learn brawl from Desu :D

as well as
SC4, SF4, TvC, and MAYBE Melee :)


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I want to learn brawl from Desu :D
k, thats why u suck at brawl <3
but desu plays a penguin and a marshmelloe.. <-- spellcheck

PS- desu ur sig is the best thing thats haponed to brawl ever. <3<3 cept wario's bite.. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
k, thats why u suck at brawl <3
but desu plays a penguin and a marshmelloe.. <-- spellcheck

PS- desu ur sig is the best thing thats haponed to brawl ever. <3<3 cept wario's bite.. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!
I play a bird, a princess, a pokemon, a swordsman, a marshmallow, a penguin, a tactical warrior, a plumber, and a fat man.
No wonder I suck.

I think im going to put more effort into Marth for next month :)


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I play a bird, a princess, a pokemon, a swordsman, a marshmallow, a penguin, a tactical warrior, a plumber, and a fat man.
No wonder I suck.

I think im going to put more effort into Marth for next month :)
nooooo but u havnt even try'd out ur penguin and weird blue animal wanabe ;)


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
I've got classes starting tomorrow.
I'm out around 2:00 PM.
I'll probably start heading to Waba after classes.
If you want to play Brawl with me, you know where to find me. ;P


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I've got classes starting tomorrow.
I'm out around 2:00 PM.
I'll probably start heading to Waba after classes.
If you want to play Brawl with me, you know where to find me. ;P
I <3 the new sig.
I'll try and come up to Waba more often.
My mom doesn't like me going :/


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I <3 the new sig.
I'll try and come up to Waba more often.
My mom doesn't like me going :/
same :( mom johns, but i might be able to come if maeham can hive me a ride :D

Aww man, so RC was legal?? I'm FRI lol. Oh well they were still fun matches....
u suck stop playing, <3 ur friend over there was mindgaming the sh*t out of me i couldnt focus >_< i figured out ur stratagy


Smash Rookie
May 26, 2008
Gray, GA
u suck stop playing, <3 ur friend over there was mindgaming the sh*t out of me i couldnt focus >_< i figured out ur stratagy
My friend <3's you too...yeah i focus less on tactical strategy and more on "hey dude come with me and PISS EVERYBODY THE F*** OFF"



Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
My friend <3's you too...yeah i focus less on tactical strategy and more on "hey dude come with me and PISS EVERYBODY THE F*** OFF"

oh yeah i think i got ur bro first round, he seemed perdy cool. GGs to u both. as for ur friend.. tell him to stay off the grass >.>

EDIT: ah yes sleepy u gota fill me in on the so called "Yah-Trick-Yah" combo <3 :)


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
OK, can someone please help me out? Idk how i remembered tis but when i was young i use to play this game called "Maximo Ghost to glory" or somethn like that. as a fello gamer you must know how it feels to not finish a game. it sucks and makes u feel really bad knowing that you havnt beat a game that you really love. well the sad thing is that i lost it :( yes i am a disgrace. so as a fello member of waba's brawl family i will ask you guys a huge favor of letting me barrow the game if you guys have it. it will be greatly apriciated and you will forever be <3'd by me.

Edit: @ aawesomenocity- lol that pic was lol, right after the pic omg desu + fenix = funnyest thing ive seen! GOOD SH*T DESU that pedophile face was ROFLCOPTERS
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