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Georgia Power Rankings

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Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Lol! Marty should run SWF. I get what your saying Noir. These guys wouldnt say that to a complete stranger. they would get hit in the mouth. Lol! and you are a complete stranger to them. They talked mad **** untill they saw me in person. The first thing I did when i came up to them was I brought up the crap they said and they got silent.. I dont know about you but where im from you dont talk crap (playing or not) that you wont say to a persons face.
Exactly bro. I don't start problems with people, but I don't have a problem finishing the ones they start either.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
I see why people like you marty. Yeah though I missed IC2 but im down to play games when ever ... well when ever im off. but I get people together all the Time to game. So let me know if you wanna play we can meet up somewhere. My beef ill squash in person. Itll never get resolved on the boards.

Metroid_01 ... I dont respond to nobodies. Lol! and FYI i quit brawl months ago. Can you or anyone else show me when i ever said i was going to MM elliot at IC2? Please do that.
i have a fairly open schedule. my job has no set schedule, so i can play a good amount of time. just send me a PM or something when you're off.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Next tournament. I have work at 6 on Saturday. That would be a good idea to get a general idea. Maybe like 3 bo5's per person. Whoever wins 2 out of the 3 bo5's should be proclaimed "better" than the other.

Agreed Desu, ksmt or w/e, and Lou?

I'm glad not everyone in the smash community has an IQ under 100. "He's just being friendly" lol. What are you dumb? I know he was being obnoxious. He was being a **** and thinking he was cool or funny for doing so. Like I said though, try going up to a stranger and saying "**** you"(that's pretty much what he did) and see what they do. I doubt they'll even go "you should probably stop". They're probably going to start getting aggressive with you like any normal human being would.

As for the bold and underline. EXACTLY. Again, thanks for not being a moron.

"If you hit my I'm going to run and call the cops" LOL what a *****. No more words on here. If anyone has anything to say, say it to my face.
That would be a great way to get a general idea, but only a general idea

Yeah, that's how tong works. GG taking it as seriously as your mother's life or whatever, lol. I seriously don't know how you survived on Xbox Live or Halo tournaments. The entire community is based off of insulting people. I suppose since they're all 13 years old you could just threaten them or whatever, but that tends to stop working in high school... at least until you go to bars.

I'm don't get how everyone in the smash community has an IQ under 100. "He just takes the internet seriously" lol. What are you dumb?

Also, my bad, Lil Kong. I guess assuming someone's nice in person is a negative thing? Whenever you discuss the whole "money match" issue (which overall is a pretty silly beef to have, considering you guys are playing video games and could have just played each other at some point) you only present your point of view, regardless of what happened. That's called skewing the facts. If you wanna discuss it at uhhhh waba? (If i go, I don't play brawl so I dunno about it) then whatever. I'd like to hear your side of the story as opposed to reading it mixed with insults. It's still a dumb beef for both parties though.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
The fact is this thread got horribly twisted and mangled AWAY from its original purpose, and all of the posts NOT directly related to the GA pr, whether it be the panel or the list for melee OR brawl- have been extremely unneccessary and unwanted.

I dunno about you guys- I'm tired of GA "sucking" as a state. I want a more HxC competetive scene, with more players who want to show up to every event.

All I can really say at this point is- :dizzy:

Thank God Wes is back


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I'm don't get how everyone in the smash community has an IQ under 100. "He just takes the internet seriously" lol. What are you dumb?
We're on the internet. Don't take what I said seriously(back to the rolling eye face). It was just a friendly "You're dumb" comment.

That would be a great way to get a general idea, but only a general idea
and we can do it multiple times in the near future to get a more precise idea of who is better.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
We're on the internet. Don't take what I said seriously(back to the rolling eye face).
It's a satire of your post... obviously not serious ' - '

Anyway, have we determined a panel for both games, even?

Multiple times would be okay, but would we be determining who's best in GA only, or who's best in GA including vs the out of state? You'd end up with some skewed results if, say, you can beat Tim, but Tim has a better out of state record.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
It's a satire of your post... obviously not serious ' - '

Multiple times would be okay, but would we be determining who's best in GA only, or who's best in GA including vs the out of state? You'd end up with some skewed results if, say, you can beat Tim, but Tim has a better out of state record.
Aren't we trying to see who is the best in GA? Seeing who is the best against the people out of state should be a whole different ladder.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Goddam.nit im gonna have to get beast at smash again and set this whole state back on track again. I'll be at the waba tourney this sunday if anyone wants to help me.

Lil Kong

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2005
Your girlfriends house
i have a fairly open schedule. my job has no set schedule, so i can play a good amount of time. just send me a PM or something when you're off.
Sounds good. I will do.

@ Sleepy K . My thing is Yeah im nice to my friends i have plenty of them in the gaming community ask them. But if i dont like you on the boards im far from nice to you in person. The thing you said Back then was I hosted a tourny and was nice to everyone that i was being a **** to on the boards.... Not me.

No worries though we can discuss it in person. Like men. Get it all resolved. I dont know about waba though. Some of my peoples know you so we will meet up sooner or later.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah, I suppose. I'm trying to learn other fighting games (since I hear you play like 60 of them) so I can play them with marty and co., but I'm pretty awful at command inputs.

Chris, read the second part of that post regarding oos and stuff

Wes, the Sunday tournaments rarely have more than 8 people at them :(


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Yeah, I suppose. I'm trying to learn other fighting games (since I hear you play like 60 of them) so I can play them with marty and co., but I'm pretty awful at command inputs.

Chris, read the second part of that post regarding oos and stuff

Wes, the Sunday tournaments rarely have more than 8 people at them :(
"Seeing who is the best against the people out of state should be a whole different ladder."

Why? Not everyone can afford or has the time to go out of state, so whoever can't go obviously won't be able to "prove" their out of stateness(why that even matters needs to be explained to me). So, either way the results you are obviously looking for will be skewed. As for best player in GA, my idea should work perfectly fine.

Lil Kong

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2005
Your girlfriends house
Yeah, I suppose. I'm trying to learn other fighting games (since I hear you play like 60 of them) so I can play them with marty and co., but I'm pretty awful at command inputs.

Chris, read the second part of that post regarding oos and stuff

Wes, the Sunday tournaments rarely have more than 8 people at them :(
Thats cool.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Chris. I'm going to say this once,and once only. Because I'm not looking through 6 pages of spam sh*t you wrote in one night somehow just to respond to your point. You are not hard. You are not scary. You are not hood. You are arguing about Smash Brothers. Face facts and quit trying to pretend people should be scared of you for talking sh*t.Tong talks sh*t about everyone, it's a fact of Georgia smash, so quit being such a g*d d@mn ***** and deal with it already. You've been here a fraction of the time he has, and also have a fraction of the respect he does. Get over yourself. I have friends that can set up a drive by shooting in 45 minutes to an hour, but that doesnt make me a bad@ss, I'm sorry to inform you. I spent my life in the hood going through that 'battle for respect' sh*t, and it doesnt get you respect, it makes you a f*cking moron. You think you can hit someone and continue hitting them and that they'll just be afraid of you from now on? In 2000 FUCKING 8? You'll be locked up by lunch time and charged with assault before dinner. That's the way sh*t works. So quit talking junk like you've lived my life or something. Thanks.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Chris. I'm going to say this once,and once only. Because I'm not looking through 6 pages of spam sh*t you wrote in one night somehow just to respond to your point. You are not hard. You are not scary. You are not hood. You are arguing about Smash Brothers. Face facts and quit trying to pretend people should be scared of you for talking sh*t.Tong talks sh*t about everyone, it's a fact of Georgia smash, so quit being such a g*d d@mn ***** and deal with it already. You've been here a fraction of the time he has, and also have a fraction of the respect he does. Get over yourself. I have friends that can set up a drive by shooting in 45 minutes to an hour, but that doesnt make me a bad@ss, I'm sorry to inform you. I spent my life in the hood going through that 'battle for respect' sh*t, and it doesnt get you respect, it makes you a f*cking moron. You think you can hit someone and continue hitting them and that they'll just be afraid of you from now on? In 2000 FUCKING 8? You'll be locked up by lunch time and charged with assault before dinner. That's the way sh*t works. So quit talking junk like you've lived my life or something. Thanks.
You can think what you think and I will do the same. You go about things the way you do and I'll go about things the way I do. I don't need a lecture from you or anybody else. Your post meant nothing to me lol


you are not hard. You are not scary. You are not hood.

Don't try to intimidate me.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Goddam.nit im gonna have to get beast at smash again and set this whole state back on track again. I'll be at the waba tourney this sunday if anyone wants to help me.
Pickme up for it.

And one more thing to Chris. HAHAHAHAHAHA.I can't believe you actually said that what you were doing was out of respect. Hahahahaha. That's how we here in the ghetto make fun of all the hood rats.

'Sh*t shawty, ain't no matter what happen to me, as long as I got that respect, boi. It's all about dat respect right there, mang. Doesn't matter if I do 25-life and doesn't matter if that "respect" is from a group of total strangers. It might possibly maybe affect you for the rest of your life, so you need to squash that sh*t as quick as possible. Yeah, man. Respect.'

Please, spare me. Respect is meaningless because unless it's for something known worldwide, it withers quicker than anything I've ever seen. And respect from who exactly? You have a group of other people getting on these boards and checking out what people say to you? People who also happen to run in Lil Wayne's crew? I can tell you've never lived the hood.

EDIT: But you make it sound exactly like you do. I can't believe someone with your opportunity would end up exactly the same in mental attitude as someone who got initiated into his first gang at 12 years old. Back track, son, because all that sh*t your talking means to me is how many nights you're going to have to spend in a jail cell before you realize that fighting has never and will never resolve anything, and in fact, only creates the chance for situations to escalate even further. And then before you know it you're in a knife fight with someone because some dude posted on some game forums and said you can't glide toss consistently or some sh*t. No one cares. Especially as
much as you seem to.

Hey son. I just read your sh*t little post. Watch your f*cking mouth.

I am hard. I am hood. And I spent my time in the streets. You sent that sh*t from a Sony Vaio in a 2 million dollar house and I'm in the hood right now. You hypocrite little b*tch. I don't even have to fight you because I can get 12 people to do it for me. Like I said, watch your f*cking mouth.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Pickme up for it.

And one more thing to Chris. HAHAHAHAHAHA.I can't believe you actually said that what you were doing was out of respect. Hahahahaha. That's how we here in the ghetto make fun of all the hood rats.

'Sh*t shawty, ain't no matter what happen to me, as long as I got that respect, boi. It's all about dat respect right there, mang. Doesn't matter if I do 25-life and doesn't matter if that "respect" is from a group of total strangers. It might possibly maybe affect you for the rest of your life, so you need to squash that sh*t as quick as possible. Yeah, man. Respect.'

Please, spare me. Respect is meaningless because unless it's for something known worldwide, it withers quicker than anything I've ever seen. And respect from who exactly? You have a group of other people getting on these boards and checking out what people say to you? People who also happen to run in Lil Wayne's crew? I can tell you've never lived the hood.
My friends don't play video games lol and like I said. I'll go about my business, you go about yours. I've got nothing to prove to you or anyone else. If you think I should have to go be good at a video game to be respected in a gaming community, then you're really stupid. Like I said before, respect should be automatic, no matter it's meaning to you or me.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I dunno, Chris. PR generally includes OOS and in-state. CT, for example - their PR includes both, and they have sort of a "tier 2" for people who haven't placed well enough in a while/oos.
chaddd is harder than my ***** when I play smash bros.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I dunno, Chris. PR generally includes OOS and in-state. CT, for example - their PR includes both, and they have sort of a "tier 2" for people who haven't placed well enough in a while/oos.
chaddd is harder than my ***** when I play smash bros.
I see. Well as long as I know I'm better than whoever, then that's good enough for me :]


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Well, there aren't too many big brawl tournaments anymore, so a GA onry PR might make sense. You should go to more OOS tournies though, Chris.
Memphis 2 good.

Also, Let's try to get a finalized PR member list so we can actually start discussion on this stuff.
So our brawl PR looks like

All said and done, that looks good to me.
Melee PR...


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
lol wat chad, he's talking about barlw...? am i getting mindgamed here?


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
What're you going to do Chad? I could easily use the same argument you gave me or you can set up that drive by. I'm not scared of that **** lol, nor do I care.
How are you responding to this? I figured you'd be out in the streets repping your hood. I guess I don't understand the complexities of being such an experienced member of the hood.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
How are you responding to this? I figured you'd be out in the streets repping your hood. I guess I don't understand the complexities of being such an experienced member of the hood.
Who said I'm hood? ROFLFSADFSAFDSA

You think because I don't take **** from people that I'm declaring myself "hood"? **** a lot of my friends around here are "hood", and deal, rob people with weapons, and walk around with colored bandannas, and ya they got my back because I'm cool with them and everyone else. Just because I don't take **** from people doesn't make me "hood". It makes me intolerant of dumb ****s who like to start trouble and I don't have the patience for **** like that.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Who said I'm hood? ROFLFSADFSAFDSA
Post for post. **** you must be on steroids or some sh*t for you to think that trolling a game forum thread is the best way to go about defending you're honor. Now if anyone asks me, I can tell them I thought you were cool, but it turns out you were just a crybaby little suburbs kid that couldn't deal with criticism. I also have a lot of influence and big f*cking mouth, your 'rep' or whatever you'd call it is now effectively ruined because you argued with one person. Good job moron.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Post for post. **** you must be on steroids or some sh*t for you to think that trolling a game forum thread is the best way to go about defending you're honor. Now if anyone asks me, I can tell them I thought you were cool, but it turns out you were just a crybaby little suburbs kid that couldn't deal with criticism. I also have a lot of influence and big f*cking mouth, your 'rep' or whatever you'd call it is now effectively ruined because you argued with one person. Good job moron.
rep from a video game community who think starting **** with people for no reason is cool. You think I should care about rep like that? "spare me"


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Post for post. **** you must be on steroids or some sh*t for you to think that trolling a game forum thread is the best way to go about defending you're honor. Now if anyone asks me, I can tell them I thought you were cool, but it turns out you were just a crybaby little suburbs kid that couldn't deal with criticism. I also have a lot of influence and big f*cking mouth, your 'rep' or whatever you'd call it is now effectively ruined because you argued with one person. Good job moron.
"Now if anyone asks me, I can tell them I thought you were cool, but it turns out you were just a crybaby little suburbs kid that couldn't deal with criticism."

I can direct that same sentence at you because by

"I also have a lot of influence and big f*cking mouth, your 'rep' or whatever you'd call it is now effectively ruined because you argued with one person."

Just proves that you think your word is right, which makes you not as intelligent as you come off to be. Too bad you can't deal with criticism.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
rep from a video game community who think starting **** with people for no reason is cool. You think I should care about rep like that? "spare me"
Christ, kid, wasn't that your entire f*cking argument for fighting the guy? Tommy and them told me you were a **** on the boards, but I didn't think you'd have keyboard courage like that. You must have done a lot of drugs since the last time we chilled, because you're responses are similar to those of someone addicted to meth.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Christ, kid, wasn't that your entire f*cking argument for fighting the guy? Tommy and them told me you were a **** on the boards, but I didn't think you'd have keyboard courage like that. You must have done a lot of drugs since the last time we chilled, because you're responses are similar to those of someone addicted to meth.
That was my excuse to shutting up ONE kid. I didn't realize the majority of the community thought starting **** for no reason was cool. I thought the majority of the community was cool. Obviously I was wrong. It's full of a bunch of immature ******* who go around saying "you suck" and expect to go practice hours on a video game to go "earn respect".

This is how it should be. A community respecting everyone(good or bad) and enjoying the games they're playing. There's a difference between going "haha **** you(because you just got gimped) and going to someone you don't even know and saying "**** you". I thought you were **** more intelligent than to be defending **** like that. It's most likely because he's your friend and "has been in the community" longer, which means you are being bias. Making you no more my friend than him, along with anyone else defending that ****. If you're going to tell me to "grow up" for hitting a kid starting trouble with me, then I'm going to tell you to "grow up" for defending his immature actions.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
KevinM has a huge font.

Chris, I once again have a very hard time understanding how you ever, ever played Halo at all.

Also, SWF is one of the friendliest communities around. Every other community tends to be run like Marvel, for the most part.
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