Goddam.nit im gonna have to get beast at smash again and set this whole state back on track again. I'll be at the waba tourney this sunday if anyone wants to help me.
Pickme up for it.
And one more thing to Chris. HAHAHAHAHAHA.I can't believe you actually said that what you were doing was out of respect. Hahahahaha. That's how we here in the ghetto make fun of all the hood rats.
'Sh*t shawty, ain't no matter what happen to me, as long as I got that respect, boi. It's all about dat respect right there, mang. Doesn't matter if I do 25-life and doesn't matter if that "respect" is from a group of total strangers. It might possibly maybe affect you for the rest of your life, so you need to squash that sh*t as quick as possible. Yeah, man. Respect.'
Please, spare me. Respect is meaningless because unless it's for something known worldwide, it withers quicker than anything I've ever seen. And respect from who exactly? You have a group of other people getting on these boards and checking out what people say to you? People who also happen to run in Lil Wayne's crew? I can tell you've never lived the hood.
EDIT: But you make it sound exactly like you do. I can't believe someone with your opportunity would end up exactly the same in mental attitude as someone who got initiated into his first gang at 12 years old. Back track, son, because all that sh*t your talking means to me is how many nights you're going to have to spend in a jail cell before you realize that fighting has never and will never resolve anything, and in fact, only creates the chance for situations to escalate even further. And then before you know it you're in a knife fight with someone because some dude posted on some game forums and said you can't glide toss consistently or some sh*t. No one cares. Especially as
much as you seem to.
Hey son. I just read your sh*t little post. Watch your f*cking mouth.
I am hard. I am hood. And I spent my time in the streets. You sent that sh*t from a Sony Vaio in a 2 million dollar house and I'm in the hood right now. You hypocrite little b*tch. I don't even have to fight you because I can get 12 people to do it for me. Like I said, watch your f*cking mouth.