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Georgia Power Rankings

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Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
yeah it is true i am not very friendly towards you
originally it was random trash talk but now it is like you say. so
why don't you get good at brawl
or rage at these words some more


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Alright, well, if that's how you be friendly, I guess we're done here.
Can you bash my face in at waba? I'd like to be friendly.
I forgot that physical violence is about the same thing as silly remarks that don't really mean anything.

edit: 3,100 post!

I spend too much time on here.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
the real question here is:

Why are we all awake at 5 AM?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
you are not my friend so i am not sure what you are talking about
I was talking to you moron

the real question here is:

Why are we all awake at 5 AM?
Trying to open your eyes because you come off as ignorant by defending your friend saying he is being "friendly" with me, when I know he's not and he admitted he's not. I'm not an idiot.

but uh ya I work till 2am 5 nights a week and usually play Starcraft till this time or chat on a starcraft forum.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
obviously you can't open my eyes since they're slanted shut.

Regardless, you don't understand Daniel Tong. That's all there is to it. You can ask anybody else who knows tong, be it marty, xif, xio, elliot, jeff, gawes, chaddd, cornel, eugene, maus, umby, gabe, alpha, reflex, calvin (kismet), fullmetal, tim, or anyone else. None of the posts he have made are outside of his character, and they're funny because it's tong and it doesn't matter.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
obviously you can't open my eyes since they're slanted shut.

Regardless, you don't understand Daniel Tong. That's all there is to it. You can ask anybody else who knows tong, be it marty, xif, xio, elliot, jeff, gawes, chaddd, cornel, eugene, maus, umby, gabe, alpha, reflex, calvin (kismet), fullmetal, tim, or anyone else. None of the posts he have made are outside of his character, and they're funny because it's tong and it doesn't matter.
That's like my friend defending me saying "You don't know Chris. That's all there is to it. You can ask [list names here]. None of the posts he have made are outside of his character, and they're funny because it's Chris and it doesn't matter."

Not a very good argument.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
if you keep talking like that i will feel bad next time i cause his blood pressure to spike by posting


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
We understand that you're willing to escalate to real life violence over a video game, as reinforced by your list of friends. It's now more certain because of your list of friends reinforcing your willingness to beat people up.

the difference is that tong is just making stupid posts whereas you're threatening to cause bodily harm to someone over said stupid posts on the internet. You don't have to "take it" or whatever, but resorting to violence over the internet....
the world would be in complete chaos if that were the case.
never post on 4chan or SRK, by the way. You'll have a lot of friendly face bashing to do.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
We understand that you're willing to escalate to real life violence over a video game, as reinforced by your list of friends. It's now more certain because of your list of friends reinforcing your willingness to beat people up.
"We understand that you're willing to escalate to real life trash talk like a little child over a video game, as reinforced by your list of friends. It's now more certain because of your list of friends reinforcing your willingness to trash talk like a little child."

Still not a very good argument.

Defending immaturity on one side and not the other just shows bias.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
yeah, it is. It's daniel tong.
So we're at an impasse; we both have no real arguments to defend our positions.
Your point is that you shouldn't have to take it (which of course, you don't) so you should childishly resort to violence.
My point is that you shouldn't take tong's childish posts seriously and just ignore them, which apparently is beyond your grasp.
Here are our solutions
1) you leave smashboards
2) tong leaves smashboards
3) You ignore tong (with the ignore option)
4) You realize that Tong is not to be taken seriously
5) you beat daniel tong's face in, which won't solve anything and will make you look like an insecure jock, but will be really funny since tong can only take like 60% damage before an upsmash will kill him.

Obviously the best solutions are 3 and 4, but you seem to like 5 a lot.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
yeah, it is. It's daniel tong.
So we're at an impasse; we both have no real arguments to defend our positions.
Your point is that you shouldn't have to take it (which of course, you don't) so you should childishly resort to violence.
My point is that you shouldn't take tong's childish posts seriously and just ignore them, which apparently is beyond your grasp.
Here are our solutions
1) you leave smashboards
2) tong leaves smashboards
3) You ignore tong (with the ignore option)
4) You realize that Tong is not to be taken seriously
5) you beat daniel tong's face in, which won't solve anything and will make you look like an insecure jock, but will be really funny since tong can only take like 60% damage before an upsmash will kill him.

Obviously the best solutions are 3 and 4, but you seem to like 5 a lot.
5 will result in him keeping his mouth shut and me being able to enjoy Brawl without anymore immature comments from him.


6) He can apologize and stop being a **** and no one gets hurt and everyone is happy

6 looks like the most mature/safest action


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
5 will result in him keeping his mouth shut and me being able to enjoy Brawl without anymore immature comments from him.


6) He can apologize and stop being a **** and no one gets hurt and everyone is happy
See, you don't know daniel tong. 5 won't do anything other than misshape tong's face.
How hard is it for you to click a button on the computer? Muting people on Xbox Live was harder than this.
Tong is sort of the antithesis for mature actions.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
See, you don't know daniel tong. 5 won't do anything other than misshape tong's face.
How hard is it for you to click a button on the computer? Muting people on Xbox Live was harder than this.
Tong is sort of the antithesis for mature actions.
You don't agree with 6 huh?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Oh, I wish 6 were even an option.
It's tong. It's not an option.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Or, you could grow up and be the bigger man.
Jesus, it's an internet forum. I can't believe someone's taking these posts so seriously.
I'm glad I don't play marvel, I'd probably lose my mind from people talking posts seriously.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Or, you could grow up and be the bigger man.
Jesus, it's an internet forum. I can't believe someone's taking these posts so seriously.
I'm glad I don't play marvel, I'd probably lose my mind from people talking posts seriously.
Or you can stop being bias and teach your friend respect.

and you don't need to be involved with video games to get your *** kicked because of disrespect. That's life. It may not be mature, but that's life.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
He knows respect, lol. He just likes making dumb posts. That's about it. Dumb posts on the internet on a video game forum have little to nothing to do with respect.

That's not life, that's Mahvel, baybee.
You should go play that game. People get into fights over "disrespect" in the form of internet posts all the time. I'm sure you'd have fun with it.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
i'll bqh i'm not afraid of getting beat up by a diddy kong player.

worst you could do is try to beat me up in public which would end in me with a few bruises and you with some legal action, or you could come up to my room which would result in me calling local police and giggling

i play jigglypuff.gimps only


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
i'll bqh i'm not afraid of getting beat up by a diddy kong player.

worst you could do is try to beat me up in public which would end in me with a few bruises and you with some legal action, or you could come up to my room which would result in me calling local police and giggling

i play jigglypuff.gimps only
lol then that's that. What a ***** ROFL

Good nite =]


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
yeah it's shortened version of TBQH just BQH.
look how fast he going to sleep what an afraid young man


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA

I swear to God I'll knife anyone who touches Sleepy K.

I don't give a ****- I'll do ****ing 20-life

And there's my touch of smashboards drama


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA

I swear to God I'll knife anyone who touches Sleepy K.

I don't give a ****- I'll do ****ing 20-life

And there's my touch of smashboards drama
Oh, I'll touch SleepyK, if you know what I mean. *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*

Also, did I really just read the last three pages of thread? Why are you even wasting your time trying to reason with him, John? He's already made a complete *** of himself, and every time you try to show him reason, he does it again.

Actually, I'm going to make use of my ignore button, I think. :/


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
Oh, I'll touch SleepyK, if you know what I mean. *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*

Also, did I really just read the last three pages of thread? Why are you even wasting your time trying to reason with him, John? He's already made a complete *** of himself, and every time you try to show him reason, he does it again.

Actually, I'm going to make use of my ignore button, I think. :/
****it Luis, you're supposed to CALL ME when you do that so I can get in on it.

Cause I mean... if you call me- I can get it juicy for ya :chuckle:


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Let's do some ****** boxing.
I'll get on my knees and give you some blows.

rofl, I want to see you throw down on some spin cancelling bop-it x-treme, luis.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
You guys were still posting? I got bored after making Lil Kong angry from 2 posts.

That was like 150 posts ago and 10 hours ago.

I dunno how well I'd be able to protect any of my friends, but if eating double cheeseburgers really fast meant I could protect sleepy K, then I'd eat 20 in 30 seconds for you baby.

Lil Kong

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2005
Your girlfriends house
You guys were still posting? I got bored after making Lil Kong angry from 2 posts.

That was like 150 posts ago and 10 hours ago.

I dunno how well I'd be able to protect any of my friends, but if eating double cheeseburgers really fast meant I could protect sleepy K, then I'd eat 20 in 30 seconds for you baby.
Yep Xif you made me soooo mad on the internet. Yeah you got me..... Get The H3ll out of here! Lol! I get in to bigger battles of words with friends. Shows how much you know me. Anyway Ill see you guys when I see you. You too Sleepy K since you still failed to explain my "skewed" facts. Your post showed you dont know anything that went on and your going off of things you heard. I know your full of it because your the same guy that said I hosted a tournament a long time ago and was so nice in person. Thats f'd up facts. Lol! Dont worry we will just talk about it in person. Ok?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
It's your face not mine.

As for the top in Brawl thing

I've never played ksmt, so I have no idea how good he is. As for Desu, we switch off games. As for Biglou, we switch off games. As for tourny results, I believe it's 14th(my first tourny), 4th(at the place off sugarloaf), 7th(memphis tennessee), 2nd(the waba tournament during Fast1), 2nd(lost to biglou at some comic place), 3rd(my pnt tournament), 4th(my last tournament). In doubles, I've got 2nd in the last 2 I've competed in with my friend who is new to the competitive scene and first with Tommy at the Waba during Fast1. As for earnings, it's between 300-400 dollars. If you don't know what you're talking about, then it's best not to talk about it.

Why don't we just have some friendlies in general to see who's more skilled, everyone's going to be at waba.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
lol, what a bunch of nonsense. this thread rocks.

@Lil Kong - as i said before, all of this would be solved by simply playing Elliot and/or Tong. just calmly arrange a time. it really does not matter who backed out when. just accept that you couldn't play before, and play them now. no big deal, truthfully. if you don't want to play them, then say that you won't play them. no big deal there, either, in my opinion. MMs fall through all the time in any fighting game. but, i think you need to give a clear answer, as most of your repsonses are rather vague as to whether you would accept the MMs or not. too bad we couldn't get those NGBC matches at IC2, though. it's been a while since i've played anyone, and i'm always looking for people to play non-Smash games with.

@Tong/Elliot - truthfully, guys, antagonizing Lil Kong really only sets things back. even if he antagonizes you, just ask again for the MM, if you want it. if he won't play, then he won't play. if he will, even better. No real big deal there. Also, Tong, i'm gonna laugh if you making random people mad gets you stabbed or something one day, lol.

@Chris - yeah, Tong is pretty obnoxious at times, but truthfully, the amount of disrespect he's dishing out is so small. who even cares what he's saying? tong says garbage to me ALL the time, and i simply ignore him. trust me, i know him, and he simply gets fueled by people trying to respond to his nonsense.

@All - in short, learn to ignore people. SWF and the things said on it really aren't a big deal. the last time i got into something on here was bobby. he said all this garbage to me on here, and when i was at waba with him at a subsequent tourney, he made sure he was at least 100 feet away from me at all times. it was then that i realized that people are gonna be dumb on the internet because they have the protection of not having to be face to face with their adversary.

Lil Kong

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2005
Your girlfriends house
lol, what a bunch of nonsense. this thread rocks.

@Lil Kong - as i said before, all of this would be solved by simply playing Elliot and/or Tong. just calmly arrange a time. it really does not matter who backed out when. just accept that you couldn't play before, and play them now. no big deal, truthfully. if you don't want to play them, then say that you won't play them. no big deal there, either, in my opinion. MMs fall through all the time in any fighting game. but, i think you need to give a clear answer, as most of your repsonses are rather vague as to whether you would accept the MMs or not. too bad we couldn't get those NGBC matches at IC2, though. it's been a while since i've played anyone, and i'm always looking for people to play non-Smash games with.

@Tong/Elliot - truthfully, guys, antagonizing Lil Kong really only sets things back. even if he antagonizes you, just ask again for the MM, if you want it. if he won't play, then he won't play. if he will, even better. No real big deal there. Also, Tong, i'm gonna laugh if you making random people mad gets you stabbed or something one day, lol.

@Chris - yeah, Tong is pretty obnoxious at times, but truthfully, the amount of disrespect he's dishing out is so small. who even cares what he's saying? tong says garbage to me ALL the time, and i simply ignore him. trust me, i know him, and he simply gets fueled by people trying to respond to his nonsense.

@All - in short, learn to ignore people. SWF and the things said on it really aren't a big deal. the last time i got into something on here was bobby. he said all this garbage to me on here, and when i was at waba with him at a subsequent tourney, he made sure he was at least 100 feet away from me at all times. it was then that i realized that people are gonna be dumb on the internet because they have the protection of not having to be face to face with their adversary.
I see why people like you marty. Yeah though I missed IC2 but im down to play games when ever ... well when ever im off. but I get people together all the Time to game. So let me know if you wanna play we can meet up somewhere. My beef ill squash in person. Itll never get resolved on the boards.

Metroid_01 ... I dont respond to nobodies. Lol! and FYI i quit brawl months ago. Can you or anyone else show me when i ever said i was going to MM elliot at IC2? Please do that.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Why don't we just have some friendlies in general to see who's more skilled, everyone's going to be at waba.
Next tournament. I have work at 6 on Saturday. That would be a good idea to get a general idea. Maybe like 3 bo5's per person. Whoever wins 2 out of the 3 bo5's should be proclaimed "better" than the other.

Agreed Desu, ksmt or w/e, and Lou?

lol, what a bunch of nonsense. this thread rocks.

@Lil Kong - as i said before, all of this would be solved by simply playing Elliot and/or Tong. just calmly arrange a time. it really does not matter who backed out when. just accept that you couldn't play before, and play them now. no big deal, truthfully. if you don't want to play them, then say that you won't play them. no big deal there, either, in my opinion. MMs fall through all the time in any fighting game. but, i think you need to give a clear answer, as most of your repsonses are rather vague as to whether you would accept the MMs or not. too bad we couldn't get those NGBC matches at IC2, though. it's been a while since i've played anyone, and i'm always looking for people to play non-Smash games with.

@Tong/Elliot - truthfully, guys, antagonizing Lil Kong really only sets things back. even if he antagonizes you, just ask again for the MM, if you want it. if he won't play, then he won't play. if he will, even better. No real big deal there. Also, Tong, i'm gonna laugh if you making random people mad gets you stabbed or something one day, lol.

@Chris - yeah, Tong is pretty obnoxious at times, but truthfully, the amount of disrespect he's dishing out is so small. who even cares what he's saying? tong says garbage to me ALL the time, and i simply ignore him. trust me, i know him, and he simply gets fueled by people trying to respond to his nonsense.

@All - in short, learn to ignore people. SWF and the things said on it really aren't a big deal. the last time i got into something on here was bobby. he said all this garbage to me on here, and when i was at waba with him at a subsequent tourney, he made sure he was at least 100 feet away from me at all times. it was then that i realized that people are gonna be dumb on the internet because they have the protection of not having to be face to face with their adversary.
I'm glad not everyone in the smash community has an IQ under 100. "He's just being friendly" lol. What are you dumb? I know he was being obnoxious. He was being a **** and thinking he was cool or funny for doing so. Like I said though, try going up to a stranger and saying "**** you"(that's pretty much what he did) and see what they do. I doubt they'll even go "you should probably stop". They're probably going to start getting aggressive with you like any normal human being would.

As for the bold and underline. EXACTLY. Again, thanks for not being a moron.

"If you hit my I'm going to run and call the cops" LOL what a *****. No more words on here. If anyone has anything to say, say it to my face.

Lil Kong

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2005
Your girlfriends house
Next tournament. I have work at 6 on Saturday. That would be a good idea to get a general idea. Maybe like 3 bo5's per person. Whoever wins 2 out of the 3 bo5's should be proclaimed "better" than the other.

Agreed Desu, ksmt or w/e, and Lou?

I'm glad not everyone in the smash community has an IQ under 100. "He's just being friendly" lol. What are you dumb? I know he was being obnoxious. He was being a **** and thinking he was cool or funny for doing so. Like I said though, try going up to a stranger and saying "**** you"(that's pretty much what he did) and see what they do. I doubt they'll even go "you should probably stop". They're probably going to start getting aggressive with you like any normal human being would.

As for the bold and underline. EXACTLY. Again, thanks for not being a moron.

"If you hit my I'm going to run and call the cops" LOL what a *****. No more words on here. If anyone has anything to say, say it to my face.

Lol! Marty should run SWF. I get what your saying Noir. These guys wouldnt say that to a complete stranger. they would get hit in the mouth. Lol! and you are a complete stranger to them. They talked mad **** untill they saw me in person. The first thing I did when i came up to them was I brought up the crap they said and they got silent.. I dont know about you but where im from you dont talk crap (playing or not) that you wont say to a persons face.
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