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Georgia Power Rankings

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
SleepyK pwns and I stand by him on everything he says here.

EDIT: I forgot that was you, Chris. Chill the fuck out. Tong's cool. Brawl isn't. And please stop pretending like Brawl, the internet, and Waba Games have any relation in anyone's mind to anything even remotely hardcore. Fact of the matter is, you and pretty much everyone here lives in the suburbs and doesn't sling rock, so don't try and escalate these online situations, please.

and so power rankings is done.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
anyway, GA brawl power rankings... Panelists should include Calvin (kismet2), Tim (Desudesudesudesu) annnd I don't know about the rest. GA's brawl community is fairly small, so perhaps the top 2 placers would be fine.
Melee PR - GAWes, FullMetal, Marty, Me?
something like that.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
anyway, GA brawl power rankings... Panelists should include Calvin (kismet2), Tim (Desudesudesudesu) annnd I don't know about the rest. GA's brawl community is fairly small, so perhaps the top 2 placers would be fine.
Melee PR - GAWes, FullMetal, Marty, Me?
something like that.
When do I get my "worst" tier, Sleepy?

Smooth Criminal

Lil Kong

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2005
Your girlfriends house
Yeah I can call them geeks ect. because Out of 4 MM attempts I miss one. Two of them I came directly to them with it and they avoided, The other I offered to pick them up they avoided. But I dont back my claims up?... Right Sleepy K.

They forgot about it? I started it back up When Elliot called me out after 3 months check the Ic2 boards.... Right Sleepy K

Im trying to dispute my skills i game I Dont Play.... Right Sleepy K.

I think it was Nicaboy that said this along time ago "if you dont know the details S.T.F.U!!!" Lol!
Oh and please go into detail on these facts I make up? Neither you or XIF have been able to do that, But ive done that on XIF twice.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah I can call them geeks ect. because Out of 4 MM attempts I miss one. Two of them I came directly to them with it and they avoided, The other I offered to pick them up they avoided. But I dont back my claims up?... Right Sleepy K.

They forgot about it? I started it back up When Elliot called me out after 3 months check the Ic2 boards.... Right Sleepy K

Im trying to dispute my skills i game I Dont Play.... Right Sleepy K.

I think it was Nicaboy that said this along time ago "if you dont know the details S.T.F.U!!!" Lol!
You didn't offer to pick them up, lol. If you did, it was in passing, and there's more to the story than simply "I offered to pick them up and they declined." Once again, skewing the facts.
Of course you don't play it after Elliot actually guarantees to have the money for the money match and is definitely going to do it. Obviously, the previous posts you made about people that were personal insults when they were just talking about video games don't count anymore.
Oh, and I can't check old posts because that would make me a nerd who wastes his time checking your old posts or whatever, since logical disputes with checking your old posts don't make sense, according to you.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
That is because none of you will ever be able to defeat me. mwahahahahahahaha.

Brawl doesn't count.


Fuck Brawl, no one cares about that game.

If you play Brawl you're just living proof of brand loyalty regardless of quality. Or you're a scrub who thinks he has a shot at not sucking for once. Trust me, you don't.

Rather than playing Brawl, you could just finally learn how to consistently L-cancel and play a game that takes actual skill and isn't like the MGM Grand of the Smash series. Not to mention that everyone for some reason seems to be so down with playing Brawl with items on. =/

DOUBLE EDIT: The idea of Brawl Power Rankings makes me sick.


QUADRUPLE EDIT: Brawl is also not a hard game. Any top 10 you could make I could crush in 10 minutes of training mode.
I was talking about melee chad. Not Brawl. I do not like Brawl. I said that in previous posts. I erased them for legal reasons.

As for the others who are telling me to "keep the high school jock stereotype out of the community". If you think I'm going to let anyone, ANYONE, talk trash to me in a insulting manner you are **** wrong. Learn to ****ing respect the people around you. I have ZERO problems with anyone who are cool with me. I'm cool with EVERYONE am I wrong? Do I start **** with ANYONE? No?

So, if you are going to talk **** to me and think you are cool and trying to embarrass me, you are **** wrong. I'll show you embarrassment Saturday. I don't give a **** if he's cool or your friend. You are defending his lack of respect to me, meaning you are not anymore my friend than he is. Probably just smart to stay out of it, or smarten the kid up because this will be the last time he talks trash to me.

and Chad I stated in the previous posts I didn't want problems and he kept going. He deserves what he has coming, cool guy or not. Oh, and I don't need to live in Atlanta to have the friends I do either btw lol. I live in good old Grayson and I have plenty of good friends :]


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
you are easily the most hardcore person on smash boards i take all my trash talk back hope i didn't damage any respect any smashers held for you ok honor defended please don't come and embarrass me at work this saturday i'ma log off now in fear bb.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Naw, next time I see you at a tournament I'm going to make your *** get on your knees and make you apologize. If you don't do it in a serious manner(unlike that last post) I'll hit you in the ****ing head, till you do. You think I can't tell you're being a smart ***?

and I'm not hardcore. I just don't take **** from no one. I don't deserve it and neither does anyone else that respects the people around them.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Naw, next time I see you at a tournament I'm going to make your *** get on your knees and make you apologize. If you don't do it in a serious manner(unlike that last post) I'll hit you in the ****ing head, till you do. You think I can't tell you're being a smart ***?

and I'm not hardcore. I just don't take **** from no one. I don't deserve it and neither does anyone else that respects the people around them.
Chris, this is video games. They're played for fun. Stop being a douchebag.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Chris, this is video games. They're played for fun. Stop being a douchebag.
lol I'm a douche bag because I don't let people talk down on me? Explain the logic in that. Also, tell me how me taking **** is fun or funny. You realize that makes ZERO sense right?


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
there is this thing called being socially adjusted you may want to look into it


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
no, because you're threatening to beat someone up over a video game. If you've ever talked to tong you know not to take him seriously. Ask anybody in GA. Go beat up someone who made a "your mom" joke or something.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
no, because you're threatening to beat someone up over a video game. If you've ever talked to tong you know not to take him seriously. Ask anybody in GA. Go beat up someone who made a "your mom" joke or something.
It is not over a video game lol...it's over RESPECT. You think I care if someone is better than me? Just because he talked trash to me ABOUT a video game means nothing to me. It's the fact that he started trash talking me for no reason and continued to do so after I told him to stop. This has nothing to do with a video game. Just because we both play games, you think it's over a video game? If so, then you're far off.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
look at it this way you suck at brawl was just a fact state kinda like how your hair is short or your tvz is lacking ain no disrespect on the facts p.s. you getting all mad is not going to work towards getting respect


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
It is not over a video game lol...it's over RESPECT. You think I care if someone is better than me? Just because he talked trash to me ABOUT a video game means nothing to me. It's the fact that he started trash talking me for no reason and continued to do so after I told him to stop. This has nothing to do with a video game. Just because we both play games, you think it's over a video game? If so, then you're far off.
It is over a video game. The trash talk is about a video game, and most of all, it's from Tong.
Don't take it seriously. And don't beat people up over video games.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
look at it this way you suck at brawl was just a fact state kinda like how your hair is short or your tvz is lacking ain no disrespect on the facts p.s. you getting all mad is not going to work towards getting respect
I'm not mad. I just don't want to have to deal with anyone talking trash to me or anything else like it. I like to have a chill life, if I have to **** your face up to make sure you stop then I have no problem with that. If people don't want to respect me because I don't take **** from ***** like you, then that's their problem not mine. They just better keep their comments to themselves because I'm not going to deal with it. I'm not going to avoid playing a game I enjoy because I don't want to listen to people talking trash to me for no reason. I'm not going to avoid tournaments for it either.

It is over a video game. The trash talk is about a video game, and most of all, it's from Tong.
Don't take it seriously. And don't beat people up over video games.
I don't care if he said I suck at a game. I don't care if he said my feet are too big. I don't care if he said anything else insulting. I care that he is talking trash to me for no reason. This is the argument you should be saying if anything: "Don't beat people up for disrespecting you.". I think it's immature, no doubt, but like I said. I don't want to deal with that **** and I won't. I don't know how you can blame me for not wanting to deal with people talking trash to me lol. Makes no sense.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I'm not mad. I just don't want to have to deal with anyone talking trash to me or anything else like it. I like to have a chill life, if I have to **** your face up to make sure you stop then I have no problem with that.
no, you just want to be a bully over a freaking video game.
Once again, it's from Tong. You don't take him seriously. And it's trash talk... about a video game. a video game.
it's nothing about you or your feet or whatever, it's over a video game.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I'm not mad. I just don't want to have to deal with anyone talking trash to me or anything else like it. I like to have a chill life, if I have to **** your face up to make sure you stop then I have no problem with that. If people don't want to respect me because I don't take **** from ***** like you, then that's their problem not mine. They just better keep their comments to themselves because I'm not going to deal with it. I'm not going to avoid playing a game I enjoy because I don't want to listen to people talking trash to me for no reason. I'm not going to avoid tournaments for it either.
Oh. So, you're not being angry when you say that you want to **** Tong's face up for talking ****?


But just so you know, that sounds a lot like anger. And, to a certain extent, insecurity. Man up and deal with it, Noir; Tong is just ******* around. I don't put my fist into somebody's face every time they say **** to me; in addition to the traits above, that's also a mark of insipidness.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I've said what I said. I'm not going to argue it. Look at it however you want because this isn't a debate. I don't care about your opinion on the matter and I don't agree with it. Just don't talk trash me because I'm not going to deal with it.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
lol and for the people who think he's just "joking around". He probably is joking around, but not with me. If you think he's trying to be friendly with me then you're either stupid or you're just trying to defend him because you're obviously much closer friends with him than you are me. He thinks since I'm new to the community, top in the state in Brawl(not bragging), and I talk confidently that he can start saying **** like "You suck at Brawl" or whatever and get away with it because he's buddy buddy with the majority of the community(as you can see). He thinks he's going to make me look bad and he obviously did because now you all think I'm a "bully" because I'm not letting that **** happen and I have friends that could easily back me up. That is a ****. He might be cool with most of you, but that's a **** thing to do. There's a distinct line between friendly **** talk and being adick. He was being a **** and like I said, if you don't think so you are stupid or just defending him. The people that defend that kind of stuff don't have my respect either.

Tong, we are not cool. If I start losing friends because of this **** then I'm seriously going to **** you up bro.

and seriously, I'm going to make you say sorry for being a **** at the next tournament I see you. If you want to be cool after that, then we can be cool. If you don't, then like I said..keep your negative comments to yourself, or out of my sight and hearing range.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
tbqh i'm not sure how long you could keep any friends that don't like it when you flip out cause you're flipping 1080's here
p.s. i'm pretty sure you're the only one who thinks you're top of the state in brawl


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
tbqh i'm not sure how long you could keep any friends that don't like it when you flip out cause you're flipping 1080's here
p.s. i'm pretty sure you're the only one who thinks you're top of the state in brawl
It's your face not mine.

As for the top in Brawl thing

changing subject to keep topic correct.

Back to brawl
Ksmt2 (Noir between Kismet and Biglou, depending on their matchups i can put something there)
Antic /Octix

i have an obvious problem here.
I've never played ksmt, so I have no idea how good he is. As for Desu, we switch off games. As for Biglou, we switch off games. As for tourny results, I believe it's 14th(my first tourny), 4th(at the place off sugarloaf), 7th(memphis tennessee), 2nd(the waba tournament during Fast1), 2nd(lost to biglou at some comic place), 3rd(my pnt tournament), 4th(my last tournament). In doubles, I've got 2nd in the last 2 I've competed in with my friend who is new to the competitive scene and first with Tommy at the Waba during Fast1. As for earnings, it's between 300-400 dollars. If you don't know what you're talking about, then it's best not to talk about it.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
It's your face not mine.

As for the top in Brawl thing

I've never played ksmt, so I have no idea how good he is. As for Desu, we switch off games. As for Biglou, we switch off games. As for tourny results, I believe it's 14th(my first tourny), 4th(at the place off sugarloaf), 7th(memphis tennessee), 2nd(the waba tournament during Fast1), 2nd(lost to biglou at some comic place), 3rd(my pnt tournament), 4th(my last tournament). In doubles, I've got 2nd in the last 2 I've competed in with my friend who is new to the competitive scene and first with Tommy at the Waba during Fast1. As for earnings, it's between 300-400 dollars. If you don't know what you're talking about, then it's best not to talk about it.
When's the last time you played tim? It's been a while. No offense or anything, but I wouldn't continue to say that I was good if I haven't been competing in a while. I don't think I'm that great at H2 anymore since I haven't really played it in a while; I'd say that I'm rusty at best.
And chris, no one is going to let you get into some preschool fight over q-bert. If you seriously think that GA Smash is going to tolerate a child trying to fight someone over something that you're too 4-years-old to let go of since it's not serious at all, you're wrong. Min might even ban you from entering waba if you try to escalate video games to violence. You can be "not cool" with Tong and dislike him all you want, you can screw with his matches and insult him or whatever, but put your tire iron down. It's video games, not real life.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
When's the last time you played tim? It's been a while. No offense or anything, but I wouldn't continue to say that I was good if I haven't been competing in a while. I don't think I'm that great at H2 anymore since I haven't really played it in a while; I'd say that I'm rusty at best.
And chris, no one is going to let you get into some preschool fight over q-bert. If you seriously think that GA Smash is going to tolerate a child trying to fight someone over something that you're too 4-years-old to let go of since it's not serious at all, you're wrong. Min might even ban you from entering waba if you try to escalate video games to violence.
Last time I played Tim? Friday. Last time we switched games back and forth? Friday. Last time Lou and I switched games back and forth? Friday.

Why should anything have to escalate to violance? Why should anything escalate to disrespect? Talking trash to someone disrespectfully is CHILDISH. Do you DISAGREE?

"You can be "not cool" with Tong and dislike him all you want, you can screw with his matches and insult him or whatever"

are you joking? Are you that immature to be promoting **** like that?

pretty sure desu eats your bananas for brakfast.
Go to the bigscreen TV and watch the replay towards the end With Diddy vs DDD. That game was from my first day back to Brawl. Desu and I are on the same level, as is BigLou. Don't talk about anything you have zero knowledge about.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Last time I played Tim? Friday. Last time we switched games back and forth? Friday. Last time Lou and I switched games back and forth? Friday.

Why should anything have to escalate to violance? Why should anything escalate to disrespect? Talking trash to someone disrespectfully is CHILDISH. Do you DISAGREE?

"You can be "not cool" with Tong and dislike him all you want, you can screw with his matches and insult him or whatever"

are you joking? Are you that immature to be promoting **** like that?
Okay, sounds good. you're proving yourself in brawl.

Uh, of course. It's Tong. That's why you don't take it seriously. Apparently your response to childish behavior is to act... even more childish? that's a great way to solve problems! Let's end all wars by killing everybody on the planet! end of problem! WHEEEE

Aw man, every time a little kid insults me for something, I'mma bash his face in now and tell him Chris told me to.

I'm pointing out how stupid you sound by wanting to "bash his face in" for insulting your mom or whatever. gb2highschool if you haven't learned how to deal with problems like this yet.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Okay, sounds good. you're proving yourself in brawl.

Uh, of course. It's Tong. That's why you don't take it seriously. Apparently your response to childish behavior is to act... even more childish? that's a great way to solve problems! Let's end all wars by killing everybody on the planet! end of problem! WHEEEE

I'm pointing out how stupid you sound by wanting to "bash his face in" for insulting your mom or whatever. gb2highschool if you haven't learned how to deal with problems like this yet.
The fact of the matter is Tong and I are not MUTUAL. Anything he is saying to me isn't friendly. Do you not get that?

and it's not quite as dumb as promoting disrespect.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah, I get that. It falls on you to realize that it doesn't really matter at all and that you need to let it go instead of holding on to some minor, stupid, insipid comment that tong makes and taking it personally. Are you really that insecure about yourself that you can't understand that anything Tong says is pretty much not to be taken seriously? Do you really have to ensure yourself that you matter by beating up some guy for talking about a video game? Man, I would have hated to have gone to your school.
"Hey John, I hear you're pretty good at Halo 2."
"I'm alright, yeah."
"Chris says he's probably able to beat you"
"oh yeah? tell him he's a scrub."
then you'd throw death threats at me and hole me up in some bathroom and punched me in the face until i apologized.

Actually, that would have been hilarious.
Hey chris, you're a scrub.
I bet I could beat you at halo 2.

I didn't know I needed bodyguards or a football helmet to play video games.

I can't imagine you on xbox live. You must be that one guy who screams into the microphone over some 13 year old kid who talks trash.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Yeah, I get that. It falls on you to realize that it doesn't really matter at all and that you need to let it go instead of holding on to some minor, stupid, insipid comment that tong makes and taking it personally. Are you really that insecure about yourself that you can't understand that anything Tong says is pretty much not to be taken seriously? Do you really have to ensure yourself that you matter by beating up some guy for talking about a video game? Man, I would have hated to have gone to your school.
"Hey John, I hear you're pretty good at Halo 2."
"I'm alright, yeah."
"Chris says he's probably able to beat you"
"oh yeah? tell him he's a scrub."
then you'd throw death threats at me and hole me up in some bathroom and punched me in the face until i apologized.

Actually, that would have been hilarious.
Hey chris, you're a scrub.
I bet I could beat you at halo 2.
Now see the difference? We are MUTUAL(at least that's what I thought). It doesn't offend me because I know you're playing.

As for you're example. I didn't go threatening him until he kept going. I told him to stop and he kept going. You think I should have to deal with that every tournament I go or have some dude riding me in threads on a forum? That kind of **** should not be tolerated.

I don't want to fight anyone, but what else you can do? You can't kick him from the forums and tournaments for lack of disrespect because he's too buddy buddy with the rest of you. I'm not going to just listen to it and not do **** about it because that's ********. It's either respect the people around you or except the consequences of being a ****. You need to stop defending that behavior man and I know you're defending it because you haven't said a thing to him about it. You're stuck on me because he's your buddy buddy.

"I can't imagine you on xbox live. You must be that one guy who screams into the microphone over some 13 year old kid who talks trash."

Not at all. I mute the kids like Tong. Simple as that.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Now see the difference? We are MUTUAL(at least that's what I thought). It doesn't offend me because I know you're playing.

As for you're example. I didn't go threatening him until he kept going. I told him to stop and he kept going. You think I should have to deal with that every tournament I go or have some dude riding me in threads on a forum? That kind of **** should not be tolerated.

I don't want to fight anyone, but what else you can do? You can't kick him from the forums and tournaments for lack of disrespect because he's too buddy buddy with the rest of you. I'm not going to just listen to it and not do **** about it because that's ********. It's either respect the people around you or except the consequences of being a ****. You need to stop defending that behavior man and I know you're defending it because you haven't said a thing to him about it. You're stuck on me because he's your buddy buddy.

"I can't imagine you on xbox live. You must be that one guy who screams into the microphone over some 13 year old kid who talks trash."

Not at all. I mute the kids like Tong. Simple as that.
No, you can just mute him on smashboards. See, you don't take that kind of crap from kids on xbox live, but you don't threaten to go beat their faces in. Just ignore him on here (the command that makes his posts invisible and forget about it. You're a pretty cool guy Chris, this is just really unprecedented because it makes you seem really insecure, and you didn't seem like that at all.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
No, you can just mute him on smashboards. See, you don't take that kind of crap from kids on xbox live, but you don't threaten to go beat their faces in. Just ignore him on here (the command that makes his posts invisible and forget about it. You're a pretty cool guy Chris, this is just really unprecedented because it makes you seem really insecure.
Not at all. I just like to enjoy myself and listening to some dude talking trash to me, not in a friendly way, is not my idea of fun.

The fact that you're defending disrespect is pretty sad too. Respect should be automatic to anyone and everyone who has respect for the people around them. How you're defending something like that is beyond me.

"and you didn't seem like that at all"

Like I said I'm a laid back person and I respect everyone around me. Why someone would come and be a **** to me is beyond me. For some reason you think I should take it and I disagree. We obviously have different opinions.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
the consequences pretty much include you entertaining the entirety of ga

hey guess what people do when getting trash talked about a game
a.) mm
b.) ignore

wanna know which doesn't make you look like a stable person.?
you might want reconsider how you present yourself, in your enduring quest to gain respect from every single person you encounter on smashboards,


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
nah, I just think you shouldn't take it seriously since it doesn't matter at all. Once again, you can just ignore tong (there's an option on swf.)
And it's sort of the way tong is friendly. You don't know tong at all, so I assume you're not familiar with the way he is.
You know how we make fun of Yipes all the time? (Mag-****ing neto) and all of that? the whole time in the MAHVEL BAYBEE video, Yipes is talking trash to somebody, but that's just the way he is, and it's funny. It's the same way with tong.

Edit: Dammit, tong LOL


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
the consequences pretty much include you entertaining the entirety of ga

hey guess what people do when getting trash talked about a game
a.) mm
b.) ignore

wanna know which doesn't make you look like a stable person.?
you might want reconsider how you present yourself, in your enduring quest to gain respect from every single person you encounter on smashboards,
I gain respect by respecting others. You may want to change how you present yourself because it's going to get you hurt. If you think I'm the only person who doesn't take **** from strangers then you are wrong. You're too use to your world.

"And it's sort of the way tong is friendly. You don't know tong at all, so I assume you're not familiar with the way he is. "

Disrespect is NOT friendly. Playing around is friendly. Telling people they suck to be a **** is NOT friendly.

"the consequences pretty much include you entertaining the entirety of ga"

Exactly what I'm talking about.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Well, once again, if you know tong, that's how he's being friendly.
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