Yeah that sequence of events is as believe able as the sequence of events you told about me being at AWA getting called out by Marsfool and running right?

That why I dont need to correct that. Your a ****1ng joke.
Speaking of Marsfool you sure bring him up alot. He and I had beef and it was squashed when we met in person. He never challenged me but you keep trying to throw him in the middle of it.
Ill be the first to admit that karma probably bit me in the a55 on IC2 i had some guys over that night and all i was talking about was confronting you guys that night. So it sucked when hours before the tourney something popped up and i couldnt go. You can ask the 5 people that were at my house and attended IC2.
XIF you dont have a life. Everyone here knows that. You eat(alot obviously) sleep, and play games. Oh and you cry.
XIF your a loser, Your only popular on smashboards. You dont get girls, You are the definition of a geek. The definition of lame. Your the guy with a youtube video of you and some guy wearing a cloak straight out of lord of the rings doing karate moves in a parking lot wearing a shirt 3 sizes to small.
I hope you not scared of me. That means when I come up to you your going to Man up & deal with whats next right? I cant wait till IC3 lets do this ASAP