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Georgia is too good!


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
This, like, one guy, he's top in my state...and, um...he posted this big mean post about how much my state is no good.:(


I can't believe he'd insult me like that. I mean, doesn't he realize how personally I take comments about my play style in a video game? Guess not. :(

See, I used to think he was a cool guy. But after reading that post about me not being very good at Smash, I realized everything I needed to know to make a complete decision about his personality. I'm just good like that. Now, because of one post, I know for a fact he's a jerk in real life. :(

But I also don't really care about Smash Brothers. I mean, yeah, I'm on the boards and everything, and I'm taking the time to post here and everything. But my ability in Smash Brothers isn't as important to me as other things. I know this doesn't explain why I'm so upset over him talking about my ability, but just go with it. It makes sense to me, so it should make sense to you too.:(

I wish that people wouldn't explain to me that I need to get better. I mean, most people gain motivation from the idea of proving people wrong, but I just like to get upset about it.:(


Now for those of you that don't know, I've recently been dis-satisfied with the fact that the competition in my state is lacking.

It's not the people or their ability I have a problem with. It's the attitude of all these smashers. I made a post saying my state sucks, and half the state(the half that apparently dislikes improving) spent 10 pages flaming me, and carry my posts into real life situations as well as other threads. But what's amazing, is the other half of the state, the half that remain my close friends, decided to prove me wrong. They've been getting closer and closer every time we play to beating me.

I figured if the entire state had a person they wanted to prove wrong, especially if that person was the top player in their state, that the whole state would gain new motivation to prove me wrong. Instead I get these crybaby attitudes that are basically complaining that I didn't sugar coat it for everyone. That I'm not nice about my approach.

I just want my state to get better. For everyone from my state to have a reputation for kicking ***, not for being lack luster. If half the state has to hate me in order to accomplish this, then so be it. But all you people act like I'm the bad guy, like I'm hating on you, like I'm concerned with nothing but my own ability and spreading the word that I'm good.

For all of you that believe such a thing, please swallow your own insecurities long enough to realize I'm not doing anything negative. You decide your own path in life, this is the point where what I say will piss you off or will motivate you. It's where you either give up or strive for excellence. This is the point where you decide how much you really care about this game, and decide that you don't need to explain to me all the reasons you think you lose. I'm not worried about your personal reasons for not improving, I'm offering all of Georgia help, should you choose to swallow your fake Smash Brother's pride and accept, I will give you the advice you need to improve at this game.

For all of those who still dislike me for talking trash about this state's Smash ability, let me paint a picture for you.

Florida owns Georgia at Smash. Florida is teh **** at smash, right Georgia?

Well hey, from what I hear, in New York everyone thinks that most of Florida sucks.

So what do you think New York, or California even, thinks of Georgia if that's what they think about Florida?

Like it or not, Georgia is a joke in the eyes of just about the entire country. The only ones here who want to improve don't get to play the people they need to play enough to improve as quickly as they could. Half of us, apparently, like to tell me why I'm at fault for pointing out something the entire Smash community already knew. It may feel insulting to you if you're from Georgia, but it's a 'well duh' situation for the majority of the country.

I still <3 the majority of Georgia Smashers. I'm glad I made this post, too. Because now I know who in my state showed their true colors when I said what I said, and who used it, like all experiences, to grow stronger. I don't take everything I say here seriously. Lambchops has been telling people to 'suck his c*ck for forgiveness' since forever on SmashBoards, and no one hates on him in real life. But some of you Georgia people have taken it to a whole new level of hate with these posts. Telling me who I am, how cool you believe me to be, and how mean it is to hate on my state. But you know what's funny? The top of the state right now are the exact same people that backed my argument. Those slipping and losing to our supposedly less skilled players are the same ones that were hating on me.

You don't have to be in one group or the other. You decide what to do with these words I've posted. It's your path, for you to choose. You can waste emotion on flaming me, or you can, for f*cking once, turn something you think is negative into something positive and realize that how well you guys play smash brothers has never affected my opinion of you as people. If you organize your thoughts you'd realize you're not mad at me, you're upset that someone would point out your failures at this game. I've done nothing but told you my opinion, which is, like it or not, the opinion of the majority of the community.

Georgia could stand to level up a bit.

That's the sugar coated version for all of you. Somehow I still see someone hating because of this, but do what you will. I've proven what I can do, it's your turn. And btw, proving yourself through SmashBoards posts has never worked for me, as you can plainly see.

Bring on the haters.

Love you, Georgia. You all know who I'm talking to. I'm so proud of all of you that have improved so quickly since my last post alone. Keep this up and send me to bottom of the Power Rankings so I'll have something to work for again. Our rankings need to be a cycle of constantly adapting play styles, not a one-sided, unchanging list that no one feels is important. Remember, it's within you to improve, and your attitude dictates that.

If you feel that I'm to blame for this post upsetting you, then you certainly have your priorities in order.

If you feel that improvement is something that can be instantaneous, and want to know what you need to work on, then send me a PM. I've been in competitive gaming for 8 years now, and this is not something I stumbled upon overnight. I've been studying since I was 12 years old getting my *** handed to me in street fighter on how to improve quickly at games. It's not that I'm more gifted than any of you, it's that I've been working a lot harder for a lot longer than any of you even begin to realize.

As for people like 112, ignore my posts. Brawl's coming out soon, we could all collectively suck at that instead. Who cares about sucking at this game, it's almost gone.

Just remember what 112 thinks, I've given nothing to this community, and the fact that I'm good just means I'm arrogant for saying so. My posts are pointless grasps for attention.

For those of you who know me, and know what to make of this post, I'll see you in Finals next tournament.

For those of you lacking confidence or the ability to motivate yourself, let the flaming begin.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
Most of Georgia is sadly wrapped in Pokemon IMO, of which the 4th generation needs to die. There's probably a rational reason that Georgia is "generally" lackluster (if we really want to consider it so) in Smash, probably the same reason that's tied into our test scores.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
I have to admit, this post isn't going to give you the results you want.

Let the people who suck, continue to suck
Let the people who want to improve, continue to improve.
I'm MORE than happy to keep working on my skill level and taking money from those who don't- for as long as I play this game.
Quite honestly: I'd rather have a majority of scrubs who are willing to MM me or participate in brackets to contribute their money to the pot-
With a few people who are dedicated to the game, and competing at a high level.

I don't give a **** what the majority of smashers in GA do with their "smash career", I'm going to keep trying to get better and represent the state.
I'm sure there are others who feel the same way.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Most of Georgia is sadly wrapped in Pokemon IMO, of which the 4th generation needs to die. There's probably a rational reason that Georgia is "generally" lackluster (if we really want to consider it so) in Smash, probably the same reason that's tied into our test scores.
to hell with you(not really, I just like pokemanz) and chaddd
ive met you only once chaddd, and i honestly think your a cool person, and ive been trying to ignore you the last month...
and i know i have no room to talk: ive been to only one tourney my life that anyone good was at, and i happen to have played 2 matches with you. and you seem nice at the time.

let me guess, knowing you to be the current a$$hole you are, are you going to say I'm hypocritical for saying this over the internet.
to hell with you! as far as I know, you know nothing about georgia or the smashers in it


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
lol dood i drank a bunch of sour apple, my **** was green niggaaaas. anime sucks, i'm good at smash, i'm gonna be beast a brawl, i've been around for ever, i love bobby, i lived with him yo, classic *****es, mike g. loves baking chicking and miilk, i love dominos pizza, i'm gonna buy a 240sx when i get back. lol bettttttchheeesss


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
It's become apparent that no one actually listens to anything I'm saying.

Articanus, I've already explained that discussing your smash ability is NOT insulting you. If someone tells me I suck at smash, I just play and get better. Whether that person is M2K or you, I don't care. Stop acting like I'm god **** attacking you. It's a game. It's a f***ing game. GAME. GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME.

Am I getting through yet? It's a f***ing game. You do not reflect yourself through your ability to play smash, so how you treat people, get along with people, and interact with society is in NO WAY related to your ability to beat someone at smash brothers. Many of you have yet to realize that simply by letting something like comments about your skill anger you, you've taken smash to a level much higher than just a game. BTW If you think that anything I'm saying on these boards is in some way offensive, then you have obviously never heard me actually talk trash. Once again, game.

Prac - I've explained this to many many many many many people. Not everything I post on SmashBoards is the Gospel written in stone. I'm trying to get that message across, but so many people just respond ignorantly and defensively like everything I said in my post was destructive criticism. Come on. Stop.

PS Articanus: Actually I know everyone on all tiers of the Power Rankings, and many many more that are not. Don't tell me I don't know anything about Georgia Smash when I'm the one who turned it sideways for the first time in 6 years.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2006
I have to admit, this post isn't going to give you the results you want.

Let the people who suck, continue to suck
Let the people who want to improve, continue to improve.
I'm MORE than happy to keep working on my skill level and taking money from those who don't- for as long as I play this game.
Quite honestly: I'd rather have a majority of scrubs who are willing to MM me or participate in brackets to contribute their money to the pot-
With a few people who are dedicated to the game, and competing at a high level.

I don't give a **** what the majority of smashers in GA do with their "smash career", I'm going to keep trying to get better and represent the state.
I'm sure there are others who feel the same way.
Amen, Mike!

I may not be at the top of my game quite yet, but I'll be ****ed if I ever quit trying to improve. Even if I somehow reach the top of the rankings, I'm gonna want to keep getting better.

And to anyone who hates on Chaddd for this thread: Suck my f4ggot stick!

EDIT: Chaddd, one of these days you're gonna have to coach me or something. Play me a lot, and tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can fix my strategies. I liked your advice you gave me yesterday, and I plan to attempt doing it next time I smash with the GPC boys.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Edit: wow, this post starts out really angry, lol. But it cools down XD

Lets not kid ourselves here.

If this was just a game, would you have made this topic. and the one previously before it?

If this is just a game, why do you care so much about letting Georgia fall in the dust?

I this is just a game, why does this whole FRIGG'N website exist?

I will be honest, I had no right to flame you earlier. Hell, i hadn't even read past the 2nd paragraph when i pressed send in the quick reply box!
So if I'm reading you right, your saying that Georgia sucks because of the way we make excuses for when we lose? Instead of practicing to get better over who had beaten us?
Tell me if I got the wrong message, please. You can address it through a PM, if you wish, but that's what I get from the page up there. I'm not calling you anything this time, I'm not treating your word like the "Gospel", or whatever the hell you want to call it. I'm not flaming you at all in this post, either. I simply believe there could have been a better way to have gotten the message across.

To be the honest to god truth, I've been working my butt off at this "game" every weekend, with or without anyone to play. I've only had one goal in doing so:
to beat 112.
He's the only person I've played who handed my *** to me on a silver platter consistently.

if this whole post is unessesary, someone please tell me. I really hope its not.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Dude, that makes no sense. You realize that, right? Because something is not as important as other things doesn't make it completely unimportant. You also can't tell me that simply because these boards exist and that I posted about Georgia needing to get better means this is 'no longer just a game'. Still just a game, homie. What I said:

It's just a game.

Know what that means? It means it's fun to play, it's fun to care about, it's fun to improve, and it's fun to spend time with.

Know what that doesn't mean? It doesn't mean that it's totally unimportant. It simply means that it's not so god d*mn important that you have to start getting defensive like I just took a swing at your grandmother or something. My whole point is chill out.

BTW, I never said all of Georgia sucks. Ever. I've been very clear on my feelings about that. The less Omegas we have in Georgia the better, is all I'm saying.

Also, that's a very good start for your goal to get better. I used to be so scared of playing 112 back when I first started. My motivation for playing melee at all was to beat Wes. Before Wes handed me my *** for an entire night, I hated this game. I took a game I hated and made it something I love. I love the community, I love the reactions people have to my playstyle. I hate the boards, unfortunately. Because as gifted of a writer as I am, not everyone seems as blessed with ability to properly interpret text. You must read the whole body of text, not pick and choose little lines out of context that make me sound like I'm a terrible person.

Also, you shouldn't base so much on so little. You know why? I seemed cool at first, and now I'm looking like much more of a d!ck with all my posts.

You know why you can't use that to guess who I am? Because if I did the same thing to you, I'd tell you that you're obviously very upset that you lack the ability you desire in smash brothers, and I think you're also a very angry person because you reacted in such a way to a simple forum post.

See how that's not true? Because we get angry doesn't make us anger management material, just as knowing the taste of alcohol does not make you an alcoholic.

You all need to stop getting ahead of yourselves. Take a deep breath, and stop bashing me for being bored as f*ck since Wes left for England. If none of you noticed, he pretty much thinks it's funny as hell that I've been posting this stuff, and I guarantee that if you ask him, he'll tell you I'm completely right. Just as him and Mike G did before. Only no one hated on them...in fact they pretty much got ignored. It's funny how so many of you hear only what you want to hear.

EDIT: **** you, Tong. Thomas is the only positive feedback I've received other than Mike. Must you tear him down?


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
im sorry, but those two lines just deserved a big


Yeah, Im 15 at 2 AM. Whaddya expect?

Now don't accuse me of sucking your **** when you read the next line:

Your right.
You've definitely assumed much too much about myself from these boards. I can say what I want here, just as any gimp with a keyboard can. That doesn't mean I'm actually an *******. I call this the Lambchops paradox. Lambchops rules, but ****it if he isn't one of the most obnoxious people on the boards.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
So i heard Georgia is too good and this guy keeps coming in here and telling everyone they suck but him. What an ***hole wtf is up with him?

He should come visit me.

Professor X

Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2006
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Acworth Georgia
I was being for real when i wanted to challenge chaddd's ganon to my ness....

I honestly haven't read any more of chaddd's posts anymore because I already got the original idea.
I am a very competitive person and i don't think i have a problem with the lack of getting better but chaddd,

you should really stop posting about ga sucking because yes, the majority does, but they can still keep sucking and there's really nothing else you can do.

I for one want to play your ganon at least once cuz i haven't before.


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
&quot;So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo

i theeeeeeenk the smashing community needs a little bit of perspective.


It's a game, not a career choice... at most this game is temporary, at the least this game is fleeting, be good at a game if you want... but in the end it's not a big deal.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Space Animals, Florida

i theeeeeeenk the smashing community needs a little bit of perspective.


It's a game, not a career choice... at most this game is temporary, at the least this game is fleeting, be good at a game if you want... but in the end it's not a big deal.
It may be a game, but if people didnt take it seriously GA wouldnt be **** near at a civil war. And this is more than about the game itself , its the people's attitudes and level of laziness when it comes to being competitive.

Edit: Chaddd I heard from D. Mario Chris you used to play Marvel really well?


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
&quot;So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
It's completely understandable... and civil war is a gross overstatement... the majority of smashers are in a civil war in GA maybe..

I'm saying it's fine to be competitive, but be competitive in something that'll last you. The smash scene for melee is dying down, you can see it everywhere. Mid South tournaments have stopped and the last big hurrah is some guy's tournament in November. Like I said, games are a fleeting thing; be good at them if you want, but in a couple of years it won't matter.

I could understand if brawl came out and GA was blowing, but even then it's not like you can do much with "repping" your state.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2006
Auburn, AL / Columbus, GA
^Thank you so much for illustrating that point

Being "competitive" in melee at this stage in the endgame is just delusional.

Yes ...you may get good at melee for the moment, but in less than two months that won't mean crap.

Do what you can, but it won't really change anything except your status in this state.

Other states won't give a rat's fecal exit if you do really well in a tourney for your state in the last few months of melee.

Moral of the story: If you want to make an impact, Brawl is your best chance.


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
&quot;So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
theoretically, you go back to melee?

even then, I'm illustrating the point that there's no future in being good at a video game that is dying. At most you have another year of melee if brawl sucks. If it doesn't suck, then melee's pretty much done save for times when someone goes "oh man remember melee? let's play it again". It's the nature of video game competition: you play a game until the new version comes out, then you pursue if you're really dedicated. It's happened with Quake, Unreal, Halo, etc.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2006
Auburn, AL / Columbus, GA
^ Ditto
I personally have always held the belief that Brawl will not be as good as Melee was. Other guys in CDE kinda disagree, but its my opinion.

However, lets not ignore the fact that Brawl will be online. That will inherently create a new international community of its own.

The point is Melee will never be as big as it was before Brawl arrived.
Regardless of whether some current smashers think that Brawl sucks, it will attract a huge number of new smashers that never played SSBM.

Much in the same way that SSBM attracted more people than SSB.


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2006
Online and Wi-fi are really different. Chances are an international community of that type will be destroyed by lag.

OmegaFujin (PGI)

Smash Cadet
Sep 29, 2006
What's the problem with Omega? I must hear this. For the record I agree with Chaddd. I also want to improve, but I'm having trouble understanding how my name ever got mixed into this.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Mr Tsunami - It concerns me very little whether or not you believe I have a genius IQ, but Mensa seems to think so, otherwise they wouldn't have let me join.

Also, the fact that you believe that all geniuses agree with organized education in a public setting proves that you know very little about the genius mind. Many geniuses practice autodidacticism. That means we teach ourselves, rather than going bankrupt trying to pay for an Ivy League education. Ivy League schools have never interested me in the slightest due simply to the fact that a college degree means about the same as a high school diploma these days. Since it's the new standard, it's now the new average.

PS. I got accepted to Duke University when I was 12. School sucks. I didn't go.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
God then, tsunami, just stop playing the game altogether then. If there's no point in getting better in melee's limited lifespan, then there's also no point in playing the game itself, since the limited fun you'd get from playing the game just isn't worth it, might as well wait for brawl and have more fun, then!

In fact, you might as well stop living, since the limited lifespan you have (in comparison to the billions/6000/20000 years life has existed on earth) just isn't worth it, might as well wait until you die.

seriously, your life won't mean a fecal exit, so just quit.

You can ask Wes, America doesn't tolerate quitters.
Or non-whites.


I like breadcats.


GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
God then, tsunami, just stop playing the game altogether then. If there's no point in getting better in melee's limited lifespan, then there's also no point in playing the game itself, since the limited fun you'd get from playing the game just isn't worth it, might as well wait for brawl and have more fun, then!

In fact, you might as well stop living, since the limited lifespan you have (in comparison to the billions/6000/20000 years life has existed on earth) just isn't worth it, might as well wait until you die.

seriously, your life won't mean a fecal exit, so just quit.

You can ask Wes, America doesn't tolerate quitters.
Or non-whites.


I like breadcats.

this might be the greatest post i've seen in this thread


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2006
Auburn, AL / Columbus, GA
Chaddd I never said you can't have a genius IQ. I said it was doubtful, but I never rule anything out. I still don't think you are a genius though. Maybe just smart/
I didn't like the vibe you were giving out. It seemed like you were being condescending. (Oh wait...you were)

As a fellow "gifted" individual, I can see the fallacies in your posts. However, you must understand that flaunting that is not all that useful or relevant on these game forums.

Fact is a lot of us smashers are smart individuals.
(Kinda goes along with the territory.) You aren't special
I hope that puts things in perspective.

SMART people don't belittle others and come off as some socially awkward ****.
Also if you were paying close attention, you would have seen my post as a satire on the social stratification that high income individuals enjoy. Money > Intellect in the eyes of society. Everyone thinks Ivy league students are geniuses when they aren't. Everyone thinks that all geniuses go to Ivy league schools. See my point now
But I guess I took for granted that you would see that Mr. Genius

SleepyK: Maybe I should play Pokemon so I can catch them all :dizzy: (Red Herring)
"Oh the life I live is sad" :goes to slit wrist

Oh and eff your Breadcats LOL

Maverick's C0CK

Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2007
souf florida *****..
This, like, one guy, he's top in my state...and, um...he posted this big mean post about how much my state is no good.:(


I can't believe he'd insult me like that. I mean, doesn't he realize how personally I take comments about my play style in a video game? Guess not. :(

See, I used to think he was a cool guy. But after reading that post about me not being very good at Smash, I realized everything I needed to know to make a complete decision about his personality. I'm just good like that. Now, because of one post, I know for a fact he's a jerk in real life. :(

But I also don't really care about Smash Brothers. I mean, yeah, I'm on the boards and everything, and I'm taking the time to post here and everything. But my ability in Smash Brothers isn't as important to me as other things. I know this doesn't explain why I'm so upset over him talking about my ability, but just go with it. It makes sense to me, so it should make sense to you too.:(

I wish that people wouldn't explain to me that I need to get better. I mean, most people gain motivation from the idea of proving people wrong, but I just like to get upset about it.:(


Now for those of you that don't know, I've recently been dis-satisfied with the fact that the competition in my state is lacking.

It's not the people or their ability I have a problem with. It's the attitude of all these smashers. I made a post saying my state sucks, and half the state(the half that apparently dislikes improving) spent 10 pages flaming me, and carry my posts into real life situations as well as other threads. But what's amazing, is the other half of the state, the half that remain my close friends, decided to prove me wrong. They've been getting closer and closer every time we play to beating me.

I figured if the entire state had a person they wanted to prove wrong, especially if that person was the top player in their state, that the whole state would gain new motivation to prove me wrong. Instead I get these crybaby attitudes that are basically complaining that I didn't sugar coat it for everyone. That I'm not nice about my approach.

I just want my state to get better. For everyone from my state to have a reputation for kicking ***, not for being lack luster. If half the state has to hate me in order to accomplish this, then so be it. But all you people act like I'm the bad guy, like I'm hating on you, like I'm concerned with nothing but my own ability and spreading the word that I'm good.

For all of you that believe such a thing, please swallow your own insecurities long enough to realize I'm not doing anything negative. You decide your own path in life, this is the point where what I say will piss you off or will motivate you. It's where you either give up or strive for excellence. This is the point where you decide how much you really care about this game, and decide that you don't need to explain to me all the reasons you think you lose. I'm not worried about your personal reasons for not improving, I'm offering all of Georgia help, should you choose to swallow your fake Smash Brother's pride and accept, I will give you the advice you need to improve at this game.

For all of those who still dislike me for talking trash about this state's Smash ability, let me paint a picture for you.

Florida owns Georgia at Smash. Florida is teh **** at smash, right Georgia?

Well hey, from what I hear, in New York everyone thinks that most of Florida sucks.

So what do you think New York, or California even, thinks of Georgia if that's what they think about Florida?

Like it or not, Georgia is a joke in the eyes of just about the entire country. The only ones here who want to improve don't get to play the people they need to play enough to improve as quickly as they could. Half of us, apparently, like to tell me why I'm at fault for pointing out something the entire Smash community already knew. It may feel insulting to you if you're from Georgia, but it's a 'well duh' situation for the majority of the country.

I still <3 the majority of Georgia Smashers. I'm glad I made this post, too. Because now I know who in my state showed their true colors when I said what I said, and who used it, like all experiences, to grow stronger. I don't take everything I say here seriously. Lambchops has been telling people to 'suck his c*ck for forgiveness' since forever on SmashBoards, and no one hates on him in real life. But some of you Georgia people have taken it to a whole new level of hate with these posts. Telling me who I am, how cool you believe me to be, and how mean it is to hate on my state. But you know what's funny? The top of the state right now are the exact same people that backed my argument. Those slipping and losing to our supposedly less skilled players are the same ones that were hating on me.

You don't have to be in one group or the other. You decide what to do with these words I've posted. It's your path, for you to choose. You can waste emotion on flaming me, or you can, for f*cking once, turn something you think is negative into something positive and realize that how well you guys play smash brothers has never affected my opinion of you as people. If you organize your thoughts you'd realize you're not mad at me, you're upset that someone would point out your failures at this game. I've done nothing but told you my opinion, which is, like it or not, the opinion of the majority of the community.

Georgia could stand to level up a bit.

That's the sugar coated version for all of you. Somehow I still see someone hating because of this, but do what you will. I've proven what I can do, it's your turn. And btw, proving yourself through SmashBoards posts has never worked for me, as you can plainly see.

Bring on the haters.

Love you, Georgia. You all know who I'm talking to. I'm so proud of all of you that have improved so quickly since my last post alone. Keep this up and send me to bottom of the Power Rankings so I'll have something to work for again. Our rankings need to be a cycle of constantly adapting play styles, not a one-sided, unchanging list that no one feels is important. Remember, it's within you to improve, and your attitude dictates that.

If you feel that I'm to blame for this post upsetting you, then you certainly have your priorities in order.

If you feel that improvement is something that can be instantaneous, and want to know what you need to work on, then send me a PM. I've been in competitive gaming for 8 years now, and this is not something I stumbled upon overnight. I've been studying since I was 12 years old getting my *** handed to me in street fighter on how to improve quickly at games. It's not that I'm more gifted than any of you, it's that I've been working a lot harder for a lot longer than any of you even begin to realize.

As for people like 112, ignore my posts. Brawl's coming out soon, we could all collectively suck at that instead. Who cares about sucking at this game, it's almost gone.

Just remember what 112 thinks, I've given nothing to this community, and the fact that I'm good just means I'm arrogant for saying so. My posts are pointless grasps for attention.

For those of you who know me, and know what to make of this post, I'll see you in Finals next tournament.

For those of you lacking confidence or the ability to motivate yourself, let the flaming begin.
you wasted 8 minutes of my life!! suck my c0ck for forgiveness!!
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