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Georgia is too good!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2003
anyone that actually likes japan... just go look up gajin smash... that proves japan is just a ****ty place that should only be visited... and only be visited in order to eat all their food, steal their hot women, and gajin smash that **** out of any of them that think they are better than americans.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
anyone that actually likes japan... just go look up gajin smash... that proves japan is just a ****ty place that should only be visited... and only be visited in order to eat all their food, steal their hot women, and gajin smash that **** out of any of them that think they are better than americans.
on a serious note, why would anyone wanna go LIVE in japan, when you already live in america? i think bobby is on to something here...


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
on a serious note, why would anyone wanna go LIVE in japan, when you already live in america? i think bobby is on to something here...
Trim/fit, hot, Japanese girls >>>>> fat, burger eating american girls. (anyone remember seeing the Europe vs American girl comparison picture? I know Japan is obviously different, but it makes a good point *goes to find that picture*)

That is only a general trend, trust me I know a lot of american women are hot as hell lol. (this statement is to cover my ***, I admit it lol)

EDIT: Found it :p http://www.avolitesshop.co.uk/avo/jokes/girls.htm (the european is obviously the top picture >.<)

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
man, my ex is japanese, and it's overrated dating them. dealing with their families can be a hassle(if you're black, anyway), and their bodies tend to not be as curvy(though some are an exception, like her, which is why i even approached her). i guess, in general, if you like girls with very little to no figure, go japanese. otherwise, go something else. my 2 cents on the matter. also, LIVING in japan is INFINITELY worse than living in the US. trust me when i say that it's a lot better this side of the pacific.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
if i mremeb re correclty, i'm drunk as ****, and from atlanta, columbus born, atlanta raised mother****ers, live that ****. anwyays, i gotta go to bed cause my head is about to crack in half and lava nad brainds and **** is sgonna poor out, but hey, if you're readin this far in, congrats, cause like, there is something wrong with animen ,a nd when i say i naemn, i don't just mean, "shotrt for animations" i mean like, that ***** *** broing **** wehre allt hey dois walk all day, like, if you are going to do soething you can't do in real life, hey man, thats cool, explore the possbilities yo, but if you going to have some lame *** aryan hitler worshipping mother****er running around in some Run DMC lookiin *** jumpsoouit fighting ******, then ****ing just make it a movie stariin jackie chan, word up doods that **** sucks ******. no point in arguin, most of anime sucks, you guys aren't japanese, leanre to like american **** yo, watch some home improvement, go outside, stick yo hands in some pbeef dna dmkea some ****ing bruger,s you guys talk about chiuck norrois and rocky all the time, watch that **** yo, itsbetter than ****ing, wiat, hmm..., no, i don't actually know the name of some **** anime right now, maybe when i'm sorber, anwyay, ****

Anime can walk down to mexico and take a 4 hour **** for all i care
double posting. this post is fully saturated with freedom and democracy. it brings a tear of patriotism to my eye


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
man, my ex is japanese, and it's overrated dating them. dealing with their families can be a hassle(if you're black, anyway), and their bodies tend to not be as curvy(though some are an exception, like her, which is why i even approached her). i guess, in general, if you like girls with very little to no figure, go japanese. otherwise, go something else. my 2 cents on the matter. also, LIVING in japan is INFINITELY worse than living in the US. trust me when i say that it's a lot better this side of the pacific.
I date a Taiwanese girl, and she is very curvy in the right places :p. But I'll go with you on the "living" portion in Japan. Tooooooo crowded lol. Sucks about the whole family issues for real, but I would've hoped being black would have had nothing to do with it. Racism blows big nut sacks.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
I date a Taiwanese girl, and she is very curvy in the right places :p. But I'll go with you on the "living" portion in Japan. Tooooooo crowded lol. Sucks about the whole family issues for real, but I would've hoped being black would have had nothing to do with it. Racism blows big nut sacks.
eh, it happens, especially when black people will potentially enter an asian family. s*** gets real, then


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
any girl that eats a cheeseburger > a girl that eats sushi

to be honest it's just xenophilia, gerbil.
asians are attracted to non-asians
whites are attracted to non-whites

why do you think so many asian guys go for white chicks
and why so many asian women go for black dudes?

i mean, non-asians.

it's the same reason why people like catgirls and anthropormorphs? because it's different, and unusual.

beastiality, pedophilia, etc.
it all stems from the same desire for the unusual.

gawd gerbil, there are plenty of attractive american wimminz.
general trend my ass.
stop being such a weeaboo.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
any girl that eats a cheeseburger > a girl that eats sushi

to be honest it's just xenophilia, gerbil.
asians are attracted to non-asians
whites are attracted to non-whites

why do you think so many asian guys go for white chicks
and why so many asian women go for black dudes?

i mean, non-asians.

it's the same reason why people like catgirls and anthropormorphs? because it's different, and unusual.

beastiality, pedophilia, etc.
it all stems from the same desire for the unusual.

gawd gerbil, there are plenty of attractive american wimminz.
general trend my ass.
stop being such a weeaboo.
Cue eff tee


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
if i mremeb re correclty, i'm drunk as ****, and from atlanta, columbus born, atlanta raised mother****ers, live that ****. anwyays, i gotta go to bed cause my head is about to crack in half and lava nad brainds and **** is sgonna poor out, but hey, if you're readin this far in, congrats, cause like, there is something wrong with animen ,a nd when i say i naemn, i don't just mean, "shotrt for animations" i mean like, that ***** *** broing **** wehre allt hey dois walk all day, like, if you are going to do soething you can't do in real life, hey man, thats cool, explore the possbilities yo, but if you going to have some lame *** aryan hitler worshipping mother****er running around in some Run DMC lookiin *** jumpsoouit fighting ******, then ****ing just make it a movie stariin jackie chan, word up doods that **** sucks ******. no point in arguin, most of anime sucks, you guys aren't japanese, leanre to like american **** yo, watch some fresh prince of bel-air, go outside, stick yo hands in some pbeef dna dmkea some ****ing bruger,s you guys talk about chiuck norrois and rocky all the time, watch that **** yo, itsbetter than ****ing, wiat, hmm..., no, i don't actually know the name of some **** anime right now, maybe when i'm sorber, anwyay, ****

Anime can walk down to mexico and take a 4 hour **** for all i care
if home improvement did not exist i'd have the joy of watching will smith work his magic 5 hours a night.

Also: My deepest apologies my good chum, however I seem to have noticed that you have placed a few letters of your words in the incorrect order. I hate to be a bother, but my associates and I have agreed that in the next instance you do express yourself in this manner, if you would use correct grammar that would be just plain smashing. Good day to you, sir!

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
ROFL at Gerbil's last post respone

I find myself only attracted to people willing enough to yell "do a barrel roll" in bed. just my two cents. humor > all

Lol @ me going to E for All. I'm gonna be so busy testing every little technique I won't have any fun haha.

I might as well post this now so people know the actual reason I'm going is to talk to people about my stories, if you didn't know, TRC is a writer, and he puts his writing way before smash. so hopefully I'll come home from this with some contacts in the industry. that's why I'm going. wish me luck.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
*sober post*

:( *just got owned*

It was all in good fun
of course man, just dickin around, you guys know i love all of you, and deep down you all know that american girls are the most badass girls on the planet, and like, you also know, that if you honestly think differently, that i'm going to stab you when i get home :grin:


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
of course man, just dickin around, you guys know i love all of you, and deep down you all know that american girls are the most badass girls on the planet, and like, you also know, that if you honestly think differently, that i'm going to stab you when i get home :grin:

i ****ing love you wes.

god dammit.

i love ya.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
To Chaddddddd

For 1, you say that you don't really care about smash.

Then why will you drive 10 hours to tournaments you know you're not gonna win?

Also, you suck.

<3 Chadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I just got back from ****ing Disney World.

Hell yeah.

1. i date a half american half british chick. who would ever want to date an asian chick.
2. ive also dated her for 3.5 years, so maybe i screwed up somewhere

3. anime anime is no fun, when you go tell everyone. as always, the best shows are the ones that dont come to america.
4. ive also seen azumanga daioh like ten times, so maybe i screwed up somewhere

5. i FINALLY have the copy of "Laijin ha ha ha Iori combo video", so i'm to be working on that now.
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