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Georgia Brawl Power Rankings Thread (as of 4/25/2012)

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Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
I'm assuming you mean besides AL.

Dynomite and Chas have both beat me in sets before, I'm concerned about them. That's how you lose, you get too comfortable and off guard and you get beat by people you're not concerned about losing too because you were too off guard about them. Saltix was a threat to seibrik in that set since he took him to game 3. I'm concerned about P3 because he knows my playstyle. I'm concerned about everyone on the PR and even some unraked PRs like Saltix and I don't even remember the guys name, but some guy at Siege, I think he was Stan and went to GA tech and was a peach main who had only went to one tournament previously (he was in my pool and wrecked him), I wasn't concerned about him and I nearly lost the set to him (using Chas' logic he'd be random so a random nearly beat me in a tournament bracket set).

Then I'll agree to disagree with you on this subject.

I have a different description of a threat in this community and it's someone actually knocking someone notable into LB or out of the Bracket all the way. Credit and respect is given to those take games off but, somewhere down the line the better player probably adapted and got away with the W. So sets are what matter not games imo @ least


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Then I'll agree to disagree with you on this subject.

I have a different description of a threat in this community and it's someone actually knocking someone notable into LB or out of the Bracket all the way. Credit and respect is given to those take games off but, somewhere down the line the better player probably adapted and got away with the W. So sets are what matter not games imo @ least
I mean I agree that sets are what matter most. But if I get a game taken off of me I feel threatened. I play better when I feel threatened and I feel as I want to defend myself, I'm not going to wait until it's too late and I'm in LB or out of the tournament and then say to myself "Oh I should have felt threatened then so I would have played better."

The way I say it is that if you get a game taken off of you then it's possible it can happen again two times in a row and so I feel threatened that I might lose the set.

Edit: Also, what if you only won the set by complete luck? Would you still not feel threatened, what if it's game 3 last hit and the guy has you in a guaranteed kill set up and he trips and then you kill him? You can't tell me that you wouldn't feel threatened after that.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I'd feel intimidated by my circumstances, not threatened by the player. At any rate, you should be trying your hardest, to the point where you feel on top of your game. The fact that you feel threatened can make or break your confidence.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
Yo, some of these arguments are making me lol. You're not going to say that I threatened myself by playing stupid in a match to force the set to game 3 and that the opponent didn't help create that scenario. Unless you hardcore sandbag, if you're going to game 3, you're gonna feel that you're slightly threatened.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
wtf are you guys talking about i'm concering everyone oos

because i'm playing falcon again

the feaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
My apologies to everyone in here for my words and conflictual words. This is what I've been meaning to say to you guys.
Yo, some of these arguments are making me lol. You're not going to say that I threatened myself by playing stupid in a match to force the set to game 3 and that the opponent didn't help create that scenario. Unless you hardcore sandbag, if you're going to game 3, you're gonna feel that you're slightly threatened.
All you do is spam Yoshi.

but the player created the circumstances...That's like saying you're afraid of the gun and not the person holding it.
All you do is spam 'naners.

wtf are you guys talking about i'm concering everyone oos

because i'm playing falcon again

the feaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
All you do is spam.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
In a tournament set for money the excuse saying I wasn't trying that hard etc. doesn't cut it, we have to assume you're trying your best since it's for money, like scatz said, going to game has to make you feel threatened even if it's just a little.


Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
I get what you're saying and all P1 but that's also like personal threats. Not something that the whole PR should be worried about. Let alone states, and other regions that already don't find our state impressive ya know?

Random Player: Miles is getting better he took p1 to game 3 and he's in your first round bracket
Notable Player: Ok but he didn't win, I feel like my skill is better than p1 anyway so why do I care?
Random Player: I'm just saying he could take a game
Notable Player: I've already taken that into account, like I do with any other tourney match. I'm more concerned about their top players and what I should cp them to cuz they'll be the 1's to possibly knock me out.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
then just knock them out geez miles

make them fear you

like that time when i falcon punched micaelis for a game win, i may have been ***** the whole rest of the time but he feared me for the minute until he SA punched my next one



Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
I'm just using an example. Top players and people from other states are more concerned about someone taking the set rather than taking a game off them. just saying


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I get what you're saying and all P1 but that's also like personal threats. Not something that the whole PR should be worried about. Let alone states, and other regions that already don't find our state impressive ya know?

Random Player: Miles is getting better he took p1 to game 3 and he's in your first round bracket
Notable Player: Ok but he didn't win, I feel like my skill is better than p1 anyway so why do I care?
Random Player: I'm just saying he could take a game
Notable Player: I've already taken that into account, like I do with any other tourney match. I'm more concerned about their top players and what I should cp them to cuz they'll be the 1's to possibly knock me out.

that has nothing to do with the argument at hand and is irrelevant. The only thing I'm talking about is that Chas said that PRed players 7-9 are not threats to anyone ranked 6 or higher when that is clearly not the case and is a fact. P3 is a threat to me so that brakes the argument already.

edit: quoted the wrong person, new quote ^^^.

Also, I feel threatened by 4god and McP. Dyno and chas should both feel threatened by McP since they actually lost to him, dyno should feel threatened to ice since he's lost to him also

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
I'm pretty concerned about anyone that comes from FL, even if they aren't ranked. That's how I feel it should be for our state, we should have people fearing our unranked players because they have the potential to be top players.


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
that has nothing to do with the argument at hand and is irrelevant. The only thing I'm talking about is that Chas said that PRed players 7-9 are not threats to anyone ranked 6 or higher when that is clearly not the case and is a fact. P3 is a threat to me so that brakes the argument already.

edit: quoted the wrong person, new quote ^^^.

Also, I feel threatened by 4god and McP. Dyno and chas should both feel threatened by McP since they actually lost to him, dyno should feel threatened to ice since he's lost to him also
Lol idk why you are still taking this so serious. My opinion is my opinion so i dont see why you have such a problem with it(even though my opinion has facts ^__^).

Also i dont feel threatened by anyone on our pr or off besides Lounis. He is literally the only person who i never want to play but always end up playing anyway. He makes me feel like i have no hope and just started playing the game. Of course i never go into the match thinking im going to lose and am pretty confident before we start but still end up losing badly. Just because ive lost to someone doesnt make me feel threatened to vs them. I did horrible this season and lost to a lot of people but that doesnt mean i believe they will be able to beat me again this season. I feel pretty confident ima be in the top 4 again next season :metaknight:


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
How is it your opinion? It's not an opinion it IS A FACT! I don't get what is so hard to understand about it. You said that 7-9 don't threaten 6 and up, but guess what? P3 is a threat to me, that's not an opinion it's a fact, that breaks your logic. Miles is a threat to me that's not an opinion it's a fact which breaks your logic. Some unranked players are threats to me such as McP and Miles. Also you didn't say feel threatened before like you did now so you're changing your argument. From a statistical and logical view every above average player is a threat to everyone on our PRs, regardless if they're PRed or not.


Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
Couldn't you two just agree to disagree?

I agree with you both to some extent, but this is taking away from the PR positive convo.

Just saying


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
How is it your opinion? It's not an opinion it IS A FACT! I don't get what is so hard to understand about it. You said that 7-9 don't threaten 6 and up, but guess what? P3 is a threat to me, that's not an opinion it's a fact, that breaks your logic. Miles is a threat to me that's not an opinion it's a fact which breaks your logic. Some unranked players are threats to me such as McP and Miles. Also you didn't say feel threatened before like you did now so you're changing your argument. From a statistical and logical view every above average player is a threat to everyone on our PRs, regardless if they're PRed or not.
LOL calm down man. If your going to say its a fact then let me point this out from you.

You have never lost to player-3 before in tourney. You have a 100% win ratio against him. This means statistically he is not a threat to you. Same goes w/ Miles and McPP. The only people who are actual threats to you are Lounis/Calvin. Michael and 4God are taken out of this since Michael no longer plays and 4God is living in Florida. They are only statistically a threat to you if your win ratio towards them is off and they have a higher chance of victory. If you have never vsed someone before then they cant be threats yet until you actually play. Of course i know your probably gonna say "NO YOU WRONG AND I RIGHT. I ARE FEEL MEGA THREATENED WHICH MEANS IT IS FACT AND YOUR JUST WRONG. YOUR STUPID!"

aight im done. Everyone step it up this season cause our PR should really only be top 5 and you all know it


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
i've won one set

lost ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm


no wait we might be even because we split that last game

not sure


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
i've won one set

lost ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Nice. Not gonna continue this anymore but yeaaaaa...... you being a threat is no longer the point now. Point now is that not every player out there is a threat to our pr. That would be silly lol.

Player-3 come to SOD and mm me ;D


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
LOL calm down man. If your going to say its a fact then let me point this out from you.

You have never lost to player-3 before in tourney. You have a 100% win ratio against him. This means statistically he is not a threat to you. Same goes w/ Miles and McPP. The only people who are actual threats to you are Lounis/Calvin. Michael and 4God are taken out of this since Michael no longer plays and 4God is living in Florida. They are only statistically a threat to you if your win ratio towards them is off and they have a higher chance of victory. If you have never vsed someone before then they cant be threats yet until you actually play. Of course i know your probably gonna say "NO YOU WRONG AND I RIGHT. I ARE FEEL MEGA THREATENED WHICH MEANS IT IS FACT AND YOUR JUST WRONG. YOUR STUPID!"

aight im done. Everyone step it up this season cause our PR should really only be top 5 and you all know it
I like how you can pretend to know what I'm feeling over the internet by telling me to calm down....Maybe if you had actually read my other post that I posted before here you would know that it is a fact and is based upon past results. You keep saying that I have never lost to P3, but going upon what you know...GUESS WHAT? HE HASN'T LOST TO ME EITHER. Well okay he has at one WABA tournament back in 2008 when he used DK against me and it was his very first tournament , but that is so out of date it doesn't even matter anymore so to your knowledge we have an even record of 0-0 against each other. I already explained in my PREVIOUS POST THAT YOU NEVER READ SO YOU SHOULD ACTUALLY READ IT TO GET CAUGHT UP TO SPEED that we have played in tournament for money at one of Zeke's social events where it was basically him me and hichez and he beat me once and I beat him in the next set (it was GFs, he was coming from losers). So it ISN'T MY OPINION IT'S A FACT. I'm basing my conclusion on logical tournament data that was for money (and even if you say that didn't count we still have an even record because I am throwing that 2008 tournament out the window). So for tournament wins for money we're 1-1 and if you count the 2008 tournament then it's 2-1, either way he's beaten me in a set so he is a threat to me disproving your whole argument. Also, just by Micaelis saying he isn't going to play in that much tournaments (if any at all) doesn't mean you can use that against me until he has actually proven that he isn't going to. Miles has taken a game off of me, if he can take one game then there's no reason he can't take another and if that other game just so happens to be back to back then I would have lost the set meaning he is a threat to me. It's like saying someone beats you in a game 1 out of every 100 times you play, if he beats you on the 100th time you play and then beats you again the next game (the starting over point of the 100 games) then he'll win the set still, even if he does lose every other 99 games you play he is still a threat. Also, it's not that if you have never played each other it doesn't mean the other guy isn't a threat to you, it's the other way around, every person that you haven't played is a threat to you because there is no data to base it off of. What if McP beats me the next time we play (our first set)? Well he was OBVIOUSLY a threat to me, we just didn't know it so we have to assume that if you haven't played each other that they're a threat. They're character/playstlyle or something might just naturally counter yours, we can't determine that unless they play, but it's still a maybe and we don't know it meaning there is a possible chance of danger which means he's a threat.

edit: Also, the way I see it when you say something like "I'm not going to read any more of his post" is "i'm right, he's wrong, no way i can be wrong and i won't read his post because I'm obviously right". Oh and thanks for implying that I'm being ignorant with that little quote you said I was probably going to say.


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
I like how you can pretend to know what I'm feeling over the internet by telling me to calm down....Maybe if you had actually read my other post that I posted before here you would know that it is a fact and is based upon past results. You keep saying that I have never lost to P3, but going upon what you know...GUESS WHAT? HE HASN'T LOST TO ME EITHER. Well okay he has at one WABA tournament back in 2008 when he used DK against me and it was his very first tournament , but that is so out of date it doesn't even matter anymore so to your knowledge we have an even record of 0-0 against each other. I already explained in my PREVIOUS POST THAT YOU NEVER READ SO YOU SHOULD ACTUALLY READ IT TO GET CAUGHT UP TO SPEED that we have played in tournament for money at one of Zeke's social events where it was basically him me and hichez and he beat me once and I beat him in the next set (it was GFs, he was coming from losers). So it ISN'T MY OPINION IT'S A FACT. I'm basing my conclusion on logical tournament data that was for money (and even if you say that didn't count we still have an even record because I am throwing that 2008 tournament out the window). So for tournament wins for money we're 1-1 and if you count the 2008 tournament then it's 2-1, either way he's beaten me in a set so he is a threat to me disproving your whole argument. Also, just by Micaelis saying he isn't going to play in that much tournaments (if any at all) doesn't mean you can use that against me until he has actually proven that he isn't going to. Miles has taken a game off of me, if he can take one game then there's no reason he can't take another and if that other game just so happens to be back to back then I would have lost the set meaning he is a threat to me. It's like saying someone beats you in a game 1 out of every 100 times you play, if he beats you on the 100th time you play and then beats you again the next game (the starting over point of the 100 games) then he'll win the set still, even if he does lose every other 99 games you play he is still a threat. Also, it's not that if you have never played each other it doesn't mean the other guy isn't a threat to you, it's the other way around, every person that you haven't played is a threat to you because there is no data to base it off of. What if McP beats me the next time we play (our first set)? Well he was OBVIOUSLY a threat to me, we just didn't know it so we have to assume that if you haven't played each other that they're a threat. They're character/playstlyle or something might just naturally counter yours, we can't determine that unless they play, but it's still a maybe and we don't know it meaning there is a possible chance of danger which means he's a threat.
Not reading this whole thing lol. I read up to "your not reading my post" and this goes for you too. Your obv not reading my post if you are still trying to argue w/ me. I even said this twice but i'll say it again. If you really wanna argue w/ me about this then argue w/ me offline.

I like to argue offline so whoever im talking to doesnt misinterpret what im saying and so they actually listen to what im saying ^__^. That isnt pointed at you but its generally how online arguments go. Also people take online arguments to serious T__T


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Not reading this whole thing lol. I read up to "your not reading my post" and this goes for you too. Your obv not reading my post if you are still trying to argue w/ me. I even said this twice but i'll say it again. If you really wanna argue w/ me about this then argue w/ me offline.

I like to argue offline so whoever im talking to doesnt misinterpret what im saying and so they actually listen to what im saying ^__^. That isnt pointed at you but its generally how online arguments go. Also people take online arguments to serious T__T

This is basically what you're doing:

Chas: "You're not reading my post!"
Me: *Points out that I am reading your post and your slight word issues make your post mean something they're probably not intended to*
Chas: "I'm not going to read that because you're still not reading my post!"

I'm not misinterpreting what you're saying, and I am reading your post. I'm probably misinterpreting what you're meaning to say, but that's not my fault. You say something, I point out why it's wrong, and then you say "Oh I didn't mean that, you shouldn't have read my post like that." And I'm reading your post exactly how you mean it.

And the reason I'm posting on even after you say you're not going to argue with me is so you can at least read my post. See this is something else you would have realized if you had read my other post. You say that you're not going to argue with me after "this" post, but you never said you wouldn't read it. Then you come in and say "IDK why you wrote that up, I told you I wasn't going to read it." When you actually didn't say that...then you refuse to read my post that try to explain that you didn't do that then you accuse me of not reading your post...I'm also still doing this so other people that are following this argument know what I have to say, it's not all about you you know.

I like arguing by writing, it's easier for me to collect my thoughts and orderly write them down. I don't mind arguing offline, but I like to write. It also ensures that people don't get side track. This is how verbal arguments generally go:

*list reasons why they are wrong*
*they strawman the argument and only focus on that then the whole thing goes offtopic never to address the other reasons they are wrong*

Since I'm not sure you'll read that then maybe you'll read a tl;dr:

tl;dr: you keep accusing me of not reading your post and refuse to read mine thus you don't understand that I'm not actually reading your post and you continue to accuse me of it.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
My last post about this. If you want to continue to argue with me then do it at SOD. I like arguing offline more. Ask Vahe :]

When i said never show up i really meant that they show up once then never show up again.

key example of you doing what I say you're doing. You accused me of not reading your post when I did then you realized that you didn't mean what you typed.

*meaningless blabber by you*

Player-1 I like you offline but online arguments with you are ******** and endless. Talk to me offline about it. No need to continue this for the next few pages. I only gave my last responses to clear up a few things about how you took my posts.
Player-1 i already told you im not going to read what you wrote for me after my post. If u want to talk to me more about it then talk to me about it at SOD. Im pointlessly arguing with you online where i could be doing it offline ;D

Shows me you didnt read everything i wrote though :[

Bold=What you're doing
Italics=Proof that you're wrong and that you're doing what you're doing
Underline=what you keep accusing me of without giving me a chance to defend myself.

most important part:

My last post about this. If you want to continue to argue with me then do it at SOD. I like arguing offline more. Ask Vahe :]

Player-1 I like you offline but online arguments with you are ******** and endless. Talk to me offline about it. No need to continue this for the next few pages. I only gave my last responses to clear up a few things about how you took my posts. Don't see anything in here about you not going to read my future post
Player-1 i already told you im not going to read what you wrote for me after my post. (ORlly? Where?)
Shows me you didnt read everything i wrote though (See I am reading your post, you don't seem to understand what you yourself our typing.)
I only gave my last responses to clear up a few things about how you took my posts (Yeah, me too)

Edit: Trying to repeat myself over and over again so you see what I'm talking about and that if you decide to read one part of my post then not the other hopefully it doesn't matter and you read the redundant part.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
World English Dictionary
threat (θrɛt)

— n

2. an indication of imminent harm, danger, or pain

danger (ˈdeɪndʒə)

— n
1. the state of being vulnerable to injury, loss, or evil; risk

Technically, you're vulnerable to loss anytime you enter a tournament at any round of a bracket, but even given you some leeway, you are DEFINITELY vulnerable to a loss if someone takes a game off of you.

PROOF that I'm right.

and yes, Joe, I am getting trolled >.>, the worst part of it is that Chas doesn't even know he's doing it because he won't read my post


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Route 12
World English Dictionary
threat (θrɛt)

— n

2. an indication of imminent harm, danger, or pain

danger (ˈdeɪndʒə)

— n
1. the state of being vulnerable to injury, loss, or evil; risk

Technically, you're vulnerable to loss anytime you enter a tournament at any round of a bracket, but even given you some leeway, you are DEFINITELY vulnerable to a loss if someone takes a game off of you.

PROOF that I'm right.

and yes, Joe, I am getting trolled >.>, the worst part of it is that Chas doesn't even know he's doing it because he won't read my post
Lol i read the beginning of this post and the end which is enough. Your still posting way to much about this though cause i turned to the last page and saw 2 more posts x__x. Btw nice double post D:


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
you're doing exactly what I'm saying in my post. I double posted for repetition so hopefully if the first time it doesn't get through your head the next 5 times will
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