And we can't forget that no DLC suggestions were denied, according to Reggie.
They'd be doing Sakurai a solid

Now that Sakurai has the help of Nintendo, he could easily get access to third-party rights because Nintendo is like that friend or sibling that will help you pay for something. To get Geno, well, you actually need Shigeru Miyamoto and Square because Miyamoto is the one that basically has the authority of the Mario characters, hence why I think Geno is a pain in the *** to get since Miyamoto has that weird hatred for Mario RPG characters. There's some info going around that Miyamoto actually created Geno, so yeah, I guess Sakurai has to get the green light from Miyamoto as well. Super Smash Brothers is a Nintendo published series and not a third-party series/game, so I think Miyamoto will play ball as long as Square gets onboard first. First comes Square, then Miyamoto.