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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
You are probably gonna regret making this pretty tasteless joke
Cacomallow >Biden/Trump

Cacomallow at least is pretty open to being a soulless hellspawn abomination so he's got my vote.

Also... A challenger approaches...




Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2018
As we wait for more Smash news, I thought of a decent Geno-related question. What pose would you like to see Geno have in his official Smash render?


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
As we wait for more Smash news, I thought of a decent Geno-related question. What pose would you like to see Geno have in his official Smash render?
My guess it would be akin to the Smashified render for him
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Kremling Kommander

Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2019
It’s currently past 3PM EST, and it’s still weird how Nintendo still hasn’t tweeted anything since Monday at all, not even a “haha funny meme” or promotional tweet, it’s just been dead silent. I can excuse yesterday since the election voting was going on, but today? Nothing at all.

I don’t know what to feel, they went AWOL on Twitter one day before Mario 3D All Stars was revealed and this could be a similar case. I reeeeeally don’t feel like pulling the hype trigger just yet, but I feel like something is coming soon, be it tomorrow or in the coming days.
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Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
It’s currently past 3PM EST, and it’s still weird how Nintendo still hasn’t tweeted anything since Monday at all, not even a “haha funny meme” or promotional tweet, it’s just been dead silent. I can excuse yesterday since the election voting was going on, but today? Nothing at all.

I don’t know what to feel, they went AWOL on Twitter one day before Mario 3D All Stars was revealed and this could be a similar case. I reeeeeally don’t feel like pulling the hype trigger just yet, but I feel like something is coming soon, be it tomorrow or in the coming days.
To be fair, the election is still dominating the news today. Nobody thought we would have a definitive decision last night. I’m sure Nintendo, like every other country in the world, is aware of that (US politics truly are global, unfortunately). So they may be waiting until tomorrow to tweet.

Peepo T. Skeleton

Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2020
Exactly 9.7 inches away from your current location
As we wait for more Smash news, I thought of a decent Geno-related question. What pose would you like to see Geno have in his official Smash render?
I think a ready stance with his gun pointing upward similar to Samus would look good, but he'd more than likely have the "one arm outstretched and one arm pulled back" stance that way too many characters in this game have:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2019
The Star Road
I think a ready stance with his gun pointing upward similar to Samus would look good, but he'd more than likely have the "one arm outstretched and one arm pulled back" stance that way too many characters in this game have:
That's about how I think they'll handle it...
but good lord I want to see that render so badly lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2019
When I was first thinking of what pose if like to see Geno in, crossed arms and nodding was the first pose I thought of. But it's hard for me to decide because I'd also like to see more of an action pose, maybe where he's aiming his star gun.
yea i see that but image that cross armed stance, with a star flying round him and his cape flying in the wind

Malo Mart

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2019
Hyrule Castle Town
Switch FC
Cacomallow >Biden/Trump

Cacomallow at least is pretty open to being a soulless hellspawn abomination so he's got my vote.

Also... A challenger approaches...

View attachment 291169

Thank you, Fatman!

Cacomallow is like the perfect politician. Honest, charismatic and will actually go through with what he promises. He's not ashamed to admit his wrongdoings either, but despite his demeanor, he's docile at heart and a sheep in wolf's clothing of sorts, which is only fitting given how he's a vile Cacodemon head attached to the soft, innocent Mallow.

All Cacomallow voters have respect, but then again I can't fault anyone for going with the Jeb opposition either. This election will be the toughest in history. :ultpacman:
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Lord Woomy

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2019
The Void
Cacomallow >Biden/Trump

Cacomallow at least is pretty open to being a soulless hellspawn abomination so he's got my vote.

Also... A challenger approaches...

View attachment 291169

Nice to know Fatman is an asset in the Jeb!olution


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Okay, tomorrow and Friday are the last possible chances for any announcements from Nintendo for Smash this week (not counting off Friday given what happened in regards to MinMin). We'll have to wait and see what happens. If not, next week seems more likely if they're planning to release FP8 on the week of the 16th

Mr. Peepee

Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2020
Yeah most likely Thursday, it is rare and I mean, RARE for any announcements on Fridays. If anyone could explain why this occurs that would be sweet!
Okay, tomorrow and Friday are the last possible chances for any announcements from Nintendo for Smash this week (not counting off Friday given what happened in regards to MinMin). We'll have to wait and see what happens. If not, next week seems more likely if they're planning to release FP8 on the week of the 16th
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Kremling Kommander

Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2019
Well, the pinned Partners’ Showcase Direct tweet on Nintendo of America’s Twitter is down, so you all know.
Like pinshadow pinshadow mentioned, Nintendo unpinned an Age of Calamity post the night before the Smash #7 reveal announcement and then pinned the Smash announcement. So seeing how the Partner Showcase was just unpinned, it is very much possible that something may be happening tomorrow, be it a 2021 game shadowdrop, a showcase announcement or showcase shadowdrop.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2020
I think we should put things into context here: Nintendo of America went silent for almost 48 hours and one of the first things they do when they return is depinning this Partner Showcase, so the plan may have been to depin it sooner...
That means that plans were pushed by a day because of this unprecedented event that has effect in the entire world.

We may have our first ever Friday Direct, guys...

The post above was made by the Friday Gang
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Let Geno Smash

Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2020
Cartago, Costa Rica
I think it's funny how y'all mention that how NOA Unpinning the October Partner's Showcase Tweet is Relevant because they unpinned a AOC tweet before of Mr. Sakurai Presents Steve CP7 because I was watching old pages of Steve's reveal because I had nothing better to do. Btw: I think something happening Tomorrow but it will be a announcement way too weird or a random Shadowdropp
Edit: My post was posted like 4 times and IDK why, please erase every other one
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Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
That "Test Your 5-Second Focus with Paper Mario: The Origami King" video Nintendo uploaded to their YouTube channel sure is kinda... random. I mean, the game's been out for quite a few months, it was a nice surprise but, I think most already moved on to playing other titles...? 🤔


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I think them not posting something all day and then pulling their pinned tweet is weird but this wouldn’t be the first time Nintendo has done something weird for it to end up being nothing. It’s also more often that they do something weird and it ends up being something.

Peepo T. Skeleton

Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2020
Exactly 9.7 inches away from your current location
I think we should put things into context here: Nintendo of America went silent for almost 48 hours and one of the first things they do when they return is depinning this Partner Showcase, so the plan may have been to depin it sooner...
That means that plans were pushed by a day because of this unprecedented event that has effect in the entire world.

We may have our first ever Friday Direct, guys...

The post above was made by the Friday Gang
Hears that there's a possibility of a Direct on Funky Monkey Friday



Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2020
That reminds me: I think you guys deserve a gift for holding out hope for so long, so I decided to give a Geno hat to one of the most prominent figures in this speculation cycle and one to the most important theorycrafters out there
Feel free to use it while theorycrafting ;)

Deleted member

Welp, we’re getting closer to find out Geno’s fate. We got 2 Square costumes, 1 Namco, 2 Capcom left. I think next we may get a Square character specifically Geno, Lloyd Irving playable or the costume brought to someone else like Hayabusa with Hayabusa possibly more likely, and MH, another Capcom character, or someone unrelated bringing back these 2 costumes. Assuming there will be a returning costume in the next wave, a highly wanted/speculated character will either be playable or disconfirmed. 8 should be interesting and could shake up speculation.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
As we wait for more Smash news, I thought of a decent Geno-related question. What pose would you like to see Geno have in his official Smash render?
Waited all day to think on this question and I think Ultimate's renders do a good job because they're not just action poses, a vast majority basically highlight the character's personality. Some seem kind of awkward like K. Rool and Banjo but it highlights what they're about.

K. Rool has a weird pose. It's not intimidating but it's assertive. It's not just raw arrogance like Dedede's because K. Rool knows he has authority without having to crack the whip. The Kremlings have him as leader because they respect him. With Dedede, he appointed himself and everyone just kind of went with it because the citizens of Dreamland are lazy AF. King K. Rool's stance is regal but in the since of somebody that earned it and knows it. It's also just kind of ironic because K. Rool bounces back and forth from acting like a wild animal to an aristocrat. In summary, K. Rool's stance is awkward because a crocodile king is kind of an oxymoron but K. Rool obviously takes it very seriously.

Banjo's is sort of a slight action shot, putting heavy emphasis on an interaction between Banjo and Kazooie. Banjo's looks slightly uncertain while Kazooie looks a little mischievous. Banjo and Kazooie can do a ton of amazing things together... But only if Kazooie wants to. In the series, Kazooie makes this pretty apparent and most of what motivates Banjo is her. Banjo is kind of lazy and a little dim (not like GameFAQs "hurrdurr") and is literally what gets him about of bed to save his sister getting (very noisily) kidnapped in the first game. This being said, they depend on each other a lot, boost each others strengths, and cover each others weaknesses (for example, Kazooie would probably get her ass kicked all the time if Banjo wasn't so nice and agreeable). This all said, I feel the pose highlights the dynamics of the relationship.

As for Geno... I kind of do just like the idea of his head nod. It has a sage like quality to it and I feel like that's one of his better personality. He's not necessarily super smart but he's wise and composed, which is something that hard set him apart from the super cartoony personalities of most of the cast.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Will you look at that. Y'all saw this? Nintendo's kicked off their Holiday campaign.


EDIT: Y'all might want to check out the "Nostalgia blasts" section. :nifty:

EDIT 2: Browsing through the Super Mario-themed products, I do wonder why the heck is Minecraft among all the other Mario games and products? It's just there... menacingly. 👀
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2020
Here! I think...
Will you look at that. Y'all saw this? Nintendo's kicked off their Holiday campaign.


EDIT: Y'all might want to check out the "Nostalgia blasts" section. :nifty:

EDIT 2: Browsing through the Super Mario-themed products, I do wonder why the heck is Minecraft among all the other Mario games and products? It's just there... menacingly. 👀
Minecraft has a Mario texture mashup pack.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2019
Perhaps I've missed the part where this doesn't mean anything, but it looks like both the Smash fighters page and the Direct website were updated quite recently?

I feel like I might be overanalyzing things, but does Nintendo seems very suspicious lately to anyone else?

Peepo T. Skeleton

Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2020
Exactly 9.7 inches away from your current location
Will you look at that. Y'all saw this? Nintendo's kicked off their Holiday campaign.


EDIT: Y'all might want to check out the "Nostalgia blasts" section. :nifty:

EDIT 2: Browsing through the Super Mario-themed products, I do wonder why the heck is Minecraft among all the other Mario games and products? It's just there... menacingly. 👀
Was there something specific we should look at in the nostalgia section or were you just pointing it out because it's cool? That Super Metroid Switch skin is making me stupid giddy, ngl.

The only thing I can think of for the Minecraft thing is that the Switch version of the game comes with both a Mario character costume pack and texture pack that makes the world look like it's from Mario.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Perhaps I've missed the part where this doesn't mean anything, but it looks like both the Smash fighters page and the Direct website were updated quite recently?

I feel like I might be overanalyzing things, but does Nintendo seems very suspicious lately to anyone else?
As much as I really want a Direct to happen this month, I don't think this means anything. We always get URL "leaks" and not all instances of URL's getting updated means we're gonna get something soon. They may have updated the playlist, but who knows when these actual videos or information will go live. For all we know, it could be months.
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