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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
I think we got until Summer of 2021 to find out if the Fighter Pass continues or not once Challenger 10 arrives.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Haven’t been here in a long time, saw Seph’s trailer and thought I’d pop in. The trailer was sick with seeing him from afar at first and OWA playing.

I wouldn’t mind Geno being a Mega Man or Mii Gunner echo as long as he got his own sound effects and animations. But even if that happens, it’s not happening Thursday.

People will doom-post until Thursday, Geno won’t be a costume, everyone will reinvigorate with hope and theorize and debate again that fan rules don’t matter, and the wait for Geno will last and last as it always has.
Yeah except I do expect Geno to be shown on Thursday, but that’s just not as enticing speculation as exploring the 25% chance Geno isn’t there

Malo Mart

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2019
Hyrule Castle Town
Switch FC
I came back to say one thing and one thing only: don't let our hopes die. Believe me, I was as heartbroken by Sephiroth as most of you probably have. It ruined my day, made me go through all the 5 stages of grief and led me to have at least a couple embarassing breakdowns on a private discord server, as a few of my friends can attest to... yeah, it was and still somewhat is that bad for me.

But... despite all that and me being embarrassed for letting a children's party game hit me emotionally so much, I'm still trying my best to manage. Sephiroth is cool, I don't care about him personally, mostly because of my obvious biases, but I give my congratulations to his fans.

And most importantly for us now, he doesn't have to mean a thing for Geno. He's no doubt our biggest hurdle as of yet, but I'm considering him as a final boss for our journey more than anything. If there's any character who can dodge bullets like nobody's business and do the unthinkable in speculation, it's Geno. We already survived Hero after all, who's to say we can't survive another Squeenix rep?

It doesn't matter if he's in Challenge Pack 9, somewhere else in Fighter Pass 2, in the elusive Fighter Pass 3 or even in the next Smash game all together, we will see the next of Geno.

Say it with me now...





also yes cacomallow is still real, shut up
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
So which character seems most likely rn Fatman? Crash?
I think Dante still stands considering the fact that while his exact picks were weirdly jumped around, he did predict the companies involved. Other than that I haven’t been involved in Fatman-enhanced speculation is a good while so I’m not sure what the gameplan is and how it stands right now


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
People will doom-post until Thursday, Geno won’t be a costume, everyone will reinvigorate with hope and theorize and debate again that fan rules don’t matter, and the wait for Geno will last and last as it always has.
Welcome back! I haven't been on Smashboards in a hot minute myself. It would be nice to see no costume on Thursday but I'm not expecting a second miracle like with Hero. Hopefully we have some news to celebrate on Thursday though!


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
Great to see this thread back, and I just watch this great video about the chances of Geno and Sora.

So I haven't watched the whole video, but this guy brings up an excellent point that I really don't think people are grasping here.

Anyone here who's given up on Geno, ESPECIALLY if his costume is MIA AGAIN this Thursday, is self-imposing gatekeeping fan rules.

Remember when Steve couldn't get in because Banjo already took that spot? Yeah, I remember folks acting like that, and here we are.

Also, Hero and Sephiroth don't kill Geno by default. The same people who said Square couldn't get two characters were wrong, so now they are immediately moving to 'Square can't get THREE characters' even though not only do they already but Square has a massive list of beloved characters and would be right up there with Capcom in terms of having a long list of requests. Also, just because the previous Fighter's Pass was only one character per company doesn't mean it has to stay like that.

Hell, Geno could be CP9 for all we know.

For asking for this character for years, some of y'all really like to give up frequently and repeatedly.
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Judgement day is pretty much Thursday. If he miraculously doesn't show up again, then that would have rather heavy implications on whether he is playable. If its confirmed then its pretty much it for now at least. Like someone else said you can't really rationalize it or whatever. The idea of Geno being the one to break the dlc costume rule for example because all of the dlc has apparently broken rules is super subjective. Not only does Steve throw that into question as he didn't really break any rules but also that would rely on Nintendo actually paying attention to that which they honestly don't. Another example is apparently that he's unlikely to appear based on the type of miis that have been confirmed or something similar, i think we can all at least subconciously agree that this is just setting imaginary roadblocks. Believe me, i have been thinking Geno is likely since Byleth was confirmed with the wave 2 stuff but even i'll admit, there isn't anything stopping the mii from showing up come Thursday aside from if he's playable which we obviously dont know. This isn't me saying kill all hope either as no one should. Its just that setting up imaginary roadblocks can come across as more defeatist if anything.

Still i hope that he isnt costumed. If he does, what i do hope is he a least is a deluxe mii with a remix of BTFM and maybe a second song if those takedowns are anything to go by. Still, at least we pretty much know he's coming one way or another. And obviously its not the end of the world as it'll al be alright in the end. It's not over just yet either way

Malo Mart

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2019
Hyrule Castle Town
Switch FC
I dunno. I'm just getting flashbacks of Hero and how people insisted that there was a 99% chance Geno would be a costume after Hero was formally revealed, only for it to not happen after a month and a half of heckling and shirt tearing...
It's just like I mentioned, Geno just has the ability to completely defy our expectations and make our wildest dreams into miraculous realities. So really, no different from his role in SMRPG in a way.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
So I haven't watched the whole video, but this guy brings up an excellent point that I really don't think people are grasping here.

Anyone here who's given up on Geno, ESPECIALLY if his costume is MIA AGAIN this Thursday, is self-imposing gatekeeping fan rules.

Remember when Steve couldn't get in because Banjo already took that spot? Yeah, I remember folks acting like that, and here we are.

Also, Hero and Sephiroth don't kill Geno by default. The same people who said Square couldn't get two characters were wrong, so now they are immediately moving to 'Square can't get THREE characters' even though not only do they already but Square has a massive list of beloved characters and would be right up there with Capcom in terms of having a long list of requests. Also, just because the previous Fighter's Pass was only one character per company doesn't mean it has to stay like that.

Hell, Geno could be CP9 for all we know.

For asking for this character for years, some of y'all really like to give up frequently and repeatedly.
I agree. 2/7 characters in the Smash 4 DLC cycle were from the same series aka Fire Emblem. 2/6 for the same company really doesn’t feel impossible in the light of that. What Sepiroth did is cut what I think is Geno’s most appealing evidence (Missing costume) in half, where one half is “Sepiroth will bring it” and the other half is “He doesn’t have a costume because he is a playable character.“ After Thursday, that schism solves itself and it’s really just business as usual imo where the most likely scenario once again is “Geno’s costume is MIA because he is playable for the realsies“


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I dunno. I'm just getting flashbacks of Hero and how people insisted that there was a 99% chance Geno would be a costume after Hero was formally revealed, only for it to not happen after a month and a half of heckling and shirt tearing...
I'm getting similar heckling on Discord on some other servers I frequent so yeah


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2019
Yeah, I could see something like that happening. Where we might get less characters and come with very little. But that would provide an opportunity for franchises with a lot of existing stuff to get new fighters without feeling cheated. Think Mario or Pokemon.
I just hope we don't get more Mario "characters' like we did with piranha plant. I mean sure I kind of like piranha plant to some extent, but my heart can't take something like that happening.. I don't need a "Goombas Galore!" trailer for smash brothers in my life. Just something about making generic enemies into a singular character that rubs me the wrong way personally I guess, even if piranha plant was a huge surprise. Just give us the doll Nintendo, please.
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Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
Knowing how stressful Mii Fighter costume reveals are for me, I'm probably not gonna watch the Thursday presentation. Instead, I'll just spend that 35 or so minutes playing games or something, then message one of you asking if Geno survived or not. To those here who still hold out hope for Geno's survival and plan on tackling the presentation head on, you are much stronger men/women than I am.

Maybe Grno’s Mii will be more expensive, at the boon of getting two songs rather than one. Unlikely, but an option that popped into my head
That misspelling of Geno made me hear it in my head as "Giorno".

Sephiroth's reveal trailer had him kill Galeem by slicing him in half. Geno's reveal trailer will have him kill Dharkon by administering a 45-second long "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA" beatdown.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So which character seems most likely rn Fatman? Crash?
The wild thing about this year is that new names didn't come up at all. The "latest" character that has come up is Master Chief and that was last December. Of the characters that I've heard since November 2018 and we don't have definitive answers on yet: Waluigi, Geno, Crash, Ryu, Dante, Sol Badguy, Lloyd, and Master Chief. One of my guys said last December that Nightmare wasn't happening and the odds of Geralt being real are extremely small. Steve and Sephiroth were thought to be dead as of 2019 but, 'ope, they managed to come true afterall.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2019
Knowing how stressful Mii Fighter costume reveals are for me, I'm probably not gonna watch the Thursday presentation. Instead, I'll just spend that 35 or so minutes playing games or something, then message one of you asking if Geno survived or not. To those here who still hold out hope for Geno's survival and plan on tackling the presentation head on, you are much stronger men/women than I am.

That misspelling of Geno made me hear it in my head as "Giorno".

Sephiroth's reveal trailer had him kill Galeem by slicing him in half. Geno's reveal trailer will have him kill Dharkon by administering a 45-second long "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA" beatdown.

Geno experience requiem.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
The wild thing about this year is that new names didn't come up at all. The "latest" character that has come up is Master Chief and that was last December. Of the characters that I've heard since November 2018 and we don't have definitive answers on yet: Waluigi, Geno, Crash, Ryu, Dante, Sol Badguy, Lloyd, and Master Chief. One of my guys said last December that Nightmare wasn't happening and the odds of Geralt being real are extremely small. Steve and Sephiroth were thought to be dead as of 2019 but, 'ope, they managed to come true afterall.
Someone calling a hard deconfirm like that is weird to me. If you haven’t heard of a character that’s okay, but deconfirming like that would mean you have heard of him, but in a different context than playable (or negotiations falling through) or a direct competitor getting the nod instead (or both, given the existence of Mii Costumes). So in my logic, Nightmare being specifically out strenghtens Lloyd. Another costume to look out for this Thursday.

The fact you haven’t heard new names might also point to the idea that FP2 (plus bonus or whatever) is to tie up loose ends or give a shot at pesky negotiations which I can see Sepiroth being an example of too.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
If the list leak is indeed real then a level 5 rep will happen probably in this pass. I’m so 100% confident a level 5 reps gonna happen.

Would be nice to see the pass end off with

And Geno.


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2018
Its kinda funny, i tried to make a post yesterday but right before i could send it, the thread got locked, which i guess i understand, but imma write what i was thinking about anyways about our situation.

Yeh objectively we are in a pretty bad spot, my main fear is that chocobo and geno were originally going to show up with hero but then sephiroth was planned so they removed chocobo as well as geno to save for sephiroth(which honestly boggles my mind but whatever)

Anyways, as a geno supporter, and having been one since early ultimate days, we've been all over the place in terms of genos chances, ridley and king k showed up witch sounded pretty good for us, grinch leak had me pretty confident, then plant happened and we got spirited, then hero showed up and we were basically on death's door, then geno's mii was MIA and were saved, we survived 3 more mii sets, and then min-min happened witch broke the spirit rule, and it being a new fighter pass sounded pretty good for us. Steve didn't really affect us in any way. And now we are here.
The most likely scenario is that we simply get the costume back as it is, personally i don't see us getting a deluxe mii with music or anything, but that's just me.

So how am i going to tackle these last few days before the new mii set? Well i would rather spend it happily waving the geno flag like no tomorrow, because if the mii comes back then i personally dont see geno ever making it in a smash game ever again. So I'd rather go out like a bang instead of a whimper.

Sephiroth seems pretty cool and i like the sephiroth memes and fanart with kirby, mario cloud and others.

I hope every one else feels the same way but I understand if not.

smiling geno sanji.png

Malo Mart

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2019
Hyrule Castle Town
Switch FC
To add to the glimmer of hope I want to share with all you fellow Geno fans, and I hope this hasn't been talked to death in here, is that I believe Geno has at the very least a decently likely chance to escape Mii Costume hell once again.

It's a safe assumption to make that Sephiroth's Mii Costume Wave will only come with Square Enix characters, that much goes without saying at this point. However, what I'd like to add is that this could likely be limited even further if they take the same route they took with Hero and only take costumes from the fighter's series and nothing else. Hero came with only 4 costumes, the least out of any fighter so far, and lucky for us, this can be easily filled with just FF7 characters and nothing else. Chocobo is a recurring creature in Final Fantasy and was a Mii Hat in Smash 4, so his addition is a no-brainer. This leaves us with 3 other costumes, and those can very easily be filled with characters from just FF7, let alone ones from the franchise as a whole.

I think Tifa, Aerith and Barrett are the most likely, and they'd fit the Mii Brawler/Swordfighter/Gunner trifecta flawless (not that it's a requirement or anything). They could also use other recurring characters from Final Fantasy like Black Mage, Moogle or Cactuar, or even game specific ones such as Terra Branford if they want to appeal to fans of FF games that aren't 7. All of this without even mentioning other Square Enix IPs that could be borrowed from to fill in the remaining 3 or 4 or even 5 slots like 2B, Neku, G E X etc.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I have no doubts they will make new Mii Costumes for Sephiroth, and that they are not even close from having to resort to Geno.

If anything, I think Square Enix is realizing the potential cash they can get from Smash DLC and it's ready to go full throttle, as we can clearly see from Hero and Sephiroth both showing up. This includes more Mii Costumes from them, and of course, more fighters as well, of which one of them could very well be Geno!
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Thing is, Geno wouldn’t be brought in as a costume as filler. Either he’s on the roster and the costume is scrapped or he’s not and they’ll bring the costume back. They’re not gonna be like “well jeepers we need one more square enix costume” “oh i Know, let’s scrap geno from this pass and make him a costume again to make the mii lineup nice and even” and they‘re also not gonna be like “i wanna fit in the geno costume, the one that had a splash screen, but i also really like this moogle spandex brawler we made” “oh jeepers, now geno has to be playable since we obviously keep the moogle suit once it passes by CERO so the geno costume is out”


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2019
Its kinda funny, i tried to make a post yesterday but right before i could send it, the thread got locked, which i guess i understand, but imma write what i was thinking about anyways about our situation.

Yeh objectively we are in a pretty bad spot, my main fear is that chocobo and geno were originally going to show up with hero but then sephiroth was planned so they removed chocobo as well as geno to save for sephiroth(which honestly boggles my mind but whatever)

Anyways, as a geno supporter, and having been one since early ultimate days, we've been all over the place in terms of genos chances, ridley and king k showed up witch sounded pretty good for us, grinch leak had me pretty confident, then plant happened and we got spirited, then hero showed up and we were basically on death's door, then geno's mii was MIA and were saved, we survived 3 more mii sets, and then min-min happened witch broke the spirit rule, and it being a new fighter pass sounded pretty good for us. Steve didn't really affect us in any way. And now we are here.
The most likely scenario is that we simply get the costume back as it is, personally i don't see us getting a deluxe mii with music or anything, but that's just me.

So how am i going to tackle these last few days before the new mii set? Well i would rather spend it happily waving the geno flag like no tomorrow, because if the mii comes back then i personally dont see geno ever making it in a smash game ever again. So I'd rather go out like a bang instead of a whimper.

Sephiroth seems pretty cool and i like the sephiroth memes and fanart with kirby, mario cloud and others.

I hope every one else feels the same way but I understand if not.

View attachment 295428
I kind of get a similar impression regarding Geno not getting a deluxe mii costume or music track (in the worst case scenario where we don't get him anyways), but hey, there's always a chance. Maybe we'll get lucky again and start to get better chances again, should we make it through this next push.
As a side note:


That edit man. Sanji being taken hostage by Bege's men has the same vibe as Geno being held hostage by Square, and it makes me sad.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2018
Yo'ster Island
Switch FC
Hey the thread’s unlocked now, nice! I’m glad to see everyone’s a little more optimistic now, or at the very least content with holding out for the 17th before giving up on this DLC cycle. Y’hear that Smash gods?! It’s gonna take more than that to take us down!!

I saw that some people were sharing SMRPG related videos earlier and I remembered an analysis video that I really enjoyed watching a while back. You guys should check it out if you’re bored and want some good content to watch:

I am both dreading and excited for the 17th for a variety of reasons, but like a lot of you guys here I’m trying to remain hopeful for Geno’s chances. Worrying won’t change the outcome so I’m just trying to distract myself with some other games. (i am officially nominating wario’s greatest achievement, wario land 4, as my comfort game. it’s preeeetty cool.)
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2020
I personally have a lot of thoughts related to current speculation and where this puts us, but I don't want talk about those for now (gotta survive that wave first). But I'm starting to feel like those 16 slots datamined back in January 2019 weren't really an accident after all.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I personally have a lot of thoughts related to current speculation and where this puts us, but I don't want talk about those for now (gotta survive that wave first). But I'm starting to feel like those 16 slots datamined back in January 2019 weren't really an accident after all.
With the scale the past few newcomers have worked on, it’d be a shame to close down negotiations for characters just because Nintendo closed the curtains and said “that’s all folks!” Especially if FMOI’s sources keep blathering about the likes of Crash and Master Chief
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2019
No matter how you feel about either character, can we take a moment to appreciate that this is real in this game and not a ****post:

View attachment 295433
I feel there's a certain level of irony to images depicting this matchup considering Sephiroth used to look like this:


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Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2020
With the scale the past few newcomers have worked on, it’d be a shame to close down negotiations for characters just because Nintendo closed the curtains and said “that’s all folks!” Especially if FMOI’s sources keep blathering about the likes of Crash and Master Chief
I feel like it's more like they went all out and decided everything way sooner than we expected, especially considering how Steve and Sephiroth were rumored back in 2018, and how FF did also get the short end of the stick in representation, being the only third party to not have representation improved from 4 to Ultimate.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
No matter how you feel about either character, can we take a moment to appreciate that this is real in this game and not a ****post:

View attachment 295433
I don't know if I can process Steve and Sephiroth being right next to each other on the Character Select Screen. Smash Bros Ultimate is definitely a once in a life time thing. No clue on how the next installment can top this
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