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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

Incoming, long post maybe one of my last posts ever for this site in case Geno gets disconfirmed.

I think there is always a possibility of more DLC fighters. Nintendo and Sakurai changed their minds not once, but twice in Smash 4. In Min Min’s presentation, Sakurai said at LEAST 5 more fighters. Though, that could be a mistranslation. And again, 4 more data mine slots after Vol. 2. Dare I say, there is a possibility of 2 Square reps. The 1 company per pass thing has always been a fan rule. Geno is in a odd situation that he’s only for the Mario franchise not from a Square owned franchise that could be an exception. That’s why I wanna stick around just a little longer.

With all that aside, if Geno doesn’t end up in Smash Ultimate, it makes me doubtful if Geno will even be playable anytime soon. I know it takes time that fan requests happen and probably priorities to be made, but whole thing basically went,

Smash 4: I know you guys want Geno, but here’s Cloud. I think he’s a cool character, he fits well into Smash, and I actually wanted back in Brawl so enjoy the costume.

Smash Ultimate base game: We brought back every character! We used the Smash ballot and demand for reference! We got you upgrades like K. Rool and Chrom! Ridley? Not too big! We got y’all the Belmonts. We know you guys really want Geno, but... Nah he’s a spirit. By the way, here’s a plant!

Smash Ultimate DLC 1: Here are the DQ Heroes! Don’t even ask about the Geno costume.

Smash Ultimate DLC Vol. 2: We decided to add 6 more fighters. We have a Square character and no it is not Geno. You guys want more FF content right? Here’s Sephiroth! Get hyped! Oh and here’s your costume. Let that be a clue after all this time, we’re not going add Geno anytime soon.

If all that happens, it is just disheartening that they clearly had opportunities to add him into the game, but they still didn’t. I’m not saying Sakurai owes us Geno or anything like that. But if Sakurai doesn’t really care about Geno that much, not willing to attempt to get him anytime soon, or there are a billion Square characters he heavily prefers, I rather not have him make a Mii costume and acknowledge his popularity.

A trophy or spirit is all you need for acknowledgment. You don’t give a one-off side character that you may not care that much from a game that isn’t even that mainstream some sort of special red carpet treatment giving his own splash screen.

That interview was the reason why there was so much hope and hype brought back to Geno. And unfortunately, the hype for Geno may continue after Ultimate and we potentially crash over and over again.

There is always a sliver of hope left and let’s hope for the best. Thank you outsiders who offer support during the worst situation for Geno. Others who don’t, y’all can stay out.
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Deleted member

This post was warned for inappropriate and potentially offensive content.
Does anyone think there is a chance of the Mallow Mii costume specifically appearing this Thursday? Just wondering, I’m surprised no one is bringing it up.
It would be extremely strange. The Mallow Mii hat is 200% fake. We should dedicate this community to hiring a private investigator to track down whoever made Cacomallow and mail them dildos so they can go **** themselves.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I think that Sephiroth has increased the chances of Eggman. Why? It seems like Sakurai is noticing series without their villains as fighters and if Microsoft and Square were able to get second characters, why not SEGA? (Plus imagine if his trailer started like K Rool and Banjo’s trailer)
Since Sakurai got Sephy in, hopefully he'll start rolling the ball on the 3rd party villains like Dr. Eggman, M. Bison, Dr. Wily, Sigma, Gruntilda, ect. Still a lot of great villains they could add from the 3rd party side of things.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Greetings once again Genobros/sisters, and guests. Hope everyone is doing well.

Throughout the weekend I kept pondering about CP 8's reveal and what it could mean for the Pass Vol. 2 going forward, and I've come to gravitate more to the following potential outcomes. I spoilered most of the content in order to not take up too much space.

Scenario A (in no particular order) = The following scenario takes into consideration the following,
  • Strictly considers the five DLC Fighters within the first Fighters Pass
  • The Challenger Pack representation pattern in terms of ownership (New Third Party, Returning Third Party, Nintendo IP)
  • Mii Costumes that are yet to return
With said factors taken into consideration, under this scenario my predictions for the remainder of Fighters Pass Vol. 2 are,
  • Lloyd Irving = would be a representative from a third party which already had content within the base game (returning third party), as well as would be a promotion from his Mii Costume. In addition he would be the second Bandai-Namco rep in the game.
  • Dante/Monster Hunter... Hunter = would be a representative from a third party which already had content within the base game (returning third party), and along with series-themed Mii Costumes, it could bring back the missing Monster Hunter Rathalos, and Hunter Mii Costumes. In regards to the Monster Hunter Mii Costumes, and the fact that there is notable representation of the franchise in the base game already, I'm leaning more towards Dante being the Capcom rep. Nevertheless, either outcome could happen (or an entirely different Capcom character for that matter).
  • Crash Bandicoot = would be a representative from a new third party yet to have content represented in the game (Activision), and the franchise's resurfacing since the release of Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy, and the support to the Switch, and most recently (October 2nd) Crash 4's release and the inevitable port to the Switch sometime in 2021 (or 2022), do make his chances of getting in quite likely imo.
  • Rayman* = Rayman's case could be an interesting one also falling within the profile of a rep from a returning third party. Although there hasn't been too much activity from the franchise in recent years, he is included in the base game in the form of a Spirit, and in the last couple of years Nintendo and Ubisoft collaborated in titles such as Starlink, and Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle; both of which Nintendo allowed Ubisoft to develop games using some of their IPs (Star Fox, and Super Mario). In addition to that, there was the release of Ubisoft Mii Costumes in one of the waves. If he were to be included however, one of the three aforementioned possible characters would thus end up being replaced. At this point however, just as it has been throughout the entire DLC speculation cycle for Ultimate, we'll have to wait and see.
Scenario B (in no particular order) = The following scenario takes into consideration the following,
  • Considers all of the DLC fighters prior to Fighters Pass Vol. 2 (Piranha Plant + first Fighters Pass)
  • The DLC Fighter representation pattern in terms of ownership (Nintendo IP, Two Returning Third Parties, Microsoft, New Third Party, Nintendo IP)
  • Mii Costumes that are yet to return
Before going onto mentioning the characters for this scenario, in regards to the representation pattern, the reason I wrote Microsoft rather than Three Returning Parties, or Two New Third Parties is because as of Steve's inclusion, we saw that in both Passes we got a Microsoft rep. Chances of a third Microsoft rep at this point seem unlikely imo; but that could change if around CP 10's reveal a third Fighters Pass were to be unveiled. Now, moving onto the possible characters for this scenario,
  • For the sake of brevity, Lloyd Irving, Dante/Monster Hunter... Hunter, Crash Bandicoot, and Rayman are possible candidates under this scenario following the points mentioned in regards to them in Scenario A. We could still get either (a) two reps from returning third parties, or (b) one rep from a returning third party and one from a new third party.
  • Nintendo rep = Now, this one is a big pool to pick from. Prior to Fighters Pass Vol. 2, we did in fact get to Nintendo DLC characters; Piranha Plant, and Byleth. There is quite the number of Nintendo characters that have been requested to be included in Smash. Within this slot however, there may be one of two scenarios that could play out; either this will be another Nintendo IP character from any of their series, or will it be a Mario-specific IP character (going off of Piranha Plant's inclusion, and the fact that the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary wraps up next March).
Scenario B.1 (Nintendo IP) = These are the characters I see likely to take the Nintendo IP slot. Of course, it would only be one of them.
  • Rex (or Rex & Pyra combo) = Although we got the Rex Mii Costume back with the first Fighters Pass, many have wanted another Xenoblade Chronicles rep, specifically Rex. Seeing as the Xenoblade Chronicles HD edition went well, and Sakurai's acknowledgement over the character; Fighters Pass 2 could have served as a means to include him in the end. Rex could also help promote a potential new Xenoblade Chronicles game that may be in the works.
  • Bandana Waddle Dee = It is known that Sakurai is a humble man when it comes to him not wanting to presume too much with his creations, but B. Waddle Dee has been requested by fans for some time and it would complete the Kirby quartet from most recent games.
  • Impa = With the recent success of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, many Zelda fans have wanted even more the inclusion of Impa as a playable character in Smash (now her HW: AoC incarnation specifically). It would be a fine addition to the Zelda franchise within Smash since Brawl.
  • Skull Kid = Impa's not the only highly requested Zelda character requested for Smash. Skull Kid, albeit an Assist Trophy would make for an interesting new character (playstyle-wise), and would add to the number of villain characters in the roster. To be specific tho, this would be the Major's Mask-possessed Skull Kid.
  • Dixie Kong = having King K. Rool on Ultimate's base roster gave the Donkey Kong franchise within the game a sort of OG Donkey Kong Country vibe, and what way to take that vibe all the way to 11 with Dixie's inclusion. Another fan requested Nintendo character and rightfully so; albeit some consider her playstyle could be similar to Diddy's, I'd digress since even in DKC 2 she played as a more aerodynamic character. Her mid-air game could be something completely different from Diddy. Also, she could bring a new DKC 2 stage 👀.
  • Porky Minch = Yes, this in part stems from the fact that for some reason this devious Mother villain is no where to be found in Ultimate, despite him being a boss in Brawl's Subspace Emissary, and being a trophy (I believe) back in Smash 4. All there is is the Super Safe Capsule spirit, but within the capsule not even his silhouette is seen. Hmm... That aside, yet another much needed villain character addition to the roster, with the potential for an interesting playstyle since he would most likely be fighting on some sort of machine (could be Earthbound's, or Mother 3's).
Scenario B.2 (Mario-specific Nintendo rep) = These characters hail specifically from the Super Mario IP. Similar to Scenario B.1, only one of them would take the slot.
  • Waluigi = Certainly Sakurai must be well aware of the fan demand throughout the years for this bad boy's inclusion in Smash. Yes, he's an Assist Trophy, but he could perhaps receive the blessing of finally being promoted to a playable fighter. Only appearing in spin-off Mario games, one might think that he doesn't have enough content to bring in a Challenger Pack. Heh... wrong. Curiously enough, the fact that he's appeared on so many of the Mario-spin-off games gives him ample source material for a stage, spirits, and music. His stage would most likely be a tennis court themed after himself since (a) his first appearance was in the first Mario Tennis game and, (b) his Assist Trophy has always held a tennis racket. His stage could also be say, his iconic Mario Kart course, Waluigi Pinball, with the stage platform hovering over various sections of the race track. As for the music, they could bring in tracks from the various Mario sports games he's been in.
  • Paper Mario = Ok, albeit being another iteration of Mario; Paper Mario however could bring a much more different playstyle and moveset than base Mario. In the Paper Mario games he's been known to use items such as hammers, Koopa shells, and jumps to attack opponents. Throughout the Paper Mario games he's also had a number of game-specific gimmicks that could be incorporated to various moves.
  • Geno = Wait, Geno? But he's a Square Enix owned character. Yes, true, however let us take a moment. This possibility rides on the event that on Sephiroth's upcoming presentation, Geno's Mii Costume is nowhere to be seen. If by Thursday Geno's Mii Costume remains M.I.A., my thoughts are that he will in fact be coming within the pass and most likely as the mandatory Nintendo rep (despite him being a Square Enix-owend character). Following the first six DLC fighters pattern however, I'd see him as CP 11. Reason why I'd have him as a potential Mario-specific Nintendo rep is because not only is he a de-facto Mario character, but what if unbeknownst to the general populace, Nintendo actually bought the rights to the original content within SMRPG from Square? Really, why would this purchase not happen when (1) Nintendo's good on Cash, (2) Square Enix has not used those characters since SMRPG so, why hold to something they don't use ever. Again, I stress that this consideration rides strictly on the event that the Geno Mii Costume does not show up in Thursday's presentation.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
So the possible outcomes that I think exist and are probable are

1. We get a Geno costume announced in Sephiroth's presentation.
2. It gets announced later (which would be VERY cruel to all of you).
3. There is no Geno costume whatsoever (the worst case scenario).
4. No costume and Geno gets in either this pass, a third pass, or as a bonus fighter.

Do you guys agree with this or am I missing anything?
(Also, I still don't feel much of anything regarding Smash. I say that I still feel neutral about Sephiroth, meaning I don't like or dislike him. But he might've also dialed down the enthusiasm I had for future Smash character DLC. I don't even feel that hopeful for my most wanted picks. Maybe I'm worried that none of them have a chance now that we are halfway through the pass. The second half of the pass may be more lowkey, so I'm not sure if the likes of Crash, Rayman, Doomguy, and other similar kinds of characters will get in this pass. I guess Sephiroth really did bring despair for me, huh?)

I don't wanna cause any turmoil or arguments but this is how I currently feel.
I only see 1 and 4 as possibilities. Either his costume comes with Sephiroth, or he is playable. His costume came out with Cloud last game, so if it’s coming at all, it’s coming with Sephiroth. Also, they’ve made it a point to bring back every costume from Smash 4 so far, so it would be weird if Geno is neither a costume nor playable.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
I didn't posted here in quite a while and... glance at who is reading the thread... 90 People ! Well hello everyone , glad to see everyone and uuuuuuuuuuuuuh.... Play Moon : Remix RPG Adventure for the Nintendo Switch , Geno's character designer worked on it , it's always super cool to see japanese exclusive retro games get localized , k thanks bye

More seriously ;

Call me naive... But it only took me around an hour or two after Seph's trailer to be hopeful for Geno again. While initially , this spelled Geno's death to me , I took a few steps back , and realized that we still have some cards to in our hands to play.
First ;

If they want to , they can very easily just throw a ton of FF stuff as costumes. Even FF7 alone is enough ! Tifa , Barret , Yufi , Aerith , the generic solider , low poly Cloud , you name it.
So they don't have to include Geno. If they have the budget to allow them to buy Sephiroth and fricking One Winged Angel , I'm sure they can get FF mii costumes. Because let's be blunt , baring KH , Sephiroth was probably the most expensive character SE had in term of licensing fees.
But why would they skip over Geno's mii costume , when almost all the returning costumes are here ? Well , second point ;

Get a Freebie !
Hey , remember that damn Plant ? Yeah , the one with his own section on the eshop , without a stage or music , you know ? Well maybe he can get a friend !
Bonus characters were never commented by Sakurai in any way iirc , so in my book , they're on the table.
Why would Geno be a bonus character , especially when we had none during FP1 ? Well , I think it's a matter of how much the involved parties wanted specific candidates.
SE want to promote their biggest games , Nintendo want to sell DLCs and seem to do a mix of target audiences , and Sakurai , in term of SE candidates expressed an interest for... Geno. There is no way in hell that Sakurai didn't at the very least mentionned Geno when talking about SE characters to Nintendo , really , I'm sure of this. Geno isn't a worthless candidate in term of sales from the perspective of a multi-billion company ; cattering to your hardcore playerbase once in a while can actually be a good businness practice , believe it or not ! :ultbanjokazooie:
But as we saw... Good ol' Seph was picked , most probably because the TGA reveals are aimed toward very wide audiences , and FF7R was here.

But hey , strangely enough , they didn't mentionned the length of the Sephiroth presentation , or the ammount of characters that would be talked about ! Maybe it doesn't mean anything , but it's worth noticing.
imo , it's a possibility that Nintendo went for Sephiroth first , but still listened to Sakurai's advice , and took Geno as a stand alone character to lure the more hardcore players into the pass , without spending too much ressources on him. I'm not saying it's what has happened , but they DO care about fan picks to some extent , as shown with the base game and Banjo.

So yeah , waiting for the presentation to see if my theory hold any water or not , but I personnaly prefer to stay hopeful. Even in a worst case scenario (No Geno costume/Playable Geno AT ALL during the DLC cycle) , I'll just move onto Smash 6.

Maybe I'm being naive , but I somehow always manage to renew my hope in Geno , it's a testament to the character and it's community imo.


Anyway , my thoughts on Sephiroth.

... I don't care about him.

Yeah he's iconic , he has a big sword , FF7 stuff is cool , his haircut and bare chest is even sexier than DDD's crouch well maybe not ... But I just do NOT care about him.
I'm not saying " he sucks , get owned you anime fan cry baby" , it would be childish but... I'm going to repeat myself , but he can be as iconic as he want , I just don't give a damn about Sephiroth.
Truth be told , ever since the start of the DLC cycle , I always saw the "he's iconic !" argument throwned around , gaming history this , iconic that , and from my perspective , it looks like quite some people expected me and a lot of other people to care about Sephiroth because he's iconic and didn't take into account personnal enjoyment and experiences.

FF7 just didn't speaked to me , even if I had a decently fun time with it.
It doesn't help that moveset wise... Sephiroth look like he recycle a lot of stuff from previous fighters , even his 6 feet tall katana isn't impressive anymore with Min-Min "my jab go accross 75% of the stage".


A final message before I come back here during Seph's presentation...

Even if the worst happen , I doubt Geno will suffer a "character death". I would fully understand if people want to spot Smash spec if the costume is here , but one thing is sure : You still like Geno. You wouldn't have supported him if it wasn't the case. And when you like a character , you don't forget him that easily.
And a character die the day he's forgotten. This also apply to real life people , too. Their idea and legacy is what keep some very talented artists alive , in a way.
So , if our good ol' puppet is as requested as the likes of Sora , Master Chief , and so on... I think we made a good job at making this odd one-off character from that very old SNES game much more than what he was initially made to be , and I find that inspiring.
It's a testament to how passion is such a strong thing that is often underestimated , because if Geno is where he is today , it's purely because of the passion of thousands of peoples.

The journey for Geno won't stop anytime soon friends , it'll simply evolve and adapt to the times that are to come.

Anyway , thanks for reading , and see you all !
Also look at this sick moveset , another proof of that passion in this community

Deleted member

Since Sakurai got Sephy in, hopefully he'll start rolling the ball on the 3rd party villains like Dr. Eggman, M. Bison, Dr. Wily, Sigma, Gruntilda, ect. Still a lot of great villains they could add from the 3rd party side of things.
If we get a Street Fighter villain, it's gonna be Akuma, I'd bet money on it. Huge Sakurai move to put three Ryus in the game after putting 5 Marths in.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
If we survive this week we’re gonna have a heck of a painful few months.

The next character is likely to be revealed in March and that’s when the mario anniversary ends. It’s gonna be painful but at least we have an estimated idea of when each character is gonna be revealed and possibly released.

We’re going into a fresh year meaning 3 characters left to split between 12 moths.

Character 9 announced March and released April

Character 10 announcement July and released august

Character 11 announced November and released in December.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
If we get a Street Fighter villain, it's gonna be Akuma, I'd bet money on it. Huge Sakurai move to put three Ryus in the game after putting 5 Marths in.
I'm not no Street Fighter expert, but I figure Chun-Li and M. Bison are more important to the story since not only they have been around longer than Akuma but they're just more important. I figure they will choose Chun-Li or M. Bison over Akuma since they have been there from almost the beginning.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Something else I want to bring up about Square in Smash is that they not only don't believe in free lunches but arguably ALL their additions to Smash have been advertisements. Allow me to explain:

Final Fantasy VII on Switch: March 26th, 2019

First Final Fantasy VII Remake gameplay trailer: December 5th, 2015

Final Fantasy VII on PS4: December 5th, 2015

Final Fantasy VII/VIII Remaster release in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East: December 4th, 2020

Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, Dragon Quest III, and Dragon Quest XI S on Switch: September 27th, 2019

Super Mario RPG on the Wii U: August 5th 2015 (Japan), December 24th 2015 (Europe and Australia), June 30th 2015 (North America)

Notice something? All the costumes that Square has done so far have been to advertise stuff that was either coming soon or readily available. The last time Super Mario RPG had a price tag on it was with the SNES Classic and those can pretty much only be found on eBay now. Overwhelmingly, the NSO is technically a free service. Square probably has very little interest in having SMRPG available for free but, as you all can see, it's still missing from the NSO. Again, it's pretty clear when Square puts things in other things it wants you to buy the other thing with little hassle. On a surface level, the Geno Mii costume was an advertisement for SMRPG on the Wii U, something that had a price tags and was readily available to most of the world within weeks of Geno's Mii costume release.

Add in: Hell... Even the Trials of Mana and Octopath Traveler spirits were advertisements FFS...
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Something else I want to bring up about Square in Smash is that they not only don't believe in free lunches but arguably ALL their additions to Smash have been advertisements. Allow me to explain:

Final Fantasy VII on Switch: March 26th, 2019

First Final Fantasy VII Remake gameplay trailer: December 5th, 2015

Final Fantasy VII on PS4: December 5th, 2015

Final Fantasy VII/VIII Remaster release in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East: December 4th, 2020

Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, Dragon Quest III, and Dragon Quest XI S on Switch: September 27th, 2019

Super Mario RPG on the Wii U: August 5th 2015 (Japan), December 24th 2015 (Europe and Australia), June 30th 2015 (North America)

Notice something? All the costumes that Square has done so far have been to advertise stuff that was either coming soon or readily available. The last time Super Mario RPG had a price tag on it was with the SNES Classic and those can pretty much only be found on eBay now. Overwhelmingly, the NSO is technically a free service. Square probably has very little interest in having SMRPG available for free but, as you all can see, it's still missing from the NSO. Again, it's pretty clear when Square puts things in other things it wants you to buy the other thing with little hassle. On a surface level, the Geno Mii costume was an advertisement for SMRPG on the Wii U, something that had a price tags and was readily available to most of the world within weeks of Geno's Mii costume release.
So do you think Square-Enix could be holding off Sakurai from announcing Geno until they either announce or release a SMRPG remake or sequel?


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2020
Hi guys, I really think that we are at the the end of the course. You know what? I'm not sad at all, Geno is obviously my most wanted character ever and, before lurking here in the last 2 years, I loved to talk about him with my Smash friends in the last 10 years (or more), and a lot of them felt my genuine happiness for the character and for the game of which he is one the main characters. Many of them played Legend of the Seven Stars after my advice, and everyone loved it and cheered for Geno in Smash only to see me happy. And that's enough for me, I have a story to tell about one of the greatest community ever around a single game (and character). Geno Mii Costume on Thursday? (90% chance IMHO) It's ok for me, time to main Mii Gunner. No Costume? (90% of nothing at all in this case, not even in the future) That's ok, but a little suspicious. I'll take what comes with a smile.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Something else I want to bring up about Square in Smash is that they not only don't believe in free lunches but arguably ALL their additions to Smash have been advertisements. Allow me to explain:

Final Fantasy VII on Switch: March 26th, 2019

First Final Fantasy VII Remake gameplay trailer: December 5th, 2015

Final Fantasy VII on PS4: December 5th, 2015

Final Fantasy VII/VIII Remaster release in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East: December 4th, 2020

Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, Dragon Quest III, and Dragon Quest XI S on Switch: September 27th, 2019

Super Mario RPG on the Wii U: August 5th 2015 (Japan), December 24th 2015 (Europe and Australia), June 30th 2015 (North America)

Notice something? All the costumes that Square has done so far have been to advertise stuff that was either coming soon or readily available. The last time Super Mario RPG had a price tag on it was with the SNES Classic and those can pretty much only be found on eBay now. Overwhelmingly, the NSO is technically a free service. Square probably has very little interest in having SMRPG available for free but, as you all can see, it's still missing from the NSO. Again, it's pretty clear when Square puts things in other things it wants you to buy the other thing with little hassle. On a surface level, the Geno Mii costume was an advertisement for SMRPG on the Wii U, something that had a price tags and was readily available to most of the world within weeks of Geno's Mii costume release.

Add in: Hell... Even the Trials of Mana and Octopath Traveler spirits were advertisements FFS...
So you mean that even if Geno isn’t shown as a Mii Costume, Square could be holding onto revealing the costume until it’s ad-timing worthy? Or that the costume won’t return in general because there is nothing that it advertises, since NSO is freeby-like?

Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
At the end of the day, whether Geno’s costume shows up or not on Thursday, all I want is for Sakurai to at least acknowledge Geno’s popularity again. That will be the consolation prize for me. Because as long as Geno’s name is kept in the conversation, we have a shot at him manifesting an appearance in SOME sort of future game (whether it’s Smash, a Mario game, etc)


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
I'll say it before and I'll say it again, everyone thought it was written in the stars (ha) that Geno's Mii costume was going to show up with Hero. I mean he's the Square Enix character is Ultimate's DLC cycle, so Geno has to show up there! ...but it didn't.

I don't want to give you guys false hope, I truly don't. But as Brother AJ Brother AJ pointed out, the "two DLC characters can't be from the same company" rule is a fan-rule and it's waiting to be broken. Like he said, it may not be broken this time, but so many fan-rules that people thought were concrete have been broken over the years. It isn't too farfetched of an idea to think this one could too, at least in my opinion. Especially if Geno isn't seen in the same light as Sephiroth or Hero is to both companies (which could very well be the case, even if Geno is technically fully owned by Square Enix).

Look, Geno's Mii costume could very well show up on the 17th, but at least wait to throw in the towel until we actually see it, please. I get people have been waiting for a long time for Geno, much longer than I've been here. But, again, Geno's costume didn't show up with Hero, so that alone should just give you at least a little morsel of hope to hold onto. It is for me. Maybe people will take this time until Sephiroth's presentation to come to accept Geno's chances as not playable, and that's fine and healthy, but also just try to hold on to at least a little bit of hope so that you're not in total despair.

As I've always said and will continue to say, I'll be with you all until the end of the line. And as for as I'm concerned, it isn't the end of the line just yet.


Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2020
Question: When they announced the presentation for Sephiroth, did they follow up the tweet with another tweet saying there would be no other info regarding other fighters, like they did with the other presentations?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So do you think Square-Enix could be holding off Sakurai from announcing Geno until they either announce or release a SMRPG remake or sequel?
On a basic level, "Square Enix doesn't believe in free lunches." This means that if Murphy's Law clotheslines us on Thursday and Geno's a Mii costume, Square Enix has a plan for SMRPG in the near future that has a price tag. Like I showed in my last post, all the costumes they have done so far have been for stuff that most of the world could immediately buy on a readily available platform as soon as the presentation was over. For example, the original Dragon Quest trilogy has been available to buy worldwide on iOS and Androids since 2014 despite not coming to Switch until 2019. Final Fantasy VII has been available on iOS since 2015 and Android since 2016. Hell, come to think of it... This even includes Geno and Mallow's SPIRITS because the SNES Classic was a late Q3 2018 release. I suspect we're once again in a similar situation: the Geno costume will not appear on Thursday unless Square has something involving Geno or SMRPG with a price tag in the near future.


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2013
If Geno gets a Mii outfit it better be a premium Mii outfit, and not the ugly one from Smash U that just had a Mii face sticking out. But I'm sure he'd get the Sans, Cup Head, Vault Boy treatment if he is a Mii this time.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
On a basic level, "Square Enix doesn't believe in free lunches." This means that if Murphy's Law clotheslines us on Thursday and Geno's a Mii costume, Square Enix has a plan for SMRPG in the near future that has a price tag. Like I showed in my last post, all the costumes they have done so far have been for stuff that most of the world could immediately buy on a readily available platform as soon as the presentation was over. For example, the original Dragon Quest trilogy has been available to buy worldwide on iOS and Androids since 2014 despite not coming to Switch until 2019. Final Fantasy VII has been available on iOS since 2015 and Android since 2016. Hell, come to think of it... This even includes Geno and Mallow's SPIRITS because the SNES Classic was a late Q3 2018 release. I suspect we're once again in a similar situation: the Geno costume will not appear on Thursday unless Square has something involving Geno or SMRPG with a price tag in the near future.
But does that also mean that Geno’s Smash 4 costume was a lucky timing thing and that if there’s no price tag attached to anything SMRPG soon, it’s possible that Geno won’t appear in any shape or form aside from the SNES Classic-timed Spirit? It seems like a counter-intuitive thing to argue for since it makes Geno dependent on things outside of Sakurai’s control.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The more I think about it, the more I question did verge accidentally leak 3 square characters 2 years ago by accident.

He had heard 7 names and he had heard dragon quest, slime and sephiroph the most and had heard Geno and crono once if I Believe.

So far dragon quest and slime made it in and sephiroph has now made it in.

We’ve had the cacco mallow leak which is controversial but possibly real which would improve a mallow mii headgear is coming and then we had the smithy costume leak that fatmanonice provided if I remember rightly.

Right there there’s 2 costumes already which we known for a fact won’t come with sephiroph.

The timing for geno’s mii costume coming back feels extremely weird considering there’s been 5 other characters it could’ve come back with out of the 8 we’ve had so far.

Papagenos said he had talks with someone over crucial evidence that pointed towards Geno or waluigi being playable and that he couldn’t talk much about it because it was very confidential.

We’ve also had the 2 mario RPG songs which were copyrighted by Nintendo which they don’t own. There’s no way a Geno mii costume is coming with 2 tracks when sephiroph is probably only getting 2-4 tracks.

I’m not holding my breath till we get past Thursday but it feels there’s more to the Geno situation than weird being told.
but slime isnt a character


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
So think about this y'all: Insiders heard the Steve and Sephiroth rumors back in 2018. The copyright strikes on Beware the Forest Mushrooms and Fight Against an Armed Boss on Youtube from Nintendo was in 2019. What if we see Geno in 2021 2 years after we heard about the copyright strikes like with 2 years after we heard about the rumors with Steve and Sephiroth?

Deleted member

I'm not no Street Fighter expert, but I figure Chun-Li and M. Bison are more important to the story since not only they have been around longer than Akuma but they're just more important. I figure they will choose Chun-Li or M. Bison over Akuma since they have been there from almost the beginning.
Akuma's been there since close enough to the beginning, and is arguably a more personal enemy to Ryu than Bison is. Capcom has a lot of really good titles to choose from and I sincerely hope that if they get another rep, it isn't yet another Street Fighter character. I much prefer Terry's input commands to the Shoto boys anyway, probably because Terry's normals don't have that obnoxious "light/heavy" emulation.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
But does that also mean that Geno’s Smash 4 costume was a lucky timing thing and that if there’s no price tag attached to anything SMRPG soon, it’s possible that Geno won’t appear in any shape or form aside from the SNES Classic-timed Spirit? It seems like a counter-intuitive thing to argue for since it makes Geno dependent on things outside of Sakurai’s control.
No, I think all the Smash 4 DLC costumes will come back in some form for the sake of completion. Given Geno's popularity and Sakurai even commenting on his popularity, I wouldn't be surprised if Geno's Mii costume was one of the best selling ones in Smash 4 but the return back then for a 75 cent costume was the possibility of selling a $8 VC game, more than ten times the worth of the Mii costume. If Geno were released literally today, Square Enix is only making a portion of the 75 cents per "Geno" sold. Especially for Square Enix, that's a pretty poor investment.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
No, I think all the Smash 4 DLC costumes will come back in some form for the sake of completion. Given Geno's popularity and Sakurai even commenting on his popularity, I wouldn't be surprised if Geno's Mii costume was one of the best selling ones in Smash 4 but the return back then for a 75 cent costume was the possibility of selling a $8 VC game, more than ten times the worth of the Mii costume. If Geno were released literally today, Square Enix is only making a portion of the 75 cents per "Geno" sold. Especially for Square Enix, that's a pretty poor investment.
Yep, that sounds like Square's business model alright.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
No, I think all the Smash 4 DLC costumes will come back in some form for the sake of completion. Given Geno's popularity and Sakurai even commenting on his popularity, I wouldn't be surprised if Geno's Mii costume was one of the best selling ones in Smash 4 but the return back then for a 75 cent costume was the possibility of selling a $8 VC game, more than ten times the worth of the Mii costume. If Geno were released literally today, Square Enix is only making a portion of the 75 cents per "Geno" sold. Especially for Square Enix, that's a pretty poor investment.
Maybe Grno’s Mii will be more expensive, at the boon of getting two songs rather than one. Unlikely, but an option that popped into my head

Deleted member

No, I think all the Smash 4 DLC costumes will come back in some form for the sake of completion. Given Geno's popularity and Sakurai even commenting on his popularity, I wouldn't be surprised if Geno's Mii costume was one of the best selling ones in Smash 4 but the return back then for a 75 cent costume was the possibility of selling a $8 VC game, more than ten times the worth of the Mii costume. If Geno were released literally today, Square Enix is only making a portion of the 75 cents per "Geno" sold. Especially for Square Enix, that's a pretty poor investment.
Sooo... No fighter, costume again, but only when they have something to sell us. Boy I absolutely cannot wait to have the raw SNES Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars ROM sold to me on the Switch as my consolation prize for the definitive anime swordsman cucking what could have been one of the most creative movesets ever added to the game.

Maybe I'll call it a constellation prize.

Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
Sooo... No fighter, costume again, but only when they have something to sell us. Boy I absolutely cannot wait to have the raw SNES Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars ROM sold to me on the Switch as my consolation prize for the definitive anime swordsman cucking what could have been one of the most creative movesets ever added to the game.

Maybe I'll call it a constellation prize.
We don’t know that yet, keep your chin up just a little bit longer.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Maybe Grno’s Mii will be more expensive, at the boon of getting two songs rather than one. Unlikely, but an option that popped into my head
I agree it's unlikely because liscensing out music is typically an expensive affair and , unlike most video game companies, Square Enix's music is liscensed by the composers themselves like Sugiyama for a vast majority of Dragon Quest and Uematsu for Final Fantasy. This is a big reason why Square Enix music has been, er, so lacking and has hard swerved actual orchestrated music for MIDIs up to this point. For music DLC, Square Enix gets back noticably less because of this set up so, ironically, a "premium costume" Geno with music would basically be a money pit and likely wouldn't be worth it.
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It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
Well it was fun ya'll. I'm just curious if the Mallow hat is real and comes with the Geno costume. If it does, then ... cacomallow leak is real. Granted, that doesn't mean doom slayer per say, but we've received mii costumes of series without a fighter. Interesting times.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Well it was fun ya'll. I'm just curious if the Mallow hat is real and comes with the Geno costume. If it does, then ... cacomallow leak is real. Granted, that doesn't mean doom slayer per say, but we've received mii costumes of series without a fighter. Interesting times.
I could see that. But there is no way I could see 3 SMRPG costumes in a non SMRPG pack. I don't see Geno, Mallow, and Smithy all being in Sephiroth's pack whether the Geno costume returns or not.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I agree it's unlikely because liscensing out music is typically an expensive affair and , unlike most video game companies, Square Enix's music is liscensed by the composers themselves like Sugiyama for a vast majority of Dragon Quest and Uematsu for Final Fantasy. This is a big reason why Square Enix music has been, er, so lacking and has hard swerved actual orchestrated music for MIDIs up to this point. For music DLC, Square Enix gets back noticably less because of this set up so, ironically, a "premium costume" Geno with music would basically be a money pit and likely wouldn't be worth it.
Huh, I didn‘t know that the music being licensed by the composers themselves was a Squeenix wide policy. Doing a quick Google search tells me the SMRPG composer is Shimomura, who’s already on board for some of Ultimate’s remixes. Still not a good deal for Square considering they don’t get money from the licensing if I read your post correctly, but not a reason to suspect Cloud-levels of disappointing music selection.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
I could see that. But there is no way I could see 3 SMRPG costumes in a non SMRPG pack. I don't see Geno, Mallow, and Smithy all being in Sephiroth's pack whether the Geno costume returns or not.
The Smithy costume is part of the Mii Costume guy list, so that's "technically" separate from the video leak with the Mallow hat.

Regardless, I'm not trying to specially be a downer, It's just the more realistic outcome for Thursday and don't want to set myself up. For those being hopeful, be hopeful, since Geno didn't come back with Hero ... so who knows. Anything can happen.

Heck, at some point Sakurai can announce "more" dlc at some point for either a pass or individual dlc (like plant) that doesn't come with anything else. That would be cool.
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