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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
I think Nintendo should hire their own dev team that focuses on sports games. Especially extreme sports. It should be named “Nintendo Sports”
I say screw that, I want my Nintendo All-Stars Kart Racing game. Mario Kart is basically "Mario Kart & Friends" as is with the introduction of Link, Inkling, and the AC characters, so let's get everyone in here; I'm thinking Kirby, Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, and maybe even Pikachu for a start (Pokemon Company willing, of course). Hell, we could even bring back R.O.B., Mario Kart's original crossover racer! I'd pop off for that. Easy $60 from me. Get on it, Nintendo. :p
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I say screw that, I want my Nintendo All-Stars Kart Racing game. Mario Kart is basically "Mario Kart & Friends" as is with the introduction of Link, Inkling, and the AC characters, so let's get everyone in here; I'm thinking Kirby, Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, and maybe even Pikachu for a start (Pokemon Company willing, of course). Hell, we could even bring back R.O.B., Mario Kart's original crossover racer! I'd pop off for that. Easy $60 from me. Get on it, Nintendo. :p
Might be cool, but...

Yikes. Last thing I want is Smash fandom 2.0.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I think Nintendo should hire their own dev team that focuses on sports games. Especially extreme sports. It should be named “Nintendo Sports”
Camelot would be out of a job though.

Might be cool, but...

Yikes. Last thing I want is Smash fandom 2.0.
It's far too late, there are already clones. :ultmario::ultpeach:
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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
I say screw that, I want my Nintendo All-Stars Kart Racing game. Mario Kart is basically "Mario Kart & Friends" as is with the introduction of Link, Inkling, and the AC characters, so let's get everyone in here; I'm thinking Kirby, Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, and maybe even Pikachu for a start (Pokemon Company willing, of course). Hell, we could even bring back R.O.B., Mario Kart's original crossover racer! I'd pop off for that. Easy $60 from me. Get on it, Nintendo. :p
I really like that idea, but at the same time, I don't know if I'd really want a Smash-esque Mario Kart. To me, Mario Kart is Mario Kart and yeah it'd be cool seeing all these franchises coming together once more, but I feel like big cross-overs should be a Smash exclusive because Mario Kart is kind of its own established thing and its been that way for decades now. It's one of those things where I'd have to actually see it first before I could gauge whether or not I'd want it. Link, AC, and Inkling representation was definitely cool and unexpected to see, but I don't know if I'd want more than that.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I feel Smash Kart is better as its own idea. Mario Kart having a few guests is rather different, as it still has tons of characters that have no relation to Smash(all the babies bar Mario and Luigi at best, most of the Metals outside of Mario, ones like Funky Kong, etc.). A Smash Kart does suffer from the issues of licensing everyone, which is going to be difficult for any future Smash game too. Sure, some won't be too hard(Capcom, Sega, and Bandai-Namco are highly cooperative. Microsoft will likely be too if they come up. Square-Enix are partially stingy, though we'd probably get Geno along with any other current Smash playable SE character. Or Sora). Konami was nice this game, but they might not be so cooperative the next.
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Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
I feel Smash Kart is better as its own idea. Mario Kart having a few guests is rather different, as it still has tons of characters that have no relation to Smash(all the babies bar Mario and Luigi at best, most of the Metals outside of Mario, ones like Funky Kong, etc.). A Smash Kart does suffer from the issues of licensing everyone, which is going to be difficult for any future Smash game too. Sure, some won't be too hard(Capcom, Sega, and Bandai-Namco are highly cooperative. Microsoft will likely be too if they come up. Square-Enix are partially stingy, though we'd probably get Geno along with any other current Smash playable SE character. Or Sora). Konami was nice this game, but they might not be so cooperative the next.
I'd enjoy a Smash Kart too, but I don't want large-scale Nintendo-based crossovers to be limited to the Smash brand, not to mention we've seen what's happened in the past when a Nintendo racing IP tries to compete with Mario Kart. (Kirby Air Ride, Wave Race, especially F-Zero, etc.)
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'd enjoy a Smash Kart too, but I don't want large-scale Nintendo-based crossovers to be limited to the Smash brand, not to mention we've seen what's happened in the past when a Nintendo racing IP tries to compete with Mario Kart. (Kirby Air Ride, Wave Race, especially F-Zero, etc.)
Well, they can still easily add others like Isaac, Ashley, etc. too. But the focus shouldn't be just on your usual Mario characters, but the rest of the Nintendo ones as well as notable 3rd parties. Anybody any Smash should be in(or can be, licensing depending), then you go from there.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Well, in all of the boredom of Smash stuff and having finished Mario Odyssey, I'm watching a playthrough of Persona 5 because I don't know if I could feasibly play the whole thing... and uh.

My hype for Joker is only getting stronger now, and it's only making the wait for April harder. Aaaauuuughhh. What are you guys up to while waiting for probably Erdrick and hopefully some of our favorites (like our good old star boy)?
I'm 100%'ing games.

I have yet to finish the 100% of the Dark Witch games , I also started Shantae Half Genie Hero , doing the Risky Boots campaign right now...
I also started to draw a bit again , even if I'm really bad at it.

But honestly , I lost all the hype I had for the fighter pass.

I have my Ice Climbers , I'm not gonna ask for more.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
I'm 100%'ing games.

I have yet to finish the 100% of the Dark Witch games , I also started Shantae Half Genie Hero , doing the Risky Boots campaign right now...
I also started to draw a bit again , even if I'm really bad at it.

But honestly , I lost all the hype I had for the fighter pass.

I have my Ice Climbers , I'm not gonna ask for more.
I'm still hyped for Joker, but Nintendo seriously needs to throw us a bone here. I want to buy the whole fighter pass because it would be cheaper but I refuse to commit until I see at least one other character that would get me hyped. There's quite a few that could get me there but I'm not going to ride on "leaks" alone. I need something concrete! "Give me the codes, Nintendo! Give them to me!"


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I'm still hyped for Joker, but Nintendo seriously needs to throw us a bone here. I want to buy the whole fighter pass because it would be cheaper but I refuse to commit until I see at least one other character that would get me hyped. There's quite a few that could get me there but I'm not going to ride on "leaks" alone. I need something concrete! "Give me the codes, Nintendo! Give them to me!"
The longer Joker takes to even be properly unveiled, the more apparent it becomes to me that DLC is going to be a LOT closer to that 2020 date than I think some people want to admit. I know people have said that was an estimation, but I wouldn't be surprised if we really do drag out the Fighters Pass to that date. If we're going to be getting free content updates that add things like modes or features to the game, I think that's an even more present reality of characters being the spaced out option moving forward. This is going to be a DLC cycle that's a long haul, and they're likely to spend some serious time developing the characters. They're going to be the big events every 2-3 months that bring attention back to the game. And I think that's a pretty smart play overall to keep people coming back to the game. With as much variation that exists already in the game and the amount of content at launch, there's less of a need to micro-update the game and they can be a little more sporadic with how they release stuff.

That reminds me of one of the worst complaints I ever saw with regard to Smash was shortly after release when Tim Gettys of Kinda Funny was criticizing the game for not having enough reason to come back to the game and not being like Fortnite with regular content updates. That sort of thinking has become real prevalent with a bunch of games these days and is starting to REALLY piss me off. I don't want every game to be a Live Service, and I certainly don't think something like Smash would benefit from such a model.

Anyway, with that rant over, if my theory on this being the long haul is correct, then it really doesn't serve Nintendo to just reveal the next character. If we're super far off from the next one after Joker, that just puts us right back in the situation of waiting for another announcement and a lot of down time. Especially if people don't like the choice... And the Fighters Pass was always just a, "hey, if you want to and know you don't care about who you're getting, then buy it" sort of thing. It's the sort of thing where they don't really need to convince people to buy it at this point since it's just a general promise of the future.

I don't think we need anything new to be announced. What I do think we need is the information on the 3.0 update because they did specifically mention that and tease it. Which I think was a really dumb thing to do. We already knew we were going to get more content and that Joker would come eventually. Confirming that and saying we'll tell you later achieves nothing except for technically updating us as consumers... A better road map of their DLC and update plans would be nice though just to see how they're approaching things and if we should expect more content outside of the Fighters Pass, or if that sort of thing will be a more limited thing...


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
The longer Joker takes to even be properly unveiled, the more apparent it becomes to me that DLC is going to be a LOT closer to that 2020 date than I think some people want to admit. I know people have said that was an estimation, but I wouldn't be surprised if we really do drag out the Fighters Pass to that date. If we're going to be getting free content updates that add things like modes or features to the game, I think that's an even more present reality of characters being the spaced out option moving forward. This is going to be a DLC cycle that's a long haul, and they're likely to spend some serious time developing the characters. They're going to be the big events every 2-3 months that bring attention back to the game. And I think that's a pretty smart play overall to keep people coming back to the game. With as much variation that exists already in the game and the amount of content at launch, there's less of a need to micro-update the game and they can be a little more sporadic with how they release stuff.

That reminds me of one of the worst complaints I ever saw with regard to Smash was shortly after release when Tim Gettys of Kinda Funny was criticizing the game for not having enough reason to come back to the game and not being like Fortnite with regular content updates. That sort of thinking has become real prevalent with a bunch of games these days and is starting to REALLY piss me off. I don't want every game to be a Live Service, and I certainly don't think something like Smash would benefit from such a model.

Anyway, with that rant over, if my theory on this being the long haul is correct, then it really doesn't serve Nintendo to just reveal the next character. If we're super far off from the next one after Joker, that just puts us right back in the situation of waiting for another announcement and a lot of down time. Especially if people don't like the choice... And the Fighters Pass was always just a, "hey, if you want to and know you don't care about who you're getting, then buy it" sort of thing. It's the sort of thing where they don't really need to convince people to buy it at this point since it's just a general promise of the future.

I don't think we need anything new to be announced. What I do think we need is the information on the 3.0 update because they did specifically mention that and tease it. Which I think was a really dumb thing to do. We already knew we were going to get more content and that Joker would come eventually. Confirming that and saying we'll tell you later achieves nothing except for technically updating us as consumers... A better road map of their DLC and update plans would be nice though just to see how they're approaching things and if we should expect more content outside of the Fighters Pass, or if that sort of thing will be a more limited thing...
All of your points make a lot of sense. I think I would rather wait a bit longer and get multiple characters announced at once instead of getting one cryptic name thrown out there and then having to wait another 3 months to see gameplay unveiled. Still, the suspense is killing me. It's that kind of hungry fandom that leads to so many fake leaks.

As for 3.0 update, I can't believe what a troll move it was to drop that bomb and then leave us completely hanging. "HERE IT IS!! SOMETHING BIG IN UPDATE 3.0! BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUUM! But too bad. You get to simmer in curiosity for a month until we release it. Peace!" I swear, if it turns out to be nothing but a bunch Mii fighter skins, I'm gonna be pissed.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
The longer Joker takes to even be properly unveiled, the more apparent it becomes to me that DLC is going to be a LOT closer to that 2020 date than I think some people want to admit. I know people have said that was an estimation, but I wouldn't be surprised if we really do drag out the Fighters Pass to that date. If we're going to be getting free content updates that add things like modes or features to the game, I think that's an even more present reality of characters being the spaced out option moving forward. This is going to be a DLC cycle that's a long haul, and they're likely to spend some serious time developing the characters. They're going to be the big events every 2-3 months that bring attention back to the game. And I think that's a pretty smart play overall to keep people coming back to the game. With as much variation that exists already in the game and the amount of content at launch, there's less of a need to micro-update the game and they can be a little more sporadic with how they release stuff.

That reminds me of one of the worst complaints I ever saw with regard to Smash was shortly after release when Tim Gettys of Kinda Funny was criticizing the game for not having enough reason to come back to the game and not being like Fortnite with regular content updates. That sort of thinking has become real prevalent with a bunch of games these days and is starting to REALLY piss me off. I don't want every game to be a Live Service, and I certainly don't think something like Smash would benefit from such a model.

Anyway, with that rant over, if my theory on this being the long haul is correct, then it really doesn't serve Nintendo to just reveal the next character. If we're super far off from the next one after Joker, that just puts us right back in the situation of waiting for another announcement and a lot of down time. Especially if people don't like the choice... And the Fighters Pass was always just a, "hey, if you want to and know you don't care about who you're getting, then buy it" sort of thing. It's the sort of thing where they don't really need to convince people to buy it at this point since it's just a general promise of the future.

I don't think we need anything new to be announced. What I do think we need is the information on the 3.0 update because they did specifically mention that and tease it. Which I think was a really dumb thing to do. We already knew we were going to get more content and that Joker would come eventually. Confirming that and saying we'll tell you later achieves nothing except for technically updating us as consumers... A better road map of their DLC and update plans would be nice though just to see how they're approaching things and if we should expect more content outside of the Fighters Pass, or if that sort of thing will be a more limited thing...
Yeah, but you can only distract people so much with "yet another spirits event with stuff that's already in the game, yay!" before people eventually get tired of that. I mean seriously, I can't be the only one who thinks the themes for those have been pretty lazy as of late. At least have pirates Vs. ninjas or something.

As for characters, there'll be three characters squeezed in together in one announcement by February if it's dragged out as people assume it is.

In any case, the only thing that would be limited is the pass itself until further notice. The Switch's life cycle has more or less started, so Smash's DLC should be safe for a bit going forward.

Also, I'm not bothered by not knowing what the 3.0.0 update could be, that gives reason enough to have a Smash Direct that won't just be a Joker-fest for those who aren't interested in the character.
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I don’t think he’s Brave, but I would not be shocked at all if he was announced at E3.
I'm keeping my expectations low. I'm a Banjo fan, and boy, have I been burned many times in the past over him before. I don't want to get my hopes up because every time I did when it came to Banjo, it was trampled.

... but if he got in, he'd singlehandedly save the Fighter's Pass for me. Him and Geno are my biggest pipe dreams. Like, god, please.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Banjo is one of the few characters who could make me buy the Fighter Pass without a care in the world.

Hell, he's the one that would make me the most confident, as it would soft disconfirm Steve.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
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The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
I wouldn't be surprised if that's why most leakers packed up shop, no one can figure out who is even coming in the game. In before Rash is Brave, I'm tellin' ya guys, he has to be it.

That being said, I agree with the first reply on the tweet 100%, people's expectations are at rock-bottom right now, so they could and actually be pleasantly surprised for once.
I honestly prefer it when most leakers just say nothing. Causes less anxiety and stress for the public

Should I post Ninten Joker again?


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Yeah, be very easy with your hopes, guys. Don't let them skyrocket too far. I'd love Banjo in, but I'm not about to believe he's in until I see it for myself. I'm a Rareware fan. We tend to be some of the biggest skeptics because of all the trash we've been drug through, haha.

That being said, to keep things on topic, I honestly think Banjo getting in would be an excellent sign for Geno's chances. If a fan-favorite character that hasn't been relevant in over a decade, who has not had successful games in two decades, gets in, then I would honestly see no reason that Geno would be impossible beyond Square's say.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I'm one of the two people on this entire website that doesn't really care about Banjo unfortunately.

It would mean no Steve though probably, so that'd be a silver lining for me atleast.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I'm probably the one guy in this here thread who's got the most tempered expectations. Then again I do actually try to cut down on using this forum.

I honestly prefer it when most leakers just say nothing. Causes less anxiety and stress for the public

Should I post Ninten Joker again?
Unfortunately no one can get LaxChris to shut up.
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The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Unfortunately no one can get LaxChris to shut up.
Ugh don't remind me. Thing is, he isn't gonna stop anytime soon since stopping leaks would be a channel suicide for him.

Probs wouldn't listen to anything I'd have to say either since I kinda burned my bridge with him. Hell, most of his old Discord staff did. I think only one original staff member is left there just because he feels indebited to the server.

It's tragic really.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I'm probably the one guy in this here thread who's got the most tempered expectations. Then again I do actually try to cut down on using this forum.
Naw, I think I've got you beat because I'm at the point where I feel Geno has no chance and Banjo only has a snowball's chance in Hailfire Peaks' fire side. My expectations aren't just tempered, they're nigh nonexistent lmao.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Ugh don't remind me. Thing is, he isn't gonna stop anytime soon since stopping leaks would be a channel suicide for him.

Probs wouldn't listen to anything I'd have to say either since I kinda burned my bridge with him. Hell, most of his old Discord staff did. I think only one original staff member is left there just because he feels indebited to the server.

It's tragic really.
I should try to make the most ridiculous sounding fake leak and see if he bites.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I should try to make the most ridiculous sounding fake leak and see if he bites.
Please do so.


Naw, I think I've got you beat because I'm at the point where I feel Geno has no chance and Banjo only has a snowball's chance in Hailfire Peaks' fire side. My expectations aren't just tempered, they're nigh nonexistent lmao.
Well, I'm more positive, since I wouldn't mind if Geno misses the boat and I'm open to plenty of possibilities. Don't think badly of me for this please.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Well, I'm more positive, since I wouldn't mind if Geno misses the boat and I'm open to plenty of possibilities. Don't think badly of me for this please.
Naw, man, if anything, I'm a little jealous. Since Banjo and Geno are all I want and their chances are next-to-nothing, I've been feeling nothing but sad about Smash lately. I wish I had that kind of positivity and blasé outlook.

The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
I should try to make the most ridiculous sounding fake leak and see if he bites.
I made a really dumb riddle leak and got someone to send it in to him. I really hope he goes over it because I need a good laugh.

On the other hand no joke, a former mod of his (one of my friends) actually tricked him into believing a text post leak he wrote up.

Naw, man, if anything, I'm a little jealous. Since Banjo and Geno are all I want and their chances are next-to-nothing, I've been feeling nothing but sad about Smash lately. I wish I had that kind of positivity and blasé outlook.
My most wanted are an asthmatic baseball player that people like to rip on, a ginger cyborg that everyone gave up on, and Geno.

Plz Sakurai, I've wanted these boys since I was like 13 I'll do anything.
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Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
That reminds me of one of the worst complaints I ever saw with regard to Smash was shortly after release when Tim Gettys of Kinda Funny was criticizing the game for not having enough reason to come back to the game and not being like Fortnite with regular content updates. That sort of thinking has become real prevalent with a bunch of games these days and is starting to REALLY piss me off. I don't want every game to be a Live Service, and I certainly don't think something like Smash would benefit from such a model.
I agree with this. Updates like this would seem pretty rushed, and there's no reason for that. I prefer waiting for it to come out of the oven better.
Super Smash Battle Royale

tetrimino will be the first unveiled newcomer
A battle royale game that's able to surpass Russian Roulette, Tetris 99, and Minecraft Hunger Games.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Yo, could you imagine if, given Microsoft and Nintendo being buddy-buddies, MS actually sold Rare back to Nintendo?

Yeah me neither. Hell, even if they did, most Rare employees from back in the day probably quit. Still, just imagine what Nintendo could do with that IP...

I agree with this. Updates like this would seem pretty rushed, and there's no reason for that. I prefer waiting for it to come out of the oven better.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we found the battle royale game that's able to surpass Russian Roulette, Tetris 99, and Minecraft Hunger Games.
I love that you referred to Russian Roulette as a Battle Royale.
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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Okay I don't mean to rip on this guy, but here's one of LaxChris' video titles:


Does this make any ounce of sense to anyone? He claims he's got an official Smash leak, and then questions whether or not it's official in the next sentence...





Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Okay I don't mean to rip on this guy, but here's one of LaxChris' video titles:

View attachment 202213

Does this make any ounce of sense to anyone? He claims he's got an official Smash leak, and then questions whether or not it's official in the next sentence...


View attachment 202214

Geez, you'd think with Nintendo having all these real and huge leaks that they would hire a plumber or something.
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