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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

I take full pleasure in Nintendo buying Square Enix as a company
At this point they should buy SE and make them a Second Party that way we could get not only SMRPG stuff on the Switch but also KH, FF, Nier and other franchises on the Switch + said franchises Main Characters in Smash. Square's been messing up a lot recently as it is so being under new Management might be good for them

Deleted member

Does Nintendo even have to pay to use references? Thats the question we need to ask ourselves.
I'm pretty sure they have to negotiate with SE for the rights to use those references anyway.

Bad news guys.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Oh, thank goodness, I thought it was something that would severely lower Geno's chances.

Does kinda suck though
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Ah, that's fine. That just means we can imagine our own Palutena's Guidances for Geno when he gets in. ;)

On a more serious note, have a doodle I just did out of outrageous pain and lack of ability to sleep. Because I'm in pain, Geno gets to be, as well... and boy, do I want to see his hilarious reaction to Superspicy Curry.

(Ridonkulously huge image size, so it's linked instead of embedded.)

Deleted member

You know, now that I think about it...it would suck for Geno not to have a Palutena's Guidance. I can live with it as long as he is playable though lol.

Ah, that's fine. That just means we can imagine our own Palutena's Guidances for Geno when he gets in. ;)

On a more serious note, have a doodle I just did out of outrageous pain and lack of ability to sleep. Because I'm in pain, Geno gets to be, as well... and boy, do I want to see his hilarious reaction to Superspicy Curry.

(Ridonkulously huge image size, so it's linked instead of embedded.)
This is really awesome. Nice job! :)

Deleted member

Ah, that's fine. That just means we can imagine our own Palutena's Guidances for Geno when he gets in. ;)

On a more serious note, have a doodle I just did out of outrageous pain and lack of ability to sleep. Because I'm in pain, Geno gets to be, as well... and boy, do I want to see his hilarious reaction to Superspicy Curry.

(Ridonkulously huge image size, so it's linked instead of embedded.)
Poor Geno! Nice job on the Art! also hopefully everything turns out okay for ya, we got your back Ovaltine!
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Ah, that's fine. That just means we can imagine our own Palutena's Guidances for Geno when he gets in. ;)

On a more serious note, have a doodle I just did out of outrageous pain and lack of ability to sleep. Because I'm in pain, Geno gets to be, as well... and boy, do I want to see his hilarious reaction to Superspicy Curry.

(Ridonkulously huge image size, so it's linked instead of embedded.)
Well, it would've been cool if Palutena would talk about Rosalina's affair with geno. Goddesses gossiping about him and star road??
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Pit: Whoah! Lady Palutena, is that...?
Palutena: Why, yes. Yes it is, Pit.
Pit: Wow... wow! I can't believe it! I can't believe Dragon Ball Wyvern Orb got into Smash!
Palutena: I know! It's... Hey, wait! You've got that all wrong!


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Pit: Lady Palutena, is that......is that who I think it is?
Palutena: Who do you think it is pit?
Pit: They finally added Pinocchio to Smash???


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2018
Switch FC
SW 1521 3002 4745
For all the DLC fighters, Palutena will just say, "Idk, Google it."
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2019
I've missed a lot of the discussions here. What is this I hear about something potentially happening on March 9th?


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
:ultpit: So wait who is this guy?
:ultpalutena:Erdrick of Dragon Quest fame. A character Japan apparently thinks is more worthy of worship than myself or other gods.
:ultpit:I heard some passive aggressiveness in that statement.
:ultpalutena:Don't make me smite you Pit!....But seriously, don't...
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Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
First things first, y'all ungrateful as hell with this Direct. Now I'm not gonna sit here and act like you are entitled since you didn't like what was advertised to you because you have all the right not to spend your money on things you don't like, but what I will say is if you REALLY think nothing big happened in this Direct you must have lost all five senses for a 35 min period or we didn't watch the same Direct.

SMM2 is a thing on Switch now, they come right out the gate with it and they even show off the most requested thing first which was slopes...then they proceed to show that this game is GODDAMN JAM-PACKED with way more content than the first one.


New Marvel Ultimate Alliance is looking even better than before instead of being Power Rangers: Reused Mobile Assets Grid-levels of crappy looking and seems like a blast over all.


Boxboy finally has his own box to play with.


Contrary to what the guys that lost their five senses believe, JOKER GOT A RELEASE DATE! He's coming before the end of April, and if it's anything like Piranha Plant when they said 'sometime in February' we might get that sneaky shadow drop...but probably not because THEY ADVERTISED THAT WE ARE GETTING CONTENT OUTSIDE THE FIGHTERS PASS! THIS. IS. HUGE!


Now Captain Toad can track down treasure with his trophy wife instead of tracking her down. Also Captain Toad found that real treasure: sweet sweet DLC bucks!




Erdrick's friends play with blocks.


Nintendo sucks DQ's **** for roughly five minutes.


Nintendo comes up for air just in time to advertise a new Disney game for the kids and family.




The Factory is still producing Runes despite having gone under.


Boss-ass looking JRPG with cool art style and a really sad premise that makes you wanna help out the world they live in. It's also made by badasses.


Yoshi pays off the IRS buy crafting a life-sized diorama and looking too cute for his own good. For every one demo downloaded one dollar is given to Yoshi to make up for his dues.


Claude is fabulous as ****!


How Do You Do, Fellow Battle Royales?


I will never not be surprised at how Nintendo can market a violent and dark or just heavily raunchy game and make it look so clean that it makes Tiny Tim looks like a heartless *******.


Someone shoot me please...


Crazy robo-suit action with a gnarly art-style. Every one download is a 0.000000001% chance of Custom Robo making a return.


Demolition Derby yo, and it's on the go!


One-for-one retelling of a psychotic woman's fever dream!


When Nintendo can show that it's for the big boys and the kiddies in a single highlight reel!




Platinum Games about to hit a home run and make it to home base yet again, and this ain't even Bayonetta 3.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


While my friend loses is mind in the background, I sit and revel at the site of Vergeben's Tower of Credibility collapsing and burning all around me. Also Link's Awakening Remake is pretty hype, even as someone who's never really played a Zelda game, well-made remakes of old games are hype af. When my friend popped off it reminded me of when I saw Spyro Reignited for the first time.
Honestly, I think hatred for Verge is rather unfounded. After all, he isn't the problem beyond a pretty bad attitude (and the way he loves to use 'autism' as an insult, like gee thanks my literally autistic *** loves that). His sources are the ones relaying bad information. He's only relaying what he's heard and placing bets.

Now, the people who think Verge is always 100% right and has done no wrong, however... hooo.
You literally listed the main reason to hate Verge lmfao. I think that, combined with his hatred of smash fans, is more than enough reason.
Why can't Erdrick be shoehorned back into the narrative? It's not like we're at war with him or his fanbase. This direct didn't confirm squat about the DLC characters, so we should be in the exact same situation we were before the direct. Also, this thread ain't a Geno echo chamber, so I don't think we should ignore what Fatmanonice Fatmanonice pointed out. DQ did get a lot of buzz during the direct and that's not something we should just gloss over and pretend didn't happen.
Tansut is the only thing keeping Erdricka alive imo. But no one is perfect, and only one good name attached to Erdrick isn't enough to make him that likely.
That is a perfectly good reason to not like Verge.
Wew I already was not a fan of Vergeben before but I didn't know he used autism as an insult. My younger brother has autism and I work with a lot of children and adults who have ASD. People using it as an insult (and really anyone mocking people with developmental disorders) is one of the few things in life that really pisses me off. Unironically **** him. I'm genuinely happy now that he got btfo. I've thought for awhile that it was a possibility that people got leakb8d with Erdrick just because of how much of an out of nowhere choice he is despite people performing all sorts of mental gymnastics to rationalize it. I'm really thinking that's what happened now.
Just gonna point out that I have Asperger's Syndrome (now known clinically as Level 1 Autism, but **** that I ain't Level 1 in anything and I'd rather be tied to a sweet-ass supervillain!) and when people use autism as an insult it doesn't bother me. It used to, but then I realized that 1. They have no idea what they are talking about when they say that as they think it means something completely different, 2. I call my friends ******** all the time and mean nothing by it other than pointing out their temporary derpy moment and I still occasionally call things 'gay' when they don't quite go my way and 3. It's all on me if it bothers me or not. Am I gonna judge someone and let it bother me that they used a very difficult life-affecting social disorder as a generic insult? Or am I gonna move on with my life and make jokes about things way worse than that, honestly?

Also, my old Skype account had an 'Autistic Kids Rock!' meme as my profile pic and one of my best friends calls says I have 'The Bergs' and we've made countless jokes like superhero names (Bergman, Superberg, etc.) and saying 'Berg Time' or other stupid stuff when those traits come up. More people should take things less seriously and just enjoy life, goodness. People being upset over everything is one of the many things wrong with people today.


Then what you're saying in a round about way is there is literally no perfect time to reveal him.

If he's that obscure. He's not going to be good in a Smash Direct, E3, whenever. No matter what you do he's now just the random obscure character.

Given the fact they always do Smash x Franchise Being Added. That point is mute anyways. You literally just focused on Dragon Quest as soon as that Smash Bros Ultimate X Dragon Quest III came up. People would have gotten it and understood in this direct.

The red carpet was out. It wasn't too long after the National Holiday in Japan. They hyped his franchise up to hell and back and announced two new games coming to Switch. They didn't announce him for Smash.

They blew it. I really don't know why you don't recognize this.

He'll be just ''Oh Erdrick is here." in any further direct unless they suck DQ's **** a little more right before.
This situation is interesting to say the least. I've been arguing that Erdrick was possibly leakbait from the beginning, but everyone thought I was crazy, stupid, or both. 'All the leakers agree, it has to be true' they said. 'Vergeben is crazy credible' they said. Fun fact, now I see you guys falling to Tansut as the only face that can properly represent Erdrick at this point and I gotta say...he's got nothing to go on, just like all the others. Huh, it's almost like if ALL the leakers are saying the same thing, it could just as easily be fake information as it could be the truth. Golly Gee! :4pacman:

Honestly, have we forgotten how tight Square's lips are to make sure their ships don't sink? Have we forgotten the tactics of Japanese companies to spread fake information in the workplace? Have we forgotten how Nintendo has been doing a good job with DLC recently and how Erdrick is one of the least-requested characters for Smash? Have we forgotten how Erdrick is kinda licensing hell and isn't even the best choice of a DQ rep?

This is the part where it gets interesting though: DQXI S has the orchestral OSt, meaning they got Sugiyama to play ball this time around...what's to say they can't get him to do it again for Smash? Also they talked DQ up BIG in this Direct...but is that a pro or con? Does it mean they are unlikely to give DQ more spotlight and that this WAS the time to announce Erdrick in ties with all the DQ content coming so not announcing him proves he's not coming? Or maybe this is just the beginning and it's setting up for more?

It's hard to tell for sure, but this definitely was a big blow to Verge, and a blow to Verge is a blow to Erdrick as far as we can be concerned.

Also, I hope everyone can appreciate how I go from long paragraphs that get in detail on things to a blubbering monster once I get even remotely excited...you know, as opposed to getting put off by the huge contrast.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2018
the Lucina Gang
Ayy, guys!! What'd you think of the direct?

I thought it was kinda niche. While everything seemed cool, it just wasn't that "hype" for me. It's whatever though.

Also, any new leak news recently from after the direct?


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I almost cried at that DQ XI segment and I thought either Erdrick or Luminary would be revealed there because of how much narrative and hype they were giving it.

I am so relieved it did not happen, and I agree with you on Banjo and Geno, either one or, call me crazy, but maybe even both to be an E3 reveal(s)
If we get Geno and Banjo & Kazooie at E3, I won't care who else we get in the Season Pass moving forward.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
I realized that an image of private messages means nothing. Call me skeptical but I don't see "Vergeben getting correct info but he didn't choose well" 100% real now, after all...

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Deleted member

Sorry, I missed a lot.

How did vergeben get proven to be unreliable?
So, for the direct yesterday, he said Starfox Grand Prix would be shown (Starlink: Battle for Atlas was shown, but not Starfox Grand Prix), that there would be a Legend of Zelda game with no connection to Link's Awakening, and that a Pikmin 3 port would be revealed there.

He got 3 things wrong. 3.

There isn't anything he can do to recover his credibility after this, so I think this is the end for him.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
The big takeaways of yesterday:

1. Vergeben was wrong about a staggering amount of things, meaning most of his major statements have been wrong since the early fall.

2. Polar's source is still incredibly reliable. I can share this now but he knew about Mario Maker 2 about 2 weeks ago and seemed to be the only person who specifically knew that there not only would be a 2D Zelda but that it would be Link's Awakening. His track record is shockingly pristine.

3. King Zell was pretty much right about everything so it's a shame he's stepped down because of all the threats and harassment.

Deleted member

The big takeaways of yesterday:

1. Vergeben was wrong about a staggering amount of things, meaning most of his major statements have been wrong since the early fall.

2. Polar's source is still incredibly reliable. I can share this now but he knew about Mario Maker 2 about 2 weeks ago and seemed to be the only person who specifically knew that there not only would be a 2D Zelda but that it would be Link's Awakening. His track record is shockingly pristine.

3. King Zell was pretty much right about everything so it's a shame he's stepped down because of all the threats and harassment.
Wasn't a Metroid Prime Trilogy rumored among insiders too?

Or did I just miss it in the direct?

Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
Wasn't a Metroid Prime Trilogy rumored among insiders too?

Or did I just miss it in the direct?
Just because a rumored game didn't show up in the direct doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they probably are saving some announcements for later and I have a good feeling Prime Trilogy is pretty much coming

Deleted member

Just because a rumored game didn't show up in the direct doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they probably are saving some announcements for later and I have a good feeling Prime Trilogy is pretty much coming
No, that's what I mean, I thought insiders said it would be shown in the direct

Edit: To clarify, I'm not saying that I don't think it's coming. I, again, just thought insiders said it would be shown off in this direct
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Wasn't a Metroid Prime Trilogy rumored among insiders too?

Or did I just miss it in the direct?
It was but I don't recall anyone but I think Emily Rogers thinking it would be this Direct. Especially with the recent Metroid Prime 4 news, I can still see it happening although... As a number of people are now talking about, Star Fox Grand Prix was leakbait and possibly never existed at all and I'm kind of wondering if the Prime Trilogy is too, seeing how Nintendo itself tried to use it as such for the VGAs and it caught quiet a few people. I guess another big talking point of yesterday is that Nintendo is actually a lot more aggressive with leak bait than we originally imagined.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
It was but I don't recall anyone but I think Emily Rogers thinking it would be this Direct. Especially with the recent Metroid Prime 4 news, I can still see it happening although... As a number of people are now talking about, Star Fox Grand Prix was leakbait and possibly never existed at all and I'm kind of wondering if the Prime Trilogy is too, seeing how Nintendo itself tried to use it as such for the VGAs and it caught quiet a few people. I guess another big talking point of yesterday is that Nintendo is actually a lot more aggressive with leak bait than we originally imagined.
I guess the "Trilogy", to be clear, are just ports for the EShop and since Prime 4 got delayed, the trilogy got delayed too..
What about a Pikmin Trilogy, Mother Trilogy and... Trilogy's Trilogy
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