I know this is the Geno thread and I'm facing bias here: But what makes you people think Geno will be the E3 reveal, assuming he gets in at all? If I may recall: Reggie said that the Fighter's Pass is meant to be for characters you would never expect in Smash, which imo leads be to think they're all third-parties.
And even if they aren't, it's still going to be characters who are likely "WTF" and hype worthy ala Cloud and Joker. What modern gamer, or evne a casual gamer to this day and age even KNOWS about Geno much less be hyped or him besides the playerbase who already follow Nintendo/Smash.
There's hoping your favorite gets in, and then there is grasping at straws thinking Nintendo would be this considerate. Nintendo is a business, and as sad as it is to admit: They WILL prioritize hype-makers over nostalgia-bait (which means more chances for Erdrick and ugh...Sora *shudders*)
I don't think anyone's seriously considering that Geno is a shoe in, or even "going to be" revealed at E3, we're all here hoping that Geno will be included in Smash based on perceived hints and tidbits found here and there though tweets, posts, leaks, rumors, and bits found in games like the oddly numerous SMRPG references found in Smash.
That being said, at the end of the day, all we're and anyone else is doing is grasping at straws trying to piece together a puzzle that may or may not exist (most likely the latter).
Even if Geno isn't included, and we get Eridrick or Sora as a character, I'd welcome both with open arms. Though I have no attachment to Dragon Quest, and only a cursory knowledge of Kingdom Hearts (Only played 1, CoM, 2, BBS, and am currently plugging along 3) either character would make a fine addition.
But I would still prefer Geno.
Highly requested within the Smash community, or even the Nintendo/outside? Seems like people tend to confuse both as the same thing.
If by hype you mean only the Nintendo fans who were old enough to remember him/played his games then yes. If I mean casual gamers who would be too young, then no. Also Geno is co-owned by Square: You really think they'd pick Geno as their rep over a FF/DQ/etc. character? Yes Sakurai wants him, but what about Square? If Sakurai fully had his way: FF would have more tracks and actually have spirits in the base game.
Erdrick (and by extension DQ) is freaking huge in Japan. If he ends up being a thing; you bet your *** the Japanese side will be ecstatic. Not so much the West though but eh...
Look I know how passionate you people are about Geno: But overhyping and being too optimistic will only hurt in the long run. Grinch leak anyone?
It's no real surprise that Smash DLC characters appear to be mostly focused on trying to advertise, or push another game series into people's field of view. Cloud for all the Final Fantasy games coming to the Wii U and 3DS, Bayonetta for, well the Bayonetta games, Corrin for Fire Emblem and so forth. While once again I'm banging on this drum, until I find a reason to otherwise, it still holds for Geno's consideration as a marketing tool.
Back in 2017 Square Enix stated that they both wanted to, and currently have plans on either porting, or remastering their old RPG games to the Switch which includes SMRPG, and what better way to herald this event than to announce Geno as a Smash character in order to draw attention to these re-releases? They get the money from Geno's inclusion, they get the money from the games being on the Switch, and they're essentially being paid to have it advertised. Sounds like a good idea to me.