It seems this thread has just devolved into the "ridicule Steve" thread. Not to say there aren't people actually supporting their opinions, but flat out saying he's "boring and uninspired" is pretty unsportsmanlike.
Seriously; perhaps I'm biased because I like Steve, but why the incessant shunning? I'm sure we'd be aggravated if the Geno fanbase was slandered in another thread, let's try not to do the same.
No, no, because a lot of people don't want him, and someone asked why, and finally no.
Someone asked why the steve hate, and people posted why. If that bothers you, you are free to ignore them or challenge them.
Many of us are also huge fans of Banjo and Kazooie, and steve being included would likely mean they wouldn't be coming with only 3 spots left, so its a large concern to people who are totally disinterested in a character for whatever reason that might edge out someone they'd prefer.
Any argument is pretty much acceptable towards anyone, even if its just "I think steve is boring". People saying Geno is irrelevant aren't wrong. I can't even really argue that point, hes had 1 real appearance ever, and then a second VERY minor cameo that was later removed beause squeenix are a bunch of asshats. I still want him more than anyone else, but I realize he's pretty much just something I and many others have a HUGE nostalgia boner for, I've felt that way since snake was leaked in brawl, confirming access to third party characters.
Geno is probably one of the most hated on characters since the grinch leak, we just deal with it, we do what we can to refute their arguments but it really comes down to personal bias, which is hard to argue for or against in most cases.
I think steve would be boring, and I really don't care much for minecraft as a whole. A creeper AT would be kinda funny, but otherwise, I cannot see the value of including any of it in smash because none of it appeals to me, I wouldn't buy it, and it would further push me away from buying the DLC at all.
Personally, the only thing I hate hearing is that someone DESERVES a spot. No, they don't, everyone who deserves a spot is in the game now. Even if they were relegated to an AT. Are there a ton of characters I want in the game? Yeah, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking they deserve a spot just because I like them and so do a lot of other people, K Rool and Ridley were the last 2 characters I would say deserved a spot, and Ridley was a boss at least, K rool had nothing.