I'm really sorry. I am getting really emotional about all this. So I used some harsh words. I really shouldn't be talking down other people's picks like that. It just gets so hard some times.
I know. It really sucks when it keeps seeming like it's your favorite's time to shine, not just in Smash, but just as a general revival. It sucks even more when their opposition are characters that don't need revivals. Those characters at least have prominence outside of Smash and their dead home series. Steve has Minecraft, Erdrick is a legend in DQ... whereas Banjo's series is dead in the water and Geno hasn't had a main appearance since the 90s.
I think that's what makes this so hard on us, and it's why we get so emotional and high-strung. If these characters had anything outside of Smash, it'd be fine. I got over Shadow not being in pretty quickly because he still has relevance in Sonic to this day. Geno doesn't have that. Banjo doesn't have that.
That being said, we shouldn't trash other fanbases for this when their picks are deserving and their opinions are valid. All I can hope is that, if their picks get in, maybe they can cash in a little prayer for our guys to get revivals outside of Smash. Really, Geno in Smash is really just part of the ultimate goal for me:
I want our boy back. It doesn't even have to be in Smash. It can be anything. Anything! We want him to have a role again, and not just as a PNG or his likeness as a costume. We want him to
return in full-fledged glory.
It... It sucks a lot. I think that's why people are so defensive when it comes to Banjo and Geno. "Well, at least your picks actually get some love from their creators." That sort of thing. It's kind of a jealousy thing, and I wish we were that lucky. If others get their picks, I'll be very happy for them, genuinely so. I just hope ours get what they deserve one day, too.