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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
The patch is to nerf Greninja so hard that it no longer exists in the game.

Bye, Greninja. We knew thee well. Incineroar Big the Cat will miss you, Froggy.

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Been away for awhile. Finally settled into my new job at work. It's nice because I'm actually doing work at work again and not just sitting on my *** derping on my phone for 50-70% of my shift. Looking forward to the 2.0 update because I'm very curious what they'll do in terms of balance, especially since nobody in the game right now is broken or super janky. Everyone alright?
We missed you, Fatmanonice. I wish you were on here for the franchise's 20th anniversary!

How are you liking your new job?

Deleted member

The patch is to nerf Greninja so hard that it no longer exists in the game.

Bye, Greninja. We knew thee well. Incineroar Big the Cat will miss you, Froggy.
Nerf Greninja to the point where it devolves to Froakie. Spoiler alert: He ends up being Brave. Welcome to Smash Bros, 'lil bud.

As Sakurai thinks to himself, "Froak off fans."
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.

The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Well, you know how it is with the Internet culture stereotype of "there's no girls, lel" when that's not the case.

There's also some trans girls on the board, but that's a different can of worms that's best not diving into.
Oh no I completely understand that. I've just always found it amusing.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
Perhaps this new update will be the Minecraft boss Vergeben had been suggesting a while back?

Deleted member

Perhaps this new update will be the Minecraft boss Vergeben had been suggesting a while back?
If we just get the boss with no character, it could be a Monster Hunter situation, which skyrockets Banjo's chances.

Deleted member

LMAO I love how this is such a plot twist to some. I find it quite funny to be honest.
Oh you don't know how it goes down in my college. We have this unofficial university discord chat group, and a large debate was whether this one person who plans to transfer was either a boy or a girl. Everyone but me thought it was a guy because of the anime girl profile pic, the use of "cringe" meme language like uwu, and saying a lot of not-liberal views. It was hilarious when my guess was right.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
If we just get the boss with no character, it could be a Monster Hunter situation, which skyrockets Banjo's chances.
I have no hope for Banjo as it is now, but if that situation happened AND we got a Steve Mii costume...

Man, oh man. I'd actually have hope for the first time in a long time, which, as a Banjo fan, says a lot.

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Man, I'm disabled, mentally ill, single, nearing my 30s, and generally am doomed to a life of isolation and struggle because of it all. Video games went from being a fun past-time for little child me all the way to escapism and a coping mechanism when dealing with life's trash. It's... It's kind of a mess when you don't have much going for you in life and there's not much you can do about it, and then your coping strategies get muddied up in stuff like that, you know?

It's all really personal, though. I'd rather not go into further depth than that, but... boy, it's rough.
I'm dearly sorry, Ovaltine. You don't know how much I relate to this. All I have to say is that you aren't alone. It's always best to do something you love to relive some stress, that includes gaming, basically anything you love doing. My life used to be the best back in the early 2000s, but because of how innocent we were back then and didn't focus on our future, we didn't see it coming. I even have dreams of going back to my prime childhood years and it was the best; most of my friends and family were alive, life was easier, my sister was there for me, etc., but it disgusted me when I woke up and found out I was only dreaming... I really wish I could go back to those times. When I was little, I always wanted to work for Bungie but they don't make my favorite fps game (Halo) anymore, so my childhood future got thrown out of the window back in 2010. As for now, I'm just enjoying the last free years of my life until I sign up for a military branch. I do hope both of us and everyone else finds a good source of happiness out there, and I'm getting close to finding something.


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2019
My House in Star Road
Switch FC
SW 8436 9508 1692
...I'm so sorry that life is treating a lot of you so badly like this right now I cant say Ive been through what youve been through but.. had a friend who wanted to go into the military just so he could die honorably and it hurt so bad to hear it. But you know what I told him, I told him a little story of a guy on youtube who made beautiful songs only to commit suicide hours later after posting a song called The Red Pen song. He told me that story meant a lot to him and I teach him lessons in art now so that he may someday go into a career in making a cartoon someday since he told me that was something he wanted to do. Im not sure why I bring this story up but I believe its never too late for ANYONE to get back on the right track and I just wanna say that I believe in all of you and I pray that all of your lives turn up for the better because everyone deserves it. I know you guys can do it but there cant be a rainbow without a storm. PUSH THROUGH THIS YOU CAN DO IT! but only you can make the decision to do so.

Deleted member

Who is a character you all hate fighting against?
Ryu or Incineroar. They're my brother's mains and he's fairly proficient in their styles. When you lose to Ryu enough, you eventually get sick of hearing how much he wants a better fight from you. And Incineroar is just an asshole.

Deleted member

Ryu or Incineroar. They're my brother's mains and he's fairly proficient in their styles. When you lose to Ryu enough, you eventually get sick of hearing how much he wants a better fight from you. And Incineroar is just an *******.
If it weren't for his recovery, Incineroar would probably be extremely easy to play. Thankfully he has that though, and the main thing is to just keep throwing off the stage.

For Ryu, I just use Ken :grin:

Hey he's had enough man

Roy as a person who plays heavy´s most of the time. My little bro 3-stocks me almost all the time with him and it feels bad man :(
Yeah, I get bodied a lot with Roy as well lol
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2018
But seriously, I probably enjoy playing against Pichu, Young Link, Isabelle, and Lucina the least. I don't hate playing any character though.

Also, I have to mention I am really glad Roy has finally hit the big time in the tier lists. Low tier no more!

Deleted member

Shiek, Rosalina and Sonic. In that order specifically.
All those characters happen to be blue and fast....

Edit: Okay Rosalina isn't super fast and Shiek doesn't wear blue but still
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