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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2018
Yokohama, Japan
Okay, Everyone I have a question to pass the time cause why not; If you had to remove 5 characters to get your favorite character in smash who would you replace for your character and what would your character be? Rules are simple you cannot replace an echo fighter for a non-echo fighter character and vice versa and You cannot cheat by saying something like "Nana" or "mii fighters" it has to be an actual character.

Example; I would get rid of Wii fit trainer, Duck Hunt, Roy, Inceniroar and Palutena for Geno.
For me it would be:
- Pichu
- Toon Link (I'd say Young Link before, but since he became somewhat the old Link, at least he's quite different from the adult counterpart)
- Dr. Mario
- Marth
- Snake


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
How can you guys get rid of Wii Fit Trainer? They have a moveset that's arguably more true to their games than anyone else, and what's more, Wii Fit was a very popular game, selling over 40 million copies. I think that's enough to warrant a fighter.

Also, I'd like to ask a question along the lines of the other question. What if you were randomly given charge of the roster, and you could replace one character for another one, e.g., replacing Lucina with Lyn. They don't have to be from the same series, just curious.

For me:
Jigglypuff - Zoroark
Daisy - Geno
Dr. Mario - Waluigi
Pichu - Banjo
Lucina - Camilla
Young Link - Skull Kid
Roy - Decloned Roy
Chrom - Impa
Dark Pit - Porky
Corrin - Isaac
Richter - Bandana Dee
Piranha Plant - The Knight from Hollow Knight


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018

Stress sketch because I've been emotionally turbulent lately, and that joke I made about the tweet was on my mind. Kinda can't help but wonder if the Nintendo NYC member is having a laugh over using that specific wording + capitalization to potentially make people overthink. Ha...


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I don't recall, is real superstar ever used to describe Geno? The only real way to connect him to that is he was sent from the stars by a higher power.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I don't recall, is real superstar ever used to describe Geno? The only real way to connect him to that is he was sent from the stars by a higher power.
No, not really. Again, it was all poking at the tweet with depressing humor because Coping Strategies™.

Deleted member

Okay, Everyone I have a question to pass the time cause why not; If you had to remove 5 characters to get your favorite character in smash who would you replace for your character and what would your character be? Rules are simple you cannot replace an echo fighter for a non-echo fighter character and vice versa and You cannot cheat by saying something like "Nana" or "mii fighters" it has to be an actual character.

Example; I would get rid of Wii fit trainer, Duck Hunt, Roy, Inceniroar and Palutena for Geno.
Wii Fit Trainer, Young Link or Toon Link, Bowser Jr., Dr. Mario, and Falco.
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Deleted member

View attachment 188527

Stress sketch because I've been emotionally turbulent lately, and that joke I made about the tweet was on my mind. Kinda can't help but wonder if the Nintendo NYC member is having a laugh over using that specific wording + capitalization to potentially make people overthink. Ha...
Hey, I hope you feel better :)

I really love the sketch too


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
I wouldn't cut any character at this point tbh.... I dunno; maybe we could thin out the FE characters? I'd like them to at least be made more unique (Definitely Chrom and Lucina but maybe Roy). I also want Dark Samus decloned. I guess I would replace Toon Link with Skull Kid, to make the Zelda representation a little more diverse.

Deleted member

Really, I would slice off every echo fighter for one unique newcomer if the devil gave me one of those contracts.
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Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
-Mii Swordfighter
-Mii Brawler
-Mii gunner
-Dr. Mario
-Pirahna Plant

If seperating mii characters into 3 doesn't cut it, replace two of them with 2 of these 3:

-Young Link
-Toon Link

Pretty easy for me

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga has a Geno cameo in one of the minigames.
Not trying to shoot myself in the foot here, but was he removed from the Superstar Saga remake in order to try and throw us off? I know Geno made a cameo in the original, but he wasn't in the remake and nobody knows why he was removed. I'm sure it's because of copyright issues or they just didn't bother on getting the rights to use him for a small cameo, because we all know how expensive he is. But could you imagine if they did that in order to try and somehow throw us off? That'd be wack.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Not trying to shoot myself in the foot here, but was he removed from the Superstar Saga remake in order to try and throw us off? I know Geno made a cameo in the original, but he wasn't in the remake and nobody knows why he was removed. I'm sure it's because of copyright issues or they just didn't bother on getting the rights to use him for a small cameo, because we all know how expensive he is. But could you imagine if they did that in order to try and somehow throw us off? That'd be wack.
And then Smash comes along and Nintendo is like "Hey lets pay for the Geno rights for a png image"

Deleted member

With all of you guys saying Dr. Mario, I can't help but think you're trying to make me a solo Wario main


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2019
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.
Theoretical exercises. Don't kid yourself, people in all character fandoms would answer the same question exactly like people here did.

Everyone has opinions on what characters are expendable, and it's a fun exercise to think about.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.
You do remember that years ago clone characters before they were branded as echo fighters were despised, right? That changed only just recently with Ultimate where they're more widely accepted. That, and certain characters like Bayonetta and Ice Climbers infinite grab got on a lot people's nerves for being OP, so stuff like that has made some of those people embittered towards them. Personally, I'm against roster cuts in general, but I do understand the frustrations of other fans at times. I wouldn't want any character frankly to be replaced just so my most wanted character gets a chance

Sovereign Trinity

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2018
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.
Not once were we acting out of hand in this, so you don't need to generalize all of us "people" in this thread for it. One person asked the question, we give them an answer. I only said I wish Corrin was traded for Geno, no other characters because I knew the rest of the characters in the game meant a lot to people. Also, why aren't you getting on Sakurai for it? He practically did the same thing with trading Young Link for Toon Link in Brawl, and he almost did the same with having Lucas over Ness in Brawl but decided to keep both of them in. We understand that all characters mean a lot to everybody.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.
You’re deluding yourself if you think that’s a behavior exclusive to Geno fans.

Hell, there are some characters I would cut in exchange for nothing. Some characters just don’t justify their appearance in Smash.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Or we're reading too much into that comment and it's a genuine compliment on a well designed game. That, and I don't think it should be construed as a hint for Steve.
I mean it could be but at the same time how many other companies did you see giving compliments to one of their biggest competitors on such a random ass holiday? Given it may just be an attempt to stoke hype flames from fans but at this point it seems a little too convenient.

I know this isn't the Banjo thread but from all the comments in that post I really don't know if all this Steve posting is done by ****posters or actual fans.
I think for every one Steve for Smash advocate that is being genuine you have like 29 others who are just ****posting.
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Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I know this isn't the Banjo thread but from all the comments in that post I really don't know if all this Steve posting is done by ****posters or actual fans.
I'm sure he has his actual fans who seriously want him, though personally I've probably run across more s***posts than genuine posts.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2018
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.
Now I think that's rather petty. People were having fun with the idea, and weren't bashing on anybody's preferences or fanbases. Geno bros I feel are more laid back more often times than not and this is coming from a guy who knows very little about SM RPG series.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
I'm seeing way too many ROBs, Lucarios, and Young Links being cut. I can't just solo main Sonic!

I know where you live.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2018
I wouldn't cut any characters, but I desperately want Sakurai to expand the umbrella of what constitutes an echo fighter and rebrand some semi-clones as echoes.

Dr. Mario, Falco, Pichu, and Young Link should be given the echo status which would free up the roster for four unique numbered fighters.

Either that or they should undergo some serious decloning, as did Wolf, Lucas, and Roy to a degree. Even Toon Link and Isabelle look and feel substantially different than Link and Villager. This way Sakurai doesnt have to renumber the four I mentioned above. Also, Sakurai needs to commit to fully decloning Ganondorf. I know he doesn't want to alienate Ganondorf mains, but it's passed due time to give this guy a more fitting moveset.

It's a rather trivial pet peeve, but having semi-clones, echoes, and alternate costumes all feels so annoying with no clearly defined rules/boundaries for which characters fit in which category.

Edit: If I absolutely had to cut characters, then I would probably cut Corrin and replace that slot with Hector or Lyn, and I would cut Toon Link in exchange for Skull Kid. I'd strongly consider making Dr. Mario an alt costume like Mario's wedding outfit, but Dr. Mario is a successful stand alone franchise so idk... I would also cut one or two Pokemon and conduct a smash poll strictly for Pokemon and add in the first and second place winners of that poll in Smash.

Surprisingly, I would keep Pichu because it represents Gen 2, and specifically baby pokemon which is pretty funny to have in a fighting game, AND is the baby Pokemon to THE mascot of the franchise. That all feels much more reasonable grounds for inclusion than what Greninja or Incineroar offer (just included as the recent generation's "cool" starter).
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Wow, you people would literally want certain characters removed just so yours gets in? Never mind that every character in the game probably caters to someone, it's no wonder rabid Geno fans are treated with such disdain.
? A lot of people would cut Young Link and he's one of my all-time favorite Smash characters. If people would want to cut YL in favor of someone like Minecraft Steve, whom I dislike, then that's just their opinion, man. It's not like we're picketing Sakurai's house to remove characters to get ours in. It's an exercise for funsies.

Don't take this so seriously and use it as an excuse to stir flames. C'mon, we're the same age. Act like an adult here.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Only character I'd firmly swap out is Dark Pit for Medusa. I'm not even sure why he's in here at all when fan-favorites from Uprising like Magnus and Phosphora got skipped over.

It doesn't help that the clowns running the Ultimate site gave him a Memories article over Pit and Palutena.

Deleted member

If I were to remove a character, it would HAVE to be an echo that's less popular then the others AND has less gameplay differences then the others. I would say Ken, Lucina and Chrom play waaaay differently then their base forms so I wouldn't remove them. So that would leave Daisy, Dark Pit, Dark Samus, and Richter. Out of all of them I would say Dark Pit is the least popular, so I would remove him.
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Deleted member

I still don't understand why Dark Pit is even here. If it was up to me I would put in Magnus and remove him.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Only character I'd firmly swap out is Dark Pit for Medusa. I'm not even sure why he's in here at all when fan-favorites from Uprising like Magnus and Phosphora got skipped over.

It doesn't help that the clowns running the Ultimate site gave him a Memories article over Pit and Palutena.
probably because Dark Pit was much easier and quicker to make, being a clone/echo fighter and all.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
probably because Dark Pit was much easier and quicker to make, being a clone/echo fighter and all.
Yeah, I can understand why. Honestly, I absolutely love Pittoo as a character (he was amazing in KI:U), but... yeah, I'd definitely trade him out for Phosphora or Medusa any day. That's just me, though, and I swear I don't want to trash anyone who likes Pittoo because of this, especially given I'm a fellow Pittoo fan.
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