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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

As we get closer to Smash Ultimate's release, thinking about Geno in the game is only making me more excited to play. Sakurai is providing a lot of attention to detail with each character, and imagine the 16-bit SMRPG sound effects playing during Geno's attacks. Ugh, please be in Geno, he's perfect for this game.
This is me everyday since August


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
You know what's sad?
It's that, I can clearly see who you're talking about. A certain "YES" and ****ing up everything.
And I would be sad, because it would show that Square-Enix are ********, but the creator genuinely wanted him for smash, and that he perhaps was the first choice as a candidate.
I now truly hope that, internal discussion managed to pull it out by some miracle if it's indeed who it is, since said characters is probably up there in my Absolute S++ tiers of dream picks alongside Crono. (Geno is close but, Crono and probably who I'm thinking's game had a big impact in my life so yeeee)

I just know I won't be sad, and still be excited whoever it is...Just...Sad that it was turned down, and even the creator couldn't help it.
There is only one who would get such a reaction.
I Sad now
Dude is nice and deserves it after all the stuff thaat Square does there.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2013
Well Fatmanonice Fatmanonice (I told this to PolarPanda PolarPanda before) maybe not everybody (because Lord knows I have no idea the numbers of people) but your time and efforts on information managing, the time, and the care you have put into giving insight into everything is appreciated (at least by me). Maybe people don't say it often, but thank you. :)

Deleted member

Well Fatmanonice Fatmanonice (I told this to PolarPanda PolarPanda before) maybe not everybody (because Lord knows I have no idea the numbers of people) but your time and efforts on information managing, the time, and the care you have put into giving insight into everything is appreciated (at least by me). Maybe people don't say it often, but thank you. :)
It's appreciated by myself as well :)


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
Talk in absolutes and people hate you for it. Don't talk in absolutes and you're "being intentionally vague so you can backpedal later". It's a lose-lose.
There is being an absolute as sure of what you heard
There is being vague as to protect who trusts you
And there is being vague but still acting stuck up about it

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
I'm afraid of the backlash I may get for "getting people's hopes up" for Geno. I want to assure you that I haven't gotten confirmation on Geno or anything, and that there is a slight possibility the Geno rumor my source heard may turn up false. In that scenario, please do not direct anger to me. It's part of the reason that I've been open about the possibility of it being one of the other names on the list. If I get confirmation of Geno, I'll tell you. If the Enix character is in the next direct, I'll know for sure who it is a day or two before they're revealed.

I just do not like people twisting my words or intentions.
I mean , when you first arrived here , you were very honest. If I recall , you were the one asking if there was anyone who was trustable enough to give your sources to.

If Geno isn't in , we won't be mad at you. You made it very clear that it is just , a rumor. It could be false , it could be true.

Honestly , what matter most is that you were here to give us enough hope to continue , and that we're enjoying the ride.

Don't worry Polar , if anyone is aggressive towards you , they're going to hear someone scream "Geno Whiiiiiirl !" lol.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
There is only one who would get such a reaction.
I Sad now
Dude is nice and deserves it after all the stuff thaat Square does there.
Yup, I can imagine how could it feels, if it's the right character, his creator is basically Square-Enix's life support ever since 1997 and without him, they would be dead. Dude doesn't catch a break between the project, and I can see how he would be shocked to see his characters get turned down directly...

The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Thing is, if Nintendo Treehouse is marketing the DLC as a "must have" and they're being honest, I kinda have a hard time believing that It'd be a DQ rep or Crono since they're not "must haves" to most people. Honestly, to me Geno fits the bill of being a fan favorite, unique, and has a connection to Nintendo history since Sakurai seems to like adding characters of that caliber.

Though something else popped into my head. Was there a true reason why the Rainbow Road stage was cut? It's aesthetically more unique than the Mario Kart 8 and Wuhu Loop stages so I always found that odd. Would it be possible that the stage got cut due to similarities to Star Hill? I'm just spitballing here but I always thought that stage getting cut was weird.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Thing is, if Nintendo Treehouse is marketing the DLC as a "must have" and they're being honest, I kinda have a hard time believing that It'd be a DQ rep or Crono since they're not "must haves" to most people. Honestly, to me Geno fits the bill of being a fan favorite, unique, and has a connection to Nintendo history since Sakurai seems to like adding characters of that caliber.
I guess I'll be the devil advocate and just say that literally every characters from the 7 in the list are actually Must have for anyone being fan of videogames in general and not just smash lmao-

The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
I guess I'll be the devil advocate and just say that literally every characters from the 7 in the list are actually Must have for anyone being fan of videogames in general and not just smash lmao-
Eh, not to me. Being a fan of games doesn't mean you have to accept just anybody. There's a reason I didn't buy the fighter pass.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
Thing is, if Nintendo Treehouse is marketing the DLC as a "must have" and they're being honest, I kinda have a hard time believing that It'd be a DQ rep or Crono since they're not "must haves" to most people. Honestly, to me Geno fits the bill of being a fan favorite, unique, and has a connection to Nintendo history since Sakurai seems to like adding characters of that caliber.

Though something else popped into my head. Was there a true reason why the Rainbow Road stage was cut? It's aesthetically more unique than the Mario Kart 8 and Wuhu Loop stages so I always found that odd. Would it be possible that the stage got cut due to similarities to Star Hill? I'm just spitballing here but I always thought that stage getting cut was weird.
Rainbow Road for the same reason as pokefloats I believe
It used a ton of assets from MK7 and upping the quality on them would be a *****.
Like pokefloats using Pokemon Colloseum models


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
I guess I'll be the devil advocate and just say that literally every characters from the 7 in the list are actually Must have for anyone being fan of videogames in general and not just smash lmao-
Is Sephiroth or Slime REALLY a MUST HAVE tho? Like, I mean, I get people would probably buy them but MUST HAVE? Even DQ isnt that popular out here, as stated several times, no one was really thinking about them until now...

Sora? Definitely
Crono? I'll take


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
Is Sephiroth or Slime REALLY a MUST HAVE tho? Like, I mean, I get people would probably buy them but MUST HAVE? Even DQ isnt that popular out here, as stated several times, no one was really thinking about them until now...

Sora? Definitely
Crono? I'll take
Sephiroth is a major character from FF7, if SE played all the cards it would be him.
Erdrick is video game history icon, being a major icon from the franchise that popularized the RPG genre on consoles.
Slime is the mascot of that franchise. Luminary is a bit too new for me to sing praises about.
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Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2014
Vernon, British Columbia
Switch FC
Is Sephiroth or Slime REALLY a MUST HAVE tho? Like, I mean, I get people would probably buy them but MUST HAVE? Even DQ isnt that popular out here, as stated several times, no one was really thinking about them until now...

Sora? Definitely
Crono? I'll take
Sephiroth, Erdrick, Crono, Geno, and even Luminary I think could all be really cool. Slime is the only Enix name going around that I think would be ehh.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Not really. Because of the whole SE and Lloyd/Yuri thing, people are now reaching out to me. "Was Geno one of the final two?" Of course, I can't say anything but I was kind of touched at the stories people gave. "It's literally the only thing I want in Smash" was said a lot along with childhood memories. People definitely care about this character.
I'm afraid of the backlash I may get for "getting people's hopes up" for Geno. I want to assure you that I haven't gotten confirmation on Geno or anything, and that there is a slight possibility the Geno rumor my source heard may turn up false. In that scenario, please do not direct anger to me. It's part of the reason that I've been open about the possibility of it being one of the other names on the list. If I get confirmation of Geno, I'll tell you. If the Enix character is in the next direct, I'll know for sure who it is a day or two before they're revealed.

I just do not like people twisting my words or intentions.
I'm going to be completely honest about how these two posts together sound to me: Geno is not one of the two finalists that you all heard about, and the only source you have for him being the SE character is coming from the NoA ambassador. If he had been one of the two that were in serious conversation at SE then your source at NoA wouldn't be the single aspect of Geno being rumored that you'd be bringing up. I know you guys keep saying that you can't say anything specifically about the two, but this kind of seems to be the implication here. I'm not saying this as a negative though if it's true it is pretty worrying, but I do think this is how people are going to read this and why you all are probably going to be receiving so many anxious PMs in the near future until the SE character is revealed.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2015
Switch FC
There are few things I wanna say but first things first. PolarPanda (I don't know how to tag sorry) You've been great so far don't let other people's anger get to you. You're definitely one of the best and most trusted people we have and we're thankful for it :) So I believe Geno is in and ill be listing them off...even if its mostly stuff we already know.

-Geno was considered to be in both Brawl and Smash 4
- Mii Costume splash screen for Geno
- Sakurai admitted he wanted Geno in the game (even though this falls under the first point)
- The "Mii Costume Theory"
- Only him and Mallow are spirits from Square (not including Cloud's Fighter Spirit) And not to mention they're LEGENDARY
- JC Rodrigo the Manager for Product marketing of Nintendo is FULLY aware of the love and support Geno and Waluigi gets
- The Super NES mini included SMRPG (i bring this up because Castlevania was in the NES mini before the belmonts were a thing in smash)
- The composer behind SMRPG is working in smash ultimate and a few devs that I completely forgot to mention


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
Sephiroth, Erdrick, Crono, Geno, and even Luminary I think could all be really cool. Slime is the only Enix name going around that I think would be ehh.
I agree with your view in slime.

Slime would be the joke/out there character in the likes of jiggly, game & watch, duck hunt, pirhana plant ... that stuff should be base game, not dlc.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Eh, not to me. Being a fan of games doesn't mean you have to accept just anybody. There's a reason I didn't buy the fighter pass.
Is Sephiroth or Slime REALLY a MUST HAVE tho? Like, I mean, I get people would probably buy them but MUST HAVE? Even DQ isnt that popular out here, as stated several times, no one was really thinking about them until now...

Sora? Definitely
Crono? I'll take
I meant that you can make a great case for literally any of the characters on that list if we're just looking at their popularity. If we just take the "video game crossover angle"

It's ****ing Sephiroth, he's up there with Ganondorf, Bowser, Eggman and DR.Willy in term of the Video games vilain, dude's so Iconic, both him and Cloud are the définition and mold of video games Hero and Edgy vilain and changed JRPG forever.

Come on- Y'all know how great he would be! He's the link between Nintendo and Square-Enix. The first Super Mario RPG, and an Icons to represent that, while being important t the story! While some people might remember SMRPG just for the Mario side....Geno is definitely there and was something that marked people. Shown by his support.

Dude's just the Protagonist of the JRPG who's considered the best of all times alongside FFVII. And some goes to say best game of all time with Ocarina of Times Just that! His game was made by the dream team of FF and DQ together. What a world to be alive!

He's ****ing Sora. If the 90's had Cloud. The 2000 had Sora. He's the living proof of "how silly a crossover can be, while also being incredible" dude's have his place for Smash just like the others and doesn't have to be ashamed.

>Dragon Quest
J U S T the grandfather of JRPG. Like, really? Do I need to say more?
People had Mario vs Sonic for platforming and Sega vs Nintendo
Japan had FF vs Dragon Quest for JRPG

Like really, annyone on that list is a ****ing gold star with a a diamond and ruby on top of it. And could be considered as a must have a way or another.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'll go ahead and say that Geno and Sora are the only SE characters this cycle that people seem to have an emotional connection to. Everyone else is "oh, that would be cool" or "oh, that would make sense because they would represent *insert franchise or concept here*" and it really explains why things have been the way they have been for those two fanbases. Again, when it comes to those characters, people dive almost immediately into childhood or teenage memories, sometimes even invoking super personal things that happened in their lives when telling the stories. There just hasn't been that response to anyone else. No one has said "if Slime's not in, I'll probably be really depressed for a while" or "I just want Crono in. Things are rough in my life right now and I just want something good to happen for a change" and I think that's another reason why Polar's stressed. There's definitely a weight there. It's kind of like being able to read the wishes on Star Hill and sometimes the things people say give you real emotional pause. Real talk: when people start bringing up people no longer in their lives, I kind of have to walk away from the screen for a bit. When they bring up things like parents or siblings, I'm just gone man. It's amazing how much seemingly irrelevant games and characters can mean to people if only because they connect to the most important things in their lives.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
Sephiroth is a major character from FF7, if SE played all the cards it would be him.
Erdrick is video game history icon, being a major icon from the franchise that popularized the RPG genre on consoles.
Slime is the mascot of that franchise. Luminary is a bit too new for me to sing praises about.
I"m not arguing how iconic they are, or even how well they'll be liked. I agree on all points. Sephiroth is major badguy, and super popular. Erdrick and DQ are gaming Icons, no question. But as far as SMASH is concerned? And the fans? MUST HAVES? Idk, I'm skeptical on that. They sound like good ideas NOW because of the alleged list, and because of hints and information, and I'm sure they're not bad ideas, but I don't think being a fun character to play as in Smash makes you a must have lol.

I'm going to be completely honest about how these two posts together sound to me: Geno is not one of the two finalists that you all heard about, and the only source you have for him being the SE character is coming from the NoA ambassador. If he had been one of the two that were in serious conversation at SE then your source at NoA wouldn't be the single aspect of Geno being rumored that you'd be bringing up. I know you guys keep saying that you can't say anything specifically about the two, but this kind of seems to be the implication here. I'm not saying this as a negative though if it's true it is pretty worrying, but I do think this is how people are going to read this and why you all are probably going to be receiving so many anxious PMs in the near future until the SE character is revealed.
Lol, I kind of agree with this. From the tone of the messages and everything, it kind of sounds like things aren't going to well for our Starboi.

I meant that you can make a great case for literally any of the characters on that list if we're just looking at their popularity. If we just take the "video game crossover angle"

It's ****ing Sephiroth, he's up there with Ganondorf, Bowser, Eggman and DR.Willy in term of the Video games vilain, dude's so Iconic, both him and Cloud are the définition and mold of video games Hero and Edgy vilain and changed JRPG forever.

Come on- Y'all know how great he would be! He's the link between Nintendo and Square-Enix. The first Super Mario RPG, and an Icons to represent that, while being important t the story! While some people might remember SMRPG just for the Mario side....Geno is definitely there and was something that marked people. Shown by his support.

Dude's just the Protagonist of the JRPG who's considered the best of all times alongside FFVII. And some goes to say best game of all time with Ocarina of Times Just that! His game was made by the dream team of FF and DQ together. What a world to be alive!

He's ****ing Sora. If the 90's had Cloud. The 2000 had Sora. He's the living proof of "how silly a crossover can be, while also being incredible" dude's have his place for Smash just like the others and doesn't have to be ashamed.

>Dragon Quest
J U S T the grandfather of JRPG. Like, really? Do I need to say more?
People had Mario vs Sonic for platforming and Sega vs Nintendo
Japan had FF vs Dragon Quest for JRPG

Like really, annyone on that list is a ****ing gold star with a a diamond and ruby on top of it. And could be considered as a must have a way or another.
I know! They're all really cool and would fill the SE slot pretty well. But I don't think theyre all must haves. Sephiroth is cool, but at the end of the day, he's just another Final Fantasy character. Is he COOL and ICONIC?? Absolutely. A must have for SMASH???? I have my doubts. Is Dragon Quest COOL and ICONIC?? Aguably more so than Final Fantasy. A must have for SMASH??? I mean...sure? No one was clamoring for it before 2018, but sure? It makes sense? Not more sense than, say, Sora or Geno. But I'd understand.
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The Anigriffin

Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
I meant that you can make a great case for literally any of the characters on that list if we're just looking at their popularity. If we just take the "video game crossover angle"

It's ****ing Sephiroth, he's up there with Ganondorf, Bowser, Eggman and DR.Willy in term of the Video games vilain, dude's so Iconic, both him and Cloud are the définition and mold of video games Hero and Edgy vilain and changed JRPG forever.

Come on- Y'all know how great he would be! He's the link between Nintendo and Square-Enix. The first Super Mario RPG, and an Icons to represent that, while being important t the story! While some people might remember SMRPG just for the Mario side....Geno is definitely there and was something that marked people. Shown by his support.

Dude's just the Protagonist of the JRPG who's considered the best of all times alongside FFVII. And some goes to say best game of all time with Ocarina of Times Just that! His game was made by the dream team of FF and DQ together. What a world to be alive!

He's ****ing Sora. If the 90's had Cloud. The 2000 had Sora. He's the living proof of "how silly a crossover can be, while also being incredible" dude's have his place for Smash just like the others and doesn't have to be ashamed.

>Dragon Quest
J U S T the grandfather of JRPG. Like, really? Do I need to say more?
People had Mario vs Sonic for platforming and Sega vs Nintendo
Japan had FF vs Dragon Quest for JRPG

Like really, annyone on that list is a ****ing gold star with a a diamond and ruby on top of it. And could be considered as a must have a way or another.
To the general public? Are we all forgetting that Corrin happened and there was a huge backlash towards them? Would you consider Corrin a must have?


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
I'll go ahead and say that Geno and Sora are the only SE characters this cycle that people seem to have an emotional connection to. Everyone else is "oh, that would be cool" or "oh, that would make sense because they would represent *insert franchise or concept here*" and it really explains why things have been the way they have been for those two fanbases. Again, when it comes to those characters, people dive almost immediately into childhood or teenage memories, sometimes even invoking super personal things that happened in their lives when telling the stories. There just hasn't been that response to anyone else. No one has said "if Slime's not in, I'll probably be really depressed for a while" or "I just want Crono in. Things are rough in my life right now and I just want something good to happen for a change" and I think that's another reason why Polar's stressed. There's definitely a weight there. It's kind of like being able to read the wishes on Star Hill and sometimes the things people say give you real emotional pause. Real talk: when people start bringing up people no longer in their lives, I kind of have to walk away from the screen for a bit. When they bring up things like parents or siblings, I'm just gone man. It's amazing how much seemingly irrelevant games and characters can mean to people if only because they connect to the most important things in their lives.
Reading this took me back when i first played SMRPG on Star Hill where you can read people's wishes. Touching...


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
To the general public? Are we all forgetting that Corrin happened and there was a huge backlash towards them? Would you consider Corrin a must have?
>Comparing 7 Video games Icons to a Characters choosen for marketing
>Comparing gold to turd

That's your mistake here.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2016
Maybe going on a bit of the negative side here, but maybe it'll also help temper expectations? Since the rumor may not be true, which is probably something we all hopefully considered anyway, two hypothetical things:

1. Why would you think Geno would be excluded, if he is?
2. What would be the most disappointing thing about that?

And for extra credit, (and for optimism/claiming/speaking things into existence)
1. Why did Geno get in this time?
2. What's the most exciting thing about his inclusion?
to humor the questions:
1. Probably due to his obscurity and seemingly dead franchise making negotiations fall through. I remember Sakurai making a comment along those lines when he talked about including the Plant.
2. How a beloved character that has been mentioned by Sakurai as wanted in himself to not make it for a 3rd time, likely meaning that he wouldn't return at all anymore...

1. the fan demand and the fact that there really aren't any more big picks left to include that aren't wrapped up in legal hell
2. FINALLY BEING ABLE TO PLAY AS MUH STAH BOI! and how cool his moveset would be


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Then that's like, your opinion then man.
Well, I'm willing to take the L if it happens. But yes. I'm more sure that there wouldn't be any backslash to the general public, no matter who's the SE characters announced.
Can be Geno/Sora/Crono/GEX/Pampa who care.
People will get salty, then be hyped because at the end of the day, we all love smash.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
Talk in absolutes and people hate you for it. Don't talk in absolutes and you're "being intentionally vague so you can backpedal later". It's a lose-lose.
If you care about getting the information out there; being seen as vague is the lesser of two evils. People would much prefer someone who is cautious over someone who acts like a know it all.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
I"m not arguing how iconic they are, or even how well they'll be liked. I agree on all points. Sephiroth is major badguy, and super popular. Erdrick and DQ are gaming Icons, no question. But as far as SMASH is concerned? And the fans? MUST HAVES? Idk, I'm skeptical on that. They sound like good ideas NOW because of the alleged list, and because of hints and information, and I'm sure they're not bad ideas, but I don't think being a fun character to play as in Smash makes you a must have lol.

Lol, I kind of agree with this. From the tone of the messages and everything, it kind of sounds like things aren't going to well for our Starboi.
Exactly why they are popular icons that they would say it is must have.
The are many people, from inside and outside corporations, that believe Smash is the battleground of the history of videogames.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
"I just want Crono in. Things are rough in my life right now and I just want something good to happen for a change"
"I just want Crono/Geno/Sora/Sephiroth/Erdrick/Luminary in please. I have an headache, and it doesn't pass."

Does it work? :nifty:

No but seriously dude, you gave me feels when I didn't needed them. Props to you to manage all of that... I wish you luck.
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Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
I'm afraid of the backlash I may get for "getting people's hopes up" for Geno. I want to assure you that I haven't gotten confirmation on Geno or anything, and that there is a slight possibility the Geno rumor my source heard may turn up false. In that scenario, please do not direct anger to me. It's part of the reason that I've been open about the possibility of it being one of the other names on the list. If I get confirmation of Geno, I'll tell you. If the Enix character is in the next direct, I'll know for sure who it is a day or two before they're revealed.

I just do not like people twisting my words or intentions.
Don't worry about it man! You've never come across 100% sure about anything lol <3 This isn't LOZ levels of confidence or mysteriousness, this isn't a skull kid situation.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
You guys are reading into and analyzing every post made by Polar and FMOI a little (lot) too much. Not everything they say is a hint for or against Geno, I promise


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
The fact that people are coming to a variety of conclusions based on what has been said shows that we've doing our "job" right and being impartial. "Oh, he is." "Oh, he isn't..." That's how it should be, honestly, in regards to this. It should be ambiguous for the safety of the people involved and that's okay. Again, I know it's stressful because people invest a lot of time and energy coming here but I'd like to once again thank you all for being cool and level headed about it. I know, being patient during this time is a real ***** but if it's any reassurance we're all in the same boat.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2018
Exactly why they are popular icons that they would say it is must have.
The are many people, from inside and outside corporations, that believe Smash is the battleground of the history of videogames.
Sure, but therein kind of lies my point about some of the choices. Sephiroth is iconic, 0kay, but FF7 (and arguably the FF Franchise) is represented by Cloud. So do we need Sephy? Is he a MUST HAVE? Over other potential characters?

DQ has incredible historical impact, but so does Pong. So does Frogger. Is FROGGER a must have? What about Time Crisis Protag #1? The protagonist from Dragon's Lair? Would these characters work in SMASH in a unique way? I'm sure Sakurai can figure something out, but to US are they MUST HAVES?

Dragon Quest would be cool and represent something amazing in gaming history, but the character themself, I don't really consider a must have. The magical swordfighter slot has kind of been filled for me. I'd love to see it represented somehow in a costume or spirit or something but...MUST HAVE?

The fact that people are coming to a variety of conclusions based on what has been said shows that we've doing our "job" right and being impartial. "Oh, he is." "Oh, he isn't..." That's how it should be, honestly, in regards to this. It should be ambiguous for the safety of the people involved and that's okay. Again, I know it's stressful because people invest a lot of time and energy coming here but I'd like to once again thank you all for being cool and level headed about it. I know, being patient during this time is a real ***** but if it's any reassurance we're all in the same boat.
Whooooo this roller coaster is ROLLIN ROLLIN (keep rollin rollin rollin rollin)
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Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
It's kind of like being able to read the wishes on Star Hill and sometimes the things people say give you real emotional pause.
... Sometimes I wish someone in the Geno thread did a romhack of SMRPG featuring Star Hill and all the wishes of people who wanted Geno over the years... It may not change anything but this would be awesome...


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
Do you think if Sakurai visited this thread; it would compel him to try harder? Do you think he's maybe already been here?


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
You guys are reading into and analyzing every post made by Polar and FMOI a little (lot) too much. Not everything they say is a hint for or against Geno, I promise
At least this conversation is Geno related :4pacman:

But seriously, at least speaking for myself I'm just pointing out the way the statements given thus far sound to me and how they could come off to other people. Not trying to be a negative Nancy or seem like I'm criticizing PolarPanda PolarPanda or Fatmanonice Fatmanonice . I just felt like addressing the elephant in the room that it seems like other people had been sensing as well.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
Do you think if Sakurai visited this thread; it would compel him to try harder? Do you think he's maybe already been here?
Maybe not himself, but I hope Nintendo's media relations or other departments go through websites, blogs, forums like this to gauge what people want or looking for in not just this game, but others as well.

Basically, they need a few people who surf the net and look at stuff like this. That along with focus groups would help developers guage in both real time, or over a large span of time (such as blogs, forums, etc online) to see what people want.
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