Glad I left my phone to charge and didn't look into the thread for a bit.
I get Nintendo is being weird right now, by why are users resorting to hypocrisy by generalizing people and so on? Why must people play the blame game all of the time? Fire Emblem isn't the boogeyman, Persona isn't the boogeyman, Pokémon isn't the boogeyman, etc. I've seen how the Geno fanbase is marginalized and put into stereotypical boxes. I know how much you guys hate it. Any fanbase does. So why on God's green Earth must people point fingers becoming tribalistic and ultimately giving in to the stereotype they're trying to avoid?
I know I literally just posted in here about how we don't need to be "parented", by my God, why do people in this thread have to be like "SORA is the enemy! He'll stand in the way of Geno!" Or whatever character you want. I've seen Waluigi, Paper Mario, any Square Enix character, Fire Emblem, Persona, etc. tossed around many times in this thread alone. Can people please leave behind these unfunny memes of "Fire Emblem bad" or "Persona bad" or whatever? Fire Emblem is overrepresented, yes. BUT, Smash fans hating on Fire Emblem games and the larger community at large for its Smash representation is just idiotic, black and white, and short-sighted.
Before anyone says it, yes, I am aware competition exists. If it didn't, then every character ever would get into Smash. Some characters do have more of a chance and some characters do have direct competition (such as with Min Min and the other ARMS characters), but is it really necessary to treat other characters or fanbases as the enemy?
Seriously, Smash fans are made fun of because they stereotypically go after "aNiMe" artsyles like Fire Emblem. I'm not saying you can't dislike the style, but pointing to fanbases, saying they're the problem and "toxic", and then not even taking responsibility for your words is just childish. Maybe, just maybe... if you are doing that, perhaps you are the problem for perpetuating stereotypes. Geno fans hate being generalized, so maybe some users should avoid doing that with other franchises/characters because then that just makes the entire Geno fanbase look bad (since for people, a particularly rotten apple can ruin the bunch).