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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Lord Woomy

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2019
The Void
While updating the original post (since a user asked me to put their username in the supporters list), I noticed that my username was absent. I've added it, but has anyone else been overlooked, or does anyone else want their username in the supporters list? (I have to leave shortly, so I might not be able to get to it right away)

EDIT: to be clear, I'll like the responses to this when I've seen them and added the people who request it, so I don't have to reply to every single one saying that I've added their name to the list.
Yo yo yo, add me! (pretty sure I ain't on the list yet lol)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 6, 2019
While updating the original post (since a user asked me to put their username in the supporters list), I noticed that my username was absent. I've added it, but has anyone else been overlooked, or does anyone else want their username in the supporters list? (I have to leave shortly, so I might not be able to get to it right away)

EDIT: to be clear, I'll like the responses to this when I've seen them and added the people who request it, so I don't have to reply to every single one saying that I've added their name to the list.
Can I be added to it, please?


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Still, we will find out for certain whether we get the Smash Direct/presentation this week over the next few days. Worst case scenario is just the third week of June, which really isn't that bad


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
While updating the original post (since a user asked me to put their username in the supporters list), I noticed that my username was absent. I've added it, but has anyone else been overlooked, or does anyone else want their username in the supporters list? (I have to leave shortly, so I might not be able to get to it right away)

EDIT: to be clear, I'll like the responses to this when I've seen them and added the people who request it, so I don't have to reply to every single one saying that I've added their name to the list.
I don’t think I’ve ever actually been put on it so I’d like to request being added ^^


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Knowing how Sakurai tries to have music fit the feel of battle, you think they would go orchestration, rock, or a mix of the two for Beware the Forest's Mushrooms?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2020
Knowing how Sakurai tries to have music fit the feel of battle, you think they would go orchestration, rock, or a mix of the two for Beware the Forest's Mushrooms?
If it wasn't just the ripped soundtrack? I would say a mix, just to fit the battle a little bit more.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
In PapaGenos' video, he brings up that it could be Squirtle around the 9 minute mark. However, it works well for getting people to watch, since people have been waiting months for any kind of Smash news.
The problem is that it was confirmed to be Squirtle days ago, so making a video about it now and mentioning that it "may" be Squirtle is not great.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
Actually, I added you already haha. (I figured that was why you liked my post talking about that)
What list are you talking about? Am I on the list? I've been a supporter in here for close to a year now so I'd appreciate it if there was still room for me! Definitely want to show any sort of support I can for your guys' star puppet boy!
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♕Pretty Roger♕

God Roger
Jan 5, 2015
Switch FC
The problem is that it was confirmed to be Squirtle days ago, so making a video about it now and mentioning that it "may" be Squirtle is not great.
That video was uploaded May 30th, i don’t know what you are talking about.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
What list are you talking about? Am I on the list? I've been a supporter in here for close to a year now so I'd appreciate it if there was still room for me! Definitely want to show any sort of support I can for your guys' star puppet boy!
It's the supporter list on the first post of the thread. Anyone can see if they're on there by pressing Control F (or whatever your computer/browser uses to find something in a page) and searching for their username. In your case, you're in there already. It started out in alphabetical order, though that fell apart as time went on.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2020
Hey there everyone! This is my first day here, hope you don't mind me coming on board to join the excitement for Geno? :grin:

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
While updating the original post (since a user asked me to put their username in the supporters list), I noticed that my username was absent. I've added it, but has anyone else been overlooked, or does anyone else want their username in the supporters list? (I have to leave shortly, so I might not be able to get to it right away)

EDIT: to be clear, I'll like the responses to this when I've seen them and added the people who request it, so I don't have to reply to every single one saying that I've added their name to the list.
Could you add me to the list as well?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2020
Because of the fact that even if the release of FP6 is pushed a week or two later, the reveals need to be done soon if there are multiple reveals and 3rd party reveals likely have a date set in stone of when they must be done.
Has there been any confirmation that there will be a delay for FP6 announcement, or is it just a speculation?


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Hey there everyone! This is my first day here, hope you don't mind me coming on board to join the excitement for Geno? :grin:
Hey, welcome! Complimentary Geno Hat:
Hat time.png

Has there been any confirmation that there will be a delay for FP6 announcement, or is it just a speculation?
Not yet, though it seems unlikely since Sakurai has gone on record saying the DLC is still on schedule.


Smash Cadet
Dec 31, 2019
The past two directs with smash on them have been on the 11th or 12th, don’t know if that is when they will be though


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
The past two directs with smash on them have been on the 11th or 12th, don’t know if that is when they will be though
I'm thinking either the 9th, 10th, or 11th is when we will see the ARMS reveal + CP7. I'm hoping its a Sakurai Presentation, but I am unsure of that because of the quarantine.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Has there been any confirmation that there will be a delay for FP6 announcement, or is it just a speculation?
It's just speculation because this year has been one **** you after another. First we were miffed because Nintendo news has been pretty dry this year and then came the global pandemic... which spurred a global depression... which spurred civil unrest around the world... Most of these unfurled in the span of about three months... It's honestly a "Jesus, what's next" sort of thing.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Has there been any confirmation that there will be a delay for FP6 announcement, or is it just a speculation?
Also, I forgot to greet you. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here in hopes of seeing our star boi make it in to the Ultimate fight! :)


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
So, thanks to cross-checking info with @Slender , we may have come to some really big conclusions on E3 Eve concerning Geno. He messaged me asking if the Secret, Butt Fun Square Mii costume was supposed to be Reimu and I told him no. He then presented to me a ton of stuff that's honestly a game changer. I'll try to summarize his findings:

-As you all know, there was a Touhou music leak in the fall that basically said a number of their composers had been contacted to make music for Smash. Obviously, there was a pretty big split on what this meant. Some interpreted it as Reimu as playable while others, like myself, just took it at face value as Touhou composers being involved in Smash for some reason. Slap fights issued and the lines were drawn.

-In December 2019, I was introduced to the "rejected character list" from Mii Costume Guy and his in-betweens. This included a Square Enix character. Add it to Geno, Mallow, Smithy, and Chocobo and we have 5 Square related Mii costumes. As you all know, 6 is currently the max capacity for Mii costumes in a pack so this missing piece was incredibly frustrating.

-Fast forward to 2020, per Slender's findings, insiders in the Touhou community were often hearing about Geno and Reimu together. Weird... Or is it? Touhou is a Japanese indie franchise but apparently has had some help from Square/Taito in the past. What could this mean? It heavily suggests that Reimu could very well be Geno's premium costume!

Here's why this is a really big deal:

-Gives us a full set of 6 for a Square Enix pack: Geno, Mallow, Smithy, Chocobo, Secret Butt Fun, and Reimu (premium)

-Adds more evidence to the pile that premium costumes will likely continue to be from indie companies, further crippling the argument that Geno "will just be a premium costume."

-Support from outside my network that, yes, Geno is likely coming.

Fun stuff.
This is gonna be a long one. Fatmanonice Fatmanonice summarized it, but I can elaborate. Before I begin, I'd like to say that this is all purely speculation. There is no 100% guarantee that this is happening. I do not have info, I am simply theorycrafting in this drought period. I was also planning to get this out a bit earlier, as seen by who I'm replying to, but my power has been cutting in and out, so this will have to do. I'm going to spoiler the setup for this theory to save space, so if you don't know what I'm talking about, please take a look at them to catch the scoop.

On October 19, 2019, Twitter user @ReimuForSmash tweets about a supposed list of songs leaked by a "gut in a Touhou doujin circle".
In the replies to this Tweet, a list of 23 songs is given, as well as some additional info:
- The leaker is one who has leaked things regarding Touhou and has been correct.
- The listed songs are getting remixes. We don't know if we'll get music beyond that from ZUN himself.
- The leaker went out and said it's for Smash.
- This has been something that has been building since April when rumors started going around when doujin circles are being called in to remix songs for Smash.

The supposed leaker is said to be one that predicted the announcement of Antimony of Common Flowers for Nintendo Switch about a week prior on 5ch.
Sometime in August, this is said by the same person in a DLC prediction thread. They are apparently linked by a poster ID of some kind, which is also the reasoning for the tie of these two instances and the song list. This came and went as simply something odd. This individual will be mentioned as the Doujin Leaker from here on.

On March 12, 2020, a group of posts on 5ch are highlighted in the Reimu SmashBoards thread. In these messages, talk of Reimu or Touhou content in Smash is struck once again, with Geno of all characters caught in the mix as well. Here is a link to the thread, and here are the posts in question (translation from Ayumi Tachibana on the Reimu thread):

Post 493
This is not a leak just me being delusional so don't be mad and listen.
To get straight to the point, it's gonna be Reimu and Geno.
And poor Marisa was Geno (doesn't make sense I know).
Come to think of it, they're all Square Enix related.

Post 498
So this is my last leak (fantasy).
For all I care ☆

Post 501
Laser beam and star danmaku show up and aim for Reimu in the mushroom forest.
This has to be a reference to Marisa right?

Post 504
That's it everything was my fantasy so if they came true then that's just because my intuition and ability to read atmosphere of the vicinity was good enough.

Post 512
If I'm being honest at last, was Reimu really that much of a character to join Smash?

Normally, this would not stand out in a thread like this, but Ayumi brings these messages up as those of the Doujin Leaker. This is based off of information they could gather from older posts, such as "interests and hangouts", as well as their claim of "fantasies", which was a common trend with this leaker's information about Touhou after the events of April. Again, interesting, but nothing too out of the ordinary in Smash spec.

A niconico stream regarding Touhou, known as Touhou Station, holds it's 19th episode. Within this, "Unknown Sponsor X" is listed in their program banner. Guests on the stream then attempted to guess who it was, with answers including Sony, Takeshobo, Bank of Japan, and more. X would then be seen in subsequent episodes (Episode 20, Episode 21, and Episode 22), as well as the Touhou site Touhou Garakuta and a convention in China.
The identity of this sponsor is still unknown.

Alright, this is a lot, so let's dive into it. In this situation, we are assuming that the Doujin Leaker is hearing legitimate information regarding Touhou and Smash to some extent. Where do we even begin? Let's start with the second spoiler tab.

These messages set up the following ideas:
- Reimu and Geno are involved with Smash in some form.
- Marisa was Geno?
- Laser beams and star danmaku appear alongside Reimu in the "mushroom forest".
- Reimu, Marisa, and Geno are related to Square Enix.

With the information in the first tab, we also know this:
- In April of 2019, doujin circles apparently heard news of remixes of Touhou music for Smash.
- A list of 23 songs was leaked in October, with the list being potential remixes of Touhou tracks.

Now, here's where I sorta fly off the rails and give you my crazy theory on what could be happening. I believe that Geno will come as a playable character, with Reimu serving as his Deluxe Mii Costume for his pass. Furthermore, I believe that Unknown Sponsor X is Square Enix based off of this information.

"Why would Reimu be the Mii Costume and Geno the character? Couldn't it be the other way around?"
There is always the possibility that this could be the case, but here is why I think that Reimu will be the costume. In the Doujin Leaker's posts, they mention Marisa being Geno, as well as Reimu fighting in the "mushroom forest". Believe it or not, there is a lot in common between the two. Marisa Kirisame of the Touhou franchise is a light and heat magician (and friendly rival of Reimu), who lives in the Forest of Magic. Another resident of the Forest of Magic, Alice Margatroid, is a, get this, "doll-controlling magician". We certainly know of a doll famous for walking around mushroom forests, now don't we? It seems that Geno could be a spiritual (haha) replacement for Marisa in a scene within a Forest. Now, we have no forest stages in Smash at the moment, but we sure know someone who could come with one. EDIT: Is Distant Planet in a forest? If so, that maybe counts.

To me, this sounds like what they'd do to reveal the Reimu costume. Little nods throughout the reveal of a Deluxe Costume are already a thing, like Sans' costume being on stages like Pictochat and Balloon Fight to represent the look of Undertale, and both the intro and run 'n gun lookalike within Cuphead's reveal. In my head, I see Geno using Geno Beam towards a Reimu Mii with items and projectiles to reference the chaos of bullet hell games like Touhou.

One more tidbit that strikes me as odd is the leaker's last message. "If I'm being honest at last, was Reimu really that much of a character to join Smash?" This stands out as very weird to me, as the entirety of the messages beforehand make you believe he's talking about Reimu as a character. This wavering thought is very interesting, but I can't make much of it unless I strain some muscles from reaching too hard. (Ironic, yea?)

"What about the 26 supposed remixes? They would not bring 26 tracks with one costume!"
You're right, they wouldn't, but would they bring 26 remixes with a DLC character? Terry came with a whopping 50 tracks, and this came at the immense surprise of Sakurai and his dev team. Within those 50 tracks, 19 of them are new arrangements. This leads me to believe that not every song on this leaked list will actually be made into a new arrangement. In fact, I think that only one of them will. With what we have talked about, this to me looks like a list of songs that were picked by the dev team and sent to ZUN and supporting artists with the instruction to choose one to remix.

"Why would Square Enix be Unknown Sponsor X?"
I came to the conclusion that Square could be X based off of a few things. First, the Doujin Leaker makes the statement "Come to think of it, they're all Square Enix related.", with the "they're" being Reimu, Marisa, and Geno. We obviously know how Geno is related, but what about the Touhou content? Well, others have brought this up, but a child company of Square Enix known as Taito has been involved with Touhou content, including Touhou Spell Bubble, a game that is considered non-canon, but still officially licensed. Another fun fact to throw into the ring is that ZUN, the creator of the Touhou Project, used to work at Taito. He was an employee of Taito from 1999 to 2007, where he then left to focus on Touhou. Word around also says that Taito tried to buy the rights to the franchise from ZUN while he was still working with them, so Taito and by extention Square could still be interested.

Some little additions
- Having Reimu as a Mii Costume would continue the trend of indie characters receiving special treatment, with this being further dug in by Touhou's music being such an important factor to the game franchise.
- This does not clash with Fatman's Mii Costume rumors, but actually adds to them.
- This could also all be for nothing, but who cares?

Aaaaaaaaand that's it! Hopefully you enjoyed reading this short novel explaining something that may not even exist. It has certainly been a dry spell, so I thought I'd dive deep into this and pick some brains out there. I am not well-versed at all on Touhou content, so if there's anything I missed or incorrectly mentioned, please let me know!
So after being gone for a bit, I've been reading through what's popped up. I've got to say I feel as though "the Reimu is going to be a mii costume alongside Geno" rumours to be a bit unlikely due to bias. Until Sponsor X is revealed, Reimu has a slight connection to Square at best and we already know that Square likes to pair up fighters with their own content. And from what I've read Sponsor X is a pretty wide net, and could even end up being Nintendo themselves. Besides it feels like you're putting Reimu in there just "because" she fits very loosely due to her relationship with Taito.

Reminder that there really is no precedent to believe that all "deluxe" mii costumes are going to be indie. We've had 2 so far, and sure they both fit the bill; but 2 is far too small of a pattern to really draw anything from. Remember, how the first 4 characters were all 3rd party? And then it turned out that the 5th character is first party, when patterns implied it would be a 3rd party? It's pretty much like that.

Fatmanonice Fatmanonice brought up the fact that he and Slender think that Reimu will be a potential mii costume coming with Geno, and Fatman's predicted list consists of:
-and ??? (who they think is Reimu) (deluxe)

However, by trying to fit in the pattern of _____ character must be an indie to be a deluxe (which by the way, we have no idea if it will be a consist thing with every upcoming fighter); you miss one of the most likely characters that could fit in as a potential 6th mii costume.
bubble bobble.jpg

These guys are the "mascots" of Taito; and are icons in their own right. They have a huge Nintendo/gaming legacy, even if they slip under the raider somewhat, and have been ported to almost every Nintendo console (including the NES Classic). In a lot of ways they're one of the last few "icons" of the 80's era that aren't represented in Smash in any way. It would make way more sense to put them in as mii costumes alongside a hypothetical Square character, compared to Reimu. Sure they're not technically "indie"; but as I've mentioned before, we can't really be close minded enough to say "only indie's will get upgraded to deluxe costumes" based of such a small sample size (if deluxe's are even a consistent thing in the first place).

As for Reimu herself, who knows? If the leaks turn out to be real, the most likely outcome is that she's a fighter; but as you all know I'm wary of leaks. She could end up being a fighter, a mii costume, or have 0 presence at all. That said, I feel like people who say "Reimu is too niche to be a fighter" are being a bit disingenuous. Touhou is big in Japan, is pretty iconic, and has some historic relevance (if we want to consider the gaming history angle). Sure outside of Japan she has a small (but still growing) following; but it's not like she's unknown. We've had the reverse happen with Ridley and Banjo (I know Banjo was a hit in Japan in the 90's, but he was definitely niche in Japan when he got added to Smash), and outside the Smash fanbase Geno is definitely a "nicher" character (and even nowadays within the fanbase it's debatable, considering Reimu exploded in Smash popularity in the last year). So really, nothing is stopping Reimu from joining Smash (aside from being "picked" in the first place).

That said, I fully believe that the chances of Reimu being costumed during a Square presentation is less then 5% (and that's if Sponsor X is Square).
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Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
It's just speculation because this year has been one **** you after another. First we were miffed because Nintendo news has been pretty dry this year and then came the global pandemic... which spurred a global depression... which spurred civil unrest around the world... Most of these unfurled in the span of about three months... It's honestly a "Jesus, what's next" sort of thing.
One newspaper comic has a gag with the old year passing by and saying something to the incoming baby new year. I want this year to have a battered and bruised old year leaving with a speech bubble from the planet screaming 'And stay out!' and him apologizing to the new year about how bad he ****** things up.

Let's call this year Null or Void and never speak of it again once it thankfully passes.

In fact, I'd rather they reveal Geno but hold off him being released until January. Why taint his grand return by coming in this horrible year?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2020
Nice Gorosaurus avatar. But no, there has been no delay confirmation.
Thank you! Nice to know someone that knows their Kaiju's as well!

You could say it's now GENOsaurus!
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Let Geno Smash

Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2020
Cartago, Costa Rica
So after being gone for a bit, I've been reading through what's popped up. I've got to say I feel as though "the Reimu is going to be a mii costume alongside Geno" rumours to be a bit unlikely due to bias. Until Sponsor X is revealed, Reimu has a slight connection to Square at best and we already know that Square likes to pair up fighters with their own content. And from what I've read Sponsor X is a pretty wide net, and could even end up being Nintendo themselves. Besides it feels like you're putting Reimu in there just "because" she fits very loosely due to her relationship with Taito.

Reminder that there really is no precedent to believe that all "deluxe" mii costumes are going to be indie. We've had 2 so far, and sure they both fit the bill; but 2 is far too small of a pattern to really draw anything from. Remember, how the first 4 characters were all 3rd party? And then it turned out that the 5th character is first party, when patterns implied it would be a 3rd party? It's pretty much like that.

Fatmanonice Fatmanonice brought up the fact that he and Slender think that Reimu will be a potential mii costume coming with Geno, and Fatman's predicted list consists of:
-and ??? (who they think is Reimu) (deluxe)

However, by trying to fit in the pattern of _____ character must be an indie to be a deluxe (which by the way, we have no idea if it will be a consist thing with every upcoming fighter); you miss one of the most likely characters that could fit in as a potential 6th mii costume.
View attachment 274036
These guys are the "mascots" of Taito; and are icons in their own right. They have a huge Nintendo/gaming legacy, even if they slip under the raider somewhat, and have been ported to almost every Nintendo console (including the NES Classic). In a lot of ways they're one of the last few "icons" of the 80's era that aren't represented in Smash in any way. It would make way more sense to put them in as mii costumes alongside a hypothetical Square character, compared to Reimu. Sure they're not technically "indie"; but as I've mentioned before, we can't really be close minded enough to say "only indie's will get upgraded to deluxe costumes" based of such a small sample size (if deluxe's are even a consistent thing in the first place).

As for Reimu herself, who knows? If the leaks turn out to be real, the most likely outcome is that she's a fighter; but as you all know I'm wary of leaks. She could end up being a fighter, a mii costume, or have 0 presence at all. That said, I feel like people who say "Reimu is too niche to be a fighter" are being a bit disingenuous. Touhou is big in Japan, is pretty iconic, and has some historic relevance (if we want to consider the gaming history angle). Sure outside of Japan she has a small (but still growing) following; but it's not like she's unknown. We've had the reverse happen with Ridley and Banjo (I know Banjo was a hit in Japan in the 90's, but he was definitely niche in Japan when he got added to Smash), and outside the Smash fanbase Geno is definitely a "nicher" character (and even nowadays within the fanbase it's debatable, considering Reimu exploded in Smash popularity in the last year). So really, nothing is stopping Reimu from joining Smash (aside from being "picked" in the first place).

That said, I fully believe that the chances of Reimu being costumed during a Square presentation is less then 5% (and that's if Sponsor X is Square).
but you are not considering something, yacht club games (Creators of Shovel Knight) said that Nintendo never considered Shovel Knight as a Fighter, they felt that at most it would come as AT or as a spirit, so there is much doubt that an indie can be playable, Because if Shovel Knight was never taken as a possibility, I doubt that any indie will ever be playable in Ultimate.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
Hey there everyone! This is my first day here, hope you don't mind me coming on board to join the excitement for Geno? :grin:
Always glad to see new faces here! I remember when our resident Lord Woomy Lord Woomy was new... Heck, I remember when I was was new. ...Man time flies.

Anyways, since I'm a bit of a special case when it comes to supporting Geno and enjoy hearing about others' cases, what's your background with the character? Any personal connection to him or Super Mario RPG? As for me, I have no real connection to the puppet lad and have been meaning to play his game but haven'tyet. However, I've been here supporting this thread for basically a year because I truly believe Geno is gonna get his dues soon. Trust me, this entire thread and its "pseudo-ambassador" (Leader? Spokesman?) Fatmanonice Fatmanonice can tell you all about the things lining up for Geno (heck the man wrote an entire essay on it)!

Regardless, we're glad to have you!
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
but you are not considering something, yacht club games (Creators of Shovel Knight) said that Nintendo never considered Shovel Knight as a Fighter, they felt that at most it would come as AT or as a spirit, so there is much doubt that an indie can be playable, Because if Shovel Knight was never taken as a possibility, I doubt that any indie will ever be playable in Ultimate.
Shovel Knight does not speak for every possible Indie. It speaks for Shovel Knight alone.


The problem with the Reimu logic is it ignores a key factor that the Premium Mii costume precedent set. They come with one song, not multiple songs. If you're going to say they can only be Indie costumes, it's the same logic that exists that they must comes with one song. The only thing that's obviously unchangeable is that they cover the Mii head to toe(basically a high quality full costume), and that's it. The rest is far more arguable.

Basically, if Reimu is rumored with more than one song, then precedent should set her up as a playable character logically. There's no real reason to believe she's a costume beyond the silly idea that a bare pattern must hold because "it's all we see". Ignoring one pattern but acknowledging another pattern makes the argument extremely iffy. Being an Indie doesn't change the "one song" precedent here. You can't have both. One precedent has to be ignored for the rumor to hold true.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
It's just speculation because this year has been one **** you after another. First we were miffed because Nintendo news has been pretty dry this year and then came the global pandemic... which spurred a global depression... which spurred civil unrest around the world... Most of these unfurled in the span of about three months... It's honestly a "Jesus, what's next" sort of thing.
"There's no way 2020 can get any worse, right?"

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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
It's just speculation because this year has been one **** you after another. First we were miffed because Nintendo news has been pretty dry this year and then came the global pandemic... which spurred a global depression... which spurred civil unrest around the world... Most of these unfurled in the span of about three months... It's honestly a "Jesus, what's next" sort of thing.
"I'm a time-traveler from 2022, what's going on here?"
"Well, the world's gripped by a plauge and we've reignited the race wars of the 1950s."
"So I take it Yellowstone hasn't erupted yet?"


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2020
Always glad to see new faces here! I remember when our resident Lord Woomy Lord Woomy was new... Heck, I remember when I was was new. ...Man time flies.

Anyways, since I'm a bit of a special case when it comes to supporting Geno and enjoy hearing about others' cases, what's your background with the character? Any personal connection to him or Super Mario RPG? As for me, I have no real connection to the puppet lad and have been meaning to play his game but haven'tyet. However, I've been here supporting this thread for basically a year because I truly believe Geno is gonna get his dues soon. Trust me, this entire thread and its "pseudo-ambassador" (Leader? Spokesman?) Fatmanonice Fatmanonice can tell you all about the things lining up for Geno (heck the man wrote an entire essay on it)!

Regardless, we're glad to have you!
I had played some of SMRPG back when I was younger. While I didn't have a Super Nintendo, my cousin did and she would let me borrow it. I had always seen the SMRPG box on display at my town's local movie rental store and had decided to rent it one day. It became my first tread into RPG's.

Around the time Brawl was on the way out, that's when I heard about people liking to see Geno in as playable and I had thought 'That'd be neat,' and that's been my view on Geno getting into Smash proper since.

I've been on the outside of this site looking in, especially on this thread and felt it was time to finally take the step and join!

Lord Woomy

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2019
The Void
Always glad to see new faces here! I remember when our resident Lord Woomy Lord Woomy Lord Woomy Lord Woomy was new...
Hey, I remember when I was new too! I only joined this January, but given 2020, I guess that feels like centuries ago lol.
Fun Fact: I joined then because I thought there was a real possibility Geno's reveal was only a week or two away and I wanted to be part of this mess for at least a short while... Oh how innocent we were, Past Woomy


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
but you are not considering something, yacht club games (Creators of Shovel Knight) said that Nintendo never considered Shovel Knight as a Fighter, they felt that at most it would come as AT or as a spirit, so there is much doubt that an indie can be playable, Because if Shovel Knight was never taken as a possibility, I doubt that any indie will ever be playable in Ultimate.
ZUN and everyone else in Team Shanghai Alice ≠ Yacht Club Games.
All the indies represented in Smash so far have been recent Western devs, there's nothing suggesting similar treatment for one of the oldest doujin game creators in the industry.
I already linked to evidence in my post on my opinion on Touhou in Smash that it is possible that Nintendo is on board with helping port older danmaku games such as EoSD, and potentially bringing even more support for the series.
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