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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
I came across this image online and it compiles literally everything in favor of Geno getting included as of right now. I'm feeling the same way towards Geno as I did Banjo. I just had a gut feeling Banjo was gonna join and something was telling me that FP1 was Banjo's time, and I feel the same way towards Geno for FP2. Geno has a really great shot and all it takes is this one image to prove that.
Geno's: the restaurant. The evidence we never knew we needed.

I would love if after Geno got announced, during his fighter overview presentation a toad from SMRPG would come up and explain Geno’s timed hits in Smash, like he does at the beginning of SMRPG.
This is such a great idea! I love this!
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
Well to be honest , characters like Krystal , Ashley and Isaac being sent in an AT made me so sad lol.

I also really want LoZ to get a new character , and it's sad that a lot of good candidates get AT'd.(Midna , Ghirahim , and Tingle even if he's no longer an AT)

I admit that I also lose my mind when people tell me that it's okay that Bomberman is an AT , when it's fricking Bomberman. (Granted , we got both Snake and the Belmonts in Ultimate , they couldn't give us more. I don't blame the development team , more so the people who tell me that Bomberman isn't a valid candidate for Smash because his AT show that "lol he can only bomb")

And I admit that seeing Saki Amamiya not even having his AT back was annoying , especially when we got Devil and Nightmare of all things. (Granted , Saki is a pretty complex AT)


It's less "we want a spirit" and more "if Spring Man isn't the character , then we have a safety net with 4 other candidates that are spirits , and highly popular in general". Myself , Spring Man is my prefered choice , and not because of those rules. I just find his design really colorful , and I tend to prefer the more straight forward characters in fighting game like these.
But with those "rules" , it's apparently impossible to like Spring Man except for : "yay , since he's an assist/mii costume/spirit , he will break fan-rules !" (Not directed at you or anyone in this thread , just a general trend Iv'e noticed.)

In the end , we could get a character that break those fanrules , but still no Geno , or heck , not a single more promotion afterwards.
And to be honest , with how messy Geno's situation is , I don't think they would even consider his spirit status if they wanted to give him something more for Smash (Be it a costume , AT , playable role , ect...)
I do like Springman for similar reasons so it's not like I want Springman solely for the rule-breaking factor. In fact, out of the four picks people have been clamoring for (Ninjara, Min Min, and Ribbon Girl being the other 3), Springman is my favorite. I do prefer other characters like Kid Cobra, Master Mummy, Byte and Barq, and especially Helix.

Like with the last pass, we'll have to see what happens in June in order to get a clearer picture.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
According to Sakurai there have been no issues working from home and DLC production is proceeding as planned. Looks like we shouldn't be expecting a delay after all.



Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
Thats very good to hear. Hopefully this may also give credence to the fact that we may see CP7 at "E3".
We probably will see at least CP 7, but I'm still against the idea of CP 8 shown off.

That said, we may not even get a traditional June E3 as far as we know due to current conditions, they may just delay the direct to the end of june or even july. We'll still get a Sakurai pesentation on ARMS, but who knows if that'll have CP7 in it if the June direct gets delayed.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
According to Sakurai there have been no issues working from home and DLC production is proceeding as planned. Looks like we shouldn't be expecting a delay after all.

Wait a second...

I think we may know how the CacoMallow Post got out, assuming it's real.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Wait a second...
View attachment 270601
I think we may know how the CacoMallow Post got out, assuming it's real.
Honestly, at this point the only thing remotely strange is Nintendo not taking it down at best. It makes a lot of sense otherwise why it would exist.

Consider how Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, and Byleth's presentations were recorded in June. We saw only a video of Cacomallow being playtested. The chances they were remotely ready by Byleth are extremely low. Probably it was licensed as early as August, or July if we're pushing it. It was likely meant for Fighter's Pass 2 anyway. Regardless of who it could come with.

Now the real question is whether ARMS was meant to come out in April or not originally. That could explain why the costumes were ready in November, not massively early overall. Even then, those costumes could take a while to come out if they're tied to specific characters. The idea costumes won't be "waited to be used" never made sense. They're all pre-planned to be part of a specific character as is, though at best they might license someone closer to the presentations. But keep in mind even Sans' costume was licensed before Byleth's presentation anyway(and 6 months before Byleth came out, bordering on 7 months too. It was probably gotten in May, long enough to make it presentable for a June recording. So a pretty long time ago). It's possible FP1 didn't have every Challenger Pack pre-planned from the start either(if not effectively confirmed because of the Sans costume). Just loosely planned, whereas the Mii Costumes were figured out later. This does make sense, as things take time to license. But there's also the factor that they're taking 2 years intentionally to release it all, so it could've been planned out massively beforehand. Now that they have extra time, they can take as much time as they need to release any costumes. If they put Cacomallow with Geno, who is say, Challenger Pack 9? Well, that's what it'll be. Also consider this; the costumes' licensing can be done in any order, as some take longer to license than others. As soon as they're gotten, they can start working on them. This doesn't affect when they come out either way. The only thing that matters is they have a costume licensed and made presentable in time to record a presentation. Maybe this is why some of the costumes(namely Banjo and Byleth were all over the place). They had to go with what they had at the time. Cacomallow could've been at one point intended for Byleth, sure, but they took a while to license. Maybe they weren't.

That should give an idea of how nuts these things could be. We know it can take 7 months bare minimum to get a cost ready for release, due to licensing and timing of the release itself(since let's be real, they waited 6 months bare minimum to release Sans. If was able to be ready for Banjo, Terry, and Byleth by that point. I don't think it was fully ready for Hero, one month later, but sure, you could say that too). That gives a good idea that timeframes aren't all that useful to think on. "It takes forever" doesn't... mean much anymore.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
This recent Sakurai update gives me the impression that FP6 was always intended for June given that working from home has caused no delays for the team alongside FP7.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
We probably will see at least CP 7, but I'm still against the idea of CP 8 shown off.

That said, we may not even get a traditional June E3 as far as we know due to current conditions, they may just delay the direct to the end of june or even july. We'll still get a Sakurai pesentation on ARMS, but who knows if that'll have CP7 in it if the June direct gets delayed.
Yeah I feel the same way. I think CP8 will be at a later date, but CP7 I think will get shown at "E3", unless it is delayed further that is.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
This recent Sakurai update gives me the impression that FP6 was always intended for June given that working from home has caused no delays for the team alongside FP7.
They said in the reveal that they got delayed though. I'm just assuming that it wasn't Covid that delayed it but just general development issues working with a super unique character like ARMS.
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Lord Woomy

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2019
The Void
Honestly, at this point the only thing remotely strange is Nintendo not taking it down at best. It makes a lot of sense otherwise why it would exist.
Ken Leak was also not taken down by Nintendo despite its eventual validity. Hell, Nintendo seems to be more adept to taking down mods than they do leaks sometimes lol
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Malo Mart

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2019
Hyrule Castle Town
Switch FC
Technically you never need to say it since your signature says it for you. You just need to make a post daily. ;)
Well, either way my signature doesn't show for mobile users or for people who aren't logged, so I guess it doesn't hurt to just say it outright.

Now I just need to begin posting daily again. :ultpacman:


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
From the latest famitsu column, Sakurai brings us his work from home setup:

View attachment 270597

That monitor looks kinda familiar...

I spoke about this at length on Discord but I figure I should bring some of it up here in this happy little thread. I'll probably catch a lot of hell for suggesting that there's anything useful in this picture, but really, I think there is. To quote myself from Discord earlier, what if the monitor here is actually basically a rental from work? Like, if you're working on a development build of a game, you need to know that the framerate is stable and stuff like that, so you need a quality monitor with a high refresh rate - the kind that can end up running like two hundred dollars. Not everyone who works on games is necessarily expected to have that kind of monitor at home, I wouldn't think.

So for instance, here in my office, we use the same monitors on every PC - it's just kind of what we buy. It wouldn't surprise me if the folks working on Smash from home were allowed to bring their whole work PC home with them - it may take a beefy machine to run software for working on the game, and they more than likely have important files there, too. If there was some way to really start to prove that this monitor and the cacomallow monitor are the same, we might really be onto something.

Another thing worth noting is that the timer is cropped out. The picture is definitely supposed to be focusing on that microphone, since it goes along with what Sakurai was talking about in the column, but there's little doubt in my mind that the picture was cropped very purposefully. Imagine if Sakurai had accidentally left the timer in with 2:30 proudly sitting up there.

Also, Banjo is 4P, you have to wonder who 1P is in this picture, huh? Banjo is definitely on the middle of the top platform on Battlefield... Maybe Big Battlefield, and whoever is below him with what seems to be a fixed camera, is only tall enough to have that much of the 1P sticking out above them. Wonder if it would be possible to recreate this scene with basically every character in the game and figure out who's too tall and who's too short for this to work? It'd either confirm who the character is, or if it's someone totally new, give us a height to expect from them. One has to wonder if it's the ARMS rep or someone after...
Anyone got the bottom portion of that screen? xD

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Ken Leak was also not taken down by Nintendo despite it's eventual validity. Hell, Nintendo seems to be more adept to taking down mods than they do leaks sometimes lol
...How do you take down a picture leak that can keeps popping up over and over? That wasn't remotely possible.

That and he was leaked by Verge and everybody could see it coming pretty easily once Echoes came about. It was basically not even guesswork. Didn't serve much person. In addition to that, do keep in mind that might've not been a real one either. Remember the Palutena leak? It was fake, but she was still in.

People can make fake leaks but the character could still be in regardless. I mean, look at half of the Spring Man/Decidueye leak. We're probably getting Spring Man.

I don't entirely disagree with you, but videos leaks they do consistently take down. Picture leaks can vary. And removing anything permanently from 4chan is practically impossible. Somebody will randomly post it the next day. The 4chan staff can't really do much to control it due to how the forum works. You don't have to be registered to post.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
Just doing my part to revive the speculation economy.
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you SCIENCE! Thanks to my man Serenade for bringing the picture to my attention, I needed a good way to kill 30 minutes.

Let’s look at that Sakurai pic.

First observation: this is either Battlefield or Big Battlefield, we actually can’t tell which.

Second: the camera is centered. My first task? Get the camera centered like that, and I found...

that it’s impossible with two characters! There must be more to get the camera in that position!

that’s better. Now Mario’s a little farther right than our mystery character, but the way I see it the character appears to be slightly taller than Mario! Therefore...

Luigi! Perfect! If the screenshot is from normal Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. But what if it’s Big Battlefield? Well, I’ll cut to the chase.

Captain Falcon, or average Smash human size. So if the shot is from Big Battlefield, the character is about average Smash human sized, possibly our ARMS character

Also it could just be someone we already have lol. But that’s no fun.

TLDR: If the shot is from Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. If it’s from Big Battlefield, they’re as tall as Captain Falcon
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Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
So if the shot is from Big Battlefield, the character is about average Smash human sized, possibly our ARMS character

Also it could just be someone we already have lol. But that’s no fun.

TLDR: If the shot is from Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. If it’s from Big Battlefield, they’re as tall as Captain Falcon
That's a big assumption to get out of saying you absolutely wasted 30 minutes... not that there's anything wrong with that, I've done less for longer periods of time.

Seriously though, I do doubt that Sakurai would take a picture with the ARMS character in the game, on the off chance even a single pixel of them was shown. I mean heck, look how crazy it sent you just from seeing the height of the arrow. People would go ape over a pixel, might even leak the character. Spirits was leaked early because of the blur.
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Sakurai is making sure the next few character identities are kept top secret and I imagine they've taken extra precautions to not leak any info

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
Sakurai is making sure the next few character identities are kept top secret and I imagine they've taken extra precautions to not leak any info
And then Sakurai accidently leaks info. Then the world collapses into itself due to the irony.


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2018
The Dumpster
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you SCIENCE! Thanks to my man Serenade for bringing the picture to my attention, I needed a good way to kill 30 minutes.

Let’s look at that Sakurai pic.
View attachment 270621
First observation: this is either Battlefield or Big Battlefield, we actually can’t tell which.

Second: the camera is centered. My first task? Get the camera centered like that, and I found...
View attachment 270622
that it’s impossible with two characters! There must be more to get the camera in that position!
View attachment 270623
that’s better. Now Mario’s a little farther right than our mystery character, but the way I see it the character appears to be slightly taller than Mario! Therefore...
View attachment 270624
Luigi! Perfect! If the screenshot is from normal Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. But what if it’s Big Battlefield? Well, I’ll cut to the chase.
View attachment 270625
Captain Falcon, or average Smash human size. So if the shot is from Big Battlefield, the character is about average Smash human sized, possibly our ARMS character

Also it could just be someone we already have lol. But that’s no fun.

TLDR: If the shot is from Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. If it’s from Big Battlefield, they’re as tall as Captain Falcon
Now THIS is some galaxy brain 4D chess plays over here.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
With April ending after tomorrow, we've only got a little over a month left. We're near the end of the first third of the second Fighter Pass DLC speculation cycle
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Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you SCIENCE! Thanks to my man Serenade for bringing the picture to my attention, I needed a good way to kill 30 minutes.

Let’s look at that Sakurai pic.
View attachment 270621
First observation: this is either Battlefield or Big Battlefield, we actually can’t tell which.

Second: the camera is centered. My first task? Get the camera centered like that, and I found...
View attachment 270622
that it’s impossible with two characters! There must be more to get the camera in that position!
View attachment 270623
that’s better. Now Mario’s a little farther right than our mystery character, but the way I see it the character appears to be slightly taller than Mario! Therefore...
View attachment 270624
Luigi! Perfect! If the screenshot is from normal Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. But what if it’s Big Battlefield? Well, I’ll cut to the chase.
View attachment 270625
Captain Falcon, or average Smash human size. So if the shot is from Big Battlefield, the character is about average Smash human sized, possibly our ARMS character

Also it could just be someone we already have lol. But that’s no fun.

TLDR: If the shot is from Battlefield, the character is about as tall as Luigi. If it’s from Big Battlefield, they’re as tall as Captain Falcon
I shouldn't be encouraging this but it's Luigi height. Banjo's height relative to the floating castle in the back is too low on Big Battlefield. It's likely not the Arms rep.
Make of that what you will. ;B
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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
With April ending after tomorrow, we've only got a little over a month left. We're near the end of the first third of the second Fighter Pass DLC speculation cycle
Or we're almost halfway through the second fourth of the year.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
the shot is from normal battlefield, not big. Look at the landmarks iin the distance behind banjo. They're at a different height compared to banjo in big battlefield, but at pretty much the exact height in normal bf.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
the shot is from normal battlefield, not big. Look at the landmarks iin the distance behind banjo. They're at a different height compared to banjo in big battlefield, but at pretty much the exact height in normal bf.
So, in that case, it's a character roughly the size of Luigi if Spatulo's logic is sound...


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
I shouldn't be encouraging this but it's Luigi height. Banjo's height relative to the floating castle in the back is too low on Big Battlefield. It's likely not the Arms rep.
Make of that what you will. ;B

Pack it up boys. Geno confirmed.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
With April ending after tomorrow, we've only got a little over a month left. We're near the end of the first third of the second Fighter Pass DLC speculation cycle
Give or take 40 days starting tomorrow. E3 would have started on the 9th which is exactly 40 days away (tomorrow). It's also a Tuesday, so I could see it being Wednesday the 10th or Thursday the 11th instead (41/42 days). They could also do it a week earlier, or even later if they want to be sadistic af.

I shouldn't be encouraging this but it's Luigi height. Banjo's height relative to the floating castle in the back is too low on Big Battlefield. It's likely not the Arms rep.
Make of that what you will. ;B
the shot is from normal battlefield, not big. Look at the landmarks iin the distance behind banjo. They're at a different height compared to banjo in big battlefield, but at pretty much the exact height in normal bf.
So, in that case, it's a character roughly the size of Luigi if Spatulo's logic is sound...
guysplz. This is less relevant than just straight up talking about ARMS characters with no relation to Geno. There's not even anything of substance to be found there. Next you're gonna say the mic somehow relates to Geno or an ARMS character. Inb4 "Waluigi is in because chair colors" 2.0.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Yeah, that's what I typically use, but for this instance inspect element is just more practical.
I've never done anything close to that. I've made other stuff via Deviantart or other templates. But only really a DLC sheet for Brian, and a full Fighter's Pass. Unfortunately none of them had Geno, but to be fair, I'm a bit Brian supporter, and the other one I wanted to do without using a literal spirit. If somebody existed in a different from but that spirit isn't there, I felt they were fairly different enough to justify it. I.E. Pig Ganon(ALTTP) does not have a Spirit, and thus, isn't in Smash. Not the one I chose, but you get the idea.

I might attempt to make another one at some point, but I still like the pass opening with Scorpion either way~ Plus, well, Oracle Impa is still one of my top favorite characters~

Kremling Kommander

Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2019
Nintendo has just announced that the second DLC pack for LM3 is available now. What’s strange though is that it was originally planned for July, and to come out ahead of schedule by 3 months is strange.
What do you guys think? Do you think that, considering there were a lot of Nintendo announcements last week, this could have been one of them, supporting that there was originally supposed to be an April Direct? And if so, do you think we’ll get more of these announcements continued in May?


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
Nintendo has just announced that the second DLC pack for LM3 is available now. What’s strange though is that it was originally planned for July, and to come out ahead of schedule by 3 months is strange.
What do you guys think? Do you think that, considering there were a lot of Nintendo announcements last week, this could have been one of them, supporting that there was originally supposed to be an April Direct? And if so, do you think we’ll get more of these announcements continued in May?
It may just be that there is no June direct, I've been thinking that for a while now; and the person who "leaked" the date of the March direct is stating that there won't be a June direct now either. They may just use twitter for reveals/announcements instead of a traditional direct.

They're obviously changing the release dates of planned games/content to fit in with whatever schedule they can create during the quarantine.
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