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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
About that whole King Boo thing... I absolutely love the character. I lost count on how many times Iv'e beaten the OG Luigi's Mansion , like , 15 times maybe ? And while I didn't complete LM2 , I did 100% complete LM3 beside the skyscrapper thingie.

I admit that I kind of miss the Arcadey feel LM1 had , wich made it so replayable... And the new slam move while super cool on paper , make almost all encounters a joke. And on top of that , you can never upgrade it , so you're always stuck to 3/4 slams at most , wich always does the same ammount of dammage. Truly , beside stalling as long as you can before starting to slam , wich is a cool challenge , I find the ghost hunting in LM3 a bit more boring.

But I admit that everything else is super good , and the puzzles are super fun. I'm glad Next Level Games went on online boards to listen to the criticsm Dark Moon got , this was actually one of the main reasons Iv'e bought the game , just to support devs that cared about making a good game and pleasing their fanbase.

I think King Boo has enough material for a moveset , and that they could easily do a spirit event for it with all the boss ghosts alone; (Pretty much each floor has a boss ghost in LM3) And on top of that , a Polterpup or Hellen Gravely AT could work , too. There's a lot of stuff from LM you could add to Smash. (And I'm not even getting into E.Gadd , wich also have a lot of moveset potential with all his inventions/And you could make a case for Gooigi , too.)

However , I don't know if "lacking a spirit event" is a valid enough claim to say that a character is getting in. Granted , it could be a similar case to FE3H , wich could promote the Multiplayer DLC pack LM3 is currently selling. But honestly , it's a 10 dollars pack and the content is honestly worth it , you don't need to promote it super hard to convince LM3 owners to buy it. (And as a side note , LM3 is in the top 10 of Switch games biggest sellers , it doesn't exactly need to be "shilled")
My other issue may be dumb , but a lot of boss ghosts lack official artwork , they only have their 3D Models. Only Steward and Hellen Gravely have official artworks , not even Polterkitty. E.Gadd , King Boo , and most generic ghosts are already in the base game , too. The only spirits they could bring without adding 3D models or making Smash artworks would be :

Poltergust G-00
Hellen Gravely

Wich... I dunno , it could work I guess ? I don't exactly remember how much spirits they add with spirits events.
But I think one of the biggest issues for Sakurai is that he tend to ask companies before using their stuff and... Next Level Games is a Canadian company. Granted , I doubt NLG would say no , but Sakurai would still need to meet them in some form , and maybe he think it's not worth it to do that all for a spirit event.

Also , do you know wich game didn't got a spirit event yet ?
little town hero.png

However , I'll admit that I would love to see LM3 content in Smash , especially a Last Resort Hotel Stage ! Being on top of the building with all the boss ghosts and others ghosts as stage hazards would be really cool. And King Boo would be a really unique character , a glass canon trickster sound really cool.

I just hope that if we get him in Smash , there won't be too much "Lol King Boo lick Geno's tears" jokes. The Smash fanbase has a bad habit of always mocking characters who don't make it in.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Am I the only one here expecting only a dual character reveal? ARMs character and FP7? Nintendo can't blow its entire load for Smash right now given how spaced apart the ratio of characters to end date seems to be.
Nope, you aren't the only one. A dual reveal is very likely to occur.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
imo, the lack of luigis mansion 3 spirits is just that nintendo/sakurai/whoever decides this stuff simply hasn't felt the need to prioritize it.
Herë¨s the kicker though. Outside of Astral Chain, every big game that has not been given a character got their spirits around its release date. People had this same mentality with Fire Emblem Three Houses, and look how that ended up... Sure, we might not get King Boo, or whoever it would be specifically from Luigi's Mansion. BUT, finding the lack of Luigi¨s Mansion spirits suspicious ain¨t weird concidering the circumstances.

Also , do you know wich game didn't got a spirit event yet ?
That games were such a massive disappointment...
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Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Another thing that I don't think has been talked about a lot is that there's a pretty strong possibility that E3 2020 will be the last E3 to feature Smash in a long time. Brawl had 2006 and 2007, Smash 4 had 2013, 2014, and 2015. Ultimate has had 2018 and 2019 with 2020 practically confirmed. 6 packs left and even low balling it we're getting at least 6 and 7. Like I said in my previous post, except for one E3, there's literally been one that has had less than two character reveals. This means that based on this they would only reveal 2 characters (8 and 9) in the course of a year between June 2020 and June 2021 (the assumed reveal place of 10 and 11). I know Nintendo can hardcore stall for time but this is taking it to extreme lengths. The timespan between Hero through Byleth (4 characters) was roughly 5 months. Nintendo would have to more than double that to stall for 10 and 11 to be held off until next E3.
I would completely agree with you if it weren’t for Covid. Sakurai already said doing development on smash remotely would make things challenging and if the world is on lockdown up into the Fall I could definitely see development time being impacted to the point that we’re seeing the final SSBU reveals in 2021.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I would completely agree with you if it weren’t for Covid. Sakurai already said doing development on smash remotely would make things challenging and if the world is on lockdown up into the Fall I could definitely see development time being impacted to the point that we’re seeing the final SSBU reveals in 2021.
2021, possibly, but I have a hard time seeing things get dragged out until next E3. I'm still of the mind that they're going to try to have everything announced by next spring and I think this year will be the last time Smash has a big presense at E3 for at least half a decade.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Am I the only one here expecting only a dual character reveal? ARMs character and FP7? Nintendo can't blow its entire load for Smash right now given how spaced apart the ratio of characters to end date seems to be.
Nope. I'm right with you. Given the two-year release window, Nintendo's stinginess and COVID-19, there is no way in hell they're dropping three characters in June. In fact, at the pathetically slow pace things have been going, I almost wouldn't be surprised if we only got the ARMS character. As hard as that would be to believe, Nintendo is setting new (and frankly horrifying) precedents of info starvation. If they couldn't even give us a full reveal in 6 months, then what makes people think they'd drop 3 full reveals by June? It's just wishful thinking as far as I'm concerned. Would it be INSANELY AWESOME if we got 3? oh, hell yeah! But counting on it would just be blindly optimistic.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
2021, possibly, but I have a hard time seeing things get dragged out until next E3. I'm still of the mind that they're going to try to have everything announced by next spring and I think this year will be the last time Smash has a big presense at E3 for at least half a decade.
It is one thing to do freelance work (as in writing pieces, being part of a podcast, etc) for a site not stationed in your country. It just about having a working computer or tablet, solid internet and a headset that works well enough with your co-worker's contact addresses, be it on Twitter, Facebook, Email, Slack, if any problem occurs/EIC, needs to check over your article. I can speak about that from experience. Here we are talking about DLC, created by people scattered around in their own homes for a project that Sakurai wants to have extremely secretive.

Let¨s look at the recent comment that came out from an article about Nintendo¨s mentality about development
“Nintendo developers are allowed as much time as they need to be satisfied with the quality of the game before its release, according to a company programmer, who asked not to be identified because he’s not authorized to comment publicly.”​


Then we also have to keep in mind the "better safe than sorry" approach that Nintendo clearly is taking like FirFox points out above, combined with them giving us December 2021 as their supposed end date. Does the idea of having a massive drought for months to end suck? Yes, but with all the cards on the table its certainly the most likely ones. Heck, I think they rather focus on their problem about shortages on Nintendo Switches, that has gone to the point that people are building their own (no I¨m not joking) right now.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I suppose my argument is that delays would have to be pretty massive for Season 2 to not be fully announced until next E3 because there's quite a bit of a firewall to plow through:

-E3 2020 (6 confirmed, 7 inevitable, 8 probable)

Fall 2020 Direct

Spring 2021 Direct

These are the main Nintendo events that we know are pretty much going to happen no matter what. Beyond this, we have other factors like Sakurai stated that work had already started on Season 2 by the end of last summer and how gaps between releases have been roughly two months and, the larger the gaps, the more characters that are released/announced in close proximity typically.

Beyond this, there's still the aspect of having to pay people to work on it so stretching it out would make the situation worse, especially in the light that this is additional content on a game that was already released almost a year and a half ago. We've already established that Season 2 was very likely greenlit around E3 2019 so for Season 2 to go past E3 2021 means they would have dedicated more than 2 years for 6 packs. To put this in perspective, Ultimate had been in development for about 2 1/2 years when it was shown off at E3 2018. I realize the team is smaller and Corona has forced people to work remotely but, looking at the time line, we know that Season 2 had almost half a year's work already put into it before Corona disrupted daily life in Japan and an additional two before Sakurai announced it was being made remotely. Again, even if we low-ball things with 6 and 7 for E3 based on past precedent, we'd be looking at least a year for 4 more packs if Season 2 literally ended E3 2021. Something else to consider is that the Fighter's Pass was finalized November 2018 and Byleth's presentation was recorded November 2019 so yet another prime example of where they got 5 packs essentially done in a year's time.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
Nope. I'm right with you. Given the two-year release window, Nintendo's stinginess and COVID-19, there is no way in hell they're dropping three characters in June. In fact, at the pathetically slow pace things have been going, I almost wouldn't be surprised if we only got the ARMS character.
Keep in mind how long quarantine has actually been up to this point. Early March, we were still NOT quarantined (I mean ffs, they still did PAX East), which would mean it was Nintendo's plan all along to have a mini direct in March. Release dates may have been impacted, which is why they put out the whole corona statement at the beginning of the direct. This means that as they were working on the mini direct, they were already planning what they wanted in the June direct. We also still don't know anything for 2020 outside of PMD:DX and AC, two already released games, and XC1 remaster, a game releasing soon. We don't even know what the holiday title is.

I'm not expecting ARMS+2 reveals by any means, but to say we might ONLY get the ARMS reveal (which is honestly half a reveal, if that) is honestly a bit nuts, especially at what would have been a planned-for E3 direct. Even with Corona slowing development, which will very likely delay the release dates of characters (especially the second half ones), I just don't see it slowing reveals. If they were planning on having ARMS+2 reveals at E3, they're still going to have all of those in their June direct with pushed back releases, and no one would bat an eye. To even think for a moment that we'd get ONE reveal after both the Q1 and "E3" directs, idk, that just seems insane to me, especially if you look at their general schedule for directs: Q1, Q2, and Q3/4 directs. 3 major directs a year; 6 in 2 years. At minimum, that would be 1 reveal per direct. The mini direct did a half reveal, June will be at least the second half of 6 and then a full reveal of 7. Don't put poison in peoples' heads that we might only get another half-reveal at what would have been an E3 direct.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
People taking lack of spirits as a defacto sign of character confirmation or deconfirmation are deluding themselves. Nintendo only has so many resources to make even spirits , and they can't do so for EVERY game. I'd love more spirits, but it's obvious Nintendo is doing what they consider enough to keep casual players engaged with the game while adding a fun promotional aspect to it.
You say that, but go ahead and list all the Nintendo releases since Ultimate that haven't gotten a spirit event? It's only 3 games. I'm not saying King Boo is garunteed, but when just about every Nintendo release including the likes of Daemon X Machina get spirit events and one of the actual biggest recent Nintendo games is missing, it's really suspicious. At the very least you can't deny that much.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
I'm not expecting ARMS+2 reveals by any means, but to say we might ONLY get the ARMS reveal (which is honestly half a reveal, if that) is honestly a bit nuts, especially at what would have been a planned-for E3 direct. Even with Corona slowing development, which will very likely delay the release dates of characters (especially the second half ones), I just don't see it slowing reveals. If they were planning on having ARMS+2 reveals at E3, they're still going to have all of those in their June direct with pushed back releases, and no one would bat an eye. To even think for a moment that we'd get ONE reveal after both the Q1 and "E3" directs, idk, that just seems insane to me, especially if you look at their general schedule for directs: Q1, Q2, and Q3/4 directs. 3 major directs a year; 6 in 2 years. At minimum, that would be 1 reveal per direct. The mini direct did a half reveal, June will be at least the second half of 6 and then a full reveal of 7. Don't put poison in peoples' heads that we might only get another half-reveal at what would have been an E3 direct.
I mean, I agree with you. I'd be pissed out of my ever-loving mind if they seriously ended up dropping only the ARMS character and nothing else. In all honesty, I do think we'll get at least fighter #7 in June, but you can't deny the insane amount of info starvation BS we've seen over the last 6+ months.

"Oh, don't worry guys, the VGA's is gonna be EPIC!" (It was a dud)
"Oh, man, January Direct is gonna be SICK!" (It was a dud)
"Don't worry, we'll get a February direct for sure!" (Crickets)
"Finally! A direct in March! This will totally be worth it!" (1/2 a reveal, have fun til June....)
....and now the deafening three-month silence....

You can't blame a guy for being a little cynical here. "Insider info" has been bunk for a while now and Nintendo's track record so far this year is pretty sad all around. Even Nintendo corporate put out a statement this week saying "the Switch would lose its momentum" this year in lieu of a skeletal release schedule and their competition busting out the next generation of consoles.

Bottomline: 2 characters in June is very possible, but 3? I won't get my hopes up.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
(I mean ffs, they still did PAX East)
The covid19 scenario weren¨t as bad then as it was now

I'm not expecting ARMS+2 reveals by any means, but to say we might ONLY get the ARMS reveal (which is honestly half a reveal, if that) is honestly a bit nuts
A) this is not some usual circumstances we are living by. Hell, the largest movie company in the world might file for bankruptcy any day now... Disneys higher-ups are doing a Nintendo during the WII U era, which is cutting their salaries.... Things get delayed or canned this year left and right.

What do I want to come with this? If Nintendo feels that they need to change their schedule due to all this, then they will.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
About that whole King Boo thing... I absolutely love the character. I lost count on how many times Iv'e beaten the OG Luigi's Mansion , like , 15 times maybe ? And while I didn't complete LM2 , I did 100% complete LM3 beside the skyscrapper thingie.

I admit that I kind of miss the Arcadey feel LM1 had , wich made it so replayable... And the new slam move while super cool on paper , make almost all encounters a joke. And on top of that , you can never upgrade it , so you're always stuck to 3/4 slams at most , wich always does the same ammount of dammage. Truly , beside stalling as long as you can before starting to slam , wich is a cool challenge , I find the ghost hunting in LM3 a bit more boring.

But I admit that everything else is super good , and the puzzles are super fun. I'm glad Next Level Games went on online boards to listen to the criticsm Dark Moon got , this was actually one of the main reasons Iv'e bought the game , just to support devs that cared about making a good game and pleasing their fanbase.

I think King Boo has enough material for a moveset , and that they could easily do a spirit event for it with all the boss ghosts alone; (Pretty much each floor has a boss ghost in LM3) And on top of that , a Polterpup or Hellen Gravely AT could work , too. There's a lot of stuff from LM you could add to Smash. (And I'm not even getting into E.Gadd , wich also have a lot of moveset potential with all his inventions/And you could make a case for Gooigi , too.)

However , I don't know if "lacking a spirit event" is a valid enough claim to say that a character is getting in. Granted , it could be a similar case to FE3H , wich could promote the Multiplayer DLC pack LM3 is currently selling. But honestly , it's a 10 dollars pack and the content is honestly worth it , you don't need to promote it super hard to convince LM3 owners to buy it. (And as a side note , LM3 is in the top 10 of Switch games biggest sellers , it doesn't exactly need to be "shilled")
My other issue may be dumb , but a lot of boss ghosts lack official artwork , they only have their 3D Models. Only Steward and Hellen Gravely have official artworks , not even Polterkitty. E.Gadd , King Boo , and most generic ghosts are already in the base game , too. The only spirits they could bring without adding 3D models or making Smash artworks would be :

Poltergust G-00
Hellen Gravely

Wich... I dunno , it could work I guess ? I don't exactly remember how much spirits they add with spirits events.
But I think one of the biggest issues for Sakurai is that he tend to ask companies before using their stuff and... Next Level Games is a Canadian company. Granted , I doubt NLG would say no , but Sakurai would still need to meet them in some form , and maybe he think it's not worth it to do that all for a spirit event.

Also , do you know wich game didn't got a spirit event yet ?

However , I'll admit that I would love to see LM3 content in Smash , especially a Last Resort Hotel Stage ! Being on top of the building with all the boss ghosts and others ghosts as stage hazards would be really cool. And King Boo would be a really unique character , a glass canon trickster sound really cool.

I just hope that if we get him in Smash , there won't be too much "Lol King Boo lick Geno's tears" jokes. The Smash fanbase has a bad habit of always mocking characters who don't make it in.
I didn't even realize it was in the top 10 best selling Switch games. That makes it even more suspicious that it doesn't have a spirit event.

I do think both King Boo and Geno are getting in though.
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Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
"Oh, don't worry guys, the VGA's is gonna be EPIC!" (It was a dud)
I was hoping for another reveal at the VGAs, but it just goes to show you that I doubt they're gonna do anything there again. That was a one time thing because the game was dropping that night.

"Oh, man, January Direct is gonna be SICK!" (It was a dud)
"Don't worry, we'll get a February direct for sure!" (Crickets)
Whether delayed or not, they simply didn't happen.

"Finally! A direct in March! This will totally be worth it!" (1/2 a reveal, have fun til June....)
This is honestly what confused me the most, but following the rumors of SMAS2 and PM3, it seems like they wanted a super Mario-focused E3 and thought AC, PMD:DX, and XC1 remaster would be enough for the first 6 months to tide people over.

....and now the deafening three-month silence....
See above. They think AC's good enough til June.

Even Nintendo corporate put out a statement this week saying "the Switch would lose its momentum" this year in lieu of a skeletal release schedule and their competition busting out the next generation of consoles.
Source? If E3 is gonna be a dud, I'm gonna laugh so hard considering we've gotten practically nothing since E3 last year and an okay direct back in September.

Bottomline: 2 characters in June is very possible, but 3? I won't get my hopes up.
I'm not expecting 2.5 but I absolutely am for 1.5. The ARMS reveal is a half reveal. It's not even a joyous reveal, it's like a "****ing finally, you waited over 2 months to finally give us a name/names!".

The covid19 scenario weren¨t as bad then as it was now
Yeah, that was my point, that it wasn't as bad, so this was their planned scenario: Mini direct in March, bigger direct at E3/June.

A) this is not some usual circumstances we are living by.
I get that, but I still don't think it will affect the revealing of #7, except for they might not have as much to show us (e.g., it might be like Joker/Terry's reveal instead of Hero/Banjo/Byleth's).


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2019
I don't think King Boo is any sort of obstacle to Geno (and neither is Waluigi for that matter). They're all very different types of characters who would fill very different roles. Even that they're all Mario series characters shouldn't be any concern, since in this case that's really just a blanket title which includes things like Donkey Kong and Wario. Geno, King Boo, and Waluigi are all from separate subseries from each other, on top of that.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I mean, 7 is very likely to be shown. It's more the idea we'd get more beyond that to be far less likely. That's the core point being made about reveals. 6 is going to be there, and 7 has a nice chance. 8? Not with confirmed slowness of development. That's in the "has a tiny chance" at best.

But yeah, that's what the circumstances point is. We aren't in earlier development of the game where development isn't remotely slowed. Also, worth mentioning that the fact we're getting about 3 years of DLC when the game had literally 2 proper years to do development(the first year was spent on deciding the roster), with March 2017 the earliest to decide upon Fighter's Pass DLC(and slightly earlier for PP seemingly), the game is surprisingly not ever had a ton of development time overall. 2 years for everybody back? That's amazing they got it done so fast. In addition to that, this explains why there's clones/echoes a lot more easily since, well, Melee. They had just enough time. They cut the modes to make time for PP to get it out 2 months after the game went gold(also worth noting that it takes about 6 months, so it was started in September or even earlier. Another fun fact, though; the amiibo CSPIA listings actually has PP right before Joker and after the base roster. More or less, if it was base, the amiibo was clearly designed unrelated to that factor and decided upon after it was declared DLC).


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
I'd dare say that it's almost guaranteed that CP 7 will be a kicker to move up the sales for the Fighters Pass Vol. 2 (hopefully). The ARMS character announcement for CP 6, although it gives the impression that Nintendo might go for a reverse Fighters Pass 1 (as in more first party and fewer, if not just one third party character), I still feel that we're getting a healthy number of third party picks.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Source? If E3 is gonna be a dud, I'm gonna laugh so hard considering we've gotten practically nothing since E3 last year and an okay direct back in September.

Check out this financial report. Bottomline: The Switch has been doing great for the last three years but "While the console continues to show outstanding results, as its sales are annually increasing by single and double digits, its momentum is about to fade away. The looming global recession caused by COVID-19 is only one of many things that will disrupt Nintendo’s ability to create shareholder value in the near future. At the end of the current year, the gaming market environment is going to be disrupted by the release of PlayStation 5 and Xbox. It’s most likely that consumers will rush to acquire the next generation of consoles and will have less purchasing power to buy a relatively old Switch console or some gaming titles for it. Since the company is not going to release a new version of Switch sometimes soon and the upcoming releases of Metroid Prime 4 and Legend of Zelda: BotW 2 are already priced in, there are no real catalysts to push the company’s stock higher."

That's not to say that "E3" will be a dud, per se, but they don't seem confident that any earth-shattering game reveals are on the horizon.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Info droughts are one thing but historically E3 is where Nintendo shows its hand. People have mixed opinions about the spring and fall Directs but if Nintendo has any major projects to show, E3 is where it happens. There's also the fact that Nintendo has been pretty upfront about this since about 2016 when it straight up admitted like a month in advance that Breath of the Wild was going to be the only major thing shown because they know people almost always have sky high expectations for E3. We already know that the Spring Direct was knee capped because of Corona and, believe it or not, that was already three weeks ago.

If Nintendo has a weak E3, it's because they don't have anything and we have enough supporting to the contrary, especially in the light that a lot of the rumored games are Remasters/Remakes and presumably Holiday 2020 releases anyways. We also more or less had confirmation that Nintendo held its piss for the Spring Direct so presumably a lot of that is going to be pushed to "E3" as is. On this point, even in the hypothetical situation that E3 was going to be anemic this year, it's likely to be supplemented by many of the delayed Spring Direct announcements that we supposed to happen 2 1/2 months earlier.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center

Check out this financial report. Bottomline: The Switch has been doing great for the last three years but "While the console continues to show outstanding results, as its sales are annually increasing by single and double digits, its momentum is about to fade away. The looming global recession caused by COVID-19 is only one of many things that will disrupt Nintendo’s ability to create shareholder value in the near future. At the end of the current year, the gaming market environment is going to be disrupted by the release of PlayStation 5 and Xbox. It’s most likely that consumers will rush to acquire the next generation of consoles and will have less purchasing power to buy a relatively old Switch console or some gaming titles for it. Since the company is not going to release a new version of Switch sometimes soon and the upcoming releases of Metroid Prime 4 and Legend of Zelda: BotW 2 are already priced in, there are no real catalysts to push the company’s stock higher."

That's not to say that "E3" will be a dud, per se, but they don't seem confident that any earth-shattering game reveals are on the horizon.
To be totally honest I see this as good news purely because Nintendo is still acknowledging Metroid Prime 4. I'm terrified that game will get cancelled.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Since the company is not going to release a new version of Switch sometimes soon and the upcoming releases of Metroid Prime 4 and Legend of Zelda: BotW 2 are already priced in, there are no real catalysts to push the company’s stock higher."

That's not to say that "E3" will be a dud, per se, but they don't seem confident that any earth-shattering game reveals are on the horizon.
That doesn't really read to me like they aren't predicting big game reveals on the horizon, just analyzing the numbers as they currently stand which take into account BOTW2 and MP4. Big reveals are still likely, it's just foolish to predict when they'll be and the effects that they will have.
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
That doesn't really read to me like they aren't predicting big game reveals on the horizon, just analyzing the numbers as they currently stand which take into account BOTW2 and MP4. Big reveals are still likely, it's just foolish to predict when they'll be and the effects that they will have.
Well, they were saying that they don't see a "catalyst to push the company's stocks higher". By "catalyst", they're referring to either new hardware or big game-changer releases on par with BOTW2 and MP4. By that, it doesn't logically sound like they have any nuclear bombs to drop in the near future to boost sales or hype. Now, granted, a "big reveal" can be relative for some people. Some people went gaga for Animal Crossing while I remain completely indifferent. That said, Nintendo itself doesn't seem to think that anything on their current release schedule will put a significant dent in this year's PS5/XSEX onslaught. They could be wrong, but that's just what they seem to think.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
On the topic of "big games" at E3, yeah, Nintendo's probably spent for awhile but this is nothing new. Zelda, Splatoon and Mario were 2017, Kirby and Smash were 2018, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon were 2019, and Animal Crossing was this year. Of this list, Kirby is probably the only one that's realistically ready for a full blown totally new game while almost everything else is likely "done" until the next console. Nintendo has already successfully released at least one new installment or remake/remaster of their biggest franchises for Switch in its first three years.

Even things like Yoshi, Xenoblade, and technically Wii ****in' Fit got new installments in this timespan and, goddamn, Xenoblade is getting a remaster in about a month too. To further emphasize this, Mario Kart, Mario Party, AND Mario Tennis have all gotten games... To be even more obnoxious on this point, Nintendo also launched about half a dozen brand spankin' new franchises in this timespan too. The point is that, looking at Nintendo's history, Nintendo going into its fourth full year with pretty much all its S and A tier series already represented by at least one game is not at all unusual, in fact, Nintendo is kind of notorious for it.

The point I'm trying to make here is that, as somebody's who has followed Nintendo news since the N64 days, the Switch already "peaking" is par the course. When Nintendo gets to this point, they usually go hard and heavy on remakes and/or putting out new stuff from their B tier franchises. If we're lucky we're maybe graced with a new major Mario or Zelda but this is typically when Nintendo mostly goes second string or hopes third parties pick up the slack. As a Nintendo fan, I'm not picky. There's not a lot of Nintendo offerings that I'm not at least willing to try and, living through this for literal decades, I've accepted that the Switch's S content is going to be a lot less frequent. N64's best years as a whole were basically 97 -99, GameCube's were 2002-2004, Wii's was 2007- 2009, and Wii U's were 2013-2014, and, as already noted, Switch had solid years for 2017-2019. This all said, unless you only care about the S tier series, the Switch definitely still has life in it but, realistically, this may be the beginning of the downturn.
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Nintendo will still have at least one big reveal for E3 this year for certain, even if it's a release date for previously announced titles like Bayo 3 or SMT 5.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I get that, but I still don't think it will affect the revealing of #7, except for they might not have as much to show us (e.g., it might be like Joker/Terry's reveal instead of Hero/Banjo/Byleth's).
There is something called, "we need to spread out stuff even more because of this" mentality, which is what could kill the chances of more reveals. People talked about the reason they waited were that Arms would add new mechanics, not seen in Smash... This begs the question of Sakurai and his team were not able to create it in time because of this whole **** going on. Which if so, June could be a Terry styled situation only.

Well, they were saying that they don't see a "catalyst to push the company's stocks higher". By "catalyst", they're referring to either new hardware or big game-changer releases on par with BOTW2 and MP4. By that, it doesn't logically sound like they have any nuclear bombs to drop in the near future to boost sales or hype. Now, granted, a "big reveal" can be relative for some people. Some people went gaga for Animal Crossing while I remain completely indifferent. That said, Nintendo itself doesn't seem to think that anything on their current release schedule will put a significant dent in this year's PS5/XSEX onslaught. They could be wrong, but that's just what they seem to think.
Better safe than sorry though concidering everything going on.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
One thing is for sure, once everything is stable and calm, that the world needs to ban these words so we never have to hear them ever again: virus, Corona, tough, times, distancing, masks, pandemic, 2020, cod, 19, flu, toilet, paper, essential, quarantine, delay.

In fact, don't ban them. Unword them. Have it where someone says any of those words and literally silence comes out of their mouths. The concept of the words should be gone.

I'm not crazy.

And have it where Geno is now a verb and adjective. Adjectiverb.

Loliko YnT

Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2018
PNF-404, I guess?
Personnaly , when it come to E3... Truth be told , the only thing I'm semi-expecting would be Geno lol.

My most wanted Nintendo game (beside a new Chibi-Robo/Remake of PiA) would be Pikmin 4 , and if leakers and shtick are to be rumored... We're in for Pikmin 3 port , and I doubt we're even going to get online , so i'm kind of sad lol.
Not that I don't want the game ported , but Nintendo has that bad habit of considering ports to be at the same level as new games , so... If I have to wait until the next console to get Pikmin 4 , I'll be worried.

As to other games , I guess there is that Traditionnal Paper Mario that's been rumored for quite a while ? It would be lovely to get a game with a story to the same level of the OG trilogy.
I don't exactly belive the 3D Mario All-Stars rumor anymore , beside maybe Sunshine because they never port GC games and remake them instead.

Botw isn't exactly my thing , so a sequel doesn't change much for me , and I have yet to play the Metroid Prime games (Have 1 and 3 , need to buy 2 on the GC...) , so MP4 isn't that exciting for me either.

Also , I find it funny how a lack of E3 doesn't change much for Nintendo , only treehouse may not be there. They pretty much drop a fat Nintendo direct for E3 since like 2013 , so hey... E3 or not , I doubt they'll change that , we'll probably still get a fat Nintendo direct. (Especially since we only got a mini-direct this year)


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Personally, I really don't see CP8 getting revealed at E3. The ARMS rep is already confirmed to be happening, and I think CP7 is very possible, but the fact that development has slowed down because of the pandemic makes me believe they won't have much to be shown. At the bare minimum, I think they will show who the ARMS rep is and with a Sakurai Presents livestream right after, and then at most, we will see a CGI cutscene of the next character with no gameplay. And I think this character will be one that is highly requested. Nintendo always saves the big Smash characters for E3, Ridley and Everyone Is Here for E3 2018, and Banjo for E3 2019. I think this character has to be huge for the Smash community and I unironically think it will be Geno, not just because he is one of my most wanted characters, but he is definitely last of the "never evers" that has been requested since Brawl just like Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I think Character 7 is likely to be revealed with ARMS. But not Character 8. Whether Sakurai wants to reveal him/her during Character 7's presentation is up to Nintendo. They could have Sakurai have a mini direct to himself but keep the Smash character in their Summer 2020 Direct. Either way, just fingers crossed for a Spirit Upgrade during that time. June seriously need to get here. The wait to see who it is along with me getting cabin fever is really getting to me. Every reveal with this ARMS character is going to determine Geno's fate and that's a pretty scary feeling.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
One thing is for sure, once everything is stable and calm, that the world needs to ban these words so we never have to hear them ever again: virus, Corona, tough, times, distancing, masks, pandemic, 2020, cod, 19, flu, toilet, paper, essential, quarantine, delay.

In fact, don't ban them. Unword them. Have it where someone says any of those words and literally silence comes out of their mouths. The concept of the words should be gone.

I'm not crazy.

And have it where Geno is now a verb and adjective. Adjectiverb.
Dude, what the Geno are you talking about? If I want to sit on the _______ and take a big healthy dump, that's my prerogative. And yeah, I'll break out that sweet 3-ply ___________. Mmmm, yeah, it's like silk. I mean, come on! This is the year _______! It's not like there's anything else to do when there's a freaking ________ going on outside! So just do what everyone else does while in ___________ and just relax, plop down on the couch, and Geno some of those Geno video games you haven't had a chance to play. Maybe even crack open an ice-cold _________ to take the edge off. Go ahead. Geno the crap out that thing. I know I will.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
On the topic of "big games" at E3, yeah, Nintendo's probably spent for awhile but this is nothing new. Zelda, Splatoon and Mario were 2017, Kirby and Smash were 2018, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon were 2019, and Animal Crossing was this year. Of this list, Kirby is probably the only one that's realistically ready for a full blown totally new game while almost everything else is likely "done" until the next console. Nintendo has already successfully released at least one new installment or remake/remaster of their biggest franchises for Switch in its first three years.

Even things like Yoshi, Xenoblade, and technically Wii ****in' Fit got new installments in this timespan and, goddamn, Xenoblade is getting a remaster in about a month too. To further emphasize this, Mario Kart, Mario Party, AND Mario Tennis have all gotten games... To be even more obnoxious on this point, Nintendo also launched about half a dozen brand spankin' new franchises in this timespan too. The point is that, looking at Nintendo's history, Nintendo going into its fourth full year with pretty much all its S and A tier series already represented by at least one game is not at all unusual, in fact, Nintendo is kind of notorious for it.

The point I'm trying to make here is that, as somebody's who has followed Nintendo news since the N64 days, the Switch already "peaking" is par the course. When Nintendo gets to this point, they usually go hard and heavy on remakes and/or putting out new stuff from their B tier franchises. If we're lucky we're maybe graced with a new major Mario or Zelda but this is typically when Nintendo mostly goes second string or hopes third parties pick up the slack. As a Nintendo fan, I'm not picky. There's not a lot of Nintendo offerings that I'm not at least willing to try and, living through this for literal decades, I've accepted that the Switch's S content is going to be a lot less frequent. N64's best years as a whole were basically 97 -99, GameCube's were 2002-2004, Wii's was 2007- 2009, and Wii U's were 2013-2014, and, as already noted, Switch had solid years for 2017-2019. This all said, unless you only care about the S tier series, the Switch definitely still has life in it but, realistically, this may be the beginning of the downturn.
I disagree about some of those series being done till the next console. Fire Emblem had 3 new games, 5 if you count fates as separate games, on the 3ds. I think another FE game on switch, whether it's a remake or a new one, is a safe bet. And after Mario Galaxy 2, I wouldn't be shocked if Mario Odyssey 2 ends up happening. Especially with Breath of the Wild 2 coming out and how similarly those games were recieved. As for Xenoblade, I think an X sequel could easily be on the horizon if the remaster didn't take the whole monolith Dev team.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I disagree about some of those series being done till the next console. Fire Emblem had 3 new games, 5 if you count fates as separate games, on the 3ds. I think another FE game on switch, whether it's a remake or a new one, is a safe bet. And after Mario Galaxy 2, I wouldn't be shocked if Mario Odyssey 2 ends up happening. Especially with Breath of the Wild 2 coming out and how similarly those games were recieved. As for Xenoblade, I think an X sequel could easily be on the horizon if the remaster didn't take the whole monolith Dev team.
They might want to do X Definitive Edition first, especially if X Part 2 has a Cross Transfer feature or anything like that, transferring your level and/or abilities to the sequel


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
I see little reason for all the doom and gloom i’m seeing on this thread. Are you serious guys?

There are absolutely immensely exciting games to still be announced for Switch.

Are you guys forgetting that Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Skyward Sword were some of the last games ever released on the Wii? That’s a big 3D Mario and Zelda at the END of a console’s life and nothing that should be scoffed at.

Nintendo isn’t going to “fizzle out” with the Switch. Momentum in terms of sales might slow, but that was to be expected.

And I think the Switch will have a way longer lifespan than most people think. Nintendo is the company who released ****ing 3DS games in 2019. TWENTY NINETEEN.

-Breath of the Wild the sequel is still coming
-New 3D Mario content is still coming, whether it’s just HD remasters, an Odyssey sequel, or both
-With Nintendo hiring people for “a new 2D action game” in the Mario series, a brand new 2D Mario probably is in the works
-Even so, Mario Maker 2 will absolutely get more DLC, even if the release schedule for it has been abysmal. Don’t be surprised if it was something Nintendo baffling-ly left out of the Mini Direct.
-Another Mario Sports game is probably in development. Might not be Golf if the Golden Sun remake rumors are true, but that’s not a
-With the success of Link’s Awakening, i’m very confident another top down Zelda game will come, whether it’s Oracle, Minish Cap, or a brand new game entirely.
-There’s probably going to be Diamond/Pearl Pokemon remakes, or some new Pokemon game. I know they said the “DLC will cover that” but TPC is an incredibly greedy company.
-New Paper Mario is obviously coming. Not the biggest franchise in terms of sales but if it plays well, which the rumors seem to indicate, it will be really exciting.
-Smash DLC will still be releasing by next year
-Pikmin content, i’m sure, will come. Even if it’s not Pikmin 4, I do believe the fabled Pikmin 3 port will eventually happen, for better or worse
-Metroid Prime Trilogy and Metroid Prime 4 seem to be in some sort of limbo, but Nintendo did just acknowledge that 4 still exists so it may still be on the way
-New 2D Metroid rumors have been circulating for about 2 years and, let’s face it, the game is probably shaping up a hell of a lot better than Prime 4 is, so Metroid fans won’t be left completely to dry

and this is only big first party type stuff, there may also be smaller titles and third party content

Nintendo has sucked at making announcements this year, and it’s really weird, but

Let’s take a look here



Assuming that the Switch follows the example of the 3DS (which to be honest, it might last EVEN longer), we still have around 5 years before we get our last first party Switch game.

Just because Nintendo is awful at marketing their games and thinks that announcing games three months before they release is a good idea, does not mean that the world stops spinning.

Can we please go back to Geno talk? Because this is painful to read. Sorry to sound arrogant or “dickish” but if you guys think the Switch is starting to fall off the cliff right now (in terms of games), I seriously wonder if you were around for the Wii U days

And COVID 19 doesn’t just affect Nintendo. It’s not like other companies will get a head start on development and leave Nintendo in the dust. Absolutely everyone will be affected. Think of it as a universal delay, not a Nintendo delay.

Rant over.

Edit: In hindsight I probably reacted too harshly when I saw a few gloomy posts and made an over-exaggerated counter argument. Sorry for that. My bad. Still though, my point stands. The Switch is here to stay for a good long while and there will still be new, exciting games released for it.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Yet another reason why I think we're getting 6, 7, and 8 at E3 is because Nintendo is pretty deliberate about unleashing the Kraken for Smash at E3 if you really think about it. The "big" reveals at E3 over the years have been the following: Snake, Megaman, Pac-Man, Ryu, Ridley, and Banjo. Notice anything? All these characters are big deals on their own and all but one are third party megatons. These are headline grabbers. For the ultra pessimistic among us, I can pretty much promise that it won't just be 6 at E3. ARMS in Smash's reception was typically lukewarm at best and blind rage at worst. 99.999999% chance is not going to be the Smash headliner. What does this mean? This means that Nintendo has an ace up its sleeve and it's either going to be 7 or 8.

Would Geno qualify for this? Probably not... I've been backing Geno as far back as the only G word to come out of some of your mouths is "goo goo gaa gaa" and I will be totally blunt in saying that Geno is not likely to be the headliner. Fan favorite? Yes. Super meaningful to the Smash fanbase? Yes. Big on his own? Not really. Your typical fan is not going to flip its **** over Geno. He's a character like Hero or Terry that is definitely a big deal to a lot of fans but not like E3 big. Again, plug in Geno with the 6 I listed in the first paragraph and you can floss while singing the "This One's Not Like the Others" song from Sesame Street. Okay... Who does fit this then?

From my predictions I would heavily side with Crash. Why? Capcom was basically the headliner for 2013 and 2015 so that rules out Dante in my eyes, Lloyd is honestly a Geno caliber character, and Microsoft was the headliner last year so that rules out Chief. In my opinion, Dante, Chief, and Crash are the ones strong enough to carry an E3 or VGA. Again, this isn't a jab at Geno but I feel if he's a Nintendo Direct headliner at his best (definitely not an insult when you consider K. Rool and Cloud got this treatment too). E3 is a whole other beast. E3 has been where Nintendo has made its biggest announcements of the year since, coincidentally, 1996. This is why I'm going to argue that if E3 this year is only a double, 7 is not Geno and I hard slide my chips on the headliner being Crash whether he's 7 or 8.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Yet another reason why I think we're getting 6, 7, and 8 at E3 is because Nintendo is pretty deliberate about unleashing the Kraken for Smash at E3 if you really think about it. The "big" reveals at E3 over the years have been the following: Snake, Megaman, Pac-Man, Ryu, Ridley, and Banjo. Notice anything? All these characters are big deals on their own and all but one are third party megatons. These are headline grabbers. For the ultra pessimistic among us, I can pretty much promise that it won't just be 6 at E3. ARMS in Smash's reception was typically lukewarm at best and blind rage at worst. 99.999999% chance is not going to be the Smash headliner. What does this mean? This means that Nintendo has an ace up its sleeve and it's either going to be 7 or 8.

Would Geno qualify for this? Probably not... I've been backing Geno as far back as the only G word to come out of some of your mouths is "goo goo gaa gaa" and I will be totally blunt in saying that Geno is not likely to be the headliner. Fan favorite? Yes. Super meaningful to the Smash fanbase? Yes. Big on his own? Not really. Your typical fan is not going to flip its **** over Geno. He's a character like Hero or Terry that is definitely a big deal to a lot of fans but not like E3 big. Again, plug in Geno with the 6 I listed in the first paragraph and you can floss while singing the "This One's Not Like the Others" song from Sesame Street. Okay... Who does fit this then?

From my predictions I would heavily side with Crash. Why? Capcom was basically the headliner for 2013 and 2015 so that rules out Dante in my eyes, Lloyd is honestly a Geno caliber character, and Microsoft was the headliner last year so that rules out Chief. In my opinion, Dante, Chief, and Crash are the ones strong enough to carry an E3 or VGA. Again, this isn't a jab at Geno but I feel if he's a Nintendo Direct headliner at his best (definitely not an insult when you consider K. Rool and Cloud got this treatment too). E3 is a whole other beast. E3 has been where Nintendo has made its biggest announcements of the year since, coincidentally, 1996. This is why I'm going to argue that if E3 this year is only a double, 7 is not Geno and I hard slide my chips on the headliner being Crash whether he's 7 or 8.
I'm surprised you would put Geno and LLoyd at the same level. Although Lloyd himself doesn't stand out to me in the same way Geno does personally , Lloyd is at least is backed by the fact he is part of a long running series. I honestly would think that this would give him the edge over a character like Geno at least in terms of priority if this is a tribute to video game history.

Deleted member


Check out this financial report. Bottomline: The Switch has been doing great for the last three years but "While the console continues to show outstanding results, as its sales are annually increasing by single and double digits, its momentum is about to fade away. The looming global recession caused by COVID-19 is only one of many things that will disrupt Nintendo’s ability to create shareholder value in the near future. At the end of the current year, the gaming market environment is going to be disrupted by the release of PlayStation 5 and Xbox. It’s most likely that consumers will rush to acquire the next generation of consoles and will have less purchasing power to buy a relatively old Switch console or some gaming titles for it. Since the company is not going to release a new version of Switch sometimes soon and the upcoming releases of Metroid Prime 4 and Legend of Zelda: BotW 2 are already priced in, there are no real catalysts to push the company’s stock higher."

That's not to say that "E3" will be a dud, per se, but they don't seem confident that any earth-shattering game reveals are on the horizon.
I think it's funny how out of touch this take is. "Bacon producers announce bacon 2, hamburger stocks expected to tank as consumers flock to bacon 2". Gaming companies plan for their consoles to eventually reach a peak adoption rate before plateauing, or from a quarterly perspective, dropping off. The games are what's going to carry the Switch for the remainder of its life, whether that's into 2022 or 2026 - and the same holds true for any game console. This doesn't even bring into consideration how consumers of Sony's gaming products or Microsoft's aren't necessarily Nintendo consumers, and vice versa. That's not to say at this rate that I believe Nintendo ever had a killer 2020 lined up, but I wouldn't write up an article about how they're going to lose market share when their competitors drop new consoles for people who aren't necessarily in their market in the first place.


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Yet another reason why I think we're getting 6, 7, and 8 at E3 is because Nintendo is pretty deliberate about unleashing the Kraken for Smash at E3 if you really think about it. The "big" reveals at E3 over the years have been the following: Snake, Megaman, Pac-Man, Ryu, Ridley, and Banjo. Notice anything? All these characters are big deals on their own and all but one are third party megatons. These are headline grabbers. For the ultra pessimistic among us, I can pretty much promise that it won't just be 6 at E3. ARMS in Smash's reception was typically lukewarm at best and blind rage at worst. 99.999999% chance is not going to be the Smash headliner. What does this mean? This means that Nintendo has an ace up its sleeve and it's either going to be 7 or 8.

Would Geno qualify for this? Probably not... I've been backing Geno as far back as the only G word to come out of some of your mouths is "goo goo gaa gaa" and I will be totally blunt in saying that Geno is not likely to be the headliner. Fan favorite? Yes. Super meaningful to the Smash fanbase? Yes. Big on his own? Not really. Your typical fan is not going to flip its **** over Geno. He's a character like Hero or Terry that is definitely a big deal to a lot of fans but not like E3 big. Again, plug in Geno with the 6 I listed in the first paragraph and you can floss while singing the "This One's Not Like the Others" song from Sesame Street. Okay... Who does fit this then?

From my predictions I would heavily side with Crash. Why? Capcom was basically the headliner for 2013 and 2015 so that rules out Dante in my eyes, Lloyd is honestly a Geno caliber character, and Microsoft was the headliner last year so that rules out Chief. In my opinion, Dante, Chief, and Crash are the ones strong enough to carry an E3 or VGA. Again, this isn't a jab at Geno but I feel if he's a Nintendo Direct headliner at his best (definitely not an insult when you consider K. Rool and Cloud got this treatment too). E3 is a whole other beast. E3 has been where Nintendo has made its biggest announcements of the year since, coincidentally, 1996. This is why I'm going to argue that if E3 this year is only a double, 7 is not Geno and I hard slide my chips on the headliner being Crash whether he's 7 or 8.
I would totally be fine with this. As you can tell from my pfp, my two most wanteds are Crash And Geno, so I hope you're right. At the same time, however, Activision can be pretty stingy and I don't think they have as good a relationship with Nintendo unlike other Western companies like Microsoft or Ubisoft. As for Dante, I'm starting to think that Dante is just in a lot of fake leaks, and that is why he is gaining as much traction as he is. Don't get me wrong, Dante is a huge and important character to video games, but I'm not too sure he is likely for Smash. I feel this way about Dante like I do for characters like Ryu Hayabusa and Doom Slayer. As for Chief, he would be one of the most hype inclusions Smash could ever introduce, but Halo's lack of history on Nintendo really makes me doubt it. I also heard Halo isn't that popular in Japan so I think that could be another barrier in Chief's way. I never even played Halo, but I would get hype, just because its Master Chief, but honestly I don't think it will happen.

I think Sora could also be an E3 reveal, but I have always thought Sora was never that likely to begin with and I think if KH was represented in Smash, it would lose a lot of its charm. Disney plays a vital role in KH, so I'm not sure if Sakurai would even want Sora, but that is another character I think would be E3-tier and I will at least consider Sora a possibility, albeit probably not likely though.

That is why I think Geno will get revealed at E3. Sure, he isn't the biggest icon of gaming, FAR from it, but if Nintendo And Sakurai wanted a reveal that would appeal to the hardcore Smash audience, then Geno is definitely the way to go since so much people want him. However, I do get what you mean. Whoever is revealed though, I do expect this to be someone who is big, either in terms of gaming as a whole or the general Smash audience. Someone who would bring a large amount of hype HAS to be coming.
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I think it would be a safer bet to expect FP8 in September/the fall Direct. The ARMS rep is guarenteed in June, and FP7 most likely will be revealed during the same direct


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'm surprised you would put Geno and LLoyd at the same level. Although Lloyd himself doesn't stand out to me in the same way Geno does personally , Lloyd is at least is backed by the fact he is part of a long running series. I honestly would think that this would give him the edge over a character like Geno at least in terms of priority if this is a tribute to video game history.
I put them at the same level because their histories in the Smash fanbase are pretty similar. Geno and Isaac are also similarly matched in that regard. All three of these characters are similar in how, despite being huge fan favorites, wouldn't really "wow" everyone to the point of probably even being covered by major publications. Snake, Megaman, Pac-Man, and Ryu are third party behemoths. Ridley was a character that was in literally every Smash game but always got snubbed. Banjo was a homecoming of epic proportions given he was technically once a Nintendo character but switched teams almost two decades prior. Again, I can wax poetic about Geno day and night and this has been my personal Smash crusade forever but if I honestly look at my personal predictions for Season 2 and had to pick one character from it that would be most appropriate to be the bombshell of E3 2020, I would have to go with Crash. Like I said, I'm still fairly confident in a triple but in the event of a double I think Geno will be a later reveal.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019

Check out this financial report. Bottomline: The Switch has been doing great for the last three years but "While the console continues to show outstanding results, as its sales are annually increasing by single and double digits, its momentum is about to fade away. The looming global recession caused by COVID-19 is only one of many things that will disrupt Nintendo’s ability to create shareholder value in the near future. At the end of the current year, the gaming market environment is going to be disrupted by the release of PlayStation 5 and Xbox. It’s most likely that consumers will rush to acquire the next generation of consoles and will have less purchasing power to buy a relatively old Switch console or some gaming titles for it. Since the company is not going to release a new version of Switch sometimes soon and the upcoming releases of Metroid Prime 4 and Legend of Zelda: BotW 2 are already priced in, there are no real catalysts to push the company’s stock higher."

That's not to say that "E3" will be a dud, per se, but they don't seem confident that any earth-shattering game reveals are on the horizon.
Imagine believing one random financial report as a sign that "OH NO THE SWITCH IS DOOMED" when it feels like that's what these business publications have been saying for years now. Use your brain for two seconds.
  • The Series X and ESPECIALLY the PS5 "reveals" have been extremely odd and underhyped. Sony seems to be facing a bunch of developmental issues to the point where we don't even know what the damn thing looks like yet, and the Series X seems to be getting pushed as more of an upgrade to the existing Xbone rather than it's own new thing, like what phones do. It's obviously far more powerful but they even said it will have ZERO exclusive games for the first few years, everything will still come out on Xbox One. Combine that with what feels like is going to be a repeat of the start of this gen with every multiplat release also coming out on past-gen hardware and what seems to be a hefty price point of 500 dollars atleast, who is actually going to buy these? Especially now?
  • The vast majority of Switch owners already own a PS4/Xbone/PC. They didn't buy the Switch to have a beefy home console, they bought it because it's portable and has a massive library of exclusive games. It costs less, the lite costs even less for those who just want a portable system, Nintendo DOES NOT need a Switch Pro right now. At best we might get a $200 dock only Switch. Seriously, what sounds better? I could spend $500 dollars on this brand new console that can't play anything my old console can't also play, and will stay like that for several years, or spend 200/300 dollars (not counting any discounts/bundles Nintendo might do) on a Switch?
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