that’s healthy. I am not anywhere near 100% certain myself and I wouldn’t call anyone who isn’t a pessimist. The pessimists are the ones who ignore glaring signs that are there. And some are just trolls or fans of other characters who have nothing better to do but frequent a support thread for a character that makes them seethe.
I’m probably sitting at Geno being 75% likely. Has a ton in his favor but wouldn’t ever be shocked to get BTFO again
Oh I'm just saying I am generally a pessimist though, and hell, I'd say his chances are even higher.
At this point though, he's 99.999999% for premium costume (with 2 tracks) or a playable fighter, at least in my eyes based mostly on the tracks taken down. If that never happened, I'd probably be in the ~60-75% club.
Then again, we've definitely seen a uptick in people thinking that Geno will most likely be relegated to an upgraded Mii Costume, which is a pretty demoralizing prospect. So while he wasn't right about how demoralized we'd be over this, he's not entirely wrong in his assessment either.
I really, really, REALLY don't think it's a costume with 2 tracks. I mean why give us a second when 1 gets the job done perfectly? The only thing I can think of is they falsely took down Fight Against an Armed Boss to throw people off like me, seeing 2 SE tracks instead of 1. Outside of that... idk.
Also as we've touched on many times, this costume would *have* to come with another SE character. Who else would get that spot? Sora would be the next character, but lul Disney, unless SE would actually go with a second FF character, none of which besides Sephiroth gets enough demand (and it's lower than Geno and Sora for sure).
I was talking about Imran, not the costume leaker. I assumed you was talking about Imran too.
Did he say something regarding Geno?