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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
This doesn't really affect Geno in any meaningful way. All it does is prove once and for all Geno and Sora weren't competition as Nintendo had to go to Disney not Square.
Quote For Truth. I 100% agree Matt. In regards that one is in the way of another. Its either Sora or Geno. To be Honest why not both? :)
While true-ish, one could still argue Sora as a SE rep, given that SE is the primary developer for the games. That said, there isn't any reason you couldn't have multiple SE reps in an FP, this at least puts Sora vs Geno to rest, assuming the information said is true.

If the brand manager of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts saying no wasn't enough, there's no getting around this. Also, guys, for the love of God, be cool. Don't be assholes. I know tensions have been high between Geno and Sora fans since, well, 2006 but there's no excuse to be dickish about this. I know plenty of great Sora fans so let's not escalate things.
100% this. Like I said, I DON'T want Sora in, but I'm not gonna be a **** about it to people who do. I legit am sorry you didn't get your pick if you are a fan of Sora.

Wait, Disney decided to be a stingy AF diva? Who could have predicted THAT?! :ultpacman:
*when you realize the character you most want is owned by another company that is a stingy AF diva* :(
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Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Actually, I just thought of something... Pretty much every reveal trailer has had a first party character front and center, usually Mario, Link, DK or a combination. There's only a few exceptions:

Little Mac: Samus (but Little Mac is first party anyways)

Lucina and Robin: Captain Falcon (Nintendo owns Fire Emblem too so who cares?)

Bayonetta: Pit

Simon/Richter: Luigi

Isabelle: Uh, herself

Ken/Inceniroar: Little Mac but also Villager, K. Rool, and Bowser Jr.

On this scale, Terry's pretty much it in the entirety of Smash history unless you count Nintendo hotdoging it's own consoles at the beginning.
That’s probably cuz Nintendo may not have much of a say on that matter. It’s probably due to third party contracts and how Nintendo doesn’t necessarily have the ability to use their characters for certain promotional material.
It’s very unlikely at this point we will see two characters from different third parties in a single cinematic newcomer trailer.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2019
It's not hair splitting. Final Fantasy just literally is not anime. Fire Emblem is anime. Persona is Anime. Final Fantasy goes with Legend of Zelda in the "realistically proportioned but not anime" pile. I just get frustrated seeing people claim everything with a sword except Sora and Crono is anime. Which is ironic since Crono is literally designed by Akira Toriama.

You and everyone else in this thread knows exactly what is meant by "anime", and how Cloud fits into that meaning.

I'm a huge comic fan, and understand that Lee/Kirby style superhero comics are only one facet of all the styles and varieties that encompass that medium, but if people were to say that something looked like a comic because it had a stereotypical 4-color, bombastic look, I wouldn't go "bUt lOoK aT mAuS aNd fRoM hElL aNd sAnDmAn!"

It's needless semantics.

As for the Sora stuff? That really sucks if true, but I'm not 100% sold. Disney IS the type to be petty over the NintendoLand stuff, but I'm sure we all remember Reggie bragging about how they have NEVER been turned down when they've asked to use a character in Smash. I don't see Sora as Geno competition, and Sora being the face of an iconic franchise that is ALL ABOUT CROSSOVERS should really be a guest in the ULTIMATE GAMING CROSSOVER.
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Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2019
Switch FC
As the one who posted the original Kinda Funny video, I think the talks between Nintendo and Disney JP falling through have more to do with Disney's licensing shenanigans when it comes to Sora.

Considering how Disney JP only allowed Square-Enix to let people download the Sora DLC in World of Final Fantasy for a limited time, if a similar request was made to Nintendo, I can see them balking at it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
This is ridiculous hair-splitting

I am a huge Waluigi fan but no. Just no. He is not a POP CULTURE BEHEMOTH. VERY few video game characters hold that distinction. "Very few" as in "you can count them on one hand".
But he kinda is, Waluigi videos on YouTube almost always gain over 1 million views.

And sure, guys like Geno or Crash can do the same thing through just their ost no big deal, but you have to keep in mind that those guys are the main focus of their game of origin.

Like Geno for example, sure he's only in one game, but he's also one of the main characters of that particular game, not supporting cast, MAIN, Geno has something that Waluigi lacks...
An important/significant role in a video game.
The only 2 instances where Waluigi even mattered in a plot based Mario game, was in a Party game, and a DDR game, and the plot wasn't the main focus like in Super Mario RPG, there isn't a story to tell except that he's the Mushroom Kingdom's favorite jerk.
Not to mention that in both of those games, Waluigi's screen time is so minimal, that only Waluigi fans give a **** because that's all we have out of this character in his 20 years of existence.

The fact that Waluigi is able to rack those views on YouTube is incredible tbh, because he's almost a blank slate, the Waluigi fandom don't even share the same view on the character, because unlike Geno or Crash, people who are introduced to Waluigi have different experiences with the character from one another.
Some liked Waluigi with his gruff voice during his debut in Mario Tennis, some like me through Mario Party 3 where he shows his mischievous side, some because of the Mario Tennis/Golf bloopers featuring Wario and Waluigi, and some people through Mario Soccer/Football with infamous DX crotch-chop.

It's bits and pieces, here and there, nothing grand like Geno's introduction, and his interactions with Mario and the group.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
It's not hair splitting. Final Fantasy just literally is not anime. Fire Emblem is anime. Persona is Anime. Final Fantasy goes with Legend of Zelda in the "realistically proportioned but not anime" pile. I just get frustrated seeing people claim everything with a sword except Sora and Crono is anime. Which is ironic since Crono is literally designed by Akira Toriama.
Huh, Zelda looks anime-style to me...anime characters can still have realistic body proportions, it’s just how they’re drawn/modeled/animated, like how their face and stuff looks, there’s no one specific style...
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Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
That’s probably cuz Nintendo may not have much of a say on that matter. It’s probably due to third party contracts and how Nintendo doesn’t necessarily have the ability to use their characters for certain promotional material.
It’s very unlikely at this point we will see two characters from different third parties in a single cinematic newcomer trailer.
Isnt this the reason Cloud did not even get CGI treatment at all? Everyone else was cool about it. Correct me if im wrong about Cloud.

EDIT 1: to add to this Maybe its not just Cloud. Err wait maybe it is... I was going to say Snake but he was in the Hero CGI also Sonic in WOL Bayonetta as well Megaman... hmmm lol it is really just Cloud isn't it? Terry got CGI Joker lol wow SE just wow SE. What are they afraid that Nintendo will present them more prettier than them?
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
*when you realize the character you most want is owned by another company that is a stingy AF diva* :(
Dang, that's true.......but not as stingy as Disney! :happysheep:

Also, guys, can we give the whole anime thing a rest?! I mean, for crying out loud, literally ALL swordies in Smash look like anime swordsmen! But that's not a bad thing. Anime swordsmen are pretty badass. Then again, so are anime GUNNERS! Quick! Can somebody give me a Vash the Stampede wearing a Geno hat meme?!
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
And the modern Final fantasy style is anime-influenced-as-hell

Sora and Crono are totally anime. Right along with final fantasy
The modern Final Fantasy style is bordering on hyper realistic. You have a very loose definition of anime my friend. And Sora is hardly anime. Once again, not anime style, and he's literally from a game about Mickey Mouse and the rest of the Disney gang. That's about as far from anime as you can get. Or is anything with spikey hair automatically anime?


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU

So I have the exact video provided here and time marked.

I am not 100% convinced that Sora's chances are 100% shot. It might be a reason why he has not happened yet, but I don't think it is 100% dead. Sakurai/Nintendo has so much clout in this industry that they will find a way to appease everyone.

Of course, part of me wants this to be true so Geno has a clearer path, but I also don't want to put too much stock into it and grief about it later.

Let's just stay humble about it for now and focus on Geno's route. Not the sinking ship of one of our competitors. Because never count out Disney's nasty greed.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2019
But he kinda is, Waluigi videos on YouTube almost always gain over 1 million views.

And sure, guys like Geno or Crash can do the same thing through just their ost no big deal, but you have to keep in mind that those guys are the main focus of their game of origin.

Like Geno for example, sure he's only in one game, but he's also one of the main characters of that particular game, not supporting cast, MAIN, Geno has something that Waluigi lacks...
An important/significant role in a video game.
The only 2 instances where Waluigi even mattered in a plot based Mario game, was in a Party game, and a DDR game, and the plot wasn't the main focus like in Super Mario RPG, there isn't a story to tell except that he's the Mushroom Kingdom's favorite jerk.
Not to mention that in both of those games, Waluigi's screen time is so minimal, that only Waluigi fans give a **** because that's all we have out of this character in his 20 years of existence.

The fact that Waluigi is able to rack those views on YouTube is incredible tbh, because he's almost a blank slate, the Waluigi fandom don't even share the same view on the character, because unlike Geno or Crash, people who are introduced to Waluigi have different experiences with the character from one another.
Some liked Waluigi with his gruff voice during
Hold on hold on hold on.

Waluigi is not a household name.

Waluigi does not have massive mainstream crossover recognition

Arguing that he is a POP CULTURE BEHEMOTH because he is Popular On Line is not convincing.

Mario, Pac-Man, Pikachu, Street Fighter in general, MAYBE Link, MAYBE Donkey Kong, are pop culture behemoths. Those are the names that stack up there with Hulk Hogan, Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse, Muhammad Ali, etc.

Saying WALUIGI ranks among those names is a complete bastardization of the concept of pop culture iconography.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
The modern Final Fantasy style is bordering on hyper realistic. You have a very loose definition of anime my friend. And Sora is hardly anime. Once again, not anime style, and he's literally from a game about Mickey Mouse and the rest of the Disney gang. That's about as far from anime as you can get. Or is anything with spikey hair automatically anime?
My boy...

You will never convince me that this

Is not anime as hell.
I'm sorry, but just because Mickey mouse is involved in the setting does not change the very clear design influence. It's the same with final fantasy 7. Just because they live in a more realistic setting and have realistic textures does not change the very clear and very apparent design influence. Look at ghost in the shell, for instance. Realistically drawn setting with stylized characters.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2015
Switch FC
Source? I wonder what the estimated release wait would be if this is indeed a pattern.
I forgot to mention that part. I've entered all Nintendo wifi tournaments and THANKFULLY they save the dates on all of them so i'm now gonna give the list of the characters that came out and when the tournaments started

PP Came out in Jan 29 2019 Ultimate NA open was on Feb 2nd 2019

June 29 was the 2nd NA Open Hero came out a Month later because of e3

Banjo came out September 4th and the 3rd NA open was on Sept 21

Terry came out on Nov 6th and the 4th NA open was on the 10th of Nov

Byleth of course came out on January 28th 2020 the 5th NA open was on Feb 2 2020

The next tournament starts on the 29th


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
Hold on hold on hold on.

Waluigi is not a household name.

Waluigi does not have massive mainstream crossover recognition

Arguing that he is a POP CULTURE BEHEMOTH because he is Popular On Line is not convincing.

Mario, Pac-Man, Pikachu, Street Fighter in general, MAYBE Link, MAYBE Donkey Kong, are pop culture behemoths. Those are the names that stack up there with Hulk Hogan, Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse, Muhammad Ali, etc.

Saying WALUIGI ranks among those names is a complete bastardization of the concept of pop culture iconography.
Today sure is the day of splitting hairs on here, huh? All this over the word “behemoth”, correct?

Also you’re insane if your idea of games that are cultural behemoths absolutely includes Street Fighter and “maybe” includes Link and DK


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Isnt this the reason Cloud did not even get CGI treatment at all? Everyone else was cool about it. Correct me if im wrong about Cloud.

EDIT 1: to add to this Maybe its not just Cloud. Err wait maybe it is... I was going to say Snake but he was in the Hero CGI also Sonic in WOL Bayonetta as well Megaman... hmmm lol it is really just Cloud isn't it? Terry got CGI Joker lol wow SE just wow SE. What are they afraid that Nintendo will present them more prettier than them?
Potentially, who knows.
It’s also probably a little different for characters who were in the base game since their contracts probably cover promotional material for ultimate itself.

Unfortunately whether I’m right or wrong about this doesn’t matter, as each contract for a character probably differs.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2015
I forgot to mention that part. I've entered all Nintendo wifi tournaments and THANKFULLY they save the dates on all of them so i'm now gonna give the list of the characters that came out and when the tournaments started

PP Came out in Jan 29 2019 Ultimate NA open was on Feb 2nd 2019

June 29 was the 2nd NA Open Hero came out a Month later because of e3

Banjo came out September 4th and the 3rd NA open was on Sept 21

Terry came out on Nov 6th and the 4th NA open was on the 10th of Nov

Byleth of course came out on January 28th 2020 the 5th NA open was on Feb 2 2020

The next tournament starts on the 29th
This is good. The North America Online Tourney Theory. Or, NAOTT.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
My boy...

You will never convince me that this
View attachment 261266
Is not anime as hell. I'm sorry, but just because Mickey mouse is involved in the setting does not change the very clear design influence. It's the same with final fantasy 7. Just because they live in a more realistic setting and have realistic textures does not change the very clear and very apparent design influence. Look at ghost in the shell, for instance. Realistically drawn setting with stylized characters.
You still haven't explained how this is anime. Because it's not drawn in anime style. Find me an actual anime that looks like this. Not a video game. A literal actual anime, where the term actually comes from. If this is anime, then obviously there must be animes out there with 3d realistic artstyles. Spiky hair does not make something automatically anime. That seems to be all people are looking at here.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Decided to do some theorycraft about 6 without naming names because yesterday was a big day. Mandycan, Markomaro, and now Sakurai himself have all very heavily implied that a Direct will happen the week of the 10th so we're at worst a week away from finally knowing who 6 is. I want to start with the 4chan post that like, no joke, a dozen people have PM'd me and asked me to express my opinions on:

View attachment 261222

I feel like this is significant but not for the reasons people expect. Do I believe 6 used Bayonetta as a true base? No. Do I believe 6 shares key properties with Bayo? Yes. This is the takeaway. Contrary to popular belief, Mii Swordsman and Duck Hunt were not bases for Hero and Banjo. Proportion wise, Hero has more in common with Ike and Banjo with Mario so what the heck is going on? These characters share key properties with each other that aided with the creation of new characters. Like MC Hammer, let's break it down:

Mii Swordsman and Hero- What's a big trait that these characters share that nobody else does? It's definitely not the sword. Hero has a shield but so do all three Links. The answer is weirdly obvious but has alluded a lot of people: they're the only two swordsmen that fire multiple projectiles out of their hands. The Links use bows and Robin's projectiles are tied to tomes and a meter. This is why Mii Swordsman is tied to Hero.

Duck Hunt and Banjo: This one is a lot more obvious. In a silly way, Duck Hunt and Banjo are both weapon users. Their "weapons" are a duck and a breegull. Both Ms. Quackers and Kazooie have similar hitbox properties to swords but, obviously, they're not always in Duck Hunt and Banjo's hands. Ms. Quackers rides Duck Hunt's back and Kazooie is in Banjo's backpack. As weapon users, this is totally unique to them. Olimar and Rosalina are technically weapon users too but their "weapons" have hurtboxes and are always out. This is what makes Banjo and Duck Hunt unique.

Simon/Richter and Byleth: Again, pretty obvious. These are the only characters in the game that have multiple whip attacks. ZSS has a whip but it functions much differently and used for fewer attacks. The Belmont Boys use the whip for most of their physical attacks. ZSS uses it as a grab, USmash, and side special. The two physical attacks both have elemental properties. With this in mind, Byleth's whip attacks are significantly more similar to the Belmont's than ZSS.

Bayonetta and 6- As we highlighted, these glitches noticed in the past tie into properties that future characters have. This now makes us ask: what's particularly unique about Bayonetta? Well, she has Bats Within but, as noted in the 4chan post, it's an attack glitch so it's based on an attack. Is it guns? No because Joker uses guns too. Is it Witch Time? No because, despite its unique properties, it's still a counter move. What is it then? Perhaps turning to the past will give us clues.

We know that Bayonetta in Smash 4 was based on ZSS. Both of these characters share a lot of properties so it makes sense. Both are tall, thin, have long legs, and primarily fight with kicks. What separates Bayo from ZSS though? In the last paragraph, we noted a few things but these properties aren't unique to Bayo. What is truly unique to Bayo? The answer is auto-combos, especially with aerials.

Bayonetta has a unique property that for most of her attacks, she will continue to attack as long as you keep holding down a button. This is especially notable with most of her aerials. Her uair and nair have her spinning like a goob and wildly firing bullets. She will do this until she hits the ground. Most aerials are a single attack or a quick flurry of attacks before stopping. Bayo will keep going as long as she's in the air.

The next unique property is, again, string/auto attacks. Most characters only have this as their jab and/or "flurry attack." Bayo's jab, ftilt, Witch Twist, After Burner kick (grounded and aerial), and fair can all do this. One of the reasons people loathed Bayo in Smash 4 was because she was the only character that could literally jab lock characters in the air. Again, these are PHYSICAL attacks. These are auto-combos with her hands and especially her legs.

This is where we get to the center of the arena. What does this analysis tell us? 6 will likely have physical auto-combos (particularly kicks), potentially in the air as well because those are the properties that are totally unique to Bayonetta and no one else. This is why I think it's important to keep this in mind when considering who 6 is. On that note, this practically confirms it's not Geno. Geno's only physical in the sense that he literally launches parts of his body and, given Bayo doesn't have ballistics of any kind, I think it's safe to say that a hypothetical Geno would likely not share unique properties with Bayonetta.
>A combo-heavy character who primarily uses guns similar to Bayonetta
Yep, definitely sounds like Dante.

I'm probably wrong but based on this I'm thinking CP6 could be Hayabusa.
Unlikely. To my knowledge, Ryu doesn't use guns. He mostly attacks with his Dragon Sword and shurikens.

I think Waluigi actually makes a lot of sense. Think about it - his legs are his defining feature. So he'd end up using them the most for attacks. No other masculine character in the game has long, thin legs. The closest is probably Falcon and his are much more muscular. So they'd have to use a female.
And it would fit Purple Pie Man's MO of being annoying. I mean, what's more annoying than having to deal with a combo-oriented character?

My Hero Academia... I’m starting to love that show.
I watched it for about 50 episodes or so. It's not bad at all and I can totally see why people like it, but the sluggish pacing was really just too much for me. Also, I really don't like that one evil chick. There is no good reason for a scrawny kid like her to pose a threat to anyone. Her quirk isn't useful for combat whatsoever nor does it offer her any additional defense or agility, so any time I see her holding her own against the likes of Froppy or Ochaco, who have recieved formal hero training unlike her, I just kind of die a little inside.

View attachment 261264
It seems that Sora is out of the running
Ooh, yeah, that's uhh... not good at all. I don't think it's enough to completely kill his chances at all, but still.

You still haven't explained how this is anime. Because it's not drawn in anime style. Find me an actual anime that looks like this. Not a video game. A literal actual anime, where the term actually comes from. If this is anime, then obviously there must be animes out there with 3d realistic artstyles. Spiky hair does not make something automatically anime. That seems to be all people are looking at here.
Oh my god, are you really this dense? When I said that Sephiroth is anime, I didn't mean as in he actually comes from a Japanese animation. I meant that he follows many of the same tropes that most anime do:
  • Hair of an unusual color
  • Ridiculously long sword
  • Has a single wing for some reason
  • Has a huge, godlike transformation
And besides that, I was just making a simple joke! Jesus, if I had known my silly little goof would cause an entire argument as to what is and isn't anime, I would never have said it.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
This makes sense if you think about it. DLC video game money is small potatoes for a company like them. The money/exposure doesn’t outweigh the “protection” of the IP for a company on their scale
Probably this. Smash also has ridiculously long "legs" which means Disney would have to be cool with Sora being a costar in a game they have no real control of for years into the future. This is part of the reason why Snake wasn't in Smash 4 because Konami didn't want to renew Snake's "Smash lease" at the time. Doesn't exactly help that Ultimate is going to be the competitive Smash game standard for god knows how long and, if DBFZ has taught us anything, all the shareholders have to be cool with that and Disney probably isn't.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
For the love of god, it's not Waluigi. The majority of people who want Waluigi only do so because of memes and not because they actually like the character. That, and his kicks are not autocombo'd, which puts him at direct odds with the description of the physical attacker for Fighter 6.
I call bull**** on that. I'm sick and tired of people using Waluigi's meme status to devalue him when he has legitimate supporters.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
You still haven't explained how this is anime. Because it's not drawn in anime style. Find me an actual anime that looks like this. Not a video game. A literal actual anime, where the term actually comes from. If this is anime, then obviously there must be animes out there with 3d realistic artstyles. Spiky hair does not make something automatically anime. That seems to be all people are looking at here.
Now you're blatantly ignoring the extremely common casual application of the anime descriptor in favour of clinging to the literal meaning. Yes, Sora is not an anime character from a Japanese anime. But the anime art style and influence is very much there and very apparent, something that should be immediately apparent to anyone with functioning eyes. No, cloud is not an anime character, but he is very clearly inspired by the Japanese anime art style. Final fantasy 7 had a very clear and immediately recognizable stylization of it's characters, and it's not a great leap of logic to call it anime derived.

I'm gonna stop discussing this now because I don't want to drive the thread off topic and get modded
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Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2019
I forgot to mention that part. I've entered all Nintendo wifi tournaments and THANKFULLY they save the dates on all of them so i'm now gonna give the list of the characters that came out and when the tournaments started

PP Came out in Jan 29 2019 Ultimate NA open was on Feb 2nd 2019

June 29 was the 2nd NA Open Hero came out a Month later because of e3

Banjo came out September 4th and the 3rd NA open was on Sept 21

Terry came out on Nov 6th and the 4th NA open was on the 10th of Nov

Byleth of course came out on January 28th 2020 the 5th NA open was on Feb 2 2020

The next tournament starts on the 29th
This is pretty convincing actually. Probably means we at least get a character reveal at the rumored direct next week.

People should definitely keep a closer eye on these Wifi tournament dates from here on out.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Smrpg was the game that got me into RPGs in the first place. Still have my original cartridge ofcourse. So I’m all for Geno.

As a fan of both series though due to their similarities, Im still hoping I get both.

However as a Sora fan as well, I’m actually not too worried. Watching the snippet it sounds like speculation for the most part. Even if he was correct about Nintendo approaching Disney, it sounds like that was in the past and potentially not even for Ultimate. Wouldn’t put 100% stock into that snippet.

And on a positive note, despite the Disney affiliations Sora has, sounds like Nintendo was open to bringing the character into the roster. If there’s truth to this it pretty much ends any debate whether or not the character is a viable choice for smash.

Lol it’s just too bad Disney sucks.

Never really saw any competition between the two tho, honestly I think Geno’s biggest “competition” is Lara Croft.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
You still haven't explained how this is anime. Because it's not drawn in anime style. Find me an actual anime that looks like this. Not a video game. A literal actual anime, where the term actually comes from. If this is anime, then obviously there must be animes out there with 3d realistic artstyles. Spiky hair does not make something automatically anime. That seems to be all people are looking at here.
The face is anime, or at least cartoonish (though anime is just the word for “cartoon” in Japan), not exactly realistic like Doomguy or Chell or whoever...

Sora even has those big Disney shoes...

I would say the JoJo anime characters have realistic proportions and a face closer to realism, but still not really realistic due to the art style and how they are and everything...the FF7 remake looks realistic, though, but it does have anime influence...

It’s not even a bad thing, either, though. Mario is technically also anime-style, including Geno. There was a short, kinda obscure anime thing for Pikmin, too...

I guess, really, they’re all just different cartoon/manga-based styles.
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Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
>A combo-heavy character who primarily uses guns similar to Bayonetta
Yep, definitely sounds like Dante.

Unlikely. To my knowledge, Ryu doesn't use guns. He mostly attacks with his Dragon Sword and shurikens.

And it would fit Purple Pie Man's MO of being annoying. I mean, what's more annoying than having to deal with a combo-oriented character?

I watched it for about 50 episodes or so. It's not bad at all and I can totally see why people like it, but the sluggish pacing was really just too much for me. Also, I really don't like that one evil chick. There is no good reason for a scrawny kid like her to pose a threat to anyone. Her quirk isn't useful for combat whatsoever nor does it offer her any additional defense or agility, so any time I see her holding her own against the likes of Froppy or Ochaco, who have recieved formal hero training unlike her, I just kind of die a little inside.

Ooh, yeah, that's uhh... not good at all. I don't think it's enough to completely kill his chances at all, but still.

Oh my god, are you really this dense? When I said that Sephiroth is anime, I didn't mean as in he actually comes from a Japanese animation. I meant that he follows many of the same tropes that most anime do:
  • Hair of an unusual color
  • Ridiculously long sword
  • Has a single wing for some reason
  • Has a huge, godlike transformation
And besides that, I was just making a simple joke! Jesus, if I had known my silly little goof would cause an entire argument as to what is and isn't anime, I would never have said it.
No need to resort to insults first of all. Second, ridiculously long swords, a single wing, and a transformation are not anime things. They're video game things. Hell, there are Mario and Kirby enemies that fit this stuff. Off color hair, okay. But that alone doesn't make something anime. It's a very common feature in video games as well, even if it's a little more anime like than the other points.

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
Pretty much. To be a turd, I'm not naming names but, yes, this analysis tells us that 6 has a very high probability of being a physical fighter that primarily fights with kicks as their main form of attacking. Again, physical, meaning this practically torpedos another swordsman or a projectile oriented character. This is a character that primarily fights hand to hand, so to speak.
Okay so we're getting Vegito.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
This is the dumbest argument I've seen in awhile, what the hell does this have to do with Geno or any other characters chances for that matter?


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
The face is anime, or at least cartoonish (though anime is just the word for “cartoon” in Japan), not exactly realistic like Doomguy or Chell or whoever...

Sora even has those big Disney shoes...

I would say the JoJo anime characters have realistic proportions and a face closer to realism, but still not really realistic due to the art style and how they are and everything...the FF7 remake looks realistic, though, but it does have anime influence...

It’s not even a bad thing, either, though. Mario is technically also anime, including Geno. There was a short, kinda obscure anime thing for Pikmin, too...
Actually, a lot of this is my point. You're exactly right. Sora is cartoon style, not anime style. Very different things.


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2015
I know they haven't done any assist trophies added to the characters but I really wish they would add Croco who dashes around digs in his bag and throws out items at people.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2019
Today sure is the day of splitting hairs on here, huh? All this over the word “behemoth”, correct?

Also you’re insane if your idea of games that are cultural behemoths absolutely includes Street Fighter and “maybe” includes Link and DK
Point me to the Zelda and Donkey Kong live-action movies. Point me to the massively successful and popular hip-hop star who has repeatedly fashioned themselves after a Zelda or Donkey Kong character.

Zelda (and by extension, Link) and DK are as big (arguably bigger) than Street Fighter in GAMING culture, but not POP culture.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
I mean, to be fair, anime comes from dessin anime which is French for cartoon so it's kind of redundant either way...
The point is Japanese cartoons have a consistent method of stylization. One it shares with it's video game characters more often than not. And yeah, Sora IS cartoon style... Japanese cartoon style. And how do we spell it? A-N-I-M-E


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Now you're blatantly ignoring the extremely common casual application of the anime descriptor in favour of clinging to the literal meaning. Yes, Sora is not an anime character from a Japanese anime. But the anime art style and influence is very much there and very apparent, something that should be immediately apparent to anyone with functioning eyes. No, cloud is not an anime character, but he is very clearly inspired by the Japanese anime art style. Final fantasy 7 had a very clear and immediately recognizable stylization of it's characters, and it's not a great leap of logic to call it anime derived.

I'm gonna stop discussing this now because I don't want to drive the thread off topic and get modded
I never claimed you were saying it's literally from an anime. I'm saying it's not anime style at all. Since y'all can't seem to find me an anime that looks just like kingdom hearts, I'll show you and American cartoon that does.
maxresdefault (4).jpg

But let me guess, even though it's clearly American cartoon style and Sora is drawn in the same artstyle as the rest of the game, it's different because he has spikey hair.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
I never claimed you were saying it's literally from an anime. I'm saying it's not anime style at all. Since y'all can't seem to find me an anime that looks just like kingdom hearts, I'll show you and American cartoon that does.
View attachment 261276
View attachment 261277

But let me guess, even though it's clearly American cartoon style and Sora is drawn in the same artstyle as the rest of the game, it's different because he has spikey hair.

Yup, Elsa definitely looks like an anime swordsman to me. If they put her in Smash, I'd totally main the crap out of her. :4pacman:
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