Smash Master
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If you are going to go obscure route, at least pick characters on Nintendo consoles. Joker and Terry are not even Nintendo characters. ROB, Ice Climbers, Game & Watch, etc are characters. Also Joker and Terry tend to have more of an adult theme (I guess) while the other characters are cartoony platforming characters that fit better with Mario, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Kirby, etc.I dont know if I'm staying here as a regular. It all depends how restrictive things are gonna be.
What is this "Spirits clarification" people are talking about?
I've talked about this argument with people like wynn before, and I'm going to repeat it again.
It is totally okay to find character picks disappointing. Heck, even though I am totally content with Ultimate's roster, there are still some characters I'd rather have. Unfortunately, however, Smash is never gonna have a perfect roster for all. There is always gonna he a character left out. And on the topic of Nintendo "researching characters people want." ...um... the Smash Ballot says hello. We got all character in Smash history returning, Ridley, Daisy, the Belmonts, Chrom, Dark Samus, King K. Rool, Isabelle, as well as Banjo & Kazooie BECAUSE of the Ballot. Sure, Sakurai COULD always pick someone like say Isaac and not Incineroar, or like Sora rather than Terry. ...but honestly, why should Sakurai do that? Not every character should be the most requested because then that'd get predictable and boring. I DO think a balance is important. Yes, getting the Ridleys, and the King K. Rools, and Banjo & Kazooies are definitely treats... but sometimes I like those Mr. Game & Watchs, and those R.O.B.s, and Duck Hunts, and Terrys, etc. I feel like those wacky WTF make Smash great. The fact that Nut only big shots like Mega Man can get in, but also smaller franchises like Pikmin or Xenoblade Chronicles. I think, in fact, that having smaller franchises not as requested is more representative of gaming as a whole. You can't always have huge juggernauts. Sometimes you gotta give a spotlight to the smaller guys.
Ultimately, I do understand the sentiment of wanting more fanservice. Your feelings aren't completely baseless and selfish or anything. But Sakurai has already given us so much (and we'll most likely get 2-3 more fanservice characters), that I just want the man to so what makes him happy. I say this constantly, but the man went to work with carpal tunnel and another time with a fricken' IV drip. THAT is him caring. As such, I want the man to love what he does and put in characters he also wants. He has said and shown that he loves to please us, but he also likes doing his own thing since Smash is his baby, ya know?