Okay, you gotta stop right there.
If Sora gets in, he would NOT be taking 'Geno's spot'. I just plain don't believe in 'slot-taking' period. If a character gets in, they get in, and if another character doesn't, they simply were not in the cards. Banjo-Kazooie didn't take Steve's or Chief's spot. Joker's didn't take Shadow's. They were just not in the plans, bar none.
Along with that, Sora is mostly (albeit not entirely) Disney. Yeah, he's a hybrid, but he's still pretty damn separate from Geno. The only way he'd be a death knell to Geno is if the costume came alongside him. Even then, I wouldn't take it as Sora 'taking his spot'. They just had plans for Sora and happened to not have plans for Geno, so they put the costume there. If they had plans for both, they'd both get in without one taking another's spot. It's as simple as that.
Inciting character wars over 'slots' is the bane of the freaking Smash community... or, err, ONE of the banes of it. All it serves to do is stir a load of toxicity, which is kinda funny to see when you're upset about toxicity on one end, then desiring to stir the pot on another (GameFAQs raids and all that rofl). It's ridiculous. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.