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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
Lemme get this straight, Lloyd and Heihachi are out of the running as well?
I don't think they are, but I don't know if they'd be the 5th

Sakurai has wanted to put in Heihachi, but has cited that there would be issues since it's hard to translate Tekken gameplay to Smash appearently. He could make it work (look at Ridley) but we did just get Terry so I'm not too sure

Lloyd would be cool, but the Fighters Pass already has 2 anime guys. Nothing against anime, but I don't know if they would go and fill the Pass with 3 of them. Maybe I'm wrong

Yeah, Im thinking if we're getting a Bamco rep, it's a Dark Souls rep


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Just for the fun of it, can anyone compile a list of all of the games that Sakurai has praised over the years?

We know he loves Xenoblade 2, Persona 5, Minecraft, Undertale, KOF, Dark Souls, ect. He considered Awakening the pinnacle of FE, and said FF3 & DQ3 were the best of their series.

Anything else?


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
Just for the fun of it, can anyone compile a list of all of the games that Sakurai has praised over the years?

We know he loves Xenoblade 2, Persona 5, Minecraft, Undertale, KOF, Dark Souls, ect. He considered Awakening the pinnacle of FE, and said FF3 & DQ3 were the best of their series.

Anything else?
I would assume Dagonrompa

Zac's Realm

Smash Rookie
Nov 10, 2019
Hope's Peak Academy
Switch FC
Seeing Monokuma seriously part of speculation is making me VERY giddy.

Did we ever learn what the mech figure gun Sakurai bought was used for? He said he was inspired by some sh'mup way back in the day, could it be related to that in some way and possibly also related to FP5?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2018
Switch FC
SW 5702 4282 1237
Just for the fun of it, can anyone compile a list of all of the games that Sakurai has praised over the years?

We know he loves Xenoblade 2, Persona 5, Minecraft, Undertale, KOF, Dark Souls, ect. He considered Awakening the pinnacle of FE, and said FF3 & DQ3 were the best of their series.

Anything else?
Katamari Damacy;)
  • "I think the game went way above what was technically feasible at the time."
  • "Even so, a countless number of objects appear onscreen, and when these objects stick to the Katamari, their unevenness stays intact and they affect how the Katamari rolls. Just this is considerably impressive."
  • "That probably sums up the game at first glance, but considering the later hardships, it’s quite possible I would have swiftly abandoned the project and thought, “There’s no way we can make a game like that.” I would be wrong for thinking so, because this game they were able to create, Katamari Damacy, is a splendidly fun accomplishment."
  • "And, Katamari Damacy isn’t amazing from just a design perspective, but from an engineering one as well. I remember thinking, “You can do that!?” and it fired me up inside (laughs)."
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Deleted member

He gave credit to Minecraft's Survival mode once praising how it makes you really hurry and go faster and progress quicker.

Praised the Horizon: Zero Dawn saying it's very similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but it's more stress free where's Zelda feels like a chore, at times going from one thing to the next trying to progress. But that's what makes it great.

And their both great games he enjoys.

The man is not a Nintendo loyalist and yes he makes their biggest fighting franchise with some of their biggest characters. That feature other awesome characters besides them.

But he likes a lot if games which is something I respect about him.
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Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Seeing Monokuma seriously part of speculation is making me VERY giddy.

Did we ever learn what the mech figure gun Sakurai bought was used for? He said he was inspired by some sh'mup way back in the day, could it be related to that in some way and possibly also related to FP5?
I agree, Geno is looking good!

Deleted member

Yeah never knew what ghe mech was about maybe he knew about Daemon X Machina and is working on the sequel after Smash is done and can finally work on something else.

Or maybe he just really likes Gundam and wanted to get something to pay tribute to it. Who knows.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
Seeing Monokuma seriously part of speculation is making me VERY giddy.

Did we ever learn what the mech figure gun Sakurai bought was used for? He said he was inspired by some sh'mup way back in the day, could it be related to that in some way and possibly also related to FP5?
Mech gun was for Banjo obviously

Deleted member

I def think FP5 will be a Bamco rep and while I would personally prefer Heihachi as he would really round up the fighting game characters nicely and Tekken is my favorite Bamco franchise I can't help but feel it'll be Lloyd Irving. Lloyd just seems to be in a really nice spot chance-wise for a multitude of reasons:

1) Tales of just got a series logo/some sort of logo which was completely new and from what I remember I wouldn't be surprised if that design was his series logo for Smash but it could be for something else entirely.

2) The Heihachi Mii Costume is missing which could point towards one of three things A) It means nothing (I find this one hard to believe as Tekken is a massive franchise) B ) Heihachi will be a post-pass DLC character (Honestly could go either way and is an honest 50/50 but I think Lloyd is more likely) or C) Lloyd/Some other Bamco character will be a DLC character either #5 or beyond (I think this is the most likely).

3) Sakurai kind of had an awkward/weird conversation about how he refers to Pac-Man as their (Bamco's) character and whatnot which might suggest something further down the line or was an honest slip-up/weird conversation meaning nothing.

4) Lloyd's VA had a mysterious project he was hinting at awhile ago which I don't think was revealed yet but I could be wrong.

Etc. Etc. Point is I could easily see Lloyd being character 5. Either Lloyd or someone like a WoW character/Professor Layton for the wider demographic approach.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
Seeing Monokuma seriously part of speculation is making me VERY giddy.

Did we ever learn what the mech figure gun Sakurai bought was used for? He said he was inspired by some sh'mup way back in the day, could it be related to that in some way and possibly also related to FP5?
I have a theory about that gun. I don’t think it had anything to do with a specific weapon, I think he just needed the figure to see what a character who always carries a two handed gun would look like. So, for designing Inkling


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
Another point to Layton would be that it also happens to play into the demographic thing. Dragon quest is for japan, Banjo is for north america, Terry is for central and southern america and asia. Layton would fill in the last big hole and be for Europe, as far as I'm aware they are bigger there than any other region and that's reflected in the sales.
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Deleted member

I'm down for both I loved Tales of Symphonia and Lloyd holds a special place in my heart so I hope he's an upcoming character and am rooting for him. If he's character #5 yeah that's great.

Professor Layton always liked the series and with his puzzle solving characteristics and sword fighting ability he'd be a great fit. Would love him in.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
Layton at the VGA would be a bit odd to me, since he's got sort of a niche fanbase. Puzzle games are generally like that. It would be more probable to see someone like Phoenix at least, who I would say has an icon status.

Deleted member

I guess we'll see in time but Professor Layton completely on board with him getting in even if he's not fighter #5

Smash definitely needs a true gentlemen to show those Brothers of Smashing what for after all.

And also have a spot of tea with them after cause he's such a gentlemen.
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Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Seeing Monokuma seriously part of speculation is making me VERY giddy.
Agreed, he would be an absolutely incredible reveal. Probably my most wanted by far.

Also, assuming that his stage would get cameos, Sans and Komaeda would canoically be in the same universe.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Layton at the VGA would be a bit odd to me, since he's got sort of a niche fanbase. Puzzle games are generally like that. It would be more probable to see someone like Phoenix at least, who I would say has an icon status.
You literally could not have named two more similar characters with similar fanbases than these two while giving them opposite odds


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2019
Here's the thing, Geno may come but despite how much Sakurai say he wants to include Geno it's obvious that Geno is less of a priority to include. There was chance that this Fighters Pass was going to be the last DLC since the continueation depends on how the DLC goes and it seems Sakurai would be contempt to end Ultimate with Geno only being a Spirit. I do think that while Sakurai likes Geno but it seems like Geno is below the list of priorities.
By that logic, you have to look toward Fatman's comment about FP2 being "drunken wishlist shopping".

Banjo likely being the ONLY "non-Sakurai" pick in the first Fighter Pass was probably due to him being the top dog of fan requests now that Ridley and Rool were base game. With Banjo in, Geno is UNEQUIVOCALLY the next in line as the ultimate "long-requested, otherwise-irrelevant dream pick".

I think people are too certain about this idea that all of the Fighters are Sakurai's personal choices. It's easy to say any game means a lot to him when he's a game developer who has played a multitude of games and likely appreciated all the notable ones. Terry certainly has a special place in his heart, Dragon Quest too. But this idea that all of the fighters are Sakurai picks is bogus.
I know it feels like I ONLY post to rant about this topic, but SERIOUSLY:

Hero aside, NONE. Absolutely ZERO of the DLC picks make ANY LOGICAL SENSE as DLC characters for NINTENDO to pick. They ONLY make sense as characters Sakurai would PERSONALLY want to see in the game, either due to PERSONAL attachment, or his PERSONAL ambition to realize fan requests.

Why on EARTH would Nintendo pick JOKER, a character with NO NINTENDO TIES, over a NEXT-GEN POKEMON, or AN ARMS REP?!

Why would Nintendo EVER pick TERRY BOGARD, a (for all intents and purposes, in modern times, FGC legacy aside) Literal Who, that promotes Nintendo in NO major way, over a THREE HOUSES REP, or an ASTRAL CHAIN character?!

Ignore the fact that Sakurai FLATLY SAID "Nintendo gave me options, I picked from those options".

Ignore that Sakurai PERSONALLY LOVES EVERY SINGLE FRANCHISE that has been represented so far (Banjo aside)



Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Katamari Damacy;)
  • "I think the game went way above what was technically feasible at the time."
  • "Even so, a countless number of objects appear onscreen, and when these objects stick to the Katamari, their unevenness stays intact and they affect how the Katamari rolls. Just this is considerably impressive."
  • "That probably sums up the game at first glance, but considering the later hardships, it’s quite possible I would have swiftly abandoned the project and thought, “There’s no way we can make a game like that.” I would be wrong for thinking so, because this game they were able to create, Katamari Damacy, is a splendidly fun accomplishment."
  • "And, Katamari Damacy isn’t amazing from just a design perspective, but from an engineering one as well. I remember thinking, “You can do that!?” and it fired me up inside (laughs)."
There is a reason why I asked to see how many games he has endorsed over the years.

The way he explains the games that he loves is just so intricate and so full of detail that it makes you want to play it the second you are done reading it. More so than a majority of gaming outlets today.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Layton at the VGA would be a bit odd to me, since he's got sort of a niche fanbase. Puzzle games are generally like that. It would be more probable to see someone like Phoenix at least, who I would say has an icon status.
To be honest, as long as the character is recognizable to them, I think most people would just get swept away on the hype of a Smash reveal. It's definitely the minority that get overly invested in specific outcomes.

To that end I think people are getting a little unnecessarily caught up on who best qualifies as VGA-worthy.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
I think we have successfully narrowed done our suspects for FP5 down to these companies.

>Bandai Namco
>Level 5
>Spike Chunsoft
>Sony (Longshot but still possible)

Anyone that I missed?
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Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
I think we have narrowed done our suspects for FP5 down to these companies.

>Bandai Namco
>Level 5
>Spike Chunsoft
>Sony (Longshot but still possible)

Anyone that I missed?
Gonna go ahead and say everyone but the first two you listed are a longshot


Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2019
I def think FP5 will be a Bamco rep and while I would personally prefer Heihachi as he would really round up the fighting game characters nicely and Tekken is my favorite Bamco franchise I can't help but feel it'll be Lloyd Irving. Lloyd just seems to be in a really nice spot chance-wise for a multitude of reasons:

1) Tales of just got a series logo/some sort of logo which was completely new and from what I remember I wouldn't be surprised if that design was his series logo for Smash but it could be for something else entirely.

2) The Heihachi Mii Costume is missing which could point towards one of three things A) It means nothing (I find this one hard to believe as Tekken is a massive franchise) B ) Heihachi will be a post-pass DLC character (Honestly could go either way and is an honest 50/50 but I think Lloyd is more likely) or C) Lloyd/Some other Bamco character will be a DLC character either #5 or beyond (I think this is the most likely).

3) Sakurai kind of had an awkward/weird conversation about how he refers to Pac-Man as their (Bamco's) character and whatnot which might suggest something further down the line or was an honest slip-up/weird conversation meaning nothing.

4) Lloyd's VA had a mysterious project he was hinting at awhile ago which I don't think was revealed yet but I could be wrong.

Etc. Etc. Point is I could easily see Lloyd being character 5. Either Lloyd or someone like a WoW character/Professor Layton for the wider demographic approach.
I see no reason for them to include Lloyd when he isn't even the most recent protagonist nor is Tales a popular franchise like Final Fantasy was to justify Cloud instead of a new protagonist.
Tekken is also far more marketable, sold way more ,Tekken 7's DLC is still ongoing so relevancy is a factor and even if Lloyd would be later DLC why spill the beans prematurely that we are getting a Namco character for keeping Heihachi's costume out? Also why keep it out from Terry when the Virtua fighter costumes did return there and not along the other Sega characters with Joker?
In Smash 4 Heihachi's and Lloyd's costumes were also seperated and Heihachi's along witg the other fighting game characters.
It most likely means that Heihahi will be DLC after the current Fighter Pass. Plus unlike Lloyd he was already considered as a character for Smash 4


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
So from catching up on the thread, I’ve concluded that we are no closer to figuring out who Sakurai would want to thank than we were 7 hours ago. Is this correct?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
In Smash 4 Heihachi's and Lloyd's costumes were also seperated and Heihachi's along witg the other fighting game characters.
It most likely means that Heihahi will be DLC after the current Fighter Pass. Plus unlike Lloyd he was already considered as a character for Smash 4
Think we're good for fighting game characters that have different inputs than everyone else


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
So from catching up on the thread, I’ve concluded that we are no closer to figuring out who Sakurai would want to thank than we were 7 hours ago. Is this correct?
Sakurai has played basically every game imaginable; I can't think of a more futile task than trying to narrow it down.


Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2019
Think we're good for fighting game characters that have different inputs than everyone else
I could say the same about sword guys like Lloyd, who are in far greater quantity in the game than Fighting Game ones

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Namco is the only solid guess. The Pac-man statement made me think many of the on-staff Bandai Namco workers don't identify with him as you might think, so maybe a Namco character that's more prominent in the modern structure of the company might be coming.
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