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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
So it was definitely confirmed that Nintendo gave a list and Sakurai chose the characters. So it's definitely confirmed that Geno ain't the fifth fighter, so I take it that there zero interest in putting Geno in from Nintendo or Sakurai. Either Nintendo didn't put Geno on the list or they did and Sakurai chose not to include him. I don't think this is a good sign for Geno.
The way I see it, the first Fighter Pass mostly has characters that Sakurai personally likes and left an impact on him. If what Fatmanonice said about post pass characters ends up coming true, then they might focus on more fan favorite ones with maybe a few promotions. So I have high hopes for both Geno and Doom Slayer.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2019
Sackboy enthusiast
Hmm since we've officially contextualized the hint to a company and not a person I'm going to stick with bamco for now. I've been betting on Lloyd for months now whenever the evidence runs dry, might as well keep it going.

So let's say a season 3 gets greenlit and they hold that poll. You can vote for 5 different characters that appear inside assists, a pokeball, or made a costume. Who do you all choose? (This is assuming geno already made it in of course) (if they only have a spirit they aren't a voting option)

I think I'd go with

1. Isaac
2. Waluigi
3. Ray (mk lll is fine but I really don't care which one tbh)
4. Skull kid
5. Bomberman

Honestly Isaac and MAYBE waluigi are the only one's I'd hold out for. There's like a dozen characters on the assist list I think would be really cool so I'm not too concerned with the results tbh. I doubt Isaac would have much trouble winning anyway and if he can't even make top 5 with a pool like that then maybe he doesn't deserve it after all lol.
1.Skull Kid
4.Shovel Knight
5.Paper Mario


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
I dont think so. They picked banjo in for christ sake. A character who is not only owned by a rival company but was also a dead character. I belive geno can come later down the line so dont worry.
Here's the thing, Geno may come but despite how much Sakurai say he wants to include Geno it's obvious that Geno is less of a priority to include. There was chance that this Fighters Pass was going to be the last DLC since the continueation depends on how the DLC goes and it seems Sakurai would be contempt to end Ultimate with Geno only being a Spirit. I do think that while Sakurai likes Geno but it seems like Geno is below the list of priorities.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
I hate to admit this but... I agree with Wynn. If the pass got greenlit in July for season two, that means that Geno probably wasn't going to make it to the roster if they didn't decide on more fighters. I think Geno will definitely happen now but Wynn is half correct.

Banjo was the only fanservice character we got because we weren't meant to get more than this pass.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
Here's the thing, Geno may come but despite how much Sakurai say he wants to include Geno it's obvious that Geno is less of a priority to include. There was chance that this Fighters Pass was going to be the last DLC since the continueation depends on how the DLC goes and it seems Sakurai would be contempt to end Ultimate with Geno only being a Spirit. I do think that while Sakurai likes Geno but it seems like Geno is below the list of priorities.

While I see your point Ithink square is part of the problem. Sure Sakurai like dq but maybe he also wanted to get Geno but square said no cus they only want dq and cloud at the time. Now that more dlc is coming and square has both there big boys in smash maybe they would not mine letting Geno in.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
Lemme try this again then

View attachment 246093
this is acceptable

I hate to admit this but... I agree with Wynn. If the pass got greenlit in July for season two, that means that Geno probably wasn't going to make it to the roster if they didn't decide on more fighters. I think Geno will definitely happen now but Wynn is half correct.

Banjo was the only fanservice character we got because we weren't meant to get more than this pass.
The best part about it being now, is what might have happened isn't a thing we have to worry about anymore.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
this is acceptable

The best part about it being now, is what might have happened isn't a thing we have to worry about anymore.
I know that, lol. Let's go, Geno. I'm just saying that Wynn was only really right about this first pass but Geno's chances are now way higher with this second one.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I hate to reiterate points, but I doubt Heihachi would be playable. He's part of Pacman's taunt, and if we are getting a Tekken rep, it's going to be Jin.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I hate to reiterate points, but I doubt Heihachi would be playable. He's part of Pacman's taunt, and if we are getting a Tekken rep, it's going to be Jin.
I really wish people would stop using this as an actual point. There are plenty of things that work against Heihachi right now, but one sprite in a set of like 10 that cycle randomly in one character's taunt is not going to prevent a character from becoming playable.

For FP5 I guess you could say like "well Tekken wasn't gonna get representation so they threw him a bone as part of the taunt" which is I guess valid? Since the DLC was presumably decided before the base game was released. But once we hit #6 all those arguments about minor base game content imo are completely void.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
Since alot of discussions about 5th character is happening in this thread, i will post this here too


It's Probably just a really good prediction, we've already had scenraios like this happen on on twitter for example, but it's something to keep in mind
Doesn't mean anything, as other people have guessed all those characters. Now if that leak specifically mentioned Hero instead of Erdrick, then I think it would be weird.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
I hate to admit this but... I agree with Wynn. If the pass got greenlit in July for season two, that means that Geno probably wasn't going to make it to the roster if they didn't decide on more fighters. I think Geno will definitely happen now but Wynn is half correct.

Banjo was the only fanservice character we got because we weren't meant to get more than this pass.
Thought this was general knowledge for a good while now, a lot of Wynn's cynicism came from realizing that way back when actually. The good news is that by the power of capitalism were going to come out on top anyway : )

I really hope sakurai is willing to go into more detail on the geno chronicles when it's all said and done, why he got passed over 4 times especially for ultimate base and dlc when he seemed so enthusiastic about the idea. Likely not going to happen but would be a juicy read nonetheless.
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Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
Since alot of discussions about 5th character is happening in this thread, i will post this here too


It's Probably just a really good prediction, we've already had scenraios like this happen on on twitter for example, but it's something to keep in mind
Doesn't mean anything, as other people have guessed all those characters. Now if that leak specifically mentioned Hero instead of Erdrick, then I think it would be weird.
While I do think that post isn't a leak, I think a Dark Souls character isn't unlikely (and I say that as someone who has never played Dark Souls).

Dark Souls had a HUGE impact on the game industry and basically made its own genre. Everyone is talking about Lloyd or Heihachi for a Bandai Namco rep, but I think the possibility of a Dark Souls character is also something that could happen. If any Bandai Namco character got announced at the Game Awards, a Dark Souls character would be PERFECT for that audience. More so than Lloyd and/or Heihachi (no disrespect meant towards those characters).

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
I would love to see Sakurai talking with the same happiness as when he showed Terry but with Geno, explaining the importance of Super Mario RPG and what makes our puppet boy so special


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
The clincher I think, would finding a Namco game that Sakurai has gone on the record for being a fan of/ respecting a lot.

That being said; Dark Souls does sort of seem like the kind of thing that would work really well, assuming fighter pass 5 is dropped at the VGA's and NOT at a random direct


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
So has it been confirmed 5 is a Namco character or are people jumping to conclusions?
It hasn't been confirmed to be anyone yet.

The only thing that's been confirmed is that speculation was an almost, somewhat, slightly spot-on... maybe.

I don't know if we should be focusing on Bamco or just Sakurai favorites. That would make speculation a lot more clearer.
I'd go with Sakurai's favorites. Nothing about Bamco getting a character has been strongly suggested based on what we know.

This is an assumption that is not confirmed or hinted at by official sources in any way shape or form.
While that may be true, deductive reasoning infers that this be the case.

Sakurai's tweet reads as follows: "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan"

Sakurai stated that Nintendo chose the characters but he determines if they can be made playable and then goes on from there. Nintendo gave him their selection, but he decides what characters can be made into fighters based on their selection. If he can decide if there is a "can" or "can't" among the choices then essentially he's picking the characters. It's been very clear thus far that characters like Joker, Hero, and Terry were put into the Pass because Sakurai really wanted them and not because they were Nintendo's first choices.

Through this we can deduce that Nintendo gave Sakurai a list of candidates, including the companies they'd be willing to work with, and Sakurai chose from among the candidates whom were going to be made playable.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2018
Does anyone have that image that was posted in this thread the other day of the remaining Smash 4 Mii costumes that haven’t returned yet? It’s really hard to search for stuff like that manually.

I gotchu:



Smash Ace
Oct 8, 2019
what da flip
This bruh trying to start beef with the Geno fandom I swear
Maybe Shantae, or a Sony Rep like Sackboy, I don’t see any Capcom reps being the end of the world oh my god is it a gta character
I meant like a more end of the world theme on those.

General question by the way, can you guys see my sig? Ive only been using mobile so maybe thats why I cant. If you can see it I think I need to trim it down, its probably way too big

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I think people are too certain about this idea that all of the Fighters are Sakurai's personal choices. It's easy to say any game means a lot to him when he's a game developer who has played a multitude of games and likely appreciated all the notable ones. Terry certainly has a special place in his heart, Dragon Quest too. But this idea that all of the fighters are Sakurai picks is bogus.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
It hasn't been confirmed to be anyone yet.

The only thing that's been confirmed is that speculation was an almost, somewhat, slightly spot-on... maybe.

I'd go with Sakurai's favorites. Nothing about Bamco getting a character has been strongly suggested based on what we know.

While that may be true, deductive reasoning infers that this be the case.

Sakurai's tweet reads as follows: "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan"

Sakurai stated that Nintendo chose the characters but he determines if they can be made playable and then goes on from there. Nintendo gave him their selection, but he decides what characters can be made into fighters based on their selection. If he can decide if there is a "can" or "can't" among the choices then essentially he's picking the characters. It's been very clear thus far that characters like Joker, Hero, and Terry were put into the Pass because Sakurai really wanted them and not because they were Nintendo's first choices.

Through this we can deduce that Nintendo gave Sakurai a list of candidates, including the companies they'd be willing to work with, and Sakurai chose from among the candidates whom were going to be made playable.
It’s always pretty comical to me reading that Sakurai determines if a character can be made playable or not. The guy made ROB, DuckHunt, and of course Wii Fit Trainer playable characters. He could make anyone a playable character if he wanted.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
I think people are too certain about this idea that all of the Fighters are Sakurai's personal choices. It's easy to say any game means a lot to him when he's a game developer who has played a multitude of games and likely appreciated all the notable ones. Terry certainly has a special place in his heart, Dragon Quest too. But this idea that all of the fighters are Sakurai picks is bogus.
Banjo fills that non-Sakurai pick quota.

Therefore, FP5 has to be another Sakurai pick! :4pacman:


It’s always pretty comical to me reading that Sakurai determines if a character can be made playable or not. The guy made ROB, DuckHunt, and of course Wii Fit Trainer playable characters. He could make anyone a playable character if he wanted.
He has a record of characters he, at one point, said were unable to be made into fighters (for various reasons) before eventually making them fighters. Villager, Mii's, and Ridley to name the most notable.

I think Sm4sh really loosened the concept of what he can make playable or not. Villager and Mii's really drove that point home for him, and I think Ultimate solidified it with Ridley and Piranha Plant.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
Thought this was general knowledge for a good while now, a lot of Wynn's cynicism came from realizing that way back when actually. The good news is that with the power of capitalism were going to come out on top anyway : )

I really hope sakurai is willing to go into more detail on the geno chronicles when it's all said and done, why he got passed over 4 times especially for ultimate base and dlc when he seemed so enthusiastic about the idea. Likely not going to happen but would be a juicy read nonetheless.
I mean it's not that hard to see... Square-Enix is incredibly difficult to work with sometimes according to the rumors, especially in regards to Final Fantasy.

Geno is a niche character from a decently niche spin off back in the 90's, and on top of that he hasn't seen any use outside of Smash in years. Seriously, I bet more people know of Geno as "that character that a small part of the Smash fanbase wants" rather than "the cool puppet from Mario RPG". On top of this Geno is still a part of the extended Mario franchise, a franchise that is already well represented in Smash. Yes, Sakurai wanted Geno in Brawl, but we don't know how much, he could've been low priority for all we know.

Finally, think of all the major franchises/characters that Smash has added that came existed after Brawl. Off the top of my head I can think of Shulk, Joker, DQ 11 Hero, Isabelle, Inklings; that doesn't even count franchises that existed before Brawl and were not a part of Smash , yet were also popular requests such as Little Mac, Villager, and more. On top of this count the presence of 3rd party's after Brawl; virtually all the 3rd party's in Smash (even Terry) are ALL far bigger/more iconic than Geno. There are still plenty more 3rd party's left as well.

I say this as someone who actually wants Geno; but Geno is pretty much irrelevant outside of the fact that he's from the game that started Mario RPGs, and has a popular cult following in the Smash fanbase. If he gets in it will 100% be because Sakurai wants to satisfy the fans, rather than the fact that Geno is an icon. Geno isn't even alone in his waiting spree as Isaac is waiting right alongside him.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
With the amount of care he gave Banjo you'd think that's a personal choice too if you were unaware of the popularity. He recreated Spiral Mountain in 360 degrees, he added in unnecessary background characters, he reached out to people like Kirkhope despite being western and no longer involved with the IP, he even told people to go play those games on Xbox.

What Sakurai cares about more than any game or series is providing a consummate character, especially for DLC. He even said it himself around Joker that he was giving DLC characters an extra bit of love given they come with their own pricetag.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
It hasn't been confirmed to be anyone yet.

The only thing that's been confirmed is that speculation was an almost, somewhat, slightly spot-on... maybe.

I'd go with Sakurai's favorites. Nothing about Bamco getting a character has been strongly suggested based on what we know.

While that may be true, deductive reasoning infers that this be the case.

Sakurai's tweet reads as follows: "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan"

Sakurai stated that Nintendo chose the characters but he determines if they can be made playable and then goes on from there. Nintendo gave him their selection, but he decides what characters can be made into fighters based on their selection. If he can decide if there is a "can" or "can't" among the choices then essentially he's picking the characters. It's been very clear thus far that characters like Joker, Hero, and Terry were put into the Pass because Sakurai really wanted them and not because they were Nintendo's first choices.

Through this we can deduce that Nintendo gave Sakurai a list of candidates, including the companies they'd be willing to work with, and Sakurai chose from among the candidates whom were going to be made playable.
We can guess that, but we don't know for sure. I don't have a problem with the assumption, but the person was acting obnoxious about it making someone seem like a moron for not knowing, even though it's not even confirmed.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2019
So, there’s 4 missing Capcom costumes, 3 missing Bamco costumes, and 2 missing SE costumes.

is what we’re thinking is that #5 will be a character from Capcom/Bamco, will come with the the remaining Sm4sh Mii costumes from their company, and then, eventually, the other companies will probably have their mii costumes released with an additional fighter post-DLC? Assumedly, Geno being SE’s and coming with the chocobo hat and possibly the mallow/smithy costumes that were rumored?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I mean it's not that hard to see... Square-Enix is incredibly difficult to work with sometimes according to the rumors, especially in regards to Final Fantasy.

Geno is a niche character from a decently niche spin off back in the 90's, and on top of that he hasn't seen any use outside of Smash in years. Seriously, I bet more people know of Geno as "that character that a small part of the Smash fanbase wants" rather than "the cool puppet from Mario RPG". On top of this Geno is still a part of the extended Mario franchise, a franchise that is already well represented in Smash. Yes, Sakurai wanted Geno in Brawl, but we don't know how much, he could've been low priority for all we know.

Finally, think of all the major franchises/characters that Smash has added that came existed after Brawl. Off the top of my head I can think of Shulk, Joker, DQ 11 Hero, Isabelle, Inklings; that doesn't even count franchises that existed before Brawl and were not a part of Smash , yet were also popular requests such as Little Mac, Villager, and more. On top of this count the presence of 3rd party's after Brawl; virtually all the 3rd party's in Smash (even Terry) are ALL far bigger/more iconic than Geno. There are still plenty more 3rd party's left as well.

I say this as someone who actually wants Geno; but Geno is pretty much irrelevant outside of the fact that he's from the game that started Mario RPGs, and has a popular cult following in the Smash fanbase. If he gets in it will 100% be because Sakurai wants to satisfy the fans, rather than the fact that Geno is an icon. Geno isn't even alone in his waiting spree as Isaac is waiting right alongside him.
I agree with you. But the good thing is Ultimate so far has been about pleasing fans. So that gives Geno and Isaac fans hope. We’ve already gotten some fan favorites, now we just wait to see if Sakurai delivers on the last ones.
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Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
While I see your point Ithink square is part of the problem. Sure Sakurai like dq but maybe he also wanted to get Geno but square said no cus they only want dq and cloud at the time. Now that more dlc is coming and square has both there big boys in smash maybe they would not mine letting Geno in.
Well only time will tell, but I don't think Square is that stingy as we think they are (except when it comes to music, that's a whole can of worms). Square was willing to have Geno appear in Mario & Luigi and we know that Sakurai hasn't been denied a character for Ultimate, so it seems more like Sakurai hasn't asked for Geno when it came to deciding the characters for Ultimate. Who's to say that Square is that difficult to get a character from or it's actually Sakurai & Nintendo that aren't interested in Geno's inclusion (like, Dragon Quest rights are hold by three companies and they got 4 characters represented with a bunch showing in the Final Smash because Square was easy to work with at the time)


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
So we are all in agreement that we don’t know who FP5 is for certain?

Insiders **** posting? Oh yes, the coming weeks are going to be fun.
And was this supposed to be a hint or was he just stating what was happening?
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Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
FP5 Possibilities:
Phoenix Wright
Resident Evil
Dark Souls
Travis Touchdown
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
I think people are too certain about this idea that all of the Fighters are Sakurai's personal choices. It's easy to say any game means a lot to him when he's a game developer who has played a multitude of games and likely appreciated all the notable ones. Terry certainly has a special place in his heart, Dragon Quest too. But this idea that all of the fighters are Sakurai picks is bogus.
Sakurai really love Persona 5.
Big fan of Dragon Quest
And giant SNK fan.

That 3 out of the 4 known characters that are Sakurai's pick, and I'm willing to put down money that fifth is going to be Sakurai's pick as well.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
lol, don't worry about Jon's tweet, guys. He's being facetious and not malicious in any way. He's also a big Geno supporter (along with Andre), and he's insanely optimistic about Geno making it in. He's just goofing around, even if it might not initially seem so.
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