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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
lol, don't worry about Jon's tweet, guys. He's being facetious and not malicious in any way. He's also a big Geno supporter (along with Andre), and he's insanely optimistic about Geno making it in. He's just goofing around, even if it might not initially seem so.
Exactly, He loves to spue otter nonsense from time to time. He pushes for a Tetris block in smash ironically for heck sake

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
lol, don't worry about Jon's tweet, guys. He's being facetious and not malicious in any way. He's also a big Geno supporter (along with Andre), and he's insanely optimistic about Geno making it in. He's just goofing around, even if it might not initially seem so.
in all honesty, wouldn't bother me too much either way.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
lol, don't worry about Jon's tweet, guys. He's being facetious and not malicious in any way. He's also a big Geno supporter (along with Andre), and he's insanely optimistic about Geno making it in. He's just goofing around, even if it might not initially seem so.
So...it's not Puyo Puyo time? :(

Deleted member

Well that sure is... something!

You know, out of all of the fighters pass so far, Banjo is the only characters whose game I've played. Never touched Dragon Quest, barely played any of Persona 4 much less any of the other games, and I'm not a big traditional fighter fan... So in this case, at least the final character would be someone from a game I've not only played, but really admire. That said... I can't begin to imagine a moveset that would make either of t hem stand apart from other fighters or even fun to play. Dark Souls is a patience and endurance test if ever there has been one, and that's the reason so many people consider it so hard. In such a fast paced game, it's hard to imagine those qualities being t he defining feature of the character. Gaining humanity in some way? Estus flasks? Picking a starting class when you pick the character?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2007
That 4chan thread is interesting but the thing is there's just been so many of these that some may end up having guessed right. (People have talked before about people guessing the first 4 plus Ryu, the first 3 plus 2 random other guys, etc.)
People were talking about various picks like Terry and Doomguy in the thread regardless.

Dark Souls is a pretty iconic series at this point, and it would be *different* from everyone else. It's not a turn based RPG, fighting game, or platformer. And Bandai Namco owns it so they could definitely get the rights. That may be what Fatmanonice was talking about as "low hanging fruit". And as like a "thank you" to the company making the game. But again, you can't be sure here.

Also it doesn't look like we know if that Mii Costume leak is real or not at all.
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Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2018
Dark Souls is not as influential as people seem to think. I'd be shocked as hell if Chosen Undead or Solaire become DLC.

Not opposed, but very shocked.

Deleted member

I would prefer Dark Souls over Tales. Artious or Solarie for Smash baby! I think Dark Souls is considered one of the most influential games this generation.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2018
I would prefer Dark Souls over Tales. Artious or Solarie for Smash baby! I think Dark Souls is considered one of the most influential games this generation.
Wait, during the cameo portion of Sakurai's Banjo & Kazooie presentation, he referred to the characters as "poor souls"!

It all makes sense now. :surprised:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2018
Based on the theories discussed over that last day or so, Dark Souls doesn't seem that surprising of a choice. Sakurai actually discussed Dark Souls at length with Famitsu back in 2011:

I played Dark Souls. The game had some network issues right after it was released, so I started it up in offline mode. It’s a difficult game, where carelessness will result in a swift death. The consequences for mistakes are enormous, so you have to be extremely wary of ambushes or combat in cramped quarters, and exercise extreme caution. In this way, every bend in the road becomes significant. What if there’s an unbeatable enemy lurking just ahead? Should I try to move silently? Do I have enough health? Are there enemies on my sides? Behind me? Things like that.

This high level of difficulty is built on a set of well-constructed rules. There are several, but here’s one example. In this game there are important points called bonfires, where you can restore your health. But when you use a bonfire, enemies and their positions are reset. Basically, the paths from bonfire to boss, or from bonfire to bonfire, are the “units” of this game. You have to keep that in mind when coming up with a strategy.

This is where the “Estus” recovery system becomes important. Resting at a bonfire gives you 5 sips (this gets extended to 10 as you progress through the game) of your Estus Flask, which you can use like a bento lunch along your journey. If you’re nervous about how many sips you have left, you have to decide between going back to the bonfire or pressing onward, so from a strategic perspective it’s a very important item. Between the bonfires and my Estus Flask, I had been making pretty good progress without dying unexpectedly. But then, I ran into a serious problem.

I had a really important-sounding item called a “Fire Keeper Soul”. The description reads, “Can strengthen your recovery.” I was having trouble defeating this butterfly boss, so I was looking for any sort of helpful item to give me an edge. Your recovery items can be the difference between life and death, so I decided to use it.

…But, it didn’t really have the desired effect. My humanity counter increased, but aside from that, nothing…

Then, after going back to the starting area, I realized that this “Fire Keeper Soul” item can be given to a character in that specific area to permanently boost your recovery. However, because of auto-saving, I couldn’t undo my mistake. I missed out on an extremely valuable opportunity.

This waste of a precious item had a tremendous effect on my play. From a mechanics standpoint, the recovery system influences everything you do, so every time I stepped forth, every time I got in a pinch, I kept thinking, “If I hadn’t made that error back then…”

As a result, that pressure got the better of me, and I decided to restart the game from the beginning. I was busy with work, so this was especially painful! But, the more I got into the unique qualities of this game, the more I became unable to continue playing on that save file.

Was my mistake so terrible that I had to go that far?

That’s what I thought at the time. However, this kind of thing happens surprisingly frequently in video games, particularly in RPG-style games. If you don’t know something, you miss out on an important item or an event, and you get trapped in this situation where you can’t go back and undo your mistake.

Personally, I avoid walkthrough sites and articles as much as possible so that when I cut the ribbon and see things for the first time, I get to fully enjoy a world that so many people have worked to create. But, that has a negative effect. Time and time again, situations arise where knowing about things from the beginning is a clear advantage. However, not being able to go back also creates interesting moments much of the time too. In this game, if I hadn’t gone in blind, it definitely wouldn’t have been as enjoyable.

Playing this game, the nagging sensation I felt — kind of like someone pulling the hair on the back of my head — was pretty refreshing. It really reaffirmed my feelings that games can bring forth emotions other forms of entertainment can’t, and next time I resume playing, I’ll keep at it.

Source: https://www.sourcegaming.info/2016/03/24/it-cant-be-undone-sakurais-famitsu-column-vol-385/


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So we are all in agreement that we don’t know who FP5 is for certain?

And was this supposed to be a hint or was he just stating what was happening?
No, I think Arle is kind of an inside joke because I've noticed other Nintendo YouTubers use her too like PapaGenos. I think the wait is just getting to people, especially now that Sabi's list of "not happening for #5" has reached half a dozen and the most elaborate Smash (probable) hoax was only a week ago and most people have already moved on.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
'We are pleased to announce that character 5 is here and coming with 6,000 songs! That's more songs than all of character 5's series put together, whatever series that is! We added original songs, remixes, original remixes, combined half new and half old songs into a super song retro mixes, 1920's contemporary jazz versions, versions that go boo boo be bop. Hell, we even invented songs that have nothing to do with that series!

The owners of this series were quite happy. They thought the deal was fair and square. And as a bonus, we are uploading every song twice onto the Cloud. We don't have the file storage amount, but we think the cloud can hold more than 2 songs. But of course it can! In fact, if the cloud could only hold 2 songs, that would be quite embarrassing. '


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
'We are pleased to announce that character 5 is here and coming with 6,000 songs! That's more songs than all of character 5's series put together, whatever series that is! We added original songs, remixes, original remixes, combined half new and half old songs into a super song retro mixes, 1920's contemporary jazz versions, versions that go boo boo be bop. Hell, we even invented songs that have nothing to do with that series!

The owners of this series were quite happy. They thought the deal was fair and square. And as a bonus, we are uploading every song twice onto the Cloud. We don't have the file storage amount, but we think the cloud can hold more than 2 songs. But of course it can! In fact, if the cloud could only hold 2 songs, that would be quite embarrassing. '
I swear to god your posts are always the best


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Since alot of discussions about 5th character is happening in this thread, i will post this here too


It's Probably just a really good prediction, we've already had scenraios like this happen on on twitter for example, but it's something to keep in mind
As based as this would be, it probably is just a prediction, the OP says to post your top favorite picks to get rated by everyone. Not to mention the numerous instances of accurate predictions we have seen on Twitter.

And if he was trying to leak, wouldn’t he have likely created a entirely new thread? Leakers on 4chan love the attention, I simply can’t imagine that he wouldn’t create a new thread to showcase his “leak”.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
Now thinking about it, Dark Souls would definitely be a Bamco pick I can see happening. It's pretty left field, similar to that of Joker and Terry. If they do want to announce fighter 5 at the Game Awards, a Dark Souls character would be a good fit


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
Dark Souls wouldn't shock me at all. It's Namco, I'm pretty sure Sakurai likes it, it had a recent release on Switch, it's popular in Japan, and barely anyone wants a character from it in Smash

Ticks all the boxes!


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
At this point if the theory of 6 is to be believed as fatman seems to support it then on top of who we know already heihachi, Lloyd, and all of capcom are out for #5. At this point I'm thinking it's either a bamco character or some crazy left-field pick we never considered like layton.
operating under these assumptions from bamco we already have
pacman already in
tekken(heihatchi) out
tales(Lloyd) out
xenosaga(KOS-MOS) out

Tbh that really doesn't leave much we still have dark souls, soulcalibur, and I guess klonoa but I don't feel to strongly for any one of them. Honestly I feel more confident in season 2 picks than I do 5 this is just sad. I wish Ryu hadn't gotten blown out so quickly because he would fit in so well for #5 based on what we already know.
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Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
Are we really thinking that a Dark Souls character is potential the fifth character? That's hilarious to me since I was confident in Google Theory before Terry.
First we had Ryu Hayabusa being the front liner, then Doomguy, now Dark Souls. We're hitting the three Google Theory characters... so I give this around 2 or 3 days until insiders say Dark Souls ain't happening.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2018
Switch FC
SW 5702 4282 1237
Tbh that really doesn't leave much we still have dark souls, soulcalibur, and I guess klonoa but I don't feel to strongly for any one of them.
I'm personally rooting for The Prince of All Cosmos from Katamari (unless you believe Pac-Man's Namco Roulette taunt rules them out; but in that case Heihachi is also out permanently); wins in the music department at least.
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Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Are we really thinking that a Dark Souls character is potential the fifth character? That's hilarious to me since I was confident in Google Theory before Terry.
First we had Ryu Hayabusa being the front liner, then Doomguy, now Dark Souls. We're hitting the three Google Theory characters... so I give this around 2 or 3 days until insiders say Dark Souls ain't happening.
I’ve speculated for months on end that a Dark Souls rep is the top pick everyone is sleeping on

However, it seems Fatmanonice doesn’t buy the leak. As he paraphrased someone else “4chan has infinite typewriters, infinite monkeys”


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Are we really thinking that a Dark Souls character is potential the fifth character? That's hilarious to me since I was confident in Google Theory before Terry.
First we had Ryu Hayabusa being the front liner, then Doomguy, now Dark Souls. We're hitting the three Google Theory characters... so I give this around 2 or 3 days until insiders say Dark Souls ain't happening.
I'll give 'em 11 minutes.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
What is the theory of 6?
More or less the idea that when the Fighter Pass was first drafted, the idea was to have 6 Mii costumes with every character. The theory theorizes that Joker stayed the same, Geno and Chocobo were originally going to be with Hero, Banjo got shifted some, and Terry would have had Heihachi. The idea is that all the Smash 4 costumes would have naturally come back but changes have been made, potentially signaling clues for future DLC.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
More or less the idea that when the Fighter Pass was first drafted, the idea was to have 6 Mii costumes with every character. The theory theorizes that Joker stayed the same, Geno and Chocobo were originally going to be with Hero, Banjo got shifted some, and Terry would have had Heihachi. The idea is that all the Smash 4 costumes would have naturally come back but changes have been made, potentially signaling clues for future DLC.
If that holds true, it seems proof positive that geno is on the way. Though I won't get ahead of myself just yet. Still, exciting stuff.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
At this point if the theory of 6 is to be believed as fatman seems to support it then on top of who we know already heihachi, Lloyd, and all of capcom are out for #5. At this point I'm thinking it's either a bamco character or some crazy left-field pick we never considered like layton.
operating under these assumptions from bamco we already have
pacman already in
tekken(heihatchi) out
tales(Lloyd) out
xenosaga(KOS-MOS) out

Tbh that really doesn't leave much we still have dark souls, soulcalibur, and I guess klonoa but I don't feel to strongly for any one of them. Honestly I feel more confident in season 2 picks than I do 5 this is just sad. I wish Ryu hadn't gotten blown out so quickly because he would fit in so well for #5 based on what we already know.
>Crazy out of left field pick we never considered like Layton


I apologize if I’ve pushed this character way too much, as his support thread isn’t very active. (I know I could just go on general, but this thread goes more in depth about speculation, which I like more) However, if Sakurai pulls the unthinkable, I will quit Smash speculation for good.

Because for me, there isn’t another character that would top the absolute hype and excitement that character would bring me.


Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
The Metaverse
Switch FC
wait a gosh diddly darn second

>existing assets

we counting characters who appear on stages or in final smashes?

Viridi... Pauline... FIORA?!

prob not but lemme dream (also paging NintenZ NintenZ )
If we're talking about reusing assets then Fiora's chances will have basically skyrocketed through the roof considering she's relevant and has numerous assets already finished for her.


Deleted member

Besides a Smash announcement hope The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel gets something atTGA. May not be the biggest Legend of Zelda fan but Breath of the wild was a fantastic, breathtaking, and great open world game and the sequel will be great so hopefully we see that as well though don't know.

Also umm wish we had another Zelda character as upcoming DLC! Even Bokooblin would do. Though I doubt it still excited for whoever fighter #5 is.
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