Not for me. I think every character in Ultimate is high tier (except Pit, poor guy), but I would rather not see Geno carry people to the top who know nothing about him and only picked him up because a tier list told them to. As much spite is in my heart for the people who have detracted him for so long, I don't want a day to come where he's a Sm4sh Bayonetta or something.
I don't see that as a good reason for not wanting him to be top tier. Ultimate's character balance is relatively off the charts in how balanced it is. Yes, some will complain that certain characters aren't powerful enough but out of the 80-something characters in this game, we only have a handful of characters (10 max) that are considered to be "good, just not
as good as other characters" which screams of exceptional balancing by the dev team. I sincerely doubt we'll ever have another Sm4sh Bayo on our hands no matter what character gets in the game. (Besides, even though Bayo in Sm4sh was undoubtedly the best character, Cloud still got better results in the long run)
Honestly, the thing that pleases me the most with Ultimate tournaments is that I can finally see every character in the game played at a high level. Every Smash game until now has had characters that were always left on the cutting room floor in tournaments and were never really seen when it was figured out who the top/high tiers were. Ultimate is a different story. It's been almost a year since Ultimate's release and we have yet to find that one character that shatters all boundaries. In fact, almost every character in the roster gets major competitive play time...
unless your name is Ryu.
Adding Geno to the equation, I believe that not wanting him to be top tier to spite the detractors does nothing more than spite the supporters. In all honesty, Geno shouldn't be top tier because there shouldn't be "top tiers" in this game. The tiers really don't matter anymore. In Ultimate, calling one character a top tier is like calling a student an A+ student when literally every other student is an A student.
As long as he has a fun, creative, and
useful kit that is uniquely his own, all the while calling back to SMRPG, then Geno will be perfectly fine. And that's all that matters.