Hoo boy, things are getting real if Fatmanonice is back...
When I say that, mostly I mean that western games have an overwhelming tendency to focus on gritty realism and faceless, often customizable characters. Very rarely do western developers make a likeable character with staying power. Call me a weeb or whatever, but Japanese developers really know how to make an icon. More and more we're seeing western developers pick up on what makes Japanese characters memorable, but they're small, indie studios typically. I believe in your ability to make a character just as much as I believe in my own.
I didn't quote it, but I didn't say Touhou was bigger, I'm saying it is bigger now than Fire Emblem was then. There's nothing fair about that comparison since the internet is much more prolific, now.
As for what I have quoted, why should Sakurai feel any desire to make something "fair"? You really think Banjo was revealed next to Hero because it takes the burn off of getting Japan's national video game added to Smash? You know Dragon Quest 1-4 were released here, right? And 8 and 9 and 11? This isn't a Fire Emblem deal, we don't even have a costume for a Hero who is unplayable in the west. Banjo was revealed next to Hero because they both were almost done at approximately the same time.