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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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That is my understanding. Even in the video papa has said the information about Banjo, Luminary and the Mii Costumes came from the IGN guy...who is now saying Crash. Hopefully something gets cleared up soon ish.
I think your understanding is a little backwards from mine - it seemed like to me that in Papagenos' video he was saying that the source of the Crash rumor was IGN, but not the Mii costumes. Maybe I just have failure to comprehend basic English disease.

Just dropping in to ask you guys what you think of Isaac's chances for the post fighters pass next year? I am still supporting Geno strongly as he is my #1 and my ballot vote, but Isaac is my close 2nd and with Golden Sunday coming up next week, Its just something I was curious about. Are his chances looking good to you geno bros or do you think he is a done deal as an AT?
Isaac is my #2 in terms of realistic wants, and I gotta say, I think he's done for. Golden Sun's only hope for representation is either our true hero Felix, or Matthew. I want Felix a lot more than I want Matthew, who is basically nothing but a cheap way to reuse Isaac's design.

Okay, if Reimu is actually getting into Smash Bros then I think Sakurai should put a western character in as well, like Doomguy or Scorpion. I know Touhou is big in Japan, but it's only big in Japan. I only know about Touhou becausenof fan art. I know Sakurai only likes to put Japanese game developed characters in Smash, but he should consider being fair here. Many characters have world-wide appeal, but if you're going to put a character that only appeals in the east then you should put a character that only appeals the west so both sides are satisfied and can learn about each other.
Touhou has relatively huge recognition in the west, as far as niche titles go. From my personal experience, I'd say as a franchise that has never gotten much in the way of official localization, Touhou has a bigger western fanbase than Fire Emblem did before it got into Melee. I'd honestly say that right now, you'd be hard pressed to go to a western anime or gaming convention and find many who don't at least know of Touhou and can tell you one character they know by name or design.

And in general? Western characters just suck. We got Banjo and unless we get Shantae, The Knight or Hornet from Hollow Knight, our best candidate is already in an assist trophy.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
If Ryu is fake, I don’t think it’s leakbait. If it was for basegame, it could be, since Fatal Frame is also from Koei Tecmo, but I don’t know about DLC. Rayman may have been a name they had Xander Mobus announce in Smash 4, but Ubisoft was involved as we can see from the Rayman trophies.

Also, Popeye in Smash would be awesome, but it ain’t happening I’m afraid, unless he suddenly becomes public domain everywhere and Nintendo grabs him like they wanted to before they made Mario.
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Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
I think your understanding is a little backwards from mine - it seemed like to me that in Papagenos' video he was saying that the source of the Crash rumor was IGN, but not the Mii costumes. Maybe I just have failure to comprehend basic English disease.

Isaac is my #2 in terms of realistic wants, and I gotta say, I think he's done for. Golden Sun's only hope for representation is either our true hero Felix, or Matthew. I want Felix a lot more than I want Matthew, who is basically nothing but a cheap way to reuse Isaac's design.

Touhou has relatively huge recognition in the west, as far as niche titles go. From my personal experience, I'd say as a franchise that has never gotten much in the way of official localization, Touhou has a bigger western fanbase than Fire Emblem did before it got into Melee. I'd honestly say that right now, you'd be hard pressed to go to a western anime or gaming convention and find many who don't at least know of Touhou and can tell you one character they know by name or design.

And in general? Western characters just suck. We got Banjo and unless we get Shantae, The Knight or Hornet from Hollow Knight, our best candidate is already in an assist trophy.
Well shoot, I sure hope my game's protag doesn't suck when the time comes.
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Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I think your understanding is a little backwards from mine - it seemed like to me that in Papagenos' video he was saying that the source of the Crash rumor was IGN, but not the Mii costumes. Maybe I just have failure to comprehend basic English disease.
From the way Papa said it "Along with these things NOW they are saying Crash in Smash."

I'll have to look at it again, but was certain it meant that the list came from IGN dude. At work so can't get to it right away.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Super tired but figured I'd stop in because I'm done three hours early at work. As a precursor, I can only really talk about stuff that has gotten out and I can't reveal anything new. Strict orders; I can only confirm or discofirm things if people claim certain members of the Discord said things.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
Touhou has relatively huge recognition in the west, as far as niche titles go. From my personal experience, I'd say as a franchise that has never gotten much in the way of official localization, Touhou has a bigger western fanbase than Fire Emblem did before it got into Melee. I'd honestly say that right now, you'd be hard pressed to go to a western anime or gaming convention and find many who don't at least know of Touhou and can tell you one character they know by name or design.

And in general? Western characters just suck. We got Banjo and unless we get Shantae, The Knight or Hornet from Hollow Knight, our best candidate is already in an assist trophy.
Saying Touhou was bigger than Fire Emblem before Melee isn't saying much since it was still small around that time. Also of course most people who go to anime conventions would know about Touhou, just like how most people who would go to a medical convention would know a lot about health. Convention Goers aren't that big of a group when compare to the entire fandom of those particular genre, they're just the most dedicated in going out to express their interest. I would agree that Touhou has a following in the west, but it's still pretty niche where most people don't really know about it. They heard about, but don't know what it's about.

But still what's fair is fair. If there's going to be a character that's only for the eastern fans then there needs to be something for the western fans as well; just like how Hero & Banjo were together. If Sakurai wants Smash Bros to be an introduction of Japanese developed characters to the rest of the world then he should introduced some other characters to the eastern side as well so this can actually be a celebration of video games.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
This is absolutely cursed.

Again, I don't know. But if it's any consolation, I'm working on something that isn't cursed and horrible, I promise.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Super tired but figured I'd stop in because I'm done three hours early at work. As a precursor, I can only really talk about stuff that has gotten out and I can't reveal anything new. Strict orders; I can only confirm or discofirm things if people claim certain members of the Discord said things.
Nice to see you again Fatman, even if it's for a little bit. Thoughts on the whole costume and Crash stuff that has come up recently?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 7, 2019
Super tired but figured I'd stop in because I'm done three hours early at work. As a precursor, I can only really talk about stuff that has gotten out and I can't reveal anything new. Strict orders; I can only confirm or discofirm things if people claim certain members of the Discord said things.
Hi Fatman, everything alright?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
Daily reminder the mii costumes leak and crash leak are not connected. Also people seem to be doubting the crash guy but you have to remember papa not only trust him but he also talks with him frequently. So that to me shows he has credibility.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
Daily reminder the mii costumes leak and crash leak are not connected. Also people seem to be doubting the crash guy but you have to remember papa not only trust him but he also talks with him frequently. So that to me shows he has credibility.
How are they not connected? Didnt Papa say it was the same guy who gave him the Mii Costumes, is the one who told him Crash from IGN?


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Super tired but figured I'd stop in because I'm done three hours early at work. As a precursor, I can only really talk about stuff that has gotten out and I can't reveal anything new. Strict orders; I can only confirm or discofirm things if people claim certain members of the Discord said things.
Good to see you around here! Something I’m wondering is: Did anyone else call the costumes that the crash leaker did? Or was he the only source of those prior to their reveal with FP3? Because while the Banjo and Luminary leaks are a big deal imo the costume leaks show he has current insider information on the level of the NoA source at the very least.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Hi Fatman, everything alright?
Busy. Honeymoon and the Halloween season means I've pretty much been wrapped up in things since mid September. Yesterday was the end of my first con as my "business" and first major fundraiser for a charity so I finally have some degree of breathing room. Smash speculation has largely been stagnant. As for the whole current situation, it's hard to say. It could be a situation like Gematsu where some info is outdated or flat out wrong but it's still interesting because of the bullseye of Goemon and Rocket Grunt. Time will tell and that's all I know about that.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Busy. Honeymoon and the Halloween season means I've pretty much been wrapped up in things since mid September. Yesterday was the end of my first con as my "business" and first major fundraiser for a charity so I finally have some degree of breathing room. Smash speculation has largely been stagnant. As for the whole current situation, it's hard to say. It could be a situation like Gematsu where some info is outdated or flat out wrong but it's still interesting because of the bullseye of Goemon and Rocket Grunt. Time will tell and that's all I know about that.
How are you currently feeling about our boy’s chances as DLC?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
How are they not connected? Didnt Papa say it was the same guy who gave him the Mii Costumes, is the one who told him Crash from IGN?
Yes its the same guy but its clear the crash info and the mii info are not connected. The miis have reason to be believed considering it got 4 costumes right even before the hero showcase . The crash stuff was leaked 2 days ago. It is clear that the miis have reason to be believed while crash its a little mixed. So if crash does not happen I would not worry about the list being fake. Also there are people trying to say since he did not get sans this leak is fake but you have to remember dq costumes came before the banjo costumes and he still got 4 right so far. So I dont think not getting sans is as big of a red flag as people say it is.
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016

I mean i don't know if you guys saw but Papa Clarified on the Crash thing


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
How are you currently feeling about our boy’s chances as DLC?
Same as a month and a half ago, pretty good. Even without this current situation, I think he's well on the radar, especially since it was recently revealed that Yoko Shimomura's next public concert (if it hasn't already happened) is going to feature newly remixed SMRPG music. Point is that it's on people's thoughts and I still assert that Geno not being a Mii costume with Hero was an enormous boon for his chances.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
How are they not connected? Didnt Papa say it was the same guy who gave him the Mii Costumes, is the one who told him Crash from IGN?
It's more like each claim were made separate from each other. So the Mii Costumes claims were made one day then some time pass and the guy came back with Crash claims. So that's how they're not connected, same guy but not said on the same day which is way more significant because if he made the claims that Crash & those Mii Costumes then that must mean they got reliable data at the time, made on separate days means that they probably hear about it somewhere else.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Busy. Honeymoon and the Halloween season means I've pretty much been wrapped up in things since mid September. Yesterday was the end of my first con as my "business" and first major fundraiser for a charity so I finally have some degree of breathing room. Smash speculation has largely been stagnant. As for the whole current situation, it's hard to say. It could be a situation like Gematsu where some info is outdated or flat out wrong but it's still interesting because of the bullseye of Goemon and Rocket Grunt. Time will tell and that's all I know about that.
Pretty much my stance as well at the moment. And like papagenos said, our NoA source could just be implying No crash for next, but honestly that would still hurt the leak regardless, same as it did for shifty with Ryu not being the next and instead we got Terry. It's gonna be really really interesting how everything plays these next month / 2 months… Whether we get Crash or Ryu… or none… we'll see.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Hey, Nazyrus Nazyrus ?

Has Sabi’s NoA source said anything about other characters not being in?

I ask because of this:
No he only said "No Tracer, No Crash" for the time he came in during the conversation we were having in our private discord group. Gamefaqs is BS-ing people by saying he has deconfirmed more characters. I even double checked our chat now.
Edit: Gamefaqs are fans of twisting people words, you can even ask Vergeben and he will confirm how that freaking website is, lol.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
No he only said "No Tracer, No Crash" for the time he came in during the conversation we were having in our private discord group. Gamefaqs is BS-ing people by saying he has deconfirmed more characters. I even double checked our chat now.
Edit: Gamefaqs are fans of twisting people words, you can even ask Vergeben and he will confirm how that freaking website is, lol.
I can confirm this. Doesn't necessarily mean neither will ever happen but virtually confirmed to not be 5, 6, or even 7. If Crash or Tracer somehow make it, don't expect them for like another year.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
No he only said "No Tracer, No Crash" for the time he came in during the conversation we were having in our private discord group. Gamefaqs is BS-ing people by saying he has deconfirmed more characters. I even double checked our chat now.
Edit: Gamefaqs are fans of twisting people words, you can even ask Vergeben and he will confirm how that freaking website is, lol.
I was just stating was what put in the topic. How don't know how close the guy who said this is to you guys, so maybe their were more character mentioned in private


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
No he only said "No Tracer, No Crash" for the time he came in during the conversation we were having in our private discord group. Gamefaqs is BS-ing people by saying he has deconfirmed more characters. I even double checked our chat now.
Edit: Gamefaqs are fans of twisting people words, you can even ask Vergeben and he will confirm how that freaking website is, lol.
Oh gee, someone on GameFAQS claimed to have inside information and they’re blatantly bull****ting.

What a shocker.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
So can someone give me a rundown of all these leaks? I’m getting so confused
Sure thing buddy. So papa is now saying that the crash guy is right but crash is not fighter 5 and its ryu instead. He agrees that ryu makes more sense at fighter 5. Also the mii leak still stands because it is not connected to the crash one. So either way geno still seems possible.
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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
So can someone give me a rundown of all these leaks? I’m getting so confused
- PapaGenos makes a video talking about Crash in Smash rumor that he's been provided recently
- The guy who's providing this rumor has a track record of providing legit info to PapaGenos
- He supported the idea of Banjo in Smash, and also claimed that The Luminary would be the Dragon Quest character, at a time when everyone was saying Erdrick
- Back in July, he shared with PapaGenos a list of upcoming Mii Fighter costumes, which includes all of the costumes revealed during the 9/4 Presentation sans Sans
- Mallow, Smithy, and the returning Chocobo Hat were on this list as well, but no mention was made of Geno's costume coming back
- A few days ago, this same guy is now claiming that Crash is coming to Smash
- Meanwhile, IAmShifty is claiming that Ryu Hayabusa is the next fighter
- Sabi has backed up that Crash is not the next fighter, nor is Tracer
- This doesn't deconfirm Crash, but it seems that he's not immediately after Terry
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
What's interesting about the costume thing is that it came out even before Hero so "guessing" most of those characters with virtually no precedent would have had to have been extremely lucky. No Dragon Quest guesses or RARE? That's a hard steer, especially nailing something so seemingly random as Goemon when there's arguably no Konami front-runners as is as DLC requests. Again, this puts the chances of them knowing something pretty high, even if the information winds up being outdated.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Super tired but figured I'd stop in because I'm done three hours early at work. As a precursor, I can only really talk about stuff that has gotten out and I can't reveal anything new. Strict orders; I can only confirm or discofirm things if people claim certain members of the Discord said things.
So, what was that about that NoA ambassador guy saying that there would be no Crash and no Tracer?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
Did we ever confirm if the Mallow and Smithy costumes were seperate? Or the leaker actually didn’t know how to distinguish one character from the other?

Because aside from both characters having a white-ish color scheme (Smithy is more gray) I don’t see how you could mistake one for the other.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
Did we ever confirm if the Mallow and Smithy costumes were seperate? Or the leaker actually didn’t know how to distinguish one character from the other?

Because aside from both characters having a white-ish color scheme (Smithy is more gray) I don’t see how you could mistake one for the other.
I believe if the leaker did not know whitch costume it was he would have either said so or said mallow OR smithy on the list. Maybe its listed like that because they will be shown at the same time kinda like Tails and Knuckles.

What's interesting about the costume thing is that it came out even before Hero so "guessing" most of those characters with virtually no precedent would have had to have been extremely lucky. No Dragon Quest guesses or RARE? That's a hard steer, especially nailing something so seemingly random as Goemon when there's arguably no Konami front-runners as is as DLC requests. Again, this puts the chances of them knowing something pretty high, even if the information winds up being outdated.
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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
I made a new, non meme thing. I tried to make front, back, and sideways facing sprites for Geno for use on overworld maps, since he doesn't really have them.

Did we ever confirm if the Mallow and Smithy costumes were seperate? Or the leaker actually didn’t know how to distinguish one character from the other?

Because aside from both characters having a white-ish color scheme (Smithy is more gray) I don’t see how you could mistake one for the other.
I think the fact that these are the only two costumes that are from the exact same series, these are two separate costumes. (Mega Man and Mega Man X would be considered two different series technically.)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
So, what was that about that NoA ambassador guy saying that there would be no Crash and no Tracer?
At least not anytime soon. Like I said earlier, if they do make it, they probably won't show up for like another year. Based on how things have gone, I'm not really holding my breath for more Western based characters and feel like Banjo got in due to sheer demand and how Microsoft met Nintendo like 75% of the way to make it happen. If anyone else makes it in from a Western developer, I feel like whoever will predominantly have to do the work to make it happen.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
At least not anytime soon. Like I said earlier, if they do make it, they probably won't show up for like another year. Based on how things have gone, I'm not really holding my breath for more Western based characters and feel like Banjo got in due to sheer demand and how Microsoft met Nintendo like 75% of the way to make it happen. If anyone else makes it in from a Western developer, I feel like whoever will predominantly have to do the work to make it happen.
And by another year, you mean next year at 2020, right?


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I mean, Sabi isn't exactly someone in the good graces of the community after the earlier "leak" this week that was a real mess, so I'm not keen to give her much room in speculation this quickly again.
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